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Top 3 Things you want in SWTOR??


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more then three...oh well...i got on a roll


16vs16 WZ's.

more warzone arenas to keep people coming back for more.

commendation exchange. i got a bunch of classic comms that are of no value to me.

a Guild Calendar to plan guild events with.

a Guild Capitol Ship or guild hall on the factions Capitol world.

ability to queue multiple crew skill missions. at the very least 2 per companion so when i log off they arent being a bunch of bums hanging around.

mini games in the cantina's, sabacc and pazakk

Torguta and Falleen as playable races.

a huge amount of tender, loving care needs to go to the legacy vendors. the Birthright and Inheritance gear is garbage. and pretty much looks like everything else out there.

hood toggle option!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


very long term, 3d space environment for PvE Space missions and PvP ship to ship combat, with customizable ships, and ship roles(tank, dps, "heals").

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1. Fix ability delay

2. Fix ability delay

3. Fix ability delay


The ability delay is fixed. You want to say the ability failure bug. The problem has always been that there was more than one bug in place.

Edited by Nemmar
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Except your argument is flawed for a number of reasons.


1. 3D space environments are clearly doable in the Hero Engine.

2. Disney is a larger entity than LucasFilm/Arts, and now partnered with EA (like it or not), they now have greater flexibility for spending than when LucasArts lorded over anything and everything being developed in regards to Star Wars gaming.

3. "Keeping your expectations realistic" is very subjective from a gamer point of view. The reality in game design is very, very different, especially when surging threats (like Chris Roberts returning to create games and amassing over $14 million in crowdfunding from the space-sim crowd alone) loom on the horizon. The Game Industry calls that "competition," and since SWTOR is no WoW-killer, Star Citizen stands as a likely depository to which SWTOR may hemorrhage subs, same as WoW's begun hemorrhaging subs to F2P games like Guild Wars 2.


1. So are larger than 8v8 battles, yet THIS engine can't handle them. This isn't the Hero Engine you're looking at..this is SWTOR's engine.


2. Disney has nothing to do with this. You're dreaming


3. Again, you're dreaming. Keep your expectations in line with things you ALREADY see in-game. It took Bioware a year to add a cat head - I assure you, they're incapable of doing in this game, what Chris Robert's is doing with his game, or anything even remotely in the same realm.


Bottom line - this game is what it is. Expecting something along the lines of what you are is folly. You're setting yourself up for utter disappointment. Generally, I couldn't care less, but sadly, people blame EA/Bioware for "hyping" their dreams over what Bioware is capable of doing. As long as you don't moan when none of what you expect comes true, I'm fine with you believing anything you want...but I suspect you'll blame Bioware, not for what they promised, but for what you falsely imagined.

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I am rather content with most of SWTOR, but if I had to chose some subjects I want improved and added then . . .


1. Better/more SGR: - Yes, I know Makeb added some SGR and the upcoming Bounty Event has some by all accounts, but I'm talking about having actual SGR with companions. I'm not necessarily saying that the current companions need to be changed (although a few, like Kaliyo, seem naturally bisexual) but it would be great if they added an actual companion via the next expansion or CM that could be romanced by the same sex.


2. Get rid of Cartel Packs/Dye Packs: - Now dont get me wrong, I am not one of those who detests the CM. It saved this game from death, and is a nice feature. What I dislike about it is the 'gambling' packs. Why not have the items, pets and toys up for individual purchase? That way we can choose what we want without having to gamble are CC away and getting something we dont want. The same goes with the dye packs, why not just put them up on individual sell? I love the customization features of this game, but they seem far to restrictive at times.


3. Some new mini-games: - Pazaak or Swoop Racing would be a great addition to the game. The Space Missions are fun (and not nearly as bad as some people make them out to be!) but it would just be nice to have something quick and fun to play while waiting for a Flashpoint, or simply taking a brake from leveling.


Oh and one more for luck,


4. Extra incentive/better rewards from achievements: - I do love having an achievements system, its something to do if you are board or fancy a challenge and I am glad that SWTOR has a wide range of achievements and that they are Legacy bound. The thing is, I sometimes feel as if there is little incentive to do them. You get little in terms of titles, CC or other items. Now that is not to say there is no point in doing them, but it would be nice if there were a few more titles, mounts, pets and toys which you could earn from the system. Also, I think giving 20 CC as a reward is rather ridicules, given the prices of amour and even packs.

Edited by Cyberwoman
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I am content with the game as is, but there's always room for improvement, so here are my top three:


1) Customization options for the ship, preferably with some impact on the game. I would love to be able to change the color of the ship and add decorations, maybe something specific for each class: a trophy room for the Bounty Hunter, a real library for the Consular, a museum of evil artifacts for the Inquisitor...


