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Marauder class representative: Sample questions!


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I don't think anyone here knows who you are, nor do they really care since you have never brought anything to the table in any of your posts. You can talk in circles all you want and try to dent my credibility as a SME, I still believe that the new Undying functions in a way that performs better in high level PvP play than it currently does, thus I still think it's a buff. If you don't play at that level then you won't see it that way and can call it a nerf. What is, invariably, is a change to the way the ability functions and the repercussions of which while up for debate cannot be oversimplified to "IT'S A NERF CUZ HIGHER COOLDOWN AND BLARG LESS HEALINGZORS". Your whole point about adamantly disagreeing and trying to dismantle my point because you disagree with something that isn't even live is what discredits everything you'll pretty much ever say here, I'm pointing out your ridiculous diction because it's the only thing you're really doing here. You haven't said one thing related to the functionality of the class other than "NUH UH, JOO WRONG!!"!L!!"!!". My views? If it costs me half of current health to buy the healer GCD's while robbing the opposing DPS of several of theirs because they are not able to spot "Half healthed, Undying'd, swap targets" and are forced to react to flytext numbers and waste GCD's, I see it is a buff. It's the same manner that lower DPS often win arenas, application of GCD's is the most important thing in PvP, ranking almost even with positioning. That's my thought process, 2.5 will see me wrong or right. Either way, it doesn't change much about how I'll play. At this point you're arguing just to argue, wutsurpointnoob?


And no, I've never broken 2mil in Carnage. That's when I run lolSmash. Highest I've netted with Carnage is 1mil pre 2.0, 1.6mil post 2.0 and no, I don't screenshot that **** because why would I? It's a fairly regular thing. I'll be sure to tag it next time it happens just for you baby, because you mean so much to me. I just wanna impress you, your opinions matter so much to everyone else here.


Dude, you are entitled to your opinion, but claiming that UR/GBTF change is a buff is incredibly weird. You know it even makes a sound when someone pops it. As well as you can see when its popped. No good pvp'er would fall for that. Bad pvp'ers and pugs, sure!

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Dude, you are entitled to your opinion, but claiming that UR/GBTF change is a buff is incredibly weird. You know it even makes a sound when someone pops it. As well as you can see when its popped. No good pvp'er would fall for that. Bad pvp'ers and pugs, sure!


I figured I'd be accused of antagonizing or being argumentative if I brought that up. But yes, he has a point--kinda. It might take teams a game or two to adjust. After that, I think teams would just look for the sight, sound or buff the way they do Precision Slash.


He is suggesting the tactic of employing the presumed ignorance of an opponent against said opponent. It makes sense if a team falls for it. I don't think many upper ranked teams are going to be duped for long.

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Read through every page on this, and hope whatever adjustments are made don't gimp marauders in the long run. I just came back to the game and see only one spec in arena being used it seems due to its nuke, and would like some love to annihilation.


@Gudarzz: What type of plan do you think Bioware needs to do to get annihilation viable in arena?


I notice they have been toning down stuff for whatever reason, but have not added anything that can be unique compared to carnage or rage tree.


At any rate I am happy seeing some form of communication with the players that way adjustments can come for us to enjoy the game we love.


I will be keeping up with this thread some more, keep up the good work and I will be crossing fingers for good changes. :)

Edited by Makavelithug
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=@Gudarzz: What type of plan do you think Bioware needs to do to get annihilation viable in arena?


I notice they have been toning down stuff for whatever reason, but have not added anything that can be unique compared to carnage or rage tree.


At any rate I am happy seeing some form of communication with the players that way adjustments can come for us to enjoy the game we love.


I will be keeping up with this thread some more, keep up the good work and I will be crossing fingers for good changes. :)

I may not be Gudarzz but I can answer the question, and the answer is a complete and utter overhaul that changes the spec in almost every way (or makes it do a_lot_of damage). Since Annihilation isn't bursty like Rage or Combat, nor is it able to tab dot like Lethality it isn't good in the current PvP meta, plus its Dots can be cleansed by any Healer. The thing about Marauders is Bioware decided in 1.2 to abandon balancing all specs around PvE and PvP and decided Annihilation is meant for PvE, Rage for PvP, and Carnage for both (even if they deny it, that is obviously the philosophy). 80% Predation went to Carnage so it would be a utility PvP spec (speed for your team, roots for theirs), Rage would be straight up PvP damage, while Annihilation got an better rotation for PvE out of the deal. The cold hard fact is that the above setup is how Marauders will be until maybe 3.0 but probably 4.0 (if Bioware decides to change things at all).

