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Everything posted by CO_DAIGO

  1. Same with me. Completed conquest, recieved the rewards but did not receive the legacy wide title achievement for last week. They sent me the rewards but still no title.
  2. We ask for armor and we get a flag. Stupid. Especially since players can respawn before anyone will be able to see it anyway.
  3. What if we want our rating to be reset? Some of us have tanked to low to an accumulation of win trading and balance issues that resetting might actually be a plus. I love how someone that's only won 11 games can rank higher than someone who's won 60.
  4. I'm going to go for it ........I want this!!!!!! (underneath a hooded robe): http://media.melty.es/article-2580810-fb-f1419325014/star-wars-7-kylo-ren-kylo-ren-casco-star.jpg Or at least masks more simplistic and battle worn looking. I like the new battle worn Revan Reborn mask for example. But more battle worn masks worn under hoods would be nice. Sith love our hoods
  5. I don't think it's working as intended when it won't spawn on POT5
  6. Reusable Medpacs and Adrenals for highest ranking tier. No more re-skinned armor. Darth Sidious and Maul looking robes would be nice.
  7. Awwww doesn't show my name lol that was funny as hell!
  8. Can we expect changes to occur before next ranked PVP season starts?[/size]
  9. Eric will marauders be getting 2 lightsabers for season awards? It would be nice to assume that we would be getting 2 but I figured I'd ask just to make sure.
  10. I added additional edits to that post regarding the fact his quoted comments that any AOE spec should be able to deal formidable damage when necessary and yet they continue to make that less true as they make more changes to smash (hence the focus on the ability itself).
  11. Hey Gudaezz! So I reviewed your question specifically to the rage portion. I would reword this part of the question: The I'm suggesting that because Eric had already stated that his intent was to get away from Rage as being the AOE spec (I gave you his quote to the sentinel top 3 questions below). It's why I'm hoping you can incorporate the question more like this: As we continue to see Rage become more single target oriented, the concern is that the ongoing changes continue to alter the ability of smash. Smash is a great utility ability in and of itself for multiple situations. As you've mentioned in your previous answer to the sentinel questions, we understand that you're moving away from it being an AOE spec. Is there any way that the combat team can preserve the ability/utility of smash (it's difficult to use on stealth when it calls for a primary target etc, and really no need to alter the ability of it at all) and possibly provide a cleaner/efficient alternative by designing a new single target high burst ability (or replacing with another ability we already have)? We understand that we have sweeping slash but smash is a much more used and preferred ability for utility. You mentioned in your previous posts regarding sentinel top 3 questions that "any spec should be able to deal formidable AOE damage when necessary" and yet it seems like the combat team continues to alter our main AOE ability when there seems to be much cleaner suggestions. As you can see from Eric's first response, the Rage tree's focus towards becoming single target oriented should be more of a question of "how" rather than "if". With the proposed thought it also gives them an idea to think about that a lot of players feel strongly about rather than the continued alteration of the ability that we're seeing. The tree and ability would need less alterations if they just replaced the primary ability (or may not need alteration at all).
  12. DARTH BANDON'S ARMOR! (and please don't make the bottoms a robe) https://www.google.com/search?q=darth+bandon&tbm=isch&imgil=DcgcqOmuQIi5RM%253A%253Bhttps%253A%252F%252Fencrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com%252Fimages%253Fq%253Dtbn%253AANd9GcQt1JLp4H1aGK_UWsUtOgYwaJPI60EOyrqG6WVrDVEhxEhnKwvsiw%253B259%253B510%253BVXMhCJN5APrm-M%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fdreamer-a.ru%25252Fgeroi%25252Fthe-dark-hero%25252Fdart-bendon-2.html&source=iu&usg=__1oixGBaUrPk5btMf1paLF6R39z0%3D&sa=X&ei=0rMPU6L0MYvwoATOg4KwBQ&sqi=2&ved=0CDwQ9QEwBA&biw=1428&bih=788#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=DcgcqOmuQIi5RM%253A%3BVXMhCJN5APrm-M%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fdreamer-a.ru%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2012%252F09%252FDarthBandon.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fdreamer-a.ru%252Fgeroi%252Fthe-dark-hero%252Fdart-bendon-2.html%3B259%3B510
  13. Hey guys, we're digressing from the topic at hand here. We need to continue to focus on constructive feedback to help our representative to prioritize his questions and provide ideas in order to at least do our part in providing the combat team with viable balanced options. We have one more day before he needs to submit his questions so lets try to keep the focus. We shouldn't be gutting each other's ideas unless we have another to contribute so that it remains constructive.
  14. Good observation. I'm curious as to whether it would either balance the class in PVP or be overpowered to combine your suggestion with an uncleasable dot to deadly saber bleeds. I suppose you could put it into the form of the question: Does the combat team have any plan to shorten the buildup of stacks and possibly add an uncleansable dot to ONE bleed affect? (rather than to them all) I respect balance and without testing there would be no way for me to totally say that this wouldn't overpower the spec but while playing it and listening to others I think that would make the spec reasonably competitive in PVP instances. I'm sure there's plenty of area for debate on this subject alone...but just throwing more ideas out there
  15. In terms of annihilation I really do think it would help to make dots from deadly saber (one ability) uncleaseable without making it "OP". It would also help in keeping a small amount of consistent damage. Part of what makes ramp up times frustrating is due to the fact that when healers/sins/ops cleanse then we're forced to ramp back up. But with the dots from one ability being uncleaseable (as mentioned above) there would always be a consistent running dots on the target (while not an overwhelming amount) that can continue to keep pressure on targets in PVP situations. I think this change would be a simpler fix without being completely overpowered.
