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I miss Star Wars Galaxies :(


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If SWG was so great. Why did nobody play it?


We did play it the problem is it became bogged down with demands. In addition it just became hard to maintain as people were doing all sorts of things. Everyone played it before the NGE hit mucking up the works even if the CURB was going on to pace things out.


Sadly it was the NGE that doomed it to death removing the complexity of it in place of simplistic mind numbingly easy gameplay. Part of me sincerely hoped that I was wrong in that it was going to die a slow agonizing death yet that wasn't the case. Logged on one time since I had the station all access pass finding Tatooine a barren wasteland akin to the movie. Where players should have been congregating there was nothing not even in the sand raider's stronghold.


Even Corellia I believe was desolate not a sole in sight roaming around. This was the same case during peak playtime at 7 to 9:00 pm est seeing maybe 5 people when there should have been 90+. From my friend I learned the truth that it was going to die on December 15th 2011 having lost its luster.


*Note: Sorry for the stupid picture painting with words i'm writing a story atm.*


I'll always have my fond memories though of battling Krayt Dragons, Probing creatures for DNA, being one of few that loved being a Bio-Engineer, and other distinct things. My first raid on an Imperial base was glorious as everyone of us nearly crashed the server (Radiant) hitting that base on Corellia I believe.


Amana Wolf Master Rifleman, Master Bio-Engineer, part Jedi

Saxx Shadow, Master Commando

Yuanja Master Swordsman Master Weaponsmith


Those were indeed great memories and guess what, nothing can take them away from me. Nothing can take those memories away from US!! We shall always remember that game and personally I think the devs here are with us knowing what we loved.

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I was a vet on Ahazi, I miss that game also, NGE did ruin it imo. It made a very unique game into something we get with every mmo. Pre-CU SWG easily the best MMO I've played, it was unique every one could make there own path and contribute to the community in there own way. The faction system was done perfectly there was no imbalance since you can change faction any time you want. Every one knew each other since it was one big community not sides.


Non gamers tried the game and liked it because of the other things you can do dancing, music and crafting to name a few. Jedi actually felt like Jedi i know people are going to complain and say they were op blah blah blah. If some one put that much time and effort into the game to reach that goal they deserve that reward. It had it's problems like any other MMO, but it was the most fun i ever had with a mmo.

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I was a vet on Ahazi, I miss that game also, NGE did ruin it imo. It made a very unique game into something we get with every mmo. Pre-CU SWG easily the best MMO I've played, it was unique every one could make there own path and contribute to the community in there own way. The faction system was done perfectly there was no imbalance since you can change faction any time you want. Every one knew each other since it was one big community not sides.


Non gamers tried the game and liked it because of the other things you can do dancing, music and crafting to name a few. Jedi actually felt like Jedi i know people are going to complain and say they were op blah blah blah. If some one put that much time and effort into the game to reach that goal they deserve that reward. It had it's problems like any other MMO, but it was the most fun i ever had with a mmo.



Same here.What was your toons name?

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Amen to that.


**** I miss driving my speederbike around the planet scanning the ground to find the highest quality ore and place the mining machines on there, produce your own electricity with windmills needed to have the miningmachines do their work, starting up a factory mass producing items and F*CK do I miss having my own house and public shop making me tons of money.


Hope they realize its not all about the pve/pvp leveling and that a economy based game adds a hella lot features and value to people. Screw the Galactic trade markets and the lame 'WoW' style mining/resource gathering:). It doesn't add a lot of fun if you ask me


I'll Pray they patch this game into something really good cause its lacking too much of the good stuff :(


I hope you realise your a tiny tiny tiny niche minority in that assesment as well.

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I too miss it, even after NGE. What is worst is that a few days before i found out it was shutting down that they stopped people from being able to resubscribe, so i wasn't able to play it any more :( I tried SWGEMU but just didn't enjoy it. To me I prefer SW:TOR because of the amazing stories and the companion characters.
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SWG was a great social game and was great world PvP but that's it. There was basically 0 content. I saw someone trying to say SWG's missions are the same as WoW's questing system. That made me LMAO. Going to the SAME terminal that just says kill this and you get creds is NO WHERE NEAR the same thing. There is no story line. You can just use the same terminal over and over again.


Leveling you could switch classes daily and max out.


Player housing worked FOR swg. People who cry and want player housing in ToR and other games are just clueless. SWG's terrain was so plain and wide open that it made sense for it. Plus the population on the servers were nothing compared to WoW so you wouldn't have 20k houses all around. But they add player housing and ruin the amazing landscape of ToR and WoW, I would be ticked.


The only content in swg was the themeparks which were just tedious errand quests or they finally added that one thing on Dant where the animals were in cages and a broken turret that kept killing everyone.


But all in all SWG was a social game. The community is what made it fun. I won't like I loved the game until the nge. I even didn't mind the village. The community hands down will always be the best in SWG then any mmo. You could just sit in a cantina and hang out and not do anything but socialize and still have a blast. No game now can you do that.


