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The behaviour of some players in swtor and mmos in general.


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Or you could just be dealing with a PVEer who's only starting to do flashpoints. I only really started doing flashpoints last week for a change of pace. Believe it or not, it takes some getting used too.


^This. I solo a lot. I don't team up much....and I had a ball doing it my way.


But recently I've thought about doing the FPs and Operations and all. Reason I haven't made a big effort at it? Because I know I'll make mistakes and I don't need some jerkwad chastising me for my lack of skill at it.


If I see someone with bad gear I'm more likely to tell them how they can improve it. I've even crafted and given gear away to people that need it. Beating up on someone because they're not an expert at the game is just silly. Everyone was a noob once.

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My view...


If you have the (metaphorical) balls to attempt tanking, I will do everything reasonable to help you succeed, give you any advice you will accept, and be patient.


Every game seems to have a tank shortage. It doesn't help when some people chase away people new to the roll simply because they aren't pros at it yet.


As I said, if you have a tank, and the cojones to try tanking, I'm here for you. As long as you will listen and take advice and are trying to learn. If you suck and wont learn, well, the door is thataway <kick>

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You guys need to realise there are people quiting, because of your behavior. Give advise, If they dont learn from it ignore it, but if your group cant proceed because if him, then vote kick. Absolutely no reason to go personal. Its a game ffs. This game doesnt need any more quiters, for a stupid reason like that. Calling someone child, because he is bad at some game... Jesus...




Last night, I mezzed an elite before pulling the rest of the group. A DPS broke the mezz with some AOE and was at half health before I noticed the problem. I taunted and went back to my usual rotation, we finished the fight in under a minute.


The DPS apologizes in chat and one of the others tells him that he's an idiot and then complains about stupid sentinels. I told him there was no problem.


We all make mistakes. Storymode flashpoints are there so you can get credits and nice gear while learning how to play in a mostly non-punishing environment. If you're so wound up that someone breaking a sleep upsets you, you're probably better off taking a nice walk than playing TOR.


Being new to a game is totally understandable and I have no problem trying to help a person with advice but......


By the time you hit midgame levels, you should have a basic understanding of how the class works. There are a lot of bad players in the game that just don't click with basic understand how things work and people get frustrated very quickly with it. A tank class should have a proper build and proper stance by the time they reach midgame. One thing I am against is people wasting others time with flashpoints / heroics so I can understand others getting upset quickly.


Lots of people have a basic understanding of their class by midlevel. A basic understanding of your class won't be enough for tanking. Even a rigorous understanding of your class won't help you understand why the healer is being attacked because you can do most class and planet quests without paying attention to aggro.


The other night, I had to explain 'taunting' to a level 21 Jedi Guardian. He was taunting whenever it was on CD and had no idea what taunting was or why it was a bad thing. This would in no way hinder him during regular leveling.

Edited by MCaliban
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Some people are idiots, what can you do?


I was playing my baby Inquiz last night when the end of chapter 1 took me back to DK.


Was this person asking for help over general on how to get his companion back as it disappeared


He was spammed with idiotic and unfunny and not at all clever responses

So I told him to hit N and summon different one then re summon one he wants (im to use to high end game, forgot you only have 1 at that point)


He responded telling me thanks but only has 1 companion


As I tried to respond to say hitting n and re summoning should still work, some other $!$%!@$! yelled for him to hit Alt F4 to re summon companions


Apparently he did cause as I hit enter to tell him N should still work I got the "Player not online" message.


Honestly fail to see whats so funny about telling someone that doesn't know better to hit Alt F4 (which kicks you outta game).


Been playing MMOs for allot of years now and the behavior of the kiddies (mentally) just gets worse and worse every single year.