My wish is that each ship had maybe three modifiable "zones" and each has impact on the game as a whole, even minor. So maybe you could add an upgraded engine, which reduces travel cost, or a cargo hold that allows you to play a "mini-game" and make money by moving commodities between planets. Or a pazaak den that lets you invite players (PVE or PVP, don't care) over to your ship to play pazaak.


2) Min-games. Related to the ship, but it goes beyond that. I think many players would love pazaak and/or sabacc, and some option for podracing of swoopracing, but I'll go further. Has anyone played the Suikoden games for PlayStation? In most of the games, you recruit a HUGE number of allies (108) and build a castle as your headquarters. Many of the folks you recruit are combat allies, but many of them also run mini-games, with a massive range: fishing, a restaurant, a separate cooking competition, games of chance, a lottery... I know it's going to sound ridiculous, but one of the most awesome aspects of Suikoden II (which is an AMAZING old school game) was an ongoing subplot about an Iron Chef-like cooking competition -- which required you to collect both ingredients and recipes to compete effectively.


Wouldn't it be cool to have some of that in the game? I could see it leading to sub-quests to recruit optional, non-combat crew members, as well as items and equipment. For example, maybe if there's a podracing sub-game, one of the current allies gives a tech bonus (for example, for the Bounty Hunter, maybe it's Blizz) OR you can go on a quest to recruit a grumpy old mechanic who never joins you in combat but just hangs around your ship tinkering on your podracer giving you upgrades (and even a quest or two per planet to go out and get better equipment to help him!).


Or maybe there's mods that you can get for your ship droid to help him help you train as an expert to gain an edge in a mini-game like pazaak or a cooking competition (with related visual customization -- who doesn't want to see their ship droid in a chef's hat and "Kiss the droid" apron?)


3) More companion interaction. More conversation would be great, but I'd love for their to be some way to have multiple companions in play,even in limited circumstances. As a huge KotOR fan, I'd love for their to be some way to run around with two companions at once.


The ultimate, though, would be for some way to see the entire crew in action. I know it will never happen, but I would absolutely love a PVE variant of the operations that you could play, bringing your whole crew into action (although you'd currently need to recruit either HK-51 or Treek to get to a full 8-man party, both if you don't use your ship droid). Not only would it be great to see the entire crew together in action, but it would give me a reason to bother upgrading my non-healer companions.


If anyone from BioWare is listening, I would pay cashy money to have any of these things. :)

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Oh, one more thought: I know a lot of people are not fans of space combat on the rails, but I wish it had been incorporated ih some of the storylines. A lot of the great action sequences in the movies mix space combat with ground combat, and many of the story elements imply it. BioWare games already have stuff like this (the random space encounters in KotOR and a few of the plot points in Jade Empire for example). Even if it's on the rails, wouldn't it be more satisfying to ACTUALLY fight your way to the enemy flagship than to suddenly appear in the hangar and say "Boy, that was a really though fight getting here!"
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Oh, one more thought: I know a lot of people are not fans of space combat on the rails, but I wish it had been incorporated ih some of the storylines. A lot of the great action sequences in the movies mix space combat with ground combat, and many of the story elements imply it. BioWare games already have stuff like this (the random space encounters in KotOR and a few of the plot points in Jade Empire for example). Even if it's on the rails, wouldn't it be more satisfying to ACTUALLY fight your way to the enemy flagship than to suddenly appear in the hangar and say "Boy, that was a really though fight getting here!"


Only if it's completely optional and can be skipped. I agree it'd of been nice to actually take part in some of the stuff we're described as having done, but I wouldn't want to force that minigame on people that had no interest in it.

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What are three things you would love to see added to SWTOR???


1.Planetary PVE and PVP faction control


2. More Class abilities from a separate expertise tree.


3. A new space combat system ( i know its in the works)



How about you?? :)


1. Improve Space Feature - Free Roaming 3D Space where we are not limited to being on Rails. The ability to Craft Star Ships (small fighters to larger ships that can hold multiple players) and select any ship to use and not be limited to a specific ship based on Class. A lot of Space Zones that are separated by Faction Control in which each faction has there own side with PVE-Missions and in-between there is a contested area where a Massive NPC battle is going on and which Players of both sides can dogfight in PVP as well as have to deal with NPC Enemies (think of something like the SWG Restuss but in Space). Allow other players to be on-board your ship and help out in combat missions by using turrets and repairing damaged systems. Allow us to decorate our ships like player housing.


2. Bounty Hunter System - A true Bounty Hunter System in which Bounty Hunters can go up to a Bounty Board that is stationed in various cites and outposts in order to browse the bounties. On the Bounty Board it list both NPC Bounties and Player Bounties.