Edited by Emperor-Norton
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Dude, you are entitled to your opinion, but claiming that UR/GBTF change is a buff is incredibly weird. You know it even makes a sound when someone pops it. As well as you can see when its popped. No good pvp'er would fall for that. Bad pvp'ers and pugs, sure!


With how busy high end PvP is, I doubt players' sole focus in the match is going to be listening for or looking for the Undying animation. Positioning and focus fire/guard/root/grenade/stun/execute range targeting takes up most of my time in ranked matches. Will people still catch it? Yeah, can't deny that. Will it get missed more often now that there isn't a distinct HALF HEALTH LOLOL indicator? Absolutely. When communicated, it will buy your team more GCD's than it did before, so long as the healer is not spamming heals to top you off.

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  • 3 months later...
Bump...questions due on 2/28


Let's keep carnage based question and modify the annihilation one.


Need some more ideas about undying rage and rage spec changes.


For undying rage, I'm fine with the way it currently works except for the face that when it ends we can only have at maximum 50% hp left. This is a really bad design because we get penalized quite a lot for using it and we typically just end up dying right after it is over. Other classes (specifically the sorc bubble) don't have to worry about anything when they use their biggest cool downs. The sorc bubble doesn't make them lose HP when it ends, and it lasts longer. The problem the devs had with it undying rage was that it synergized too well with healing, but the sorc bubble does the exact same thing. I would propose that Undying rage have one of 2 changes.


The first is to change it back to the way it used to be (make the health loss up front), but keep it on a 2 minute cool down and take away all set bonuses and buffs to it (with the exception of maybe the rage tree's cool down reduction because other talents for other classes reduce the cool down of some of their big cool downs). This would then keep it at a powerful cool down but not penalize us or our healers for using it, keep the ability in line with other powerful cool downs like the sorc bubble, and free up a set bonus slot for PvP that could be used for some other cool set bonus.


The second change would be to keep everything the way it currently is, but to double our health pool while undying rage is up (Note, this means our maximum health, not our current health). This would allow healers to be able to heal us to maximum HP when the health is lost rather than the current 50%. What this would do is effectively make it a 50% heal debuff while undying rage is active IF we have a healer present and healing us, but when there is no healer present the ability is essentially not changed at all. They can put us up to 200% HP, but after the ability is over the extra HP goes away which would put us back down to 100% HP.


Either one of these 2 changes would be fine with me and I don't think they would be too powerful and it would keep our "second life cool down" in the same league as the others.

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Hi. I want to share with you my thoughts.

First, please excuse my bad english, it´s not my native language.


I have some unusual ideas for the Anni Skill tree, beside only give it more damage. But i think that these Ideas are good for PvP and PvE without making it too strong.


I see the Ani Tree more for a support class then a max. damage class. In this tree we have a Bossdamage reduce of 5% by Agonizin Sabers, we have the group and the self heal without any Damage loss.

We have the well known Bloodthirst wich was already nerved for a second Mara in a Group.

Famous is an Mara for giving Prededation but this is an damage loss. (Exept every 2,5 min. wich is a long Cooldown)

And last but realy not least we have the short interrupts (6 sec for Disruption und the 3 sec shorter cooldown for Force Charge)

My idea´s for beeing a better Support Class are:


Give Prededation a Raidroup Clense.

While the speed Buff is nice and useful the groups wishes often Preda because the 10% Melee and Range Defense.

But these 10% aren´t more worth than the Damage loss you get by using the Fury for Preda than for Berserk.

A Raidgroup Clense instead these 10% defence IS the Fury worth to use. And you or your Group can deside what is better, more damage or supporting the Healers with that. Also you loose, if you deside to take the fury for cleansing, some guaranteed Healings for the Group. So you have to make a decision. But this only together with:


Give back the Heals as they were before Patch 1.5

This would emphasize the Support Faktor of this Skill Tree.