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I am a tank and new to mmos . In general if I don't know an FP well I say so and nine times out of ten other players give great advice. Pulling agro in complex situations is not learned in pve. I love tanking but sometimes you get folks that want to play it a particular way and you are supposed to just know it. That can be tough. If someone lets me know I always always do exactly what my role calls for. I still feel bad about some wipes I caused. Though I suspect I may not be alone in making mistakes in life or swtor. So THANK YOU to all you vets that help out folks new to FP. Now I am pretty respectable and try to help others.
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Basically this comes down to Elitists vs Casual players. Elitists exist in all games and their attitudes are such that if you make a mistake or you are new and they absolutely throw down the hate. They make fun of and ridicule and scream and cuss and act like total babies. This is what causes alot of attrition in a game where the casual players or the new players get frustrated or stop playing. Elitist behavior should be ridiculed and treated with the same disdain that they have for everyone that doesnt play their way.


For all they know this was a kid, who like My son has autism and struggles to fully grasp everything he is doing but still can play the game good enough to reach end game if he works hard. Just because this guy was in wrong stance or has bad equipment is no reason to treat a person this way. In PVE he may have been doing just fine and wanted to start grouping to see how it would go.

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You guys need to realise there are people quiting, because of your behavior. Give advise, If they dont learn from it ignore it, but if your group cant proceed because if him, then vote kick. Absolutely no reason to go personal. Its a game ffs. This game doesnt need any more quiters, for a stupid reason like that. Calling someone child, because he is bad at some game... Jesus...


First of all, I totally agree. However, I've got to be honest: any of the kinds of people you're talking about who read this thread will not change their ways. This thread is, to them, just an example of spineless people who cannot take insults and need to L2P. The others will sympethize with the situation, because we've all been there, but the people in question will not get your point, and will not change. Sad to say, but true.


I'd say if you ever find yourself in that situation, tell them to stop or you'll leave too. It's hard enough finding a tank and a healer, having both leave would be a good way to send them a message. I'm a tank, and I've had to do it once or twice because they were being ignorant to the healer in the group.

Edited by Pingonaut
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Some people still don't realize that at the end of the day its still a game and playing games are still about having fun not real life yet for some it seems like the game is their life and take everything too seriously and personal to the point that they forget to show others some decency. People need to sometimes remember to treat others the way they want to be treated and same applies to respect. I mean why pay lots of money to deal with the same bs and real life issues you deal with in your personal life that sure doesn't sound like fun to me and I'm sure many others who stop playing because of this exact behavior.


For those who have such high expectations of others and how u expect them to play by a certain level why not lead by example and try and help that person by directing them on how to play and what they should be doing then if they don't listen or try to learn or work with others then you have every reason to take the next step. This is just how I feel personally!

Edited by dragonez
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Some people still don't realize that at the end of the day its still a game and playing games are still about having fun not real life yet for some it seems like the game is their life and take everything too seriously and personal to the point that they forget to show others some decency. People need to sometimes remember to treat others the way they want to be treated and same applies to respect. I mean why pay lots of money to deal with the same bs and real life issues you deal with in your personal life that sure doesn't sound like fun to me and I'm sure many others who stop playing because of this exact behavior.


For those who have such high expectations of others and how u expect them to play by a certain level why not lead by example and try and help that person by directing them on how to play and what they should be doing then if they don't listen or try to learn or work with others then you have every reason to take the next step. This is just how I feel personally!


^ This ^


I never get the attitude of people that take this game so seriously that they insult anyone who makes a mistake. Or try to lock people out of content because they don't know the mechanics etc. It's a game. It should be fun. I shouldn't need to take an entrance exam before I get to do certain content.

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Peoples first instincts when they run into newer players is to approach them in a hostile manner. I don't want to sound high and mighty but that probably is a very douche bag way of handling it. If I run into newer folk I try to teach them what they should be doing opposed to just outright condemning them. Why make it hard on them? We've all sucked, and I continue to suck, at one point. Help em out, makes the community better and makes them feel better about doing more Flashpoints thus making queues quicker. But all facets of the community have hostile people and there's no way to avoid the elitists that have no time to help others and feel the need to step on them to make themselves feel better.
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Peoples first instincts when they run into newer players is to approach them in a hostile manner. I don't want to sound high and mighty but that probably is a very douche bag way of handling it. If I run into newer folk I try to teach them what they should be doing opposed to just outright condemning them. Why make it hard on them? We've all sucked, and I continue to suck, at one point. Help em out, makes the community better and makes them feel better about doing more Flashpoints thus making queues quicker. But all facets of the community have hostile people and there's no way to avoid the elitists that have no time to help others and feel the need to step on them to make themselves feel better.


