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Relax man.


I don't know why certain key phrases like "we" warrant such general argumentative and unnecessary responses


It's always the same old stuff, no reason to be rude to people


Apparantly it's rude to question ones statements then?


You know as well as I do that when someone uses "we" in a thread like this, they claim to be speaking for the entire community, and that is wrong.

I don't happen to agree with him, so I am making my voice heard.

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The plethora of fully voiced side quests. I think they went a bit overboard with it, and I assume that many feel the same way based on the reaction I have seen.


IMO it was a wasted investment. Too many side quests and too much voice in those quests.


One positive thing that might come from that tho, is that they should have a voice library large enough to churn out sidequests that are fully voiced with little (maby even none) voiceover work needed.

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Apparantly it's rude to question ones statements then?


You know as well as I do that when someone uses "we" in a thread like this, they claim to be speaking for the entire community, and that is wrong.

I don't happen to agree with him, so I am making my voice heard.


^^ :)


If someone uses "we" when making proclamations about the game or it's content..... then I want to see the signed petition documents that support their claim. And even then.. if I have not actually signed said petition... I am NOT part of the "we".


I think it is a carryover from the days of imperial rule of nations... where the queen or king always used "we" when talking about themselves. :p

Edited by Andryah
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The "we" here is without a doubt more numerous than the space mini game "we" or the housing "we". Class and companion stories are the defining feature of this game and the one thing that drew pretty much universal praise.


It's not likely to be on the cards any time soon BUT BW does seem to listen to public requests to a degree + at some stage an "upgrade" of levelling content may become a necessity to keep f2p $ rolling in in desired quantity. (Meaning to get players that played 1-50 for the story back in game). I've learned to never say never by now.

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* People on the forums say: "WE WANT MORE CLASS STORY" *


( Bioware goes to check the metrics they can pull 24/7, 365 days a year )


* People space-barring during double XP weekends, bragging about it on the General Chat, not to mention everyone ignoring said class-stories outside those weekends *




Pretty much.

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But, unless something happens to this game (and when i say this i mean something bad), i dont think they will bring us more class stories.




As fas as i know (feel free to enlight me if im wrong), SWTOR is doing well ATM with the cartel market microtransactions. A lot of people are buying stuff and, in one way or another, sending their precious money to our dear EA.


Doing well....making money...without adding new class story content....EA....got it?

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One positive thing that might come from that tho, is that they should have a voice library large enough to churn out sidequests that are fully voiced with little (maby even none) voiceover work needed.


Sure, its a good point....I would even go so far as to point out it could work for a random mission generator idea I presented a while back. Using current voice assets, especially alien dialog.

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^^ :)


If someone uses "we" when making proclamations about the game or it's content..... then I want to see the signed petition documents that support their claim. And even then.. if I have not actually signed said petition... I am NOT part of the "we".


I think it is a carryover from the days of imperial rule of nations... where the queen or king always used "we" when talking about themselves. :p


This annoys me as well, when folks use comments like "We", or "Nobody cares", "Everyone wants" and the like, as if they had been elected the spokesman of the entire community.


I go through great pains to make sure it is clear I am only speaking for myself, as well as presenting indications that any assumptions I have about group desires are just that....assumptions.

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This annoys me as well, when folks use comments like "We", or "Nobody cares", "Everyone wants" and the like, as if they had been elected the spokesman of the entire community.


I go through great pains to make sure it is clear I am only speaking for myself, as well as presenting indications that any assumptions I have about group desires are just that....assumptions.


Well, when I posted this back last year in August, I probably didn't know as many of you then, as I do now, because I pretty much kept to myself, or my remarks to things that jumped out at me. It was never my intention then, or now a year later to offend anyone with my choice of wording. If I were making this petition now, I probably would have used 'I' because I know so many people absolutely abhor the notion that someone might speak for them here. (I didn't know this back then, live and learn.)


That said, whenever I've seen people putting forth petitions, it's been 'we'...suffice it to say, if not a soul signed this thing, then I could say, well, that was an over sight, no one supported my hope for more story, so "I" am alone in my wish, and should have used 'I'. I hope there would be more than just me wanting this (I was being optimistic), and I figured people who /signed wanted it to, and thus we are we.


But seeing as this thread has had 25, 380 views and 535 posts, many of which support the desire to have more class story, means I'm not alone, so thankfully the 'we' part of it can still stand.


I'm thankful I'm not alone. It truly sucks to be alone, so thanks to all who have signed and are keeping it alive, nearly a year later. Thank you.

Edited by Lunafox
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The plethora of fully voiced side quests. I think they went a bit overboard with it, and I assume that many feel the same way based on the reaction I have seen.


IMO it was a wasted investment. Too many side quests and too much voice in those quests.