For the Unding Rage problem i don´t have a general solution for all 3 Skill trees.

But this would be the most debatable one::rolleyes:

Delete Undying Rage - give Saber Ward an 45 sec cooldown in the Anni Skill Tree instead.

The reason why is with the short interrupts and the often useable Force Charge you often take some "Golden" adds at boss fights. with the shorter cooldown on Saber Ward you can take these add´s more relaxed. You can use the additional self heal wich comes from Saber Ward more often. And agan it would emphasize the Support Character of this Skill tree.


That are my unusal Ideas, now you can flame about that:cool:

And thanks for reading this wall of text.

Edited by Sapperlot
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Bump...questions due on 2/28


Let's keep carnage based question and modify the annihilation one.


Then, I'll repost what I wrote about Annihilation in another thread :


Can Pulverize in Annihilation spec have a secondary effect beside resetting the cooldown of Rupture ?

At the moment, all CD resetting procs grant something else in case they activate while the CD is already off :

  • Zen Strike (Vigilance Guardian) gives Focus
  • Force Strikes (Balance Shadow) make Mind Crush instand and free
  • Particule Acceleration (Kinetic Combat Shadow) gives Project crit
  • Ionic Accelerator (Assault Trooper) make High Impact Bolt free
  • Flame Engine (Shieldtech Powertech) accelerates Flame Thrower
  • Lightning Storm (Lightning Sorcerer) makes Chain Lightning instant
  • Recoil Control (Marksmanship Sniper) accelerates passively Series of Shots

Only exception to this list : Pulverize that has no further effect beside resetting a CD.


Side Note : Can pulverize also get the same treatment than many procs got lately, and become a sure proc at least on use of Annihilate (and 50% on Vicious Slash) ? That ability is already extremely expensive to use, for a limited killing power. While its potential increase after each use, its use also becomes more and more expensive (less time for fillers). Please, reward that cost.

Edited by Altheran
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Bump...questions due on 2/28


Let's keep carnage based question and modify the annihilation one.


Need some more ideas about undying rage and rage spec changes.


I thought it might be good to quote Gudarzz on this to highlight the Marauder/Sentinel questions for are "due" this Friday. This is the thread where a lot of the brainstorming is going on. Have at it :rak_03:



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Well the questions would be:


What is the purpose of rage in PvP? It is an aoe spec with no aoe. Single target damage is behind carnage. Survivability is behind carnage. It only has a slight edge in up time on target, but also carnage is loaded with roots and has a low CD root breaker. In addition, marauder has a single target white damage and a single target dot. Rage with 2.7 changes is single target what exactly? In every possible aspect carnage will be better.


Annihilation is behind both specs in PvP as it does not have any up time on target, very long ramp ups and unreliable dot damage that all healers can cleanse. The spec has nothing to offer in PvP. Even with the huge nerf to rage it well still be ahead of annihilation in PvP and carnage is light years ahead of both.

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I think custom and PvE questions are in a good position. On the other side, considering the recent 2.7 info we have, I think the rage question should be changed.


Well the questions would be:


What is the purpose of rage in PvP? It is an aoe spec with no aoe. Single target damage is behind carnage. Survivability is behind carnage. It only has a slight edge in up time on target, but also carnage is loaded with roots and has a low CD root breaker. In addition, marauder has a single target white damage and a single target dot. Rage with 2.7 changes is single target what exactly? In every possible aspect carnage will be better.


Annihilation is behind both specs in PvP as it does not have any up time on target, very long ramp ups and unreliable dot damage that all healers can cleanse. The spec has nothing to offer in PvP. Even with the huge nerf to rage it well still be ahead of annihilation in PvP and carnage is light years ahead of both.


I think we should go with something of this sort, for the third question!



Edit: I want to add something concerning the third question. It is about the viability of marauders as a whole in PvP. The point is specific about this:

Annihilation is behind both specs in PvP as it does not have any up time on target, very long ramp ups and unreliable dot damage that all healers can cleanse. The spec has nothing to offer in PvP. Even with the huge nerf to rage it well still be ahead of annihilation in PvP and carnage is light years ahead of both.


The problem with Annihilation in PvP is not just about damage and cleansing (although this needs to be addressed), it is much more than that.