Not everybody has the time. If I don`t have the time, that doesn`t make me an elitist - it is just an unfortunate event happening at the worst possible moment.


Also, there are social Guilds about. I don`t always want / have time to teach somebody. If I want to, sure, but I don`t owe you ****. NO, I`m not elitist - you`re a stranger - earn my trust, not expect it as a born right.


Bottom line: If you are undergeared but playing your class kinda properly, we`re OK and we will never have problems. But, IF you expect players to carry a bad player, especially a moron, expect a lot of flak. No, it isn`t elitism, it`s a bad player with a big mouth - nobody likes those.

Edited by Styxx
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To all those casual players who stay out of FP's because they don't like to be pissed on when the group wipes, which servers are you guys playing on?


We should get together sometime as I get the impression there's lots of folks out there willing to try the occasional FP but hold back because of the ****** reactions most players dump on us for not knowing the FP from back to front. Well, sorry for not wanting to look at youtube spoilers the first time through, if I wanted that I could also have watched the full progression of my class before even starting to play.


I for one (Red Eclipse) would love to join up on occasion with some folks that feel the same way, who don't care if they get wiped a couple of times on the first time through a flashpoint. Hell, the ****** attitudes is what so far has kept me from grouping up for any group content. Instead I went through them solo whenever I was at a level that I actually could. Currently struggling with Bulwark in D7, getting butt-kicked every time so far. And yes, I am not that good a player, I don't have a fixed rotation, I do prioritize some abilities over others but mostly will use m all at least once during a fight. Too many toons to get really used to one in specific although I feel most comfortable playing my Sin Tank.


And as a result of several mild strokes, I have the added problem of having great difficulty to keep track of several things at the same time, like the fluff that gets thrown in with flashpoints. So I regularly don't notice some ranged mob is attacking me when I'm dealing with a pack of close range opponents. Imagine how that would go in a group if I happen to not notice something crucial...<shudder to think>


I perfectly understand and accept that you are assumed to know the tactics/events/stages for a flashpoint if doing the HM/NiM versions...but SM versions are there for the story

Edited by LeJarC
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I for one (Red Eclipse) would love to join up on occasion with some folks that ...

...will inform the group they're new to the flashpoint right off the bat and not wait for someone to ask "is anyone new here" after a few wipes.


This has been discussed to death on these forums and the consensus was that it's best to inform your group straight away since, in most cases, people are helpful and will patiently explain tactics. That patience usually goes out the door after a third wipe and someone saying "is mah first tiem in this fp lol". XD

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Wrong stance? So he wasn't really a tank, and just wanted to get an instant pop into the flashpoint. Of course he couldn't hold aggro if he wasn't in a tank stance. .


Listen here, Beavis, I've been mostly doing KDY on my Pub main (54 shadow as of this morning) and sometimes their is another tank (or 3, *** is that about) in my group. Well, sometimes I will let them tank and switch my stance, and then the next day when I do another for the daily, I forget I'm not in the right stance. It happens. And while leveling, many times we tanks will quest in DPS stance, while in tank gear. Or a mix. It's a simple mistake.

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...will inform the group they're new to the flashpoint right off the bat and not wait for someone to ask "is anyone new here" after a few wipes.


This has been discussed to death on these forums and the consensus was that it's best to inform your group straight away since, in most cases, people are helpful and will patiently explain tactics. That patience usually goes out the door after a third wipe and someone saying "is mah first tiem in this fp lol". XD

Sure, on the forum you get this response, but if you're online (at least that is my impression when I happen to be on fleet) is that most of the LFG calls end in something like


"must have ach. this or that"

"must have gear rating 178"

"must know tacts"


Only rarely if ever do I see a LFG where they don't mind as long as your gear meats the basic req.

