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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×



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In other words, its a lose-lose situation for Bioware. They lose subs if no new content it is put out within a reasonable time or they lose subs because they think bland overarching stories are boring and want a more personalized experience. They probably think they will make more money by putting out the avenger style content that is quicker to come out while there are more subs here, then taking a long time for an expansion and having lost a great deal of subs because they lost patience and moved on.


Pretty much.

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Without the continuation of individual class stories, there's nothing keeping me in the game once I finish my last few ACs. I can find other games that are less buggy, have a better and less frustrating PvP balance, and raid content. The way I identify with my characters and the interest I take in their journey is why I've been subbing to the game since it came out. Without that, there are better games to play from a purely mechanical point of view.
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In other words, its a lose-lose situation for Bioware. They lose subs if no new content it is put out within a reasonable time or they lose subs because they think bland overarching stories are boring and want a more personalized experience. They probably think they will make more money by putting out the avenger style content that is quicker to come out while there are more subs here, then taking a long time for an expansion and having lost a great deal of subs because they lost patience and moved on.


I think it's much simpler then this. Themepark MMOs are comprised of a diverse player base, with many different desires and styles of play. Any segment of this player base that will leave over one element.. is destined to leave anyway and is just looking for a reason. So... MMO companies that develop broad appeal themepark MMOs are destined to add content with the broadest appeal for the widest audience and are equally destined to ignore special interest groups that want something over something else. It's not personal.. it's just business.


Niche MMOs are there for the niche player that simply wants to, or must have, focus on a narrow set of MMO play. SWTOR is not a niche MMO... and so it is not going to appeal well to special interest segments of the wider MMO player base. And as such.. they are destined to be constantly berated and complained to by special interests.

Edited by Andryah
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While I would not turn my nose up at more class story content.. I do get that once a character has matured in levels to the point of level 50.. it's logical that story becomes more broad based rather then staying focused on my class developing further. That is afterall classic screenplay approach to writing.


Broad moments, yes, but I feel there are still parts of the class stories that can and should be explored. The most obvious is the Imperial Agent storyline, because end Chapter 3, and also, whilst the planetary storylines do acknowledge the classes 'unique'* back stories, it still feels like a stop-gap to what we've had previously as our 'main' story content. Planetary quests, for me at least, were side-things to the purpose of the class story and having Makeb as planetary was nice, I guess, but it didn't really feel... the same. Not so much cheapened, but Makeb doesn't really have as much replay value for me, whereas with class story content I'd have levelled more than just my two healers.


*As in: You are a Dark Council member or You are the Emperor's Wrath, rather than whether or not you're dark sided or you killed this dude or saved that lady etc.

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You know they could just be hoodwinking us all and they actually are working on more stories and super secret things.. that they don't want to reveal so they just say "Yeah not doing any class stories at the moment" Then a year from now they say "About those class stories"
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You know they could just be hoodwinking us all and they actually are working on more stories and super secret things.. that they don't want to reveal so they just say "Yeah not doing any class stories at the moment" Then a year from now they say "About those class stories"


That would be a terrible business plan.


But to the OP, generally, I don't like when people speak for an imagined group, whether it turns out to be real or fictitious. Let your argument stand on its own merit. While, yes, I definitely want more class story (which was their original plan, pre-subscriptions tanking), I don't like when people speak on my behalf.

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That would be a terrible business plan.


But to the OP, generally, I don't like when people speak for an imagined group, whether it turns out to be real or fictitious. Let your argument stand on its own merit. While, yes, I definitely want more class story (which was their original plan, pre-subscriptions tanking), I don't like when people speak on my behalf.


I don't feel that I'm speaking on anyone's behalf. I said what I felt was an important part of game play for me, and asked for others who feel the same to support it too. Judging from the postings lately, there are quite a few people who want class stories, so I don't really feel like I was speaking for anyone else, just including people who feel the same way.


I generally don't like to take huge stands and make a spectacle of myself (I hemmed and hawed about whether or not to make the thread, and do so in a stand out sort of way), but this is something I really believe in, and I truly hope its not too late to make the company see that generic stuff isn't what brought many of us here.

Edited by Lunafox
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I dont think you are supposed to start petitions here.


I guess I missed that part somewhere in the ToS when I read them. I abide but the rules like...99.9% of the time, lol. I even tried to change the title, but it wouldn't let me. I guess if it offends that much, people can report me, maybe the company will actually read the thread then! :) I added a line to my post explaining it's a 'memo to the company' if that's more palatable to folks who like to live and die by ToS.


Fact is, it's important to let them know that their decision to eliminate class stories in favour of dull generic things that are a one size fits all, aren't what many people who support the game want to see in the future.


One size fits all, never really fits anyone. :/

Edited by Lunafox
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Not that it will matter, but I agree.


Class and companion stories were what distinguished TOR from other MMOs for me. If I just wanted to grind dailies and group content on the gear treadmill, I could have stuck to other games.

