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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Tendering My Resignation


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We are sad to see Kitru go but unfortunately he is a player that doesnt seem to be up to the standard qualities of a triple A MMO.


First off, he rolled a TANK class and he wants his class to be good at DPS.


This is wrong. If you wanted to DPS you should have rolled THE MARAUDER class.


Since you did not roll THE MARAUDER class but instead chose a class that can tank you should use your wide range of skills to full. Much like classes that can heal themselves to full your class brings a wide array of tools to the game and its not the developers fault if you dont master your own class.


Your class is easy to play but hard to master. Youre a tank class, tank the enemy, make them pay for damaging you. You cannot compare yourself to THE MARAUDER class since, you know, THE MARAUDER class cannot tank.


You should use stealth to your advantage so you can do your job properly. You are wrong. Doing damage isnt in your class scope of activities, that scope of play is already covered by THE MARAUDER.


We wish you luck in your future endeavours.


Unfortunately you fail to understand the design behind the AC's. that each AC has specialty roles AND DPS roles that are designed to be able to fulfill a DPS spot in progression content (and just about all of them do). a quick browsing of the parses on torparse will show this. Shadows deserve a DPS spec as much as a marauder does.



hope you enjoy your new pursuits. been browsing these forums a long time, got used to enjoying the threads we posted in. You were always a good resource. wish you the best of luck.


to the rest:

Kitru's leaving isn't some huge sign from the heavens that the class has issues. it's has issues for awhile. if anything the timing was a choice on kitru's part. nothing in the game forced Kitru to leave at this point. the vote actually brought her back for a small period of time. we'll have to see if the changes moving forward will attract back old school players.


I've been here off and on since earl launch (followed the game a year before that). I've taken breaks myself. nothing wrong with that. it's not the impending hammer of doom. but we do need a class rep for the shadow, and the dev's do need to listen to the player base about our desires on how the class plays out. no matter what they want to do, at the end of the day, if no one wants to play the class, the dev's failed their job.


But I have hope. they are moving in the correct direction on getting representatives for each class and focusing on the critical issues for each class by giving the rep's direct response from the class dev team. To me this is hope. we just need to not let up now.

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I feel I need to say something here.

Compare the Sentinel questions and the Sorc/Vanguard questions, do you see the difference .


Yeah, the difference is that the responses were written by 2 different authors. I'll take a guess that an assistant combat team member like Alex M. took care of the Sent/Sniper set of Q's while the Boss man himself took on the Sorc and PT. The condescending, dismissive tone is pretty distinctive and familiar to anyone who remembers THIS.


See 2nd Q for more details.

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Yeah, the difference is that the responses were written by 2 different authors. I'll take a guess that an assistant combat team member like Alex M. took care of the Sent/Sniper set of Q's while the Boss man himself took on the Sorc and PT. The condescending, dismissive tone is pretty distinctive and familiar to anyone who remembers THIS.


See 2nd Q for more details.


Quite the opposite, I see his answer spot on.

I am sorry, but there is this pervasive thing I see again and again on the forums. Either the spec is burst or it is sustained, you can't have have your cake and eat it too. You can't have high burst, high sustained and very good defensive CDs at the same time. The is the same as the Rage/Focus PvE question for the Sentinels, and we got the same answer, rage is not supposed to do that, so don't ask about that! (Well it was a bit more complicated than that)

My whole point is: you can't blame BW for these answers when you provide poor questions like these.

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Unfortunately you fail to understand the design behind the AC's. that each AC has specialty roles AND DPS roles that are designed to be able to fulfill a DPS spot in progression content (and just about all of them do). a quick browsing of the parses on torparse will show this. Shadows deserve a DPS spec as much as a marauder does.


Pretty sure he was joking, mocking BioWare's apparent stance on the subject.


While I don't play a shadow, as a Vanguard tank I always found Kitru's posts insightful and worth reading, no matter what he was talking about. It is disappointing to see such a great member of the community disappear, but if you find something else that you enjoy more then that is a good thing and I wish you well.

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Yeah, the difference is that the responses were written by 2 different authors. I'll take a guess that an assistant combat team member like Alex M. took care of the Sent/Sniper set of Q's while the Boss man himself took on the Sorc and PT. The condescending, dismissive tone is pretty distinctive and familiar to anyone who remembers THIS.


See 2nd Q for more details.


I cant believe this guy still has a job.


But the tone of the awnsers is the same. Highly likely the same person did it the "1.3 deception l2p" and the sorc questions.


It looks like the guy thinks hes the gods gift for tactical MMO play and firmly believes that the people are the classes for a year now are completely clueless while people who (re) rolled Marauders are indeed the masters of PvP.


If the Sentinel questions were awnsered by the same person that did sorc / vanguard it would be something in the lines of:


Q: Watchman is lacklustre

A: Watchman is not suposed to offload big amounts of burst damage, if you are playing Watchman like this you need to learn to play. You cant compare Watchman to Smash because Watchman can heal to full.