I have to disagree with you. I can understand dailies or something but to go thru side quests with just reading lines would have been boring. I assume there are many that agree with that. I can't believe you would put Cullen out of work...H/T Greg Ellis. DAO FTW. I don't care about OPs or space PVP. To me that is a waste of resources still others like it and since they pay the same sub fee I don't think that should of been cut.

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This annoys me as well, when folks use comments like "We", or "Nobody cares", "Everyone wants" and the like, as if they had been elected the spokesman of the entire community.


I go through great pains to make sure it is clear I am only speaking for myself, as well as presenting indications that any assumptions I have about group desires are just that....assumptions.


It could be they have a mouse in their pocket. :eek: People have been doing that since Beta. Actually real world carry over I guess.

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^^ :)


If someone uses "we" when making proclamations about the game or it's content..... then I want to see the signed petition documents that support their claim. And even then.. if I have not actually signed said petition... I am NOT part of the "we".


I think it is a carryover from the days of imperial rule of nations... where the queen or king always used "we" when talking about themselves. :p


What about

We the people of the United States.......



And before you say it........ hyperbole, since you love to use word in nearly every post

Just joking with ya lol :cool:

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With respect to my side quest comment, I think there were too many. It creates a real mission glut IMO, and you lose focus on your story.


Now, naturally I would expect most folks are going to go ahead and accept every quest they can.....coming from other games this is a normal practice IMO. Doing so here causes a bit of a side quest overload.


I think they could have made the story quests a bit more involved, reduced the level cap to around 40 and limited the side quests.

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With respect to my side quest comment, I think there were too many. It creates a real mission glut IMO, and you lose focus on your story.


Now, naturally I would expect most folks are going to go ahead and accept every quest they can.....coming from other games this is a normal practice IMO. Doing so here causes a bit of a side quest overload.


I think they could have made the story quests a bit more involved, reduced the level cap to around 40 and limited the side quests.


I also think about that


Had they created less side quests they could of created more main quest. Heck suppose some of those side quests where not used and instead offered the same quest but for level 55 players

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I also think about that


Had they created less side quests they could of created more main quest. Heck suppose some of those side quests where not used and instead offered the same quest but for level 55 players


I think if they had taken all the Makeb Side Missions, Heroics and Seeker Droid/Macrobinocular content they could have made class missions. But the Seeker/'Binoc stuff was fun.

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Those bozos like to argue for the sake of arguing. We obviously refers to like-minded people on an issue. When you see ****-picking at this goofy level you know they don't have anything more intelligent than noise to add.


Absolutely true!!! They can't debate the topic any longer, so they focus in on what they seem to think they'll "get you" on. It's folly. Ignore it. We do ;)



So if i created a thead that said "We don't like PvP and Ops and they should be removed from the game" you don't think anyone would object? :rolleyes:

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With respect to my side quest comment, I think there were too many. It creates a real mission glut IMO, and you lose focus on your story.


Now, naturally I would expect most folks are going to go ahead and accept every quest they can.....coming from other games this is a normal practice IMO. Doing so here causes a bit of a side quest overload.


I think they could have made the story quests a bit more involved, reduced the level cap to around 40 and limited the side quests.


Maybe you lost focus on the class story. Also nothing stops a person from doing class quest first then side quest. Side quest are options not required. It is better to have more options than less. To each their own.

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This annoys me as well, when folks use comments like "We", or "Nobody cares", "Everyone wants" and the like, as if they had been elected the spokesman of the entire community.


I go through great pains to make sure it is clear I am only speaking for myself, as well as presenting indications that any assumptions I have about group desires are just that....assumptions.


And this is why you are not on my ignore list despite us not agreeing on alot of things.

Because you are logical and use reasoning and don't partake in hyperbole and other dumb argumentative tecniques. :)

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So if i created a thead that said "We don't like PvP and Ops and they should be removed from the game" you don't think anyone would object? :rolleyes:


You must be really bored to pick at wording made in a petition almost a year old. Sorry that it bugs you so much. I tried to change the title. I can't, it's impossible.


If you want to make your thread, go right on ahead, some will agree, some won't, and some will probably zero in on one little thing you said and make a big deal out of it 10 months after you posted it. :/ Besides, asking for more of something isn't quite the same as asking for stuff to be taken away.

Edited by Lunafox
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And this is why you are not on my ignore list despite us not agreeing on alot of things.

Because you are logical and use reasoning and don't partake in hyperbole and other dumb argumentative tecniques. :)


Well, I appreciate that. I think we can disagree on a great many things but still concede that discourse is required for game growth.....


...since naturally no one individual likely has all the answers or knows the best way forward.

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So if i created a thead that said "We don't like PvP and Ops and they should be removed from the game" you don't think anyone would object? :rolleyes:


We fits in the context that more than one person has expressed a similar view. You can have your own 'we' too.


Get real, that's common sense and this is a game forum. We're not discussing federated contract minutia.

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