Carnage and Rage both have anti-kiting utility.

Rage can break roots with the second leap, and have additional movement restriction on both leaps.

Carnage have it's roots (Deadly throw, ravage) and breaking roots on force camouflage.

Annihilation have nothing to help us stay on target, well except seeping wound talent but that can be solved with cleansing.



One of the benefit of being a burst specs is that you do not technically need to be in melee range 100% of time to do your thing (Carnage is even less prohibited as FS and VS are 8m abilities). However, when you have a sustained spec, then being 100% of the time on the target is very important. With this in mind, I consider the extreme ease of kiting Annihilation marauders to be the greatest issue.

We desperately need some sort of an anti-kiting utility. Giving us movement immunity on cloak of pain could be a good idea (not on the full 30 seconds, but perhaps the first 10 seconds). At this moment we have absolutely no place in PvP, we don't have a group utility and we can't offer anything that compensate for our lack of burst/target upkeep/pressure. With previous complaints in mind, do the devs have any plans to help us in that regard ?

Edited by znihilist
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Bump...questions due on 2/28


Let's keep carnage based question and modify the annihilation one.


Need some more ideas about undying rage and rage spec changes.


Maybe the annihilation question should reference the dotsmash hybrid being better for PvE.

Edited by MarsherMeow
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Possible Questions


What improvements can we expect to see in Carnage for PVP? Carnage does great single target sustained burst damage but can we expect to see another gap closer like obliterate added into the rotation? With the amount of roots, pushbacks, rolls, and sprints, given to ranged (also non-ranged) existing in the game I think something similar would provide another tool to help provide balance without overpowering the class (It still uses fury, only roots for a second, and helps close the gap with all of the above abilities existing in the game). The second gap closer (force camouflage) is often easily popped which can leave us dead in the water. Another possible idea for thought may be a passive ability like unstoppable used in the jugg vengeance tree to provide a short period where we can complete a short rotation after a charge. I'm not saying we would need both but just considerations. I find it can sometimes be difficult to complete a rotation after a charge due to all of the abilities mentioned above.


What improvements can we expect to see in Annihilation for PVP? Annihilation so far does a great job with consistent sustained damage in PVE however, in PVP it continues to have slow ramp times and is not competitive compared to the other marauder trees (can we expect it to speed up?). It could benefit from added burst damage like vengeance jugs OR it may be a consideration to make only ONE specific dot affect uncleansable like deadly saber dots OR rupture dots (can we expect added burst or an uncleasable dot?).


What is the intended design focus for rage? As changes continue to be implemented over time it becomes more and more unclear as to bioware's design focus for this tree. I believe in some of the earlier discussions Eric had mentioned that it is designed not to be a AOE focused tree but more of a high damage short burst focus. If that is the case are we expecting to see a higher burst to primary targets or a full redesign on the tree itself?

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These are my opinions/concerns, I'll leave it up to gudars to form them into his questions.



Give the anni tree unstoppable.

Self heals back to prenerf, don't care about raid heals, it's the self heals that need buffed.

Uncleansable dots.

Crit rate buff ( for annihilation) with anni stacks or judo stacks ( to help balance pve dps)


That's my wish list...


Rage needs single target dps buff to make up for gutting the spec.

Carnage needs some rng removal and rage quality if life improvements but that's it.

Edited by Lafay
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Possible Questions


What improvements can we expect to see in Carnage for PVP? Carnage does great single target sustained burst damage but can we expect to see another gap closer like obliterate added into the rotation? With the amount of roots, pushbacks, rolls, and sprints, given to ranged (also non-ranged) existing in the game I think something similar would provide another tool to help provide balance without overpowering the class (It still uses fury, only roots for a second, and helps close the gap with all of the above abilities existing in the game). The second gap closer (force camouflage) is often easily popped which can leave us dead in the water. Another possible idea for thought may be a passive ability like unstoppable used in the jugg vengeance tree to provide a short period where we can complete a short rotation after a charge. I'm not saying we would need both but just considerations. I find it can sometimes be difficult to complete a rotation after a charge due to all of the abilities mentioned above.


