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New Cutthroat Dailies!


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So Bioware the next daily area must be a private instance ( id suggest one per person) where there is no running and we click something immediately infront of us to get all the dailies done fast easy, with out running around, other players of mOBs to ruin it.


What they should just do is make two terminals, one that you get a mission and the other you turn it in at for your credits and commendations. No need for anything else, just click one then the other and you're done.

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Couple of points here.


If an area has been designed for a reason other than a new daily area why iare daily missions the only thing in that area. I mean honestly if they really wanted to promote PvP wouldn't they have given even a small benefit of some kind for the factions to duke it out there? .


If I may answer this part here. The problem with giving it faction advantage from PvP is that would affect PvE as well, which I would assume those who don't pvp would like even less. If they put in individual PvP gain incentives, then I am sad to admit that there are those who would "fight club" as us PvPers would call it. They would simply trade kills and reap the rewards; therefore it would wind up not being real organic PvP.


By making it PvE objectives, it merely draws the people together providing just the opportunity for the fun of PvPing for PvP sake. It makes it simply, convenient.

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What they should just do is make two terminals, one that you get a mission and the other you turn it in at for your credits and commendations. No need for anything else, just click one then the other and you're done.


That's TWO clicks, no one has time for that! We the players of SWTOR demand that we can complete the quests in one click because two is just obscene and a slap to the face to people who don't have the ample amounts of time that you basement-dwellers have.

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That's TWO clicks, no one has time for that! We the players of SWTOR demand that we can complete the quests in one click because two is just obscene and a slap to the face to people who don't have the ample amounts of time that you basement-dwellers have.


10/10! Would read again!

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So what your saying is shut up and accept the game as is without offering BW my feedback? Cause if it's not I misunderstood you.


I can put it more politely for you.


Sit down.. and color inside the box please. :) Play an MMO for what it offers you, if you find it fun. If not.. do something else IMO.


Oh.. and put that dark green crayon down NAO! :p

Edited by Andryah
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I PvE-only but I can understand and even appreciate the design to help promote some PvP. I mean, I'm just grateful that Bioware *might* have learned from some of the complaints and made it a PvE zone so that people are not forced to PvP, instead of ham-fisted attempts to make PvE'rs go into PvP zones.


The issue is that the current system is aggravating to PvE'rs because it promotes ninjaing/camping because there's simply too many items to get on too few fixed spawn points.




You would think with all of biowares experience, they could have come up with a happier medium.

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I just want to add my 2 cents. :]


Last night I did the new dailies, and I actually ran into enemy players! It was great. Getting to have PvP encounters out in the world is probably one of my favorite things in MMOs, and I've always thought that daily quest areas were perfect for encouraging this kind of activity. Unfortunately, I've always been disappointed with the way the blue/red teams have always felt so isolated from one another as we leveled up and even at max level when daily quests became available. It really felt like the game was designed to discourage world PvP, and I've always hated that.


So.....I'm happy with the new area. I hope to see more things like this in the future!


For those who don't like it....Why are you playing on a server with a PvP ruleset? Surely you'd be happier on a PvE server, right? What's the point of even having PvP servers if the game is always being designed in a way that discourages PvP to begin with?

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You don't know me at all. As someone who spent plenty of time in SWGs Restuss I know full well that fighting for the sake of fighting is reason enough for some people. As for me and my reasons for being in the new daily area yes I am only there for the reputation rewards in this case and the design of the area is hindering my goal for being there. But I find your definition of a modern day MMO player to be flawed. There has to be a reason or benefit to any action in a game or no one will play them. That holds true for any game current or past.


1st your contradiction: You say you find my definition of the modern day MMO player flawed and but then you back my argument by saying that there has to be a reason or benefit to any action in game, which is exactly what I said when I was talking about the modern MMO.


You see that's my point this game is geared toward your definition of today's MMO players. The players who do need a reason to fight rather than just the fight itself. If a game is geared toward the current MMO players is really hoping to promote PvP in an area wouldn't they give a purpose to it to draw in today's MMO players?


No if anything the Rakghoul event, HK -51 quest, section x, the Gree event and now this daily area as well as the Taun fawn nests on Hoth all prove the very opposite. These are all different quests/areas where there was little to no pvp rewards. But yet they drew large groups of people and got them to fight. While areas like Ilum during launch, where there was objectives and rewards for pvp, proved to show that the incentive pvp system to be a failure. This game has shown time and time again that you for the case of Open World PvP you don't need PvP rewards or make the area PvP centric for PvP to occur you just need to create an incentive for people TO GO THERE and FIGHT. The fact that this area is small and creates opportunities for people to LOS opposite player and attacking on different level and Both factions are in close proximity of each other. Is more than enough to create a fun environment for pvp.


If there were enough players who felt as you do the Outlaws Den would be packed nonstop. There aren't so I don't see how enticing players who don't feel that way into an enclosed area is really going to increase random PvP by an appreciable factor.


