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PVP Role Cue petition


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Some say you shouldn't have to cue as a healer or tank for warzones because it will elongate the cue But i say anyone who plays heals knows that is your team has one it has three or four healers and the other team will very likely have none. So why has this game not got a role option in the PVP que finder? Obvi a tank is going to make the ques never pop but a heals/DPS will mean no one will ever have to cue for a warzone wondering if they have heals or not. You might even argue start a premade and look for a healer but again youl have one healer in your group and the que finder will throw another 3 in with you and none on the other side which is unfair including on the heals because they cant get a decent score over eachother. IMO it should be Melee/Ranged/Heals (front/mid/back) but that's just me.


/sign if you agree with this.

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Role selection would make the queues much longer. There are no where near enough tanks to support this. Right now we have an abundance of healers because of how strong they are but this won't always be the case.


Random queue is random. What do you expect?

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I've thought this a lot; and even more so lately. Think "default" settings on the GF que. If your class can be heals or DPS (Operative/Scoundrel) then that is the role it ques you as; no player selection involved. I'm just not sure how to get further without either reading the skill trees or player selection. I know it would extend the que; but I for one would wait just to know that neither team has 4-6 healers.
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Role selection is pointless as long as people are allowed to respecc after the WZ has started. If you really want role selection, then you should first start a topic against respecc in WZs. Should BW listen to you and get rid of it, then we could start thinking about role selection.
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I've thought this a lot; and even more so lately. Think "default" settings on the GF que. If your class can be heals or DPS (Operative/Scoundrel) then that is the role it ques you as; no player selection involved. I'm just not sure how to get further without either reading the skill trees or player selection. I know it would extend the que; but I for one would wait just to know that neither team has 4-6 healers.


Well this my point i mean if im on my jug tank or smash i would rather just wait longer than spend 20 ins kamikaze rushing, The othe side is that if healer classes are experiencing longer ques then there is an incentive for them to play heals.


maybe if respeccing in warzones is a problem then perhaps it could be made a solution with a secondary spec/UI that players could preset. But right now i dont see this as viable as respeccing heals takes long anough that healers might just join late or replace quiters when you really think about it Role cueing is the best way and really players respeccing wouldnt be as bigger problem as the state of PVP is now.

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I think what would be more appropriate would be a simple "choose your role" option that lets you select 1 of 3 icons to set. If you see your team has 5 healers, you can change your role and field respec yourself.


That still leaves ending the lameness to the players choosing to end the lameness, but facilitates that more than now.


Ultimately, lame team compositions is a player issue, not a game issue.

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Random queue is random. What do you expect?


this. group finder-esque role slotting would make the queues longer, and youd have hooligans queuing as tank or heals while in DPS spec, and then messing things up.


if you want to have good group comp, find some friends and make a premade.


also, its QUEUE

Edited by cashogy_reborn
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Role selection would make the queues much longer. There are no where near enough tanks to support this. Right now we have an abundance of healers because of how strong they are but this won't always be the case.


Random queue is random. What do you expect?


I would rather wait in a longer queue then play a very uneven game

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Role selection would make the queues much longer. There are no where near enough tanks to support this. Right now we have an abundance of healers because of how strong they are but this won't always be the case.


Random queue is random. What do you expect?


this would make queues infinitely longer than separate queues or any other matchmaking suggestion I've read.


quoted for agreement. response was to op.

Edited by foxmob
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i could see something like world of tanks has, where either team has anywhere between 0-3 heals and tanks, but don't differ by more than 1 each. so 8 dps vs 8 dps would be fine if only dps are in the queue.. Edited by sanchito
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When my team has 3-4 healers, I quickly respec to dps (or stay heals but go guard a node if no tanks), now working on dps gear for my new in pvp tank (relativly new, 2 weeks).

Sure, separate ques, i can que as both and respec if needed :cool:


no, really, that will be bad. 4 healers in team isn't auto win. 4 tanks in team isn't auto lose either. it all depend's on player skills and tactics chosen. Perfect composition but dumb players can lead to slaughter loss.


think outside the box from time to time.

Edited by Atramar
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Role selection is pointless anyway. There is no way Bioware can enforce any sort of role archetype. The PvE version still requires you to select your role, but that doesn't mean you are going to do it. I've had many people queue as heals only to come in as a DPS and it only takes one retard to **** it up for everyone else.
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I love how many are posting about tanks when i clearly stated in that the roles should be melee, ranged and heals, not tanks. :rolleyes:


All i know is il get through maybe half a WZ without a healer and just quit the game i barely play it at all now why should i? im not gunna get heals and if i role heals i wont get much of score over the other 5 healers on my team.


If you ask me it shouldnt be much coding for the cue finder to look at spec and simply ensure that at least on player on any team has the top skill in the heal tree it wont ensure anything because of leavig And respeccing but it will be a massive improvement.

Edited by HexDecimalUK
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I love how many are posting about tanks when i clearly stated in that the roles should be melee/ranged and heals, not tanks. :rolleyes:


ok, why not tanks :rolleyes: you want to separate ranged and mele dps and heals... why not tanks :confused:

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ok, why not tanks :rolleyes: you want to separate ranged and mele dps and heals... why not tanks :confused:


Im just being realistic here, how many people play Tanks in PVP? except for me and im guessing, You? Melee/ranged and heals is front line, midline and backline so makes more sense from a BG point of view for a game as populated as this one is.