What improvements can we expect to see in Annihilation for PVP? Annihilation so far does a great job with consistent sustained damage in PVE however, in PVP it continues to have slow ramp times and is not competitive compared to the other marauder trees (can we expect it to speed up?). It could benefit from added burst damage like vengeance jugs OR it may be a consideration to make only ONE specific dot affect uncleansable like deadly saber dots OR rupture dots (can we expect added burst or an uncleasable dot?).


What is the intended design focus for rage? As changes continue to be implemented over time it becomes more and more unclear as to bioware's design focus for this tree. I believe in some of the earlier discussions Eric had mentioned that it is designed not to be a AOE focused tree but more of a high damage short burst focus. If that is the case are we expecting to see a higher burst to primary targets or a full redesign on the tree itself?


Asking for burst on Anni is asking to revamp the whole spec, the spec is fun and it is rewarding in itself. But we can't have our cake and eat it to. I know a lot of people say that burst is king in PvP, but in all reality "pressure" is much better and pressure doesn't have to be burst. You can achieve better pressure with more damage up-time on the target.

Unstoppable is nice, but considering that Force-Charge is part of the rotation, I think that would be OP. However, some immunity to physics and roots/slows on force charge would be nice. I wouldn't mind a lot of changes to Anni, but I recon most of them would make us very overpowered (specially in 1v1).

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Anni really needs a faster up time and DoTs that can't be cleansed....I'd really like to at least know if BW has any plans of fixing either in the near future..


Anni can actually get burst from annihilate. It can actually hit pretty hard on crits and can eventually be used every 6 seconds.



I'd also like to know why BW just didn't apply the smash changes for both PvE and PvP then increase it's single target damage as compensation. For that matter, why they wouldn't change the focus of rage to force scream as a quick fix into changing rage into a single target spec...We don't need a strong aoe option if we can burn down single targets quick...




Annihilation have nothing to help us stay on target, well except seeping wound talent but that can be solved with cleansing.


Anni can force charge point blank and is on a 12 second CD.


Marauders have a 12 second snare....


Force camo and predation can also help to stay on a target...

Edited by Dedrayge
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Asking for burst on Anni is asking to revamp the whole spec, the spec is fun and it is rewarding in itself. But we can't have our cake and eat it to. I know a lot of people say that burst is king in PvP, but in all reality "pressure" is much better and pressure doesn't have to be burst. You can achieve better pressure with more damage up-time on the target.

Unstoppable is nice, but considering that Force-Charge is part of the rotation, I think that would be OP. However, some immunity to physics and roots/slows on force charge would be nice. I wouldn't mind a lot of changes to Anni, but I recon most of them would make us very overpowered (specially in 1v1).


Fair assessment. I can see where burst to anni may be a little over the top. I often thought having uncleansable anni bleeds would be too overpowered for the team to ever consider but in testing I wouldn't think it unreasonable to make one specific ability dot uncleansable like rupture or deadly saber. I ultimately would love to make it a more viable spec for competitive pvp. I do enjoy it myself but I find it more useful in pve instance than PVP (depending on the random team comp) but unfortunately not something I would take into ranked.


The idea behind possibly having unstoppable would be the same concept as veng jugs (force charge is also part of their rotation as well). But I'd be interested to see what others thought of the concept of the 3rd gap closer like obliterate to help with all of the roots/slows/knockbacks.

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Anni can force charge point blank and is on a 12 second CD.


Marauders have a 12 second snare....


Force camo and predation can also help to stay on a target...


Force camo and predation are both utilities that can be used by the other two specs, my point wasn't that we have absolutely nothing to catch up. My point was that burst specs who doesn't need as much up-time on the target have better means to do it and that's not really a good design. You have to remember that the person you are fighting have as well tools to fight you (ever tried playing catch up with a DPS Merc as Anni ?) ! When you compare the kiting and anti-kiting utilities you will see that Annihilation marauders do really have an issue.


Also using Force cameo as an offensive is a risky bet as Anni! You are wasting a very valuable defensive CD as offensive for the sake of the hit or two you will get. Using force cameo as an offensive ability only works if you have burst on the target.


Fair assessment. I can see where burst to anni may be a little over the top. I often thought having uncleansable anni bleeds would be too overpowered for the team to ever consider but in testing I wouldn't think it unreasonable to make one specific ability dot uncleansable like rupture or deadly saber. I ultimately would love to make it a more viable spec for competitive pvp. I do enjoy it myself but I find it more useful in pve instance than PVP (depending on the random team comp) but unfortunately not something I would take into ranked.