Tracking bounties should be done in two parts. First the Bounty Hunter goes tohis ship and uses the Communication Terminal in order to talk with a Contact to tell them which planet or outpost the player is located. Second the Bounty hunter goes to the location give by the Contact and uses a Seeker Droid. Seeker Driods a crafted by players and used in order to help in tracking down Bounties. These Seeker Droids when used will seek out and locate players on the Planets or Outposts. Once the Bounty is found by the Seeker Droid the map pops up and shows the Players location for a brief one minute. This one minute will tell if the player is standing still for that one minute of moving and if moving it would show the direction in order to hint to the bounty hunter which direction to look when getting in the area. There should be a cooldown between uses for the Seeker Droids.

NPC Bounties and PVP Bounties are only Solo and can not be done by Groups.

NPC Bounties are based by Levels and have there rewards set accordingly, plus they are only located in PVE Zones.

For PVP Bounties they should be implemented in two ways. First being an opt-in where a player selects to be listed on the Bounty Boards. The players Bounty Reward is based on PVP Rating. (Note: This Opt-In method has you stay listed on the Bounty Board until you Opt-Out. You can only show up on the board when you are logged in and such info is relayed to Bounty Hunter to let them know your online status. Once defeated you are removed from the Bounty Board and have to re-register in order to be listed on it again.) Second should be that Players can be to be added to the Bounty Boards when they defeat another Player in PVP like in Warzones. The defeated player gets a popup window asking if they wish to place a bounty on the Player that defeated them and they have to fork up a set amount of credits towards the Bounty Reward. These Bounties can stack-up the more players he or she defeats other players. Such increases in the Bounty Reward are adjusted accordingly and the Bounty Hunters that have selected the Bounty are notified at the time of increase to reward. If the player is had also selected on the Opt-In Bounty List the reward will increase on top of the Opt-In Reward Amount. (Note: For players that are added to the Bounty Board in this manor they stay on the Bounty Board for 24 hours after which they can Opt-Out and remove there name from the Bounty List. All such rewards that were added by players to the Bounty Reward Pot are then refunded when a Bounty Opt's-Out.)


3. Smuggler System - A Smuggler System in which Smugglers can take missions from a Terminal in which it would list two types; First being PVE based on Level and rewards set appropriately. (PVE Smuggler Mission will only be through PVE Zones but the Smuggler with be attack randomly by NPC Enemies based on Level and Player Group if they are teamed up with a friend). Second being a PVP based where Smugglers take missions in which they have to try and smuggle items through PVP Zones on land and in space. (The rewards for such missions would be based on PVP Rating and any Enemy Player that stops the Smuggler claims the reward for themselves. Note PVP Missions can only be done Solo.)


That is what I would like to see. You all can go ahead and dissect it and let me know what you all think about it. :D

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Well you didn't think he just pulled them out of his head did you? :p


So true. I did take a bit of liberty to base a bit of it on what was done in SWG. SWG just did some things in a great way. :D Since things like how they did a bit of the Space, Bounty Hunting, and even the Faction stuff like Restuss were a lot of fun, why not take a bit from it and try to re-implement it and improve upon it? :p


My ideas had to get inspiration from somewhere and I am not ashamed to say that a lot of it was from SWG. I just liked that game. ;) At least up until they started messing up drastically, like with the NGE. :(


One thing I do not want to see for this game is a move like the NGE. That would be a shame to see something like that happen again in any game. :rolleyes:

Edited by WarbNull
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1. Traps

2. Disabling them

3. Meaningful Social Interaction with NPCs


the traps would be pretty cool for scoundrels and ops...


then have all classes have a find trap ability.



id like social interactions as well.

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1. Sabaac

2. Planets that aren't made up by Bioware. Movies or Clone Wars strongly preferable since the EU is in danger.

3. Challenging solo mode dungeon. Would be designed exclusively for soloers with companions, maybe a varying number of companions allowed per boss to keep it fresh/interesting. All mechanics would affect the player only not his/her companion. Would have bosses of all difficultly levels and raise rewards appropriately. Would be like a raid with weekly locks on each boss. I envision it as a hall and you choose which ones you want to face. This 1 dungeon would always be the dungeon but 1 new boss could be added per patch. I think this would be a great way to add a new playstyle without requiring all the environment building and tuning required for raids. This would be a great test of their metrics where they could raise lower damage to maintain an appropriate success rate without having to worry about balancing. We'd do the balancing ourselves by choosing the right companion(s).

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Yikes! I'd lower your expectations a LOT! I expect something similar to what we have now. A revamp like you'd like is far too big for the staff they have left. I expect some sort of a "challenge" mode or less...nothing like JTL. It's ok to wish, just keep your expectations realistic.


As for my top 3:

1 - better engine (to allow for larger battles)

2 - player housing

3 - more wz's - double what they have


Umm, better engine is the absolute least likely thing ever. That would be essentially a new game. A JTLS is a big ask, but far more reasonable than asking for a new engine.

Edited by annabethchase
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