You clearly missed my response to your argument on the Outlaw's den in an earlier post. So i will reiterate again. The problem with Outlaw's den is that 1 the area is too big. You can litterally have both republic and imperial in the outlaw's den and NEVER see each other. For open pvp to work properly you have to put opponent players in close proximity to each other. The other thing is Outlaw's den is out of the way of questing. You have to actually take the time to find it. While the daily area as well as the gree event pvp area is small and easy to get to. So its easy to get a large group of people into one area. Especially since the objective is pve which will draw more crowds there.


I hope the area is of benefit to you. I really do because it's worthless to me right now so it might as well be of benefit to someone. I'll just have to accept that I am not able to partake of the new reputation for now and patiently wait until the area is playable.


And that is perfectly fine. There is no problem with that. I understand why you don't see the area as benefit to someone like you. All I and others are saying is look how we see it as beneficial.

Edited by MisterBlackJack
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If I may answer this part here. The problem with giving it faction advantage from PvP is that would affect PvE as well, which I would assume those who don't pvp would like even less. If they put in individual PvP gain incentives, then I am sad to admit that there are those who would "fight club" as us PvPers would call it. They would simply trade kills and reap the rewards; therefore it would wind up not being real organic PvP.


By making it PvE objectives, it merely draws the people together providing just the opportunity for the fun of PvPing for PvP sake. It makes it simply, convenient.


THANK YOU!!! This is what I have been saying on many threads regarding the cross-over of pvp and pve. I couldn't said it better myself

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As I wrote above, they stated back in December that 2013 would be a year of "organic" PvP growth. This new daily area provides PvPers a place to cross paths while doing missions, which leads to that "organic" growth. It's not a "PvP" mission, but PvP will happen because of these missions, especially because they're the quickest daily missions to date.


Ok I'll accept that this might have been their intent all along. To be honest as PvP is not my focus in this game I don't keep up with the developers posts and plans for it very well. But to also be honest the new area being great for PvP doesn't absolutely nothing for me. I am not geared for PvP so attempting it is futile for me. The only reason I have to be in the new area is the daily missions for reputation and the design of the area makes that extremely frustrating to the point that I would rather not play. The area being a godsend for PvP does nothing to change that for me.

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Ok I'll accept that this might have been their intent all along. To be honest as PvP is not my focus in this game I don't keep up with the developers posts and plans for it very well. But to also be honest the new area being great for PvP doesn't absolutely nothing for me. I am not geared for PvP so attempting it is futile for me. The only reason I have to be in the new area is the daily missions for reputation and the design of the area makes that extremely frustrating to the point that I would rather not play. The area being a godsend for PvP does nothing to change that for me.


I completely respect your opinion. On PvE servers, this shouldn't be an issue...is it? I also understand your concern with gear...I find it extremely frustrating that this game creates the artificial divide between PvP and PvE with gear like it does. It would be one thing if you were taken off guard in this new area and had SOME chance to live...but without Expertise gear, you really have none. I get that. I would like to go into a speech about how much you can help and how important every body can be, even without gear, but I don't think that would sway you at all would it? And that's fine...nobody could ever convince me to do the new Heroic Space missions, so I respect your opinion again.


I wish you weren't this frustrated with 2.3. I hope there is another part of the update that you can find enjoyable...if not, maybe 2.4 will be something you'd like.

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I completely respect your opinion. On PvE servers, this shouldn't be an issue...is it? I also understand your concern with gear...I find it extremely frustrating that this game creates the artificial divide between PvP and PvE with gear like it does. It would be one thing if you were taken off guard in this new area and had SOME chance to live...but without Expertise gear, you really have none. I get that. I would like to go into a speech about how much you can help and how important every body can be, even without gear, but I don't think that would sway you at all would it? And that's fine...nobody could ever convince me to do the new Heroic Space missions, so I respect your opinion again.


I wish you weren't this frustrated with 2.3. I hope there is another part of the update that you can find enjoyable...if not, maybe 2.4 will be something you'd like.


There is alot of pvp going in CZ-198 on pve servers I know on the Ebon Hawk there was a huge fight in the main area. But players weren't trying to specifically get you to flag. You only got flagged if you wanted to fight in pvp.


Also gear doesn't to be to big of a deal at least from what I saw. None of the players in my group were geared in pvp and we held our own with imperials that attacked us. I actually think most of the people engaging in pvp didn't have pvp gear at all. Then again that my just be the Hawk

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There is alot of pvp going in CZ-198 on pve servers I know on the Ebon Hawk there was a huge fight in the main area. But players weren't trying to specifically get you to flag. You only got flagged if you wanted to fight in pvp.