Edited by Lesaberisa
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I guess I missed that part somewhere in the ToS when I read them. I abide but the rules like...99.9% of the time, lol. I even tried to change the title, but it wouldn't let me. I guess if it offends that much, people can report me, maybe the company will actually read the thread then! :) I added a line to my post explaining it's a 'memo to the company' if that's more palatable to folks who like to live and die by ToS.


Fact is, it's important to let them know that their decision to eliminate class stories in favour of dull generic things that are a one size fits all, aren't what many people who support the game want to see in the future.


One size fits all, never really fits anyone. :/


I do agree with the petition but here what it says in the Rules of Conduct.


Petition posts are frowned on. If you have an issue with the game, please discuss it in a civil and informed fashion.


They probably won't shut it down. Its been pretty,civil.

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I don't feel that I'm speaking on anyone's behalf..


Sorry.. but I agree with CelCawdro.


Recheck your thread title. Note your use of the word "we". People who use "we" while alleging they are not speaking on anyone's behalf.. are playing some sort of gambit IMO.


Or were you speaking in the imperials sense? If so.. you need to be more clear about your imperial context. :) Even then.. royalty speaking in "I" by using "WE" went out of fashion when democracy replaced imperial totalitarian rule in nations.

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You know they could just be hoodwinking us all and they actually are working on more stories and super secret things.. that they don't want to reveal so they just say "Yeah not doing any class stories at the moment" Then a year from now they say "About those class stories"


....you are super delusional if you seriously believe that. yeah im sure they are going to do more class stories AFTER they definitely said NO to the subject EVERY time it came up. :rak_02:

Edited by astrobearx
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....you are super delusional if you seriously believe that. yeah im sure they are going to do more class stories AFTER they definitely said NO to the subject EVERY time it came up. :rak_02:


Did they say.. "no.. never again"? I don't recall that. I recall them saying there are no current plans to do so.. which is different... being as plans change.

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Did they say.. "no.. never again"? I don't recall that. I recall them saying there are no current plans to do so.. which is different... being as plans change.


yeah ok sure lady, we all know that " there are no current plans to do so" is what ppl call on ths forum as a soft no;however, if they ever do make more class stories (which they wont) will eat my underwear and say "i was wrong"

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I can guarantee you that any time a developer says something can't or won't be done, it very rarely means that it literally can not be done. It means they feel the investment of time/money needed to do it, at the expense of not putting that time/money into another aspect of the game, wouldn't be worth the monetary return they'd see.


"Won't happen" absolutely will turn into "coming soon" if a large enough portion of the playerbase showed Bioware that it'd be worth their while to work on class stories. But that portion of the playerbase needs to be ready to accept that more class stories would come at the expense of other forms of content, such as raids. And would likely need to be ready to shell out for that new content. Bioware charged almost $20 for a new companion that doesn't even speak basic, I'm sure fully voiced content for each class and gender wouldn't come cheap. I'd imagine Bioware doubts many of the people who post in these sort of threads would ultimately be willing to make that "trade."


Given what people have been paying to dink around with the Cartel Market (myself included), I think it's safe to say people are more than willing to pay to have a real expansion. Personally, I would much rather have class & companion content added than more and more generic planets and daily areas. I don't raid, so it wouldn't bother me if that class content slowed down production on a portion of the game I'll never step foot in.


I still have alts to finish, so I"m not quitting quite yet, but I sure as hell want the spin doctors to quit claiming generic faction quests are just as good, if not better than individual class quests. They aren't fooling anyone! Planet arcs are quicker and cheaper. End of story. Sadly that's literal. (People request xp boost all of the time so they can level by just following the class quests. I have never seen anyone requesting an xp boost so they can level by only following planet arcs.)

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The story is complete, they're just holding back until it's almost too late. I wouldn't demand much more of this. It's nice, but when you think about it... Get one really good mission for my class or get 8 or 4 really good missions not tied to a class.


This shouldn't even matter, we have soooo much stuff in game that need to be fixed. Quality>Quantity

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Hell, I'll sign this (/signed) I love the class stories. Its what makes this game unique in the market, and now they wanna take it out? If they do, I seriously wanna see what else they have planned then. If its not going to be class stories, then what are you developing?
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More individual class stories, yes, but it's true that there is a LOT of work to implement 8 new epic adventures into the game.

So I want to see something like this - when you are on endgame, you can go to some kind of a console where you have a list of different stories. They can add them in updates or Cartel Market. Every story is unique, and you don't play with your character - that's the most important part of it! Imagine you play as a Wookiee that have to free himself and his family from Imperial prison, or Jedi padawan working undercover on Korriban, or Imperial police officer working on a crime scene on Dromund Kaas, trying to find a serial killer. Whatever. Just stories put into SWTOR engine, with voice over and achivements from completing them.

Edited by Apophis_
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