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Better grind full conq gear before 2.4


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And play what exactly? Jump off this treadmill just to land on another one? No, if I quit this game, I'll quit all MMOs all together. MMOs have took a turn for the worse anyway. Catering to the baddies while making the games easier and easier to play. That way baddies can be happy, while the goods get sick of the catering and leave the game to the baddies.


Devs love baddies, there are more of them then there are goods. So of course, they will forever cater to them. Screw skill and screw hard work...let's just give everything to them. Hey, looks like you're fine with it...maybe I should be too.


The games are only easier because you are kitted out in the best gear. You want a challenge -- you know what the easiest option is...downgrade your gear. Then feel free to use as much skill as you like to show up the rest of us -- who haven't figured out the shortcuts...

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The games are only easier because you are kitted out in the best gear. You want a challenge -- you know what the easiest option is...downgrade your gear. Then feel free to use as much skill as you like to show up the rest of us -- who haven't figured out the shortcuts...


The way you use "easy" is completely different from the way I use "easy". I', talking about how easy the Devs make it to get gear, The Bolster system, and things like this...catering to the bads.

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Man, the Devs really love wasting my time spent in WZ's. I go through all this trouble to get gear, just so they can take it away and make it useless. They have done this time and time and again. I guess it's never going to stop, is it? Bust your butt to get the best gear, just so they can delete it and make it vanish and make your current gear pointless. War Hero gear...well, it's just PvE gear now...and you spend all that time and energy to get it, now it no longer carries a function for your PvP enjoyment. Same thing happened with the Centurion Gear...no longer exists. Now Partisan gear? *** are the Devs doing? Why do they continue to remove gear out of the game, why do they continue to strip the gear of it's mods and replace them with crap?


Crap is getting old real fast, Devs.


You must be new to RPG games... /facepalm

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Better Start grinding full Conqueror gear if you want to get the new Obroan gear coming out in 2.4


I'll just bank the comms and wait it out. No point in spennding ranked comms now for what will cost reg comms soon™

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Right, but that Conqueror gear will be less than half the price when 2.4 hits. Better to save your commendations and just get by with what you have on.


it would be best to be full conqueror for all the items that require a trade-in AND have max comms BEFORE 2.4 hits. however, it's not a big deal imo. as long as you're max comms, I think you're fine. and it's highly unlikely that you won't have multiple conqueror pcs, even on a fresh 55, after a week or two. so just have max comms when the patch hits. nothing to see here. move along.

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QFT, every time the Devs do something like this, I have to struggle to NOT quit the game. Getting really sick and fricken tired of this crap.




We knew what this was. Everyone knew what was going to happen.


Personally I haven't thought too much about it. I care very little about gear but if there is something new and better to have, I want it.


Maybe I'm just another sheep, but like I said.. it's not about the gear for me. It's just about accomplishing a task.

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And play what exactly? Jump off this treadmill just to land on another one? No, if I quit this game, I'll quit all MMOs all together. MMOs have took a turn for the worse anyway. Catering to the baddies while making the games easier and easier to play. That way baddies can be happy, while the goods get sick of the catering and leave the game to the baddies.


Devs love baddies, there are more of them then there are goods. So of course, they will forever cater to them. Screw skill and screw hard work...let's just give everything to them. Hey, looks like you're fine with it...maybe I should be too.


I... sort-of.. agree? However if we are going with that, I hope you don't play Smash or Op heals... or sniper. It would be a bit of the pot and kettle, you know?

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I... sort-of.. agree? However if we are going with that, I hope you don't play Smash or Op heals... or sniper. It would be a bit of the pot and kettle, you know?


My main is a Deception (always has been Deception, even when it was LOLDeception) Assassin. My other two are and always has been Annihilation Marauder and a Vengeance Jugg.


But to be fair, I play every class in game on both sides.


Look, I'm not saying do not give us something to work for or look forward to. All I am saying, is stop making the things we do work for, useless. That such a bad thing to ask for? I sure as hell don't think it is. This can be applied to PvE as well as PvP.

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I don't get what people mad about the new gear are mad about? What's the alternative to a more powerful set to grind? Do you think SWTOR should just give you a new upgraded set for free? Or maybe they should just never upgrade anymore, no new sets?


Seriously the difference between Partisan and Conqueror is not that great, and the new set won't be any different. If being one set level behind will hurt your game you need to L2P and quit relying on gear to carry you. You'll get more benefits from fully augmented gear so your existing conq gear will probably still be about the same stats as the new set.


Just play the game for fun and the new gear comes pretty easy over time and doesn't feel like a grind. And if you're like me your already have augmented shells to like the look of so swapping out parts will be easy.


And to be honest. We actually love the grind, as soon as a person has BiS top level gear they play less without the goal to work toward. We complain, but we play more when there is a higher gear level.

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I don't mind doing another gear grind, especially since I only have conqueror belt and bracers, relics, and implants. Earpiece is partisan and so is everything else. This way, I can just buy the rest of the conq gear with regular comms and I can get a few pieces of obroan gear once it hits live... which won't be for a few more months. I'm glad they brought it on the pts now, i'm a little peeved that it's only slightly better than conq honestly but that's just me. I would say just stick with partisan at the moment if you aren't already full conq'd out, then save up comms. Or get full conq'd out, then save up comms.
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If you don't like the gear grind, play GW2.