Also gear doesn't to be to big of a deal at least from what I saw. None of the players in my group were geared in pvp and we held our own with imperials that attacked us. I actually think most of the people engaging in pvp didn't have pvp gear at all. Then again that my just be the Hawk


That's VERY good to know!!! I hope gear is a minor issue and I'm thrilled to hear PvE servers getting in on the fun. It's not about "greifing"...it's about having a blast fighting with people you otherwise might not group with! It's helping that guy not in your group by killing an NPC attacking him, healing him or helping him against an Imp...it's the "social" aspect of PvP that I have missed since they removed Ilum. Nobody is ************ about gear or objectives or raging on you for something you did or calling you a scrub...it's just a "fun" thing to do.

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nobody could ever convince me to do the new Heroic Space missions.


On this you and I agree completely. I would rather wait on respawns in the new daily area than do the space missions in this game. But then SWG ruined me for space.


So anyway maybe the frustration with the new area had me spoiling for a fight earlier. I usually try not to get confrontational on the forums. Sorry about that.


And I apologize to anyone else whom I might have been too abrupt with as well.

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On this you and I agree completely. I would rather wait on respawns in the new daily area than do the space missions in this game. But then SWG ruined me for space.


So anyway maybe the frustration with the new area had me spoiling for a fight earlier. I usually try not to get confrontational on the forums. Sorry about that.


And I apologize to anyone else whom I might have been too abrupt with as well.


No need to apologize - most of us can relate :)

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Are you really defending the clutterfest of the new daily area with the excuse of the Open world pvp? there are better designed pvp areas, like outlaw's den or ilum's contested area. This is just a very small area with lots of objectives, not a true intent to bring your fabled OW PvP to life. Hell, there are no PvP daily missions for the czerka area to begin with!


Bioware could, at least, speed up the spawn rate of the kolto and toxic cans (specially kolto ones).

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Yeah I want the faction rep too but I'm not putting up with that to get it. Piss poor design if you ask me. All they had to do was lower the player per instance limit and this problem wouldn't have happened.


You clearly never played City of Heroes then (May it Rest in Peace)

Hands down the best Superhero MMO, past or present. Left a great gaping void thanks to bloody NCSoft =/

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You clearly never played City of Heroes then (May it Rest in Peace)

Hands down the best Superhero MMO, past or present. Left a great gaping void thanks to bloody NCSoft =/


Another wrong assumption made. I did play City of Heroes/Villains but it wasn't good enough to pull me from SWG.

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there are better designed pvp areas, like outlaw's den or ilum's contested area. This is just a very small area with lots of objectives, not a true intent to bring your fabled OW PvP to life. Hell, there are no PvP daily missions for the czerka area to begin with!


Now, here I actually agree. The trouble is that I never have any reason to ever go to Outlaw's Den or Ilum. Sure, I could go.....but no one else has any reason to be there either, so the chances are strong that if I did go out there, I'd end up alone. What would be the point?


I do wish the new daily area had been designed in a way that would better accommodate world PvP.....but something is better than nothing. Sure, it'd be nice to have some PvP objectives, but that isn't remotely mandatory - not for me, at least. Some of the best world PvP I had back in my WoW days (I know that's a dirty word to some -- sorry!) was doing dailies in Tol Barad. My server in that game was known for having great world PvP, and the world PvP in the daily quest area on Tol Barad was some of the best fun I've ever had. And, of course, nothing beats the legendary world PvP that happened on the Isle of Quel'Danas. Anyone who was there for that probably know exactly what I'm talking about. Those were good times. I miss things like that, so I'm happy for even the tiniest little thing that reminds me of it, even if it doesn't quite match the standard set by those experiences.


So....Yes, the new daily quest area isn't ideal for world PvP, but it's better than nothing at all, which is basically what we had before. It's a step in the right direction, and I'd like to see more of it.

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I like the new dailies


I would like to suggest if possible is to make the spawn time a bit faster so that everyone can have their time on the koltos.


I noticed in Section X especially dread guard daily that mobs spawn much faster when there are lot of people in the area.


Maybe they can do that too for the koltos.

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LOL I love this area! This has been Biowares BEST patch to date. Graphics even look great on my machine which I run on the highest settings usually; but I will say I turned them all the way down and went into the new daily area and it was well worth the sacrifice. Had fun and would much rather have fun than just pretty scenery.
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Another wrong assumption made. I did play City of Heroes/Villains but it wasn't good enough to pull me from SWG.


I...seem to have quoted the wrong person. I clicked for the post *above* yours, yet it quoted you =S Ever so sorry, stupid forums....


Edit: Still, it's kind of nice to see past CoH players surfacing elsewhere, heh.

Edited by TechbotAlpha
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You want MORE of the game in an instance? I'm not sure an MMO is the game you are looking for.


Replying to the right person this time; games with heavy use of instances can work just fine. City of Heroes/Villains did it, and worked great until it's untimely murder. No faffing around waiting for junk to respawn (they added typical MMO respawning mobs in the two revamped starter zones, and it didn't prove that popular, for all the typical reasons) and no mobs respawning on top of you when you're trying to do something else/rest/type/gone afk.

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