I will just leave this here. Be prepared for your awnsers, they arent going to be gentle.



Edited by Laforet
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I cant believe this guy still has a job.


But the tone of the awnsers is the same. Highly likely the same person did it the "1.3 deception l2p" and the sorc questions.


It looks like the guy thinks hes the gods gift for tactical MMO play and firmly believes that the people are the classes for a year now are completely clueless while people who (re) rolled Marauders are indeed the masters of PvP.


If the Sentinel questions were awnsered by the same person that did sorc / vanguard it would be something in the lines of:


Q: Watchman is lacklustre

A: Watchman is not suposed to offload big amounts of burst damage, if you are playing Watchman like this you need to learn to play. You cant compare Watchman to Smash because Watchman can heal to full.


I will just leave this here. Be prepared for your awnsers, they arent going to be gentle.




I like the guy. He tells it how it is. That is this game would be absolutely boring if all specs played the same. For example don't whine all over the forums that sins are a spikey tank and need an armor buff. If you want an armor buff go play a jugg. Now that the guy that started this thread is gone hopefully the whining will gradually go away and we can discuss how to fix the problem with what we have instead of waiting for a handout.

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I like the guy. He tells it how it is. That is this game would be absolutely boring if all specs played the same. For example don't whine all over the forums that sins are a spikey tank and need an armor buff. If you want an armor buff go play a jugg. Now that the guy that started this thread is gone hopefully the whining will gradually go away and we can discuss how to fix the problem with what we have instead of waiting for a handout.


You just nailed it. Roll a Jug. Cause you know shadows can stealth therefore they deserved to be spikey to the extent of getting one shooted. L2P shadows. Just force cloak and let the Jugg tank. Go guard the door next to Operation Chief. Since thats whats shadow are good for.

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Well, I guess its a case of so long and thanks for all the fish?


I had grave reservations when Kitru was made class rep because of the fact he'd already flounced off in a huff ... plus a lot of his threads bordered on insulting the devs.


Shadows need some love, and we needed a class rep who was prepared to work with the devs, not someone who was going to make demands and then QQ when they weren't met. Which is exactly what we got.


Hope your new game fills the spot you are looking for ... but I won't be surprised if you flounce out of that game a couple of years down the line.


Anyone want to be class rep?

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To the Shadow community, I've cancelled my subscription and, as such, will be quitting the game. I actually found another that interests me as much as TOR *used* to, which I didn't really expect. I realize that I was elected class rep and came back for that, but the fact that we're having to wait another month to get any kind of answers means that I just don't care any more.


The devs had a chance to do something to keep me around, and I gave them that chance. Of course, they completely and totally screwed it up, which doesn't really surprise me any more.


This isn't a cry for attention so much as an announcement that I'm leaving the game, since, if I just left, people would likely start to wonder. I don't plan on hitting up the forums any more, and, as such, another Shadow rep is going to be needed. My personal recommendation is KBN, mainly because he would provide a PvE/tanking perspective that syncs up with Xinika's PvP/DPS perspective. Honestly, it doesn't matter to me any more though. Nothing that happens in this game does. The devs screwed up too much too many times and if they ever *do* do anything about it, it'll be too little too late.


I'm sending something similar to Musco to let him know that a new Shadow Class Rep is needed, though, honestly, the questions for Shadows are relatively apparent now.


If anyone wants to see me, I'll continue going by Kitru wherever I crop up on the interwebs. Hopefully, I'll continue to see some of you guys wherever I find myself.


I wouldn't worry much about it. If you've looked at the quality, or lack thereof, of the other classes answers then even a class secretary that isn't quitting the game should quit the position because they're worthless and a complete joke. Some of us saw from the start that the class secretaries was just a terrible Idea and they just wanted to not bother reading the forums and have the secretaries gather information for them while hoping they were making the community feel important. Go look at the responses to the questions for Vanguards and Sorcs and you'll see what I mean.

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Well, I guess its a case of so long and thanks for all the fish?


I had grave reservations when Kitru was made class rep because of the fact he'd already flounced off in a huff ... plus a lot of his threads bordered on insulting the devs.


Shadows need some love, and we needed a class rep who was prepared to work with the devs, not someone who was going to make demands and then QQ when they weren't met. Which is exactly what we got.


Hope your new game fills the spot you are looking for ... but I won't be surprised if you flounce out of that game a couple of years down the line.


Anyone want to be class rep?


Go read the Devs answers to Vanguards and Sorcs. They never had any intention of working with us and this was all a illusion to try to make people happy. They're answers have shown that they don't know the game near as well as the player base and that they also don't care when they tell people l2p. I mean shadow dps has been so terrible in pve for so long now that it's a joke the devs haven't done anything about it.

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Go read the Devs answers to Vanguards and Sorcs. They never had any intention of working with us and this was all a illusion to try to make people happy. They're answers have shown that they don't know the game near as well as the player base and that they also don't care when they tell people l2p. I mean shadow dps has been so terrible in pve for so long now that it's a joke the devs haven't done anything about it.