The idea behind possibly having unstoppable would be the same concept as veng jugs (force charge is also part of their rotation as well). But I'd be interested to see what others thought of the concept of the 3rd gap closer like obliterate to help with all of the roots/slows/knockbacks.


To be honest, we can't really tell if certain buffs (like uncleansable dots) are over the top or not (testing would though!). However, whatever we propose must keep the spec at "good at X" and "bad at y" or else there will be no balance.


As for Veng, yes! I forgot about force push as a utility which would keep FC in the rotation.


For me, I would be happy with an occasional second speed boost with a brief movement immunity buff, such as the one I suggested on cloak of pain.

Edited by znihilist
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Force camo and predation are both utilities that can be used by the other two specs, my point wasn't that we have absolutely nothing to catch up. My point was that burst specs who doesn't need as much up-time on the target have better means to do it and that's not really a good design. You have to remember that the person you are fighting have as well tools to fight you (ever tried playing catch up with a DPS Merc as Anni ?) ! When you compare the kiting and anti-kiting utilities you will see that Annihilation marauders do really have an issue.


Also using Force cameo as an offensive is a risky bet as Anni! You are wasting a very valuable defensive CD as offensive for the sake of the hit or two you will get. Using force cameo as an offensive ability only works if you have burst on the target.




To be honest, we can't really tell if certain buffs (like uncleansable dots) are over the top or not (testing would though!). However, whatever we propose must keep the spec at "good at X" and "bad at y" or else there will be no balance.


As for Veng, yes! I forgot about force push as a utility which would keep FC in the rotation.


For me, I would be happy with an occasional second speed boost with a brief movement immunity buff, such as the one I suggested on cloak of pain.


I agree that balance is key for everyone's gameplay but I think that ranged always has a general advantage to melee by default of being able to dps from far than needing to get close. From what I'm reading I'm seeing a lot of people that think that we need some kind of gap closer whether it be a short speed boost, additional ability (passive like unstoppable or active like obliterate/COP), or something in order to help close the gap from all of the available stuns, knockbacks, and roots. I hope the team addresses this as an issue. The uncleansable idea seems to be the most popular regarding anni. But for the sake of balance I think it should be kept to just one ability. I didn't mention this in my other post but I think it would also help to give a 1 second root to annihilate (to give it a wince of control). Just a personal small adjustment that I think would add to pvp and help with it's flow and keeping dots up (Just a personal opinion on that one :D).

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The idea behind possibly having unstoppable would be the same concept as veng jugs (force charge is also part of their rotation as well). But I'd be interested to see what others thought of the concept of the 3rd gap closer like obliterate to help with all of the roots/slows/knockbacks.


Honestly I don't feel like we need another gap closer. For carnage especially, between, a 15 second leap, a root break on stealth, an 80% speed boost when needed, 3 roots, and 2 slows, I don't have any problems with staying on a target. Annihilation could possibly use some help purely because it has no way of breaking roots (which would be a nice little buff for it) but other than that I think staying on a target is fine.


Personally I like the current carnage question. I don't feel like it really needs anything more. The Annihilation question is good as well, but I do agree that adding something about the dotsmash hybrid parsing higher than annihilation would be a good idea as well.


For the rage I feel that smash needs to be considered a single target attack (so that the 30% AoE damage reduction doesn't reduce damage of a now single target attack). Also adding in a question about what our "AoE spec" is supposed to be. With the sentinel questions, they said that rage was the best AoE and burst spec, they said they wanted to get away from that, but now we have no AoE spec (for PvP anyways) and carnage burst is arguably better than rage's burst, so are we supposed to have an AoE spec at all or no? And is rage suppose to get any single target damage buffs to make it the unchallenged best burst spec for PvP?

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The Annihilation question is good as well, but I do agree that adding something about the dotsmash hybrid parsing higher than annihilation would be a good idea as well.


I can't seem to remember if it was from the Phoenix Cantina Q&A or someone PM'ing the community managers, but I do remember reading something that the devs are aware of it.



I will try to find the relevant information.

Edited by znihilist
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