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Im gonna start calling Tripple A MMO's "Barbie" MMO's.


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Seriously I could not care less about getting my Jedi a new Outfit.... or a flashy new Car. These mmo's are getting so silly. Where is the progression or even the fun? Just grind grind grind to get new cloths. lol it's just plain silly. I honestly think im done with Tripple A mmo's I haven't played WoW in 2 years and going on my second month of not logging into Swtor. Im gonna wait until Sandbox's start coming back and fill up the time in between with Skyrim lol.


Do you guys really enjoy the Hamster Wheel to get new clothes? Maybe I've just been playing Tripple A's for too long and im burnt out on them. I started my MMO journey with UO so to me MMO's were large virtual worlds with tons of possibilities , not the gear grind , hamster wheel, liner path of the MMO's coming out today....and for the last 10 years lol.

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I am so much with you!


I so miss the days, before WoW ruined the genre, back when there was no stupid instancing, when conflicts were still settled within the community, when open world PvP still existed and when raiding meant going to the enemy and smash their head in. Back in the days, when dying actually had a penalty and there was no group finder. When people were actually playing together instead of on the same server. Oh how I miss those AAA MMOs.


Oh you did not mean that? Silly me then.

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If you think this here is a grindfest, you should get a legendary in gw2 :D


But not wanting to grind and wanting to enjoy their fantastic stories are the reasons I have so many alts (you could say leveling is grinding but then I would refere to gw2 once again and tell you that, I'd much rather grind in SWTOR)

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Nobody cares what you call the games as long as they keep selling... and people keep buying.

I call CoD games noob-shooters... i have called them that for many years now (all the way back since CoD 2) but that still wont stop people from buying them.

But it does stop me from buying them, and i wont go on their forums and whine about it either...

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It's weird that you ask where the progression is and then desire something more like a sandbox (where there is no programmed progression).


Sounds to me you don't really know what it is you want, only that it isn't what this game is.


I don't know how you played UO or SWG (the sandbox games most people reference) but I collected a ton of clothes and decorated my house. I acted far more like playing barbie than in these themepark games.


Hell even in Skyrim it was about finding cool looking armor to wear, and having a house (and you could even get married and have your partner live there). How is that less barbie than these MMOs?

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A few weeks ago at the mall, my daughter picked up a DS game and asked if she could get it, it was a Bratz game, and after looking at it I told her the only goal to it was to get better clothes then everyone else. My wife looked at me and said "isn't that the goal of MMOs now?"


It's true!


Some people are so proud of their gear too, its funny. I have a Ferrari in GT5 but I don't brag about it lol

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I am so much with you!


I so miss the days, before WoW ruined the genre, back when there was no stupid instancing, when conflicts were still settled within the community, when open world PvP still existed and when raiding meant going to the enemy and smash their head in. Back in the days, when dying actually had a penalty and there was no group finder. When people were actually playing together instead of on the same server. Oh how I miss those AAA MMOs.


Oh you did not mean that? Silly me then.


I hear you :)


*Looks back at 5 years spent playing SWG as his first MMORPG with great fondness*



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Nobody cares what you call the games as long as they keep selling... and people keep buying.


All arguments past this one are invalid.


No matter how much it may rustle your jimmies, please remember...


Money > Nostalgia

Money > "Quality"

Money > Your "personal experience"

Money > Literally every possible thing you could list "wrong" with the game


If a game sells well, it is good - no matter what.


When you figure this out, you'll start figuring out how to "fix" the "problem": play something else and stop giving "triple A" devs your *********** money.


Want to know what the "problem" is? People who continue to buy the games that "everyone" apparently "hates."


Close your wallet, and open your *********** eyes.

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All arguments past this one are invalid.


No matter how much it may rustle your jimmies, please remember...


Money > Nostalgia

Money > "Quality"

Money > Your "personal experience"

Money > Literally every possible thing you could list "wrong" with the game


If a game sells well, it is good - no matter what.


When you figure this out, you'll start figuring out how to "fix" the "problem": play something else and stop giving "triple A" devs your *********** money.


Want to know what the "problem" is? People who continue to buy the games that "everyone" apparently "hates."


Close your wallet, and open your *********** eyes.


With that said, i quite like games where i can customize my character to look exactly the way i want them to.

And that includes SW:TOR

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and going on my second month of not logging into Swtor

Seems silly to pay monthly for a game you are not enjoying. It looks as though the casual gamer is here to stay, and is usually out in full force. The "progression" gamers are few and far between these days. At some point, they will all move over to something like TERA where there is at least a little skill involved :) SW-TOR may not have auto-attack like WoW, but it still has auto-aim. Playing in TERA is much more of a challenge since you have manual targeting for combat and healing :) Either way, best of luck to you in finding an MMO that is not riddled with casuals like myself.

