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  1. I did this, i waited out the cutscenes, suddenly it cut away and i was at fleet again. Then i deleted the c haracter to try again but it consumed my lvl 60 boost, anyone know any fixes? i've contacted in game support but the reply i got was in german? and it didnt seem to fix my problem. I have created another ticket at this time.
  2. So, i had this problem too, however with mine it consumed by lvl 60 character boost. Also, when i submitted the ticket, the response it gave me was in German... and my problem was not solved.
  3. Do regs pop all through the night for pvp? does it do better for one faction more so than the other? Is GSF still popular on this server? EDIT: Looking for info at level 60.
  4. So, if this actually becomes a regular thing and the number of teams stay high i know a few people who would likely end up xferring over to Bastion for this or at least rolling new alts with 12x. This should help solidify bastion as THE place to be for pvp. As long as people can keep up a positive vibe and not just trash talk on newbs who are learning i'm sure the attendance will stay fairly high.
  5. So overall it sounds like Harbinger is probably the best bet then?
  6. do regs pop late at night/early morning here as well? I may be looking to xfer soon.
  7. for pvp? Ranked and regstar? Looking for a new home.
  8. on the off nights that i dont work or what have you, does JC or Harby have any teams queueing for ranked? would like to know about solo and team
  9. Looking for a place to regstar in the wee hours of the morning thanks to work killing me. Which server is best for that? Also I heard The Bastion is the best place for ranked?
  10. Actually, POT5 had quite a few active teams until they dropped 8v8. However, due to them removing it most of those people transferred back off or quit the game.
  11. <BroDudes with Kittens> is a new guild now recruiting PvPers to fill our ranks. We're looking to build a strong group for ranked heading into 3.0. Will be queuing premades often and ranked when numbers/comps allow. We are on evenings to late night. Feel free to message me here or message Bropherium, Bropheriette, Acidassassin, or Acidwarlord in game. Funny name, serious pvp. *We will dabble a bit in GSF and we will do just a bit of pve for creds and such.
  12. If you're looking for a guild check out BroDudes with Kittens. Newly formed PvP focused guild.
  13. bah, if you think of that person's name please let me know! I will contact you if i need a purple tho!
  14. title says it all, you may have it from pre 1.2 or you may have gotten lucky getting it out of the grade 6 pvp lockbox. Mats plus a nice tip. I need at least 2.
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