BTW if you haven't played GW2 i'll spill the beans for ya: equal levels of gear demonstrates outrageous class imbalances. GW2 release was frankly unplayable unless you were a guardian, Mesmer, thief, or played very restrictive builds. Sure you can say, devs should balance the game brah, but the fact of the matter is that they didn't. I haven't played it for a bit but from reading their forums and patch notes it appears that imbalances are still there.


In my completely biased opinion, gear grind is a good thing in mmos. It acts as a buffer between class imbalances and class hard counters, it allows customization for the player, and it provides end game replay value by giving the player a means of character progression which is the general theme of mmos.

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I love how people defend the gear treadmill "thats just how MMOs are"


Yeah. Because some idiot who did it first made it that way.


Its old. Its lame. And MMOs are soon to die as a genre if the established way of doing things continues to be stupid.


People dont play these games for long periods because the grind keeps them here, they play because its fun (once you have the gear) but people sure quit these games because the grind prevents them from enjoying the basic fun parts of the game they play as a pasttime after work.




THIS...........Though I can see some gear grind but give people a chance to get all of the stuff. How about get rid of the gear and sell Armors, Barrels, Hilts, Mods, and Enhancements for WZ coms. Let us pick the shell.

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To me this smacks more of BW quietly sweeping under the rug the fact that Partisan isn't better than PvE gear in many slots, rather than it being a carrot and stick enticement. Of course they'd probably like for us to think of this as a standard gear progression release, but a new gear set this soon really just smacks of a soft gear reset due to bolster, with this reset being the quickest fix.



and yes #tinfoilhat.

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I love how people defend the gear treadmill "thats just how MMOs are"


Yeah. Because some idiot who did it first made it that way.


Its old. Its lame. And MMOs are soon to die as a genre if the established way of doing things continues to be stupid.


People dont play these games for long periods because the grind keeps them here, they play because its fun (once you have the gear) but people sure quit these games because the grind prevents them from enjoying the basic fun parts of the game they play as a pasttime after work.


GW2 does it right. I have yet to grind anything in there.

A game that needs hamster-alike grinding is a game that has no value and does not stand on its own.


No surprise so many hastily put together "grinder MMOs" fell to F2P status fast. And SWTOR? Going the same route!

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BTW if you haven't played GW2 i'll spill the beans for ya: equal levels of gear demonstrates outrageous class imbalances. GW2 release was frankly unplayable unless you were a guardian, Mesmer, thief, or played very restrictive builds.


I played two of those "known to suck" GW2 classes since beta and guess what, by release they were better and were almost as competitive as others (albeit less fun).

The true and only fact in PvP games since ever? That on their PvP forums you always have found, find and will find terribles who cry class imbalances, because they don't see THEY are their own imbalance.



In my completely biased opinion, gear grind is a good thing in mmos. It acts as a buffer between class imbalances and class hard counters, it allows customization for the player, and it provides end game replay value by giving the player a means of character progression which is the general theme of mmos.


So, if you play a scrapper / smasher and also grind the best gear, it makes you "buffered between class imbalances"? :eek:

In my view, it further amplifies them.

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Now, onto serious questions.


A normal player by now has full augmented conqueror.

Does the new gear come with purposedly inferior mods like Conq and Partisan did? I may only assume it does, as it's a long known (they do in MMOs since 2004) practice to artificially prolong your subscription time as you will want to get the BiS stuff.


Theorycrafters now should see if it the stats differences justify keeping the new gear as is till you can min max it OR if right today the min maxed Conqueror mods should be plugged in the new gear replacing the bad ones, till you can get the top tier BiS mods use them.

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I think we all expected this, I am just glad it is one tier added and not two new tiers with the conq / part turned into PvE gear as in the last update.


Pity the are getting rid of Part gear, I understand progression but I hate seeing variety removed from the game, so many tiers of PvE gear available, why do they keep PvP at just 2?!

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No stop misleading people. Conq gear will cost regular comms in 2.4 you would be dumb to try and get conq now.


That's not misleading, it is sound advice. I'm already geared with fully augmented Partisan on one character with 4 pieces of Conqueror gear. Why should I wait 2 months to get Conqueror gear then start the process all over again, when I can finish it now and have the necessary comms to obtain the new gear when it is available?


Waiting is foolish when we have that much time before they go live. If they were to do so in 2 weeks, I'd agree, but they are not.


I agree with the OP, get your conqueror gear now, save your comms for the new gear and you can outfit yourself almost immediately with a number of pieces from that set.

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That's not misleading, it is sound advice. I'm already geared with fully augmented Partisan on one character with 4 pieces of Conqueror gear. Why should I wait 2 months to get Conqueror gear then start the process all over again, when I can finish it now and have the necessary comms to obtain the new gear when it is available?


Waiting is foolish when we have that much time before they go live. If they were to do so in 2 weeks, I'd agree, but they are not.


I agree with the OP, get your conqueror gear now, save your comms for the new gear and you can outfit yourself almost immediately with a number of pieces from that set.

It is misleading. Regardless of tradeins, with bolster being present, getting gear at all is questionable in many cases. Add in the fact that they are more than likely to increase bolster, getting Conq gear now is loldumb.


And for the people saying its easy to max again in two months... Yeah thats great, if you play regularly, but if you play regularly then you more than have all Conq already, so teelling people who don't have it yet is the definition of misleading..

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