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Not really. Did you even read what I said? Would you say anything to take up for this game?



I bet you'd still play if even if it wasn't a Star Wars game, huh?


Stating that you have a "ferrari in GT5 but i dont brag about it" is kinda braggy :p


I hate MMO's so no, i wouldnt play if it wasn't star wars... no matter what kind of gameplay mechanics they changed...

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Seriously I could not care less about getting my Jedi a new Outfit.... or a flashy new Car. These mmo's are getting so silly.

Then why play them?


Where is the progression or even the fun?

You're the supreme arbiter of "fun," are you?


Im gonna wait until Sandbox's start coming back and fill up the time in between with Skyrim lol.]

The sandbox model is a thing of the past. Best just go play EVE and call it a day.


I started my MMO journey with UO so to me MMO's were large virtual worlds with tons of possibilities , not the gear grind , hamster wheel, liner path of the MMO's coming out today....and for the last 10 years lol.

UO is still around, right? Why aren't you playing it?

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Seriously I could not care less about getting my Jedi a new Outfit.... or a flashy new Car. These mmo's are getting so silly. Where is the progression or even the fun? Just grind grind grind to get new cloths. lol it's just plain silly. I honestly think im done with Tripple A mmo's I haven't played WoW in 2 years and going on my second month of not logging into Swtor. Im gonna wait until Sandbox's start coming back and fill up the time in between with Skyrim lol.


Do you guys really enjoy the Hamster Wheel to get new clothes? Maybe I've just been playing Tripple A's for too long and im burnt out on them. I started my MMO journey with UO so to me MMO's were large virtual worlds with tons of possibilities , not the gear grind , hamster wheel, liner path of the MMO's coming out today....and for the last 10 years lol.


SWTOR/WoW/LOTRO/whateverelseyouplayed = MMORPG




"Massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG)"


Notice the "role-playing" part. If you don't like that part I suggest you find a new game genre. There's always Cowadoody.

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Yeah, at the end of the day its about money. EA funded this game for one reason and one reason only, profit. The way they are running the game is the most effective way that they can make a profit. I'm sure a number of Dev's are passionate about this game, and want to make it great in a more sand box kind of way but the people they report to in EA want content or features that are going to produce a profit so that they may attract more investors for future products to ensure the company remains viable and even more profitable for many years.


While I personally enjoy sand box features as well and loved a lot about games like SWG and EQ2 look where they stand now, SWG is no longer in existence and EQ2 is all but forgotten by most other than those who play it. Others have said UO servers are still up and hell, I believe SOE still has servers up for EQ. Yet despite these games still being around WoW is number 1 and SWTOR is, I believe, second in the market.


Investors don't care about gaming purists, most probably don't know what MMORPG means. What they want to know is "What kind of a return can you get me on my investment?" The better the return the more investors who are willing to invest, which allows EA to make bigger titles which in turn generates more profit for them. In today's day and age what we have here, in SWTOR, iswhat turns companies a profit, so it's what we have.


I have seen that the SWG emulator is coming along though, any word on if it's up and running and whether it will have JTLS in it?

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Seriously I could not care less about getting my Jedi a new Outfit.... or a flashy new Car. These mmo's are getting so silly. Where is the progression or even the fun? Just grind grind grind to get new cloths. lol it's just plain silly. I honestly think im done with Tripple A mmo's I haven't played WoW in 2 years and going on my second month of not logging into Swtor. Im gonna wait until Sandbox's start coming back and fill up the time in between with Skyrim lol.


Do you guys really enjoy the Hamster Wheel to get new clothes? Maybe I've just been playing Tripple A's for too long and im burnt out on them. I started my MMO journey with UO so to me MMO's were large virtual worlds with tons of possibilities , not the gear grind , hamster wheel, liner path of the MMO's coming out today....and for the last 10 years lol.


Uhmm you are against fashion and want progression but you are against the hamster wheel? Last time I checked the hamster wheel is exactly how progression is done.


So pray, do tell, what exactly do you mean by progression if it isn't the hamster wheel for higher stats?

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I feel stupid. I read the whole text and couldn't understand what this thing has to do with SWTOR. Last time I checked, it's your choice if you want to get the BiS gear everytime new one comes out. Me, I focus on having fun with my 22 alts, doesn't feel like a "hamster wheel" to me.


Maybe I'm just funny, then.

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