So yes I miss it too, but when people keep trying to want things from that game into ToR I think it is a bit much. SWG is DEAD. Get over it. This game is not SWG 2 and I thank God it isn't. Move on. If you need this game to fulfill your SWG needs then this isn't for you. And God please stop asking for player housing like in SWG. It will NEVER happen here and I thank God again those people aren't the devs for the game.

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Sandbox games in general are just better games than theme park. For some reason with the exception of eve online, they don't make as muxh money though.


Incorporate many sandbox elements into your money making themepark once your player base is up for goood happy success and endgame potential.

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Dear Fellow Star Wars The Old Republic Users,

Indeed, Star War Galaxies is gone as of 12-15-11, but it succeeded on many different levels. In fact, it was the first MMORPG Star Wars game, none the less; it's also one of the first MMORPG games. In the end, it was one of the first games to get an expansion pack - Jump to Lightspeed..

You REALLY never did any research did you? SWG was not even close to one of the first mmorpg game. UO was around long before SWG and UO also had expansions. EQ was also out before SWG. Let's see. EVE, DAoC, oh god the list is too long just go here and look by date. http://www.mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm/show/all/sCol/estimatedRelease/sOrder/desc


I recommend next time just go to google.com and type in "original mmorpg games".

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At least some part Galaxies' sandbox philosophy needs to come into TOR. At the moment, everything is so rigid, forming players to it rather than being fluid and fitting the player.


Primary things I mean are the items which have specific looks on each faction (Fashion designers are the ultimate warriors against the republic.), a rigid alignment system (same bland kind/jerk dichotomy Fable failed with), a rigid class system (Light-Side Sith still use lightning, Dark-Side Jedi still use pebbles. And neither can even -touch- a blaster, and can never get training with one), and little room for exploration.


SWG may have had a lot of bland landscapes, but in TOR we can't even go to enemy worlds for any reason. No sneaky infiltration and blending in with the enemy's society, no full-on raids, no diplomatic missions, nothing.




Both great games in their own ways, but the ideal lies somewhere in-between.

Edited by ZoeTuah
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At least some part Galaxies' sandbox philosophy needs to come into TOR. At the moment, everything is so rigid, forming players to it rather than being fluid and fitting the player.


Primary things I mean are the items which have specific looks on each faction (Fashion designers are the ultimate warriors against the republic.), a rigid alignment system (same bland kind/jerk dichotomy Fable failed with), a rigid class system (Light-Side Sith still use lightning, Dark-Side Jedi still use pebbles. And neither can even -touch- a blaster, and can never get training with one), and little room for exploration.


SWG may have had a lot of bland landscapes, but in TOR we can't even go to enemy worlds for any reason. No sneaky infiltration and blending in with the enemy's society, no full-on raids, no diplomatic missions, nothing.




Both great games in their own ways, but the ideal lies somewhere in-between.

SWG you couldn't tell who was with whos faction either since everyone was in certain gear. If not wearing the heavy best armor you still couldn't tell unless they dressed like a storm tropper. The only way you could tell was their name was in a different color. So please don't tell ToR to do something SWG didn't even do.


I definitely agree about going into the enemies base which you actually can on certain planets, but since the main "cities" are up in space in the fleet, where did you want to attack? The starting zones where people are lvl 1-12? Yeah go show em up tough guy and kill the lowbies.


See there isn't any really "Stormwinds" or Orgrimmars" where all levels hang out in. Like I said they are in space. But I do like that idea and maybe down the road they will create capital cities where all levels hang out and sneak up and attack from there. Definitely was fun in WoW.


But for now you can do it on Hoth, Tatooine I believe, Belsavis? and Alderaan. Not 100% sure but I know I have seen rebels and rebel bases on those planets. You do need a big group also if you want to get in.

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SWG you couldn't tell who was with whos faction either since everyone was in certain gear. If not wearing the heavy best armor you still couldn't tell unless they dressed like a storm tropper. The only way you could tell was their name was in a different color. So please don't tell ToR to do something SWG didn't even do.


I definitely agree about going into the enemies base which you actually can on certain planets, but since the main "cities" are up in space in the fleet, where did you want to attack? The starting zones where people are lvl 1-12? Yeah go show em up tough guy and kill the lowbies.


See there isn't any really "Stormwinds" or Orgrimmars" where all levels hang out in. Like I said they are in space. But I do like that idea and maybe down the road they will create capital cities where all levels hang out and sneak up and attack from there. Definitely was fun in WoW.


But for now you can do it on Hoth, Tatooine I believe, Belsavis? and Alderaan. Not 100% sure but I know I have seen rebels and rebel bases on those planets. You do need a big group also if you want to get in.


I'm saying TOR should be more like SWG in that regard. Right now, if you have the same item, it will look different between factions. That means if I craft an awesome-looking item on one side, it could still look like crap on the other.

Giving the classes distinct looks really doesn't end up doing much at all in terms of gameplay as much as they had meant for it to, so we shouldn't have to suffer a lack of freedom in clothing choices.

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I'm saying TOR should be more like SWG in that regard. Right now, if you have the same item, it will look different between factions. That means if I craft an awesome-looking item on one side, it could still look like crap on the other.