  16. I believe the reason they made it that was because we could easily get healed practically to full in it's original form (when paired with a healer). I don't believe it was intended to be a penalty although I do understand what you're saying. It hurts especially during PVE instances and wastes a healer's energy during PVP/PVE.
  17. I think another alternative is to change undying rage back to the way it originally worked and then make it so that you can't be healed through the duration of the ability.
  18. I think the future of rage needs to be addressed as they continue to tell us it wasn't intended as an aoe spec and yet they continue to poke holes all over it. I defer to my other suggestion that it would be a much cleaner fix to replace the ability with another single target burst ability and leave the ability smash intact. I don't think they need to make changes to the smash ability at all. Their changes constantly cause them to need to make more changes to the ability than actually making more clean and efficient changes that would actually correct the problem and design the tree as intended. The way that it works can be completely the same (just a different ability) instead of continuing to ruin a perfectly fine utility move like smash.
  19. See I read when Eric had mentioned all of that as well, I think that is the most confusing part. I have no idea what they're trying to do with the spec anymore if it's not suppose to be an AOE spec. I think they had mentioned that it was never suppose to be an AOE spec at all but "that boat had already sailed" per what Eric had posted in previous forums regarding the first round of representative questions. Because if you give it too much consistent damage it starts looking similar to carnage so how do they plan to keep it a high damage short burst spec (instead of consistent burst like carnage), keep it competitive in PVP, and make it more single target oriented? I'm not complaining about rage being "nerfed", I would really just like to know specifically what it's suppose to be and how they plan to make changes in that direction. Because as changes are being made it seems to continue to be more unclear and the changes don't seem to be well thought out. I think a redesign would be more beneficial to us in the long run than taking things out and tweaking things here and there. I think they should just take smash completely out of the rotation and replace it with another single target high burst ability. That way the smash ability itself can be left as a filler aoe utility (which is useful in and of itself in pvp situations - doors/popping stealth/node interruption). I think it's a better ability than slash and that way they won't need to make changes for it to have a primary target if they were willing to do that. Actually I really like that idea. Is it easy for them to do? No. But I think it would truly benefit the tree. I think the replacement ability for the tree would be a much cleaner adjustment/change. So I guess if others felt the same, the added question would be: Are there any thoughts regarding the combat team replacing the smash ability with another single target high burst ability so that we can continue to use the smash ability as a utility without continued "tweeking" (ie. forcing it to have a primary target etc).
  20. I agree that balance is key for everyone's gameplay but I think that ranged always has a general advantage to melee by default of being able to dps from far than needing to get close. From what I'm reading I'm seeing a lot of people that think that we need some kind of gap closer whether it be a short speed boost, additional ability (passive like unstoppable or active like obliterate/COP), or something in order to help close the gap from all of the available stuns, knockbacks, and roots. I hope the team addresses this as an issue. The uncleansable idea seems to be the most popular regarding anni. But for the sake of balance I think it should be kept to just one ability. I didn't mention this in my other post but I think it would also help to give a 1 second root to annihilate (to give it a wince of control). Just a personal small adjustment that I think would add to pvp and help with it's flow and keeping dots up (Just a personal opinion on that one ).
  21. Fair assessment. I can see where burst to anni may be a little over the top. I often thought having uncleansable anni bleeds would be too overpowered for the team to ever consider but in testing I wouldn't think it unreasonable to make one specific ability dot uncleansable like rupture or deadly saber. I ultimately would love to make it a more viable spec for competitive pvp. I do enjoy it myself but I find it more useful in pve instance than PVP (depending on the random team comp) but unfortunately not something I would take into ranked. The idea behind possibly having unstoppable would be the same concept as veng jugs (force charge is also part of their rotation as well). But I'd be interested to see what others thought of the concept of the 3rd gap closer like obliterate to help with all of the roots/slows/knockbacks.
  22. Possible Questions What improvements can we expect to see in Carnage for PVP? Carnage does great single target sustained burst damage but can we expect to see another gap closer like obliterate added into the rotation? With the amount of roots, pushbacks, rolls, and sprints, given to ranged (also non-ranged) existing in the game I think something similar would provide another tool to help provide balance without overpowering the class (It still uses fury, only roots for a second, and helps close the gap with all of the above abilities existing in the game). The second gap closer (force camouflage) is often easily popped which can leave us dead in the water. Another possible idea for thought may be a passive ability like unstoppable used in the jugg vengeance tree to provide a short period where we can complete a short rotation after a charge. I'm not saying we would need both but just considerations. I find it can sometimes be difficult to complete a rotation after a charge due to all of the abilities mentioned above. What improvements can we expect to see in Annihilation for PVP? Annihilation so far does a great job with consistent sustained damage in PVE however, in PVP it continues to have slow ramp times and is not competitive compared to the other marauder trees (can we expect it to speed up?). It could benefit from added burst damage like vengeance jugs OR it may be a consideration to make only ONE specific dot affect uncleansable like deadly saber dots OR rupture dots (can we expect added burst or an uncleasable dot?). What is the intended design focus for rage? As changes continue to be implemented over time it becomes more and more unclear as to bioware's design focus for this tree. I believe in some of the earlier discussions Eric had mentioned that it is designed not to be a AOE focused tree but more of a high damage short burst focus. If that is the case are we expecting to see a higher burst to primary targets or a full redesign on the tree itself?
  23. Hey Eric you may also want to correct the announcement page for season 1 rewards. It indicates at the top that tier 5 is 0001-1149 and at the bottom that tier 5 is 1500+. I'm assuming you mean to say that tier 1 is 1500+?
  24. I want one! I like the whole outfit. I especially like the raised collar piece. If they do it right with flaps instead of making it a dress it will be nice. For some reason they connect the flaps to the chest instead of the pants or belt in this game.
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