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And while leveling, many times we tanks will quest in DPS stance, while in tank gear. Or a mix. .

Good example, Like I said, my main is a Sin Tank spec, but I often run around in gear with stats for a dps without ever changing my tree. Imagine the reaction I'd get in a group...

Edited by LeJarC
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a couple thoughts


1) this is a multiplayer game. when you choose to interact with other players with other priorities and other personalities, you won't get along with everyone. at the end of the day, we are all in complete control of these interactions. you can join/quit groups as you'd like. complaining about other people seems like a waste of time/energy. bad players do affect your experience and can waste your time. if you dont like the way someone is tanking, or don't like the way other players are upset by your lack of skill, then leave.


2) people have such thin skin these days. we've moved into an "anti-bullying" craze where we're now training people to whine and cry and play the victim over silly things like name calling. at some point, anyone not liking you became "bullying". If you're an adult, and someone calling you names on the internet in a videogame offends you, you should probably turn off the pc and do some self-reflection.

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People who are socially awkward and uncomfortable to deal with in real life make up for it by an inflated sense of superiority in a video game. Its a coping mechanism. Its satisfying a need. Their self actualization comes from their perceived importance in a video game.


The stereotypes exist for a reason. Go to any convention, like Blizzcon. Its the strangest group of people you will ever meet.


People in real life have to deal with the consequences of their actions. Not so here. It turns nice, even quiet people into internet $%#holes.

Edited by Arkerus
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I usually don't group as I don't need some kid telling me how to play a game.

But I had an opposite situation while in Forged Alliances, Imp side on Tython. I formed a group with random people I saw near the flashpoint entrance. There were 3 of us altogether.

I was doing it for the first time, so did a warrior (he announced it, and asked not to skip cutscenes). The third guy was ok with that.

Problem was -I wasn't ok with the third guy. He was in such a rush, like he wanted to sprint as fast as he could through the content. I was typing: "wait a sec, I'm first time on Tython, this is cool place, lets admire the ruined temple a bit" etc -just wanted to rp a tiny bit.


I love a bit chit-chat before the battle, like talk strategy, admire one's moves or companion etc. Not much, just don't sprint from one mob to the other! I even didn't have the time to read the objectives -the guy was already triggering some clickables! I swear I was close to calling a vote to kick him out.


But he other first timer felt intimidated by the sprinting proffestional, and followed him like a puppy as fast as he could, so I figured -well, I'm not lucky today, try to enjoy it as much as I can given the circumstances. But the Tython adventure was a bit broke for me, I wish I had grouped with someone else.


Saying all this -it never crossed my mind to personally attack that guy for not playing to my liking. Confront people face to face -only cowards do this hiding behind an internet wall.

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People who are socially awkward and uncomfortable to deal with in real life make up for it by an inflated sense of superiority in a video game. Its a coping mechanism. Its satisfying a need. Their self actualization comes from their perceived importance in a video game.


The stereotypes exist for a reason. Go to any convention, like Blizzcon. Its the strangest group of people you will ever meet.


People in real life have to deal with the consequences of their actions. Not so here. It turns nice, even quiet people into internet $%#holes.




It's a fact that ppl love to talk tough from safe places. MMO's, online multiplayer games, & various social media sites have the same issues. So if your going to spend your time doing any of these, then you first have to develop a tough skin. If your that easily offended/butt hurt then you should seriously consider staying off the internet. Personally....you HAVE to be tough living in tha mound (Orange mound in Memphis TN if ya didn't know) so it takes a lot to get under my skin. My ignore list only has one person on it.

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I don't expect players in random groups to have completed the content dozens of times and have perfect gear and be top notch players.


I do expect players to have a basic understanding of their class, how to perform their role in group content, and to be reasonably geared for the content (very basic in all of these at early levels compared to end-game).