I did - and while the answers are a bit lacklustre, what were they supposed to say? People seemed to be asking for the sorc class to be rebuilt from the ground up, and that's not going to happen. The answers to the sentinel and sniper classes were thorough, though... so what's your point?


The Shadow class rep should flounce out because the answers to other classes weren't what they wanted? :confused:


I'd rather we waited to se what they say about our class. The class rep for shadows already QQ'd himself out of the game once, then came back and has now done so all over again before we've even had any answers.


I'm sorry, but that's textbook over-entitled MMO whiner behaviour right there. So Who's next? And can we have someone who's willing to stay the distance, and actually have a dialogue rather than a monologue?

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Guys if you can't tell the difference between someone who is burnt out from a game after dumping hours a week of thought and energy into it (more than a player should feel they have to, tbh), and someone who is a prima donna, then I can only wish you the best in your upcoming miserable life as you alienate and vilify good and passionate people.


To the future victims of these 'wonderful champions' of human endeavour, I only hope that this doesn't pervert or render mute your enthusiasm to make the world (even if only marginally) a better place.

Edited by DaftVaduhhh
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Damn Kitru. I was looking forward to you lambasting the devs with your questions.


I did - and while the answers are a bit lacklustre, what were they supposed to say? People seemed to be asking for the sorc class to be rebuilt from the ground up, and that's not going to happen. The answers to the sentinel and sniper classes were thorough, though... so what's your point?


The Shadow class rep should flounce out because the answers to other classes weren't what they wanted? :confused:


I'd rather we waited to se what they say about our class. The class rep for shadows already QQ'd himself out of the game once, then came back and has now done so all over again before we've even had any answers.


I'm sorry, but that's textbook over-entitled MMO whiner behaviour right there. So Who's next? And can we have someone who's willing to stay the distance, and actually have a dialogue rather than a monologue?


The shadow class rep should flounce because it's obvious from the sorc and PT answers that the devs aren't knowledgeable at all about the issues facing classes that aren't sniper/mara, and aren't interested in listening to actual concerns, instead just trotting out the golden oldies we've all heard before, and didn't like then either. Vanguards get more 30m abilities (I'm guessing they're talking about the auto attack and HiB if someone else will debuff the target for them), so they deserve to be squishier and have overall less utility? Having one talent which boosts the damage of DoTs sub30% suddenly makes up for the huge gap in observed DPS on a dummy (despite the fact that mathing out the theoretical increase is actually quite easy)? Sorcs should just L2P and off heals justify their squishiness and damage ceiling?


It's crap like that which makes it clear that it's the devs themselves who aren't interested in a dialogue. You do realize it takes two to make a dialogue work, and the devs have made it clear they aren't interested in actually trying to process where the disgruntled players are coming from. Players have been begging for something like an actual dialogue since launch essentially. BW has made it clear they aren't interested.

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I'd rather we waited to se what they say about our class. The class rep for shadows already QQ'd himself out of the game once, then came back and has now done so all over again before we've even had any answers.


Lack of answers is an answer.

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When Eric opened the thread about class representatives, I voiced my opinion as to why people should not put too much stock in this. This move was in line with how BioWare presents any patch they call major. They will hype it up so much to keep people interested and when launched half of it is broken and the other half, which works, is not even what they promised. So class representatives were nothing else than keeping the community, especially the shadow one as we were the most vocal, on a leash. They thought we are too dumb to see through this and it bit them in the tushy.



Before I get my 5th warning and third ban, I'd like to wish Kitru well and I hope he finds the same commitment he had here in his next project. I hope you get to read this before I am being gagged again.

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Disappointing to see someone take a class rep position in a competitive race and then bail on it after he loses interest. Pretty selfish if you ask me. Thats not what the class-rep position was for. It was to represent something better than yourself, and to see it through and make the changes you and the community want to see to the class you all love playing.


Enjoy your new game. Hope they get someone who is serious about being a class rep as the new one.

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I did - and while the answers are a bit lacklustre, what were they supposed to say? People seemed to be asking for the sorc class to be rebuilt from the ground up, and that's not going to happen. The answers to the sentinel and sniper classes were thorough, though... so what's your point?


The Shadow class rep should flounce out because the answers to other classes weren't what they wanted? :confused:


I'd rather we waited to se what they say about our class. The class rep for shadows already QQ'd himself out of the game once, then came back and has now done so all over again before we've even had any answers.


I'm sorry, but that's textbook over-entitled MMO whiner behaviour right there. So Who's next? And can we have someone who's willing to stay the distance, and actually have a dialogue rather than a monologue?


Yeah. I just read their answers and they, especially the Vanguard, answers seemed pretty thorough and IMO even handed. Players will always be biased towards their preferred spec, devs to overall balance, and getting to the point where one side or another can see the other's point--or understand they are asking for too much--is where the rubber meets the pavement. The dialogue would come from the rep's response to their response.

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