Giving the classes distinct looks really doesn't end up doing much at all in terms of gameplay as much as they had meant for it to, so we shouldn't have to suffer a lack of freedom in clothing choices.

Ahhh I see. I don't know. I prefer having both sides different looks. It makes the other more unique. Plus in any of the movies, books, etc. did both sides look alike? Even the weapons and vehicles and ships were different.


It does suck though if one sides tier gear or crafted gear looks better then the other side. heh

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I rather like SW:TOR, but I really miss SWG.


I miss my bio engineer/creature handler and my teras kasi/pistoleer. I miss finding the best spots for my mining rigs and crafting über items. I miss crazy world PvP and going to cantinas and chatting then tipping the entertainer and heading out into the wastes. I miss player cities.


I don't miss the NGE.


Anyway, misty eyed nostalgia over with. See you on the galactic battlefields.


+1 here i miss swg :(


this game doesn't have SW soul

Edited by rufix
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SWG had so many things about it that were better than this game. They should just admit it and add some of the systems here. Can you imagine Jump to Lightspeed with this games space graphics? Or the open world PVP we used to have there? TOR is fun but it's way to instanced and empty for a game with so many players. Maybe this will change but I came here mostly because I was interested in cool Star Wars battles all over the galaxy. Right now there is very little of that.


Also, SWG had a lot of content if you were into the sandbox elements. I could play for 10 hours and never leave my house/shop (in game house that is) and.... It was fun. And who needs silly cut scenes and linear planets when you could go out and make your own content. I'd rather plop down my own base in a player city and fight it out.


Not trying to hate on TOR but these guys could learn a thing or two from SWG if they chose to.

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I have never really sat down and played SWG, I've played the trial and loved it. Though I didn't have the money or the time, at the time, to really play the game. But now that it is gone, I can't even help but feel that we are missing something.
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I miss also SWG like all of you..And I agree with you..SWG was really and really perfect..Firstly its video motor was perfect..Dont you remember space ships and space wars? I dint think so we can find same in SWTOR..Maybe Bioware will add or change this..! Also They must do something.Because I am feeling if they dont SWTOR will lose player in 2-3 months...


What they should do for SWTOR?


1- They should improve or change totaly video motor.

2- All buildings are very very huge.walking or reaching somewhere in buildings is exactly wasting time.

3- They should add new planets instead of huge cities or buildings...Huge buildings dont make any sense.

4- İn nature..I mean in forests or at hills..everything is frozen like just a picture.Only animales and NPCs make some movements..Any herbs, any trees, nothing else make any movements..Players want allways to fell real world in games..They want to fell the wind..the strom..the rain...etc..in SWG those were really and really perfect...I am missing the hills ,the rivers,the lakes..the all nature in SWG...Bioware must exactly copy that..Dont try to find anything else or new..SWG was really good for this article..feeling real nature in game.

5- SWTOR try to give the feeling of having own thing for players.I try to say for example in SWG we had houses..vechiles..factories..minning tools.and specially perfect space ships with perfect details..SWTOR presentes only companion and some more vechiles..Players want to feel again having their own tools in any games.Same exactly in SWG...houses..machines..robots..space ships...SWG again and again was perfect...

6- PVP..please tel me who likes the PVP in new SWTOR? I dont think so really too much ppl...Again I repeat..if Bioware doesnt correct or change something..SWTOR will absultly lose players..This is certain in my opinion..

7- and quests..lol..I spend maybe 60% of my time to talk and chat with quest givers..Exactle waste of time..Bioware try to make SWTOR like Age of Conan..Pls look at age of conan...what do you see? Really big blank and loss! also AOC 's video motor and player action is really perfect.Better than SWTOR..But talking..waiting..watching videos...We arent kids..We want to play..dont want to waste a time.

8- in SWTOR..we are looting and looting...million items..maybe billion items.Why do we need billions items..? like WOW..I really dont understand that...billion unneccessary items.Pls Look at SWG..perfect trade system..perfect vendor system..perfect crafting system and finally perfect number of item kind..in SWG..pls try to see real trues in SWG!

9- Pls answer me...why ppl want to play in PVP servers? And pls tell me when you can meet and fight with opposites in SWTOR PVP servers? only pvp zones..battlezones...lol...really lol..players want to see and fight their opposites also in everywhere in PVP servers. yes bioware can put some lvl limits for pvp like in WOW and AOC...also again and again SWG(Starwars Glaxies Divided) was again good in pvp actions..Pls remember bases..I really missed to capture or destroy our opposites' bases or structres...That was a real pvp..Bioware should chnage or correct this ...

10-Musics...Starwars movies' musics are unique.in alot of operas ppl go to listen that music.Also SWG...again was very good in music in its every where! ans what do thin dor SWTOR? Pls be honest! can you teell the music in SWTOR is better than SWG ? yes maybe better than WOW..but really worst than SWG..We want to hear..also listen real Starwars music...!


I can find 10 more articles ..also I will write later...BUT pls be honest! can we say SWTOR is better than SWG? if bioware doestn correct or really deeply change ..they will be like Age of Conan! We dont want to see anykind of Starwars games in deep!

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