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What is Bioware going to do to keep the PVP crowd interested?


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Just out of curiosity. We've seen multiple PVE updates in this game. PVErs seem to be the main focus of Bioware, while PVPers get treated like an after thought. If they put as much effort into PVP as they do PVE maybe this game would be a bit more entertaining.


Currently PVErs have multiple things to look forward to. New operations, new gear, new mounts to unlock, titles, etc. What do PVPers have? Nada. Oh we're gonna get some arenas about a year after our last new warzone.


PVErs have had TFB, Nightmare Denova, S&V, Nightmare TFB, Nightmare S&V, along with new gear, titles, and speeders. Basically content to keep them occupied, and items to work towards. What have PVPers had other than a new gear tier to grind for? When was the last time we had a new speeder? As of now we have a poorly recolored version of an in game speeder to grind for. (The sea horse speeder) Exciting. Bioware took out the Korealis because people were complaining about huge speeders, yet the Desslers are still in game, and just as big if not bigger. But hey, its a PVE drop, lets not touch that right?


There are new mounts to go with the Denova, TFB, and S&V operations. Why not give PVPers the mounts as well, for ranked + wz comms? Or bring back the Korealis since there's absolutely no logical reason for keeping it out of the game, while the Dessler remains. Something else people could work towards. But I suppose that would require too much thinking. Titles as well, why is it pvpers don't get any new additions, yet PVErs are getting them with each operation release?


Bioware keeps coming out with new difficulty tiers for their operations, why not different versions of WZ maps? Something to shake it up? A new set of objectives perhaps, a slightly different layout modification, sort of like how Bungie (not a big fps fan, but just for the point) modifies their maps to have slightly different versions to give people something new to play with. Like maybe a rakghoul themed Voidstar for example? A night time Civil War? Maybe a sandstorm effect in Hypergate, sort of like in the S&V operaton? We're getting an update to CW, which takes away the side speeders. If they could take the time to edit the map for that, why not other editions to give us something fresh to experience?


I don't usually post "this game sucks" rants, but i've come to the point where enough is enough. I've been playing this game since release, and have been holding out for content for PVP for the longest. Theres only so much people can endure. Why am I paying a sub when most of the budget seems to be disproportionally going to the PVE department and not the PVP? Throw PVPers a bone here Bioware. Or given how long its been since we've really been shown any love, a bag of bones would do.

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What I want from Bioware is a proper objectives based multiphase warzone on a planetary scale. A proper invasion where it takes all day PvPing to complete, anyone can join and exit at any time and your rewarded based on your level of participation with decent goodies, cosmetic, 1 day buffs, etc, etc


Failing that, i'd settle for Bioware hiring a team to work on class balance so that Peckenpaugh actually get's his bias challenged.

Edited by JackNader
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Bioware is like here are some warzones, take this ranked, we're giving you a new gear grind and have some arenas. That should keep you going for a while...We will even through in bolster for free.


Something like weapons/armor/mounts unique to PvP would not be so bad. I mean how many mounts and extras have the PvE crowed received since launch?

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I don't usually post "this game sucks" rants, but i've come to the point where enough is enough. I've been playing this game since release, and have been holding out for content for PVP for the longest. Theres only so much people can endure. Why am I paying a sub when most of the budget seems to be disproportionally going to the PVE department and not the PVP? Throw PVPers a bone here Bioware. Or given how long its been since we've really been shown any love, a bag of bones would do.




In all honesty, I'm only still around to finish the JK and SI stories (the only two stories I haven't completed). Leveling goes sort of slow without Double XP while only doing WZs and Class Missions, even with Character Perks maxed out for each and rolling with buffs.


Server Transfers fragmented my Ranked Team, and as a result, I don't even care about doing Ranked anymore. I do still logon every other day, but don't stay in-game for long. BF3 is my main source for getting my PvP fix these days.


October is still a long way off. Not to mention that BF4 will be launching around the same time and the new Walking Dead season will be starting. If the sub wasn't so cheap, just $15, I probably would have left SWTOR a long time ago.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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just wait for 2.4 when we get a new tier of gear to grind


This is kinda what annoys me most of all. I can level all the characters to 55, but there's no way I can gear more then maybe 2. So it's kinda like...what's the point, other then experiencing the stories (which is fair) and maybe just learning about other classes for PvP sake on your main.


I'd also love to be optimisitc about arenas in 2.4, but reality/past patch history tells me arenas will be in varying states of broken-ness until probably 2.6 at best.


I think I'd feel differently about the re-grind if I really thought I was getting an actual full pvp patch, but since we've learned this patch is not officially a time share with PvE...instead of getting, you know, maybe a new warzone on top of everything else planned...maybe another open world implemented area such as Ilum/Gree Event...maybe I'd feel better about it all.

Edited by islander
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They could do what bad movies do in place of content. Throw in some gratuitous nudity! :rak_03:


This is kinda what annoys me most of all. I can level all the characters to 55, but there's no way I can gear more then maybe 2. So it's kinda like...what's the point, other then experiencing the stories (which is fair) and maybe just learning about other classes for PvP sake on your main.


I'd also love to be optimisitc about arenas in 2.4, but reality/past patch history tells me arenas will be in varying states of broken-ness until probably 2.6 at best.


I think I'd feel differently about the re-grind if I really thought I was getting an actual full pvp patch, but since we've learned this patch is not officially a time share with PvE...instead of getting, you know, maybe a new warzone on top of everything else planned...maybe another open world implemented area such as Ilum/Gree Event...maybe I'd feel better about it all.


I'm not into the grind as basically busy work, which is what I feel has happened. About my best bet would be to take my entry tier PvP gear mods I have on say, my gunslinger; and give them to my sniper or my scoundrel. Going to the sniper could be at least still optimized I guess...


I know large scale battles are out as far as number of players go, but I still like the idea of a persistent warzone that teams enter and leave as they feel fit and get rewards for their time in it.

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What do PVPers have?


A new gear grind in 2.4.


Arenas that will largely be limited to the already meager groups that queue for rateds.


Until rateds and arenas go cross-server, it's going to be hard to get queues to pop on a lot of servers.

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I have seen some other posts for a valor vendor. That would be nice. Maybe for other saber crystals and different looking armor.


Some of these updates add new PVE armor with ops or flash. However, we don't get much with pvp. And, I would rather be awarded by valor then the current ranking system. You can never find a group. Or you start a group and it takes u all day to get a ranked group going.


Also why not add some world pvp. Battle for bases or something? And, be rewarded. Lets get some pvp objectives outside warzones as well. Also, like another post, add some chests that are worth fighting for. We have all these planets. And, after you level..there is no need to return.

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PVE crowd would cry, as to why they cannot get these goodies


and if based on valor again more crying the argument would be "if pvp is about skill why is valor important ":(


Face it guys we will get nothing nice as the pve crowd will always cry


As on of them put it PVP is just a mini game afterthought

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i agreed with this but is sad to see that this game is pve focused and pvp is only a adition to it :( i hope they devs can realize that and do something real for pvp becouse i dont think we need new operation on a pvp patch
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:rak_02:Don't know why people waste their time PvPing here. It's awful, you know it's awful, go play another game.


SWTOR's PvP balance and decisions altogether are worse than WoW's. Now that's a milestone there.




But I'm pretty sure that people are still playing because it's freaking Star Wars. I mean, that's like the only reason to keep playing.

Once I'm done with all the class stories, I'm outa here.

Edited by strallart
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