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recommended gear level for soloing kingpins?


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Asking from the tank with healer companion perspective. would 66/69s do it?


I was able to do a few of them in full partisan gear, but some are easier than others. I would say you'll be fine with that gear and a solid companion .. use your Heroic moment and legacy buffs etc.. You should be fine.



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On level 50:


63 (Char)

61 (Companion)


works fine.


If you know that you have an interrupt skill.


I have several.


Was just wondering given the number of people saying "they are so hard" and thought I would ask before trying tonight. I helped a guild mate with one (on Coruscant) and don't recall my health dropping very far with his companion healing (mine was busy pulling lowby trash lol) Eh, have to do something to pass the time at work.

Edited by Bilirubin
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huh... I haven't been able to interrupt any of the champion bounties yet. adds, sure, henchmen - yes, champs? nope.

that said. found them easier to solo on healer character with tank companion, then tank character with healer companion. that might also be gearing issue. mix of 66 and 69, fully augmented made me just squeak by, with heroic moment and a stim. mix of 69 and 72 was pretty easy.


amusingly enough, I had easiest time soloing hutta/ord mantel kingpins on lvl 25 powertech/lvl 22 shadow respectively. granted, they were all in updated gear (blue mods, mostly planetary coms with some crafted to fill the gaps), and I have pretty high presence (so even green gear on companions went a long way) but still.


I think I hate Tatooine's kingpin the most.

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I solo'd them all with different level 55 toons and companion combinations. All except my Commando are equipped with artifact 66 gear (crafted and basic comms). My Commando is in full raid gear 72 / 69 so obviously breezed through things. But all the other toons did fine, some better than others. A few findings:


Dps: best companion is a tank if you have any kind of healing - keeps the heat off you and so you spend less time avoiding the aoe and crowd control. If you don't have any healing then use your healer companion.


Tank: heal companion is going to be needed unless you're very well equipped and Heroic Moment is all you need.


Healer: tank companion works best. DPS companions are usually too squishy against those kingpins with big spike damage. And those that use a lot of cc are a pain with a dps companion because without a tank to take aggro you'll be eating most of the crowd control.

Edited by Cernow
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Asking from the tank with healer companion perspective. would 66/69s do it?


Done both, Tank with Mako healing. Healer with Khem tanking.


Took all day but got them down. I'm in 69 with a few 72s and have my four set bonus. If you play smart, interrupt correctly with the adds and down them fast you should be ok.

Edited by Blackardin
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Depends on the kingpin. For example, Kaas kingpin is hard as hell, with her arsenal of AoEs, stuns and life drains. I found that pretty impossible on my 53 tank assassin, but I think she is undergeared as hell, so that might be the cause of my problems.
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I had an embarrassing moment the other day when i died in PVE for the first time in months to the hutta kingpin.




This was in 66mod gear at lvl 55. Heroic moment and all... on a tank... embarrassing.


The idiot boss has so many stuns/KBs I literally spent about 30 secs of each minute on my butt or stunned.


And no, you cant interrupt this guys casts.

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Level 55:

I did Claw (Alderaan) with level 61/63s on my Sentinel and level 58s on my 'Doc.

I felt like I could have probably done the fight with full 61s on my Sentinel and still won.


Level 30:

I did the Ord Mantell Crime Lord/Kingpin with mostly blue 28s on my Shadow and mostly green 25s on Tharan. It was close but doable.

Edited by AshlaBoga
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Asking from the tank with healer companion perspective. would 66/69s do it?


omg, really? I've soloed them all on characters in old battlemaster gear, and some in WH/elite WH.


Gear a healer companion in the makeb mod vendor stuff, and you're set. I never had a issue with any of them, yet I've seen people die to them several times somehow. A bad break I could understand, but to die before the adds come out once? I don't get it.

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omg, really? I've soloed them all on characters in old battlemaster gear, and some in WH/elite WH.


Gear a healer companion in the makeb mod vendor stuff, and you're set. I never had a issue with any of them, yet I've seen people die to them several times somehow. A bad break I could understand, but to die before the adds come out once? I don't get it.


They're bad. What more do you need?

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yay, the "I soloed it naked" elitists are here >_>


yes, these bosses are soloable. no they are not easy or I suspect even possible in makeb planetary gear at lvl 55. some of these bosses hit pretty damn hard. some of them like to throw you around and stun you often. even if ads die relatively fast, their hits still add up. even if you have ALL of your presence bonuses unlocked and multiple heroic moment attacks, Makeb mods for companions may still not be enough. Makeb mods for yourself, are DEFINITELY not enough.


my personal recommendation would be companion in at least basic and player at a minimum in mix of basic and black market. it will be challenging and you might still die, but its doable. 69 and up makes it smoother. last but not least - consider using lower level characters instead, provided they are in upgraded prototype mods. its especially better with higher presence.


P.S. bosses are NOT interruptible. they have immunity to incapacitating effects including stuns and knockbacks in addition to interrupt immunity. I just checked.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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Yeah did the Voss boss today solo with my healer, and it was never a serious problem. I did use defensive cooldowns but didn't touch the "oh sh!*" buttons (Unity or Heroic Moment). Plus the next guy in the queue DPSed the ads down when they popped to speed things up (because as a tank fights can take a bit), so I tanked her for him next fight. More interesting mechanics than some normal champions but doable with 66/69 gear no question.


I think I have my healer in at least basic gear--certainly makeb planetary mods with 28 barrel/armours at least. Should probably check that.

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Asking from the tank with healer companion perspective. would 66/69s do it?


i did ord martel mith my vanguard in 66/69 andd elara dorn in 66 blues

also i did it with my commando in 69 and elara dorn in old reqruit gear (was hard for me to do it with HK51 without respec to healer)

almost solo (have a 36 lvl mate with me in group) nar shadaa with commando but that was annoying


my merc in 66/69 was wiped on tatooine hopelessly and menaged solo hutta with that very merc


so i think that kingpins differs a lot

but 69 generally i think should do and 66/69 can be done with proper skill and luck

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I managed to solo the Voss kingpin at 55 in Partisan gear, but have struggled with some of the others.


The Tatooine kingpin at 41 kicked my Scoundrels arse. The Hutta Kingpin at 23 on my Merc was easy, Ord Mantell at 22 on my Shadow was easy. Coruscant at 32 on my Sage wiped me as I got knockbacked into adds.


I think they are definitely easier to solo at lower levels.


I would like to state how much I hate the Henchman Zindra Kent. She has killed me a couple of times on different characters, with her knockbacks flipping me over edges away from my companion.


Knockbacks are the most annoying factor I find, esp when the Henchman suffers adds who BOTH do knockbacks one after the other.

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In my experience, if the kingpin has cast times and you have a corner to hide behind, the fight becomes a cakewalk. Stuns and knockbacks are annoying as hell, but none of them are unkillable 1v1 in augmented 66s. Wiped a few times on a couple of them myself, but came out on top, eventually. Edited by Helig
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