Edited by HexDecimalUK
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Im just being realistic here, how many people play Tanks in PVP? except for me and im guessing, You? Melee/ranged and heals is front line, midline and backline so makes more sense from a BG point of view for a game as populated as this one is.


I've been in a game with 4 tanks (yeah, you guessed right, I do tank half of my pvp time as I like annoying people and make a difference). and 3 heals. That was interesting AH.


Very often I see tanks, usualy assassin tanks in dps gear and 0 protection, but still.

Balance thing is interesting when we think about it.

Many games have been filled with smash. many with snipers mostly. if we would make sure to have just <2-3 heals>+<2-3 ranged dps>+<prefferably one tank>+<fill with mele dps> it would make warzones 'even' but would kill some heavy healer+tank tactics forcing same boring zerg da mid games.

and boring kills games.

now it's random composition vs random. no fixed strategies, full of suprizes, making people adapt to situation they'r in (or leave)

Edited by Atramar
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I've been in a game with 4 tanks (yeah, you guessed right, I do tank half of my pvp time as I like annoying people and make a difference). and 3 heals. That was interesting AH.


Very often I see tanks, usualy assassin tanks in dps gear and 0 protection, but still.

Balance thing is interesting when we think about it.

Many games have been filled with smash. many with snipers mostly. if we would make sure to have just <2-3 heals>+<2-3 ranged dps>+<prefferably one tank>+<fill with mele dps> it would make warzones 'even' but would kill some heavy healer+tank tactics forcing same boring zerg da mid games.

and boring kills games.

now it's random composition vs random. no fixed strategies, full of suprizes, making people adapt to situation they'r in (or leave)


Well this is another reason to leave tanks out of role cue for pvp because of tanks in DPS gear who just want the survivability or healer hybrids etc front mid and back just works better because if your team doesnt have all 3 your toast 9 times out of 10 no matter how much you adapt

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Well this is another reason to leave tanks out of role cue for pvp because of tanks in DPS gear who just want the survivability or healer hybrids etc front mid and back just works better because if your team doesnt have all 3 your toast 9 times out of 10 no matter how much you adapt


Well, I've been in all dps teams too. Few of them I remember quite nicely, as every 8 players undestood that we have no healers and have to make every second count.

Most memorable one was (putting in spoiler for those who not care of personal stories)



my team was 8 dps, other was something about 5 dps and 3 healers. Voidstar. their team got to the core in 5 minutes as defending was quite challenging when we were dying one by one.

We made it in 4 min and something, and it was slaughter.

I should save screenshot of that end tab.


some games were horrible, as people didn't understand how to save them selves with no pocket healer who will give his life for them, avoid 1vs2, 3 left during fight leaving us 5 vs 8 with no heals...

it's all down to player skills




Don't get me wrong, I like an idea it self. If it would be 12 mans with big population pvp community, some minimal values would be great quality of life improvment, I'm just feared that on team of 8 with some pvp not so healthy (some servers out side of peak hours often have one team 6 man whole game just cause some 2 people refused que, and there is no one to backfill - and futher dividing roles would only make backfills harder to get).


Maybe some less numbers, like atleast 1 healer, atleast 1 mele (so warrior class, assassin/operative?) and atleast 1 ranged (like sniper, mercenary). Then again, why not add atleast one stealth (guarder) who is not healer.

and we can go on in dividing till it's not healthy any more. If we don't go futher dividing, some may feel they got short end of a stick. It would hard to satisfy every one.

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tanks are very valuable. I don't want to insult you, but they're also the least necessary role in any WZ (obviously you're toast if you don't have a balanced roster in rated). I would rather have 1 tank who peels with 2 healers than 3 straight healers. but you're screwed if you invert that scenario: 2 tanks and 1 healer or 3 tanks and no heals.


so I can understand not requiring a tank to fill a pop. my hope, if the rumors of a solo rated queue are true, is that there will be a role queue there -- not that it would really matter if they're in the same rated pool as everyone else.

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dps will lie and queue as tanks/heals anyway. so why even bother with something that will be exploited. or you will get people to pay healers/tanks for queues then the healers and tanks would leave. this idea has too many pit falls unfortunately.


We also don't want dps waiting sometimes and hour to do a 10-15min warzone, it would make gearing near impossible.


the main issue needs to be respeccing in the middle of warzones, at the beginning sure, i get that, but no mid-warzone spec to heals because you capped node bull ****.

Edited by OhHaiDere
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  • 3 months later...
They have removed the respec during WZ options...so can we now get some semblance of team balance when possible. I am tired of loading into non-ranked WZs and Arenas only to see one team (both the same faction) with all the healers or all the tanks. Loaded into one (Arena) earlier today with 3 healers on mine and 3 DPS on the other. Once I saw it was same faction I quit. And I don't normally quit WZs or Arenas; but that is stupid!
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When we had re-spec:


*People stacked healers on VS defense

*Some people re-speced for Huttball


With re-spec gone:

*More or less every warzone is a lopsided pile of ****.


I never left a game because of specs back when we had re-spec but I've left several since the removal. (in the spawn when I noticed that I and three others were speced heals and I wasnt able to re-spec)


The Czerka sm flashpoints do not have spec checks so I don't think it's a valid argument to say that re-spec had to go because of the need for it in Arena. They're obviously able to code stuff individually.

Edited by MidichIorian
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