As I have lots of experience in SWTOR and other games like this and I enjoy and play the meta min / max game with my gear, I know at times I can come across as elitist when I get frustrated with players in group content.


However, I don't resort to name calling or personal attacks, and to me, it goes back to mutual respect.


I'll give you all the respect you give me.


If you have done basic things like learn your class and keep your gear semi-updated and come to a group prepared willing to listen and follow instructions, I'll stay patient and try to help.


If you however show up woefully under-geared with no idea how to perform your role and are unwilling to take advice and follow instructions and are causing issues for the group, them I'll initiate a vote to kick.


And of course this all depends on the content.


The first couple of FPs are pretty much show up, follow group, kill stuff, collect loot.


As long as you are trying and working with the group as a team (e.g. not running off on your own causing problems) and not acting like a jerk, I won't expect much.


At higher levels I'll expect simple things like being in tank stance with a shield if you queued tank or having a healing spec if queued as healer, as well as expecting you to work with the group as a team and again, not acting like a jerk.


By the time you hit 55 and start queuing for HM FPs and SM Operations, I'll expect you to know the basics of your class and how to work together in a group (things like following the group, managing agro, kill orders, CC, using interrupts and stuns) and to have a basic set of class / role appropriate gear.


If you show up at 55 for HM FPs or Operations wearing gear from Hoth that isn't for your class while not following the group or basic instructions or mouthing off at the group or demonstrating a clear lack of understanding in basic game play, then I'll call you on it (not a personal attack, mind you, just pointing out what you need to change) and most likely have you removed from the group.

Edited by DawnAskham
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I usually don't group as I don't need some kid telling me how to play a game.

But I had an opposite situation while in Forged Alliances, Imp side on Tython. I formed a group with random people I saw near the flashpoint entrance. There were 3 of us altogether.

I was doing it for the first time, so did a warrior (he announced it, and asked not to skip cutscenes). The third guy was ok with that.

Problem was -I wasn't ok with the third guy. He was in such a rush, like he wanted to sprint as fast as he could through the content. I was typing: "wait a sec, I'm first time on Tython, this is cool place, lets admire the ruined temple a bit" etc -just wanted to rp a tiny bit.


I love a bit chit-chat before the battle, like talk strategy, admire one's moves or companion etc. Not much, just don't sprint from one mob to the other! I even didn't have the time to read the objectives -the guy was already triggering some clickables! I swear I was close to calling a vote to kick him out.


But he other first timer felt intimidated by the sprinting proffestional, and followed him like a puppy as fast as he could, so I figured -well, I'm not lucky today, try to enjoy it as much as I can given the circumstances. But the Tython adventure was a bit broke for me, I wish I had grouped with someone else.


Saying all this -it never crossed my mind to personally attack that guy for not playing to my liking. Confront people face to face -only cowards do this hiding behind an internet wall.

you're being myopic; from his point of view, you're wasting his time.


i'm not sure why he automatically is in the wrong; you're both being selfish and that's fine. your priorities are your and his are his. but try to take a step back

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I Problem was -I wasn't ok with the third guy. He was in such a rush, like he wanted to sprint as fast as he could through the content. I was typing: "wait a sec, I'm first time on Tython, this is cool place, lets admire the ruined temple a bit" etc -just wanted to rp a tiny bit.

I love a bit chit-chat before the battle, like talk strategy, admire one's moves or companion etc. Not much, just don't sprint from one mob to the other!

That's pugging for you. You're lucky if at least no one's afking in your group every 5 minutes.


There are very few tactical flashpoints in the game, so people who run them, have to run the same ones a lot. Repeated content gets old fast. At least it's much better than getting stuck with someone incompetent and being unable to clear it.


If you want party members that care everyone else and not just getting their quests done, run with a guild. Guilds care. Pugs... 85% of the time I end up pugging, I wish content difficulty scaled with group size, in which case I'd be running it solo. I'm pretty sure so would most people.

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