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I Want To Like TOR, But It Just Feels Old


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So when all the kids in england started rioting and burning cars, I should have thought it was a good idea?


Why do you come up with such silly, mob mentality statements?


No that indicates theres a serious issue and this is not discussed, rather the discussion is clamped down and people go to extremes is in order to be heard.

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So when all the kids in england started rioting and burning cars, I should have thought it was a good idea?


Why do you come up with such silly, mob mentality statements?


That's a pretty fail comparison. I agree there shouldn't be a cloned LFG tool straight from WoW, though. Not even sure if this post was necessary but I hate that "if he jumped off a bridge would you do it?" statement.

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Also, perhaps something the die-hard fans of TOR should consider:


When so many complaints about this game can be diluted down to that 'it plays like vanilla WoW', and that almost every person who makes a comparison, compares it to vanilla WoW, then perhaps it is time to take off the golden, silky VO blanket, and maybe admit TOR isn't exactly what 'they' said it was going to be.


I haven't played WoW in aeons, but as much as I enjoy the story aspect of TOR, once you look under the glossy hood of voice-acting and cut-scenes, even I can see that this game is a very dull implementation of very basic and generic MMO game systems.


And, you know, most of the cut-scenes are cuts back and forth between you and another character talking. Age of Conan has this feature too, and nobody praises them as the messiah of gaming. ;)

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So when all the kids in england started rioting and burning cars, I should have thought it was a good idea?


Why do you come up with such silly, mob mentality statements?


If everyone around me was rioting, and burning cars; I would join in, so as to avoid them thinking I was against their cause, and killing me

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That's a pretty fail comparison. I agree there shouldn't be a cloned LFG tool straight from WoW, though. Not even sure if this post was necessary but I hate that "if he jumped off a bridge would you do it?" statement.


he came up with the "if everyone does it, it's good" statement, not me

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And, you know, most of the cut-scenes are cuts back and forth between you and another character talking. Age of Conan has this feature too, and nobody praises them as the messiah of gaming. ;)


Well, to be fair, Age of Conan came out when World of Warcraft was still a lot younger, still growing, and gaining popularity, it had a harsher competition than TOR; and it was also lacking a lot of content, even compared to TOR


But regardless, most of them aren't praising this game's features, because of this game's features, but rather because this game's features were made by BioWare; or because they didn't get bullied by the Community of this game like they did in WoW

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Also, perhaps something the die-hard fans of TOR should consider:


When so many complaints about this game can be diluted down to that 'it plays like vanilla WoW', and that almost every person who makes a comparison, compares it to vanilla WoW, then perhaps it is time to take off the golden, silky VO blanket, and maybe admit TOR isn't exactly what 'they' said it was going to be.


I haven't played WoW in aeons, but as much as I enjoy the story aspect of TOR, once you look under the glossy hood of voice-acting and cut-scenes, even I can see that this game is a very dull implementation of very basic and generic MMO game systems.


And, you know, most of the cut-scenes are cuts back and forth between you and another character talking. Age of Conan has this feature too, and nobody praises them as the messiah of gaming. ;)


Sorry but what did they say it was going to be? They said it was going to be a theme-park MMO with emphasis on story and Voice Overs. Where didn't they deliver? People made up in their minds what this game was going o be and over hyped it for themselves. I thought this game was going to be crap because it sounded like a dumb idea, then I tried the 25/11 beta and I really like it. people ruined this game for themselves, it's not anyone else fault.

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Also, perhaps something the die-hard fans of TOR should consider:


When so many complaints about this game can be diluted down to that 'it plays like vanilla WoW', and that almost every person who makes a comparison, compares it to vanilla WoW, then perhaps it is time to take off the golden, silky VO blanket, and maybe admit TOR isn't exactly what 'they' said it was going to be.


I haven't played WoW in aeons, but as much as I enjoy the story aspect of TOR, once you look under the glossy hood of voice-acting and cut-scenes, even I can see that this game is a very dull implementation of very basic and generic MMO game systems.


And, you know, most of the cut-scenes are cuts back and forth between you and another character talking. Age of Conan has this feature too, and nobody praises them as the messiah of gaming. ;)


This is exactly why everyone is mad. We "The Gamers of World of Warcraft" expected a Star Wars game that was close to Cata in a sense of bells and whistles rather than content. We knew content would be small but we never expected the game to feel like Vanilla WoW.


I said this when WoW first launched as I was playing SWG's and WoW. "If they put the concept of WoW and SWG's together, they would get the greatest MMORPG of all time. I really thought TOR would be "IT". Unfortunately, it's another vanilla clone. At that time when I said it, I didn't mean 8 years later make it EXACTLY like vanilla wow. I mean, at least compete in the sense of new ideas that blizzard used rather than take away what we've learned and used to for 8 years. Sad!

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As a reply to the OP, can I just say I agree with most things, but you brought on the flame by just comparing everything with WoW which wasnt a smart move imo. Nevertheless I agree mostly.


Yes. The forum dictators here do not allow people to refer to the most popular (according to numbers) MMO. If you do so, you will be flames and harassed. You are not ALLOWED to use this word!

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As a reply to the OP, can I just say I agree with most things, but you brought on the flame by just comparing everything with WoW which wasnt a smart move imo. Nevertheless I agree mostly.


Does this not seem like a bit of a concern, though?


The fact that sooooo many people are making the comparison.


The question is, is it because the comparison is too easy and popular to make, or is it because the two games are really THAT much alike that many are disappointed.

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i must admit, the OP did smack of flame me for comparing swtor with wow way too much, you even reference gold as the currency in this game! tbh you should go back to wow, that is a highly matured mmo with a bag of content and has many of the features you request!


however, i do understand where he is coming from but for almost none of the points you have listed.


i dont care about the credits system, the economy on my server seems well balanced and reasonable at present. day and night? nah dont care. better character customization you do have a valid point about, very limited and would have been nice to create your own droid at least instead of that camp thing that annoys tha heck outta you within the hour. gfx being outdated? nah, looks nice to me even tho it lags often. do agree the lack of water to swim in is odd, perhaps later implemented but not a priority.


no, what really got me whilst palying this game were GAME BUGS! yes every game has them but this even blows the amount that EQ2 has out into orbit. last night me and a friend were questing on tatooine. on the first 2 quest areas alone we must have hit some 15-20 bugs, a large portion being almost game breaking. id list them all but frankly i want to go off and enjoy the game again at some point today, so for a flavour:


bad ui. yep, unclickable ui and general unresponsiveness. the unclickable ui required a log out which takes a while!


entering a heroic zone, having friend dc and on return both of us are dumped outside and unable to enter again without dumping the quest and re-picking this up.


quest updates not being acknowledged.


myself and minions falling on our backs and being dragged around like rag dolls (hillarious for 2 seconds then annoying).


repops in some heroic zones are incredibly fast! kill one pack and move forward only for them to repop! let alone being 2-3 levels above them and taking a ******** to kill, skill based ya might say but a little ott for me.


the list could go on but you see my point, the above was all in the space of an hour or 2.


in a nutshell i feel this was rushed out in the end, lots of polish required to warrant a subscription long term.


i do enjoy it, despite lots of work required to iron out the falws in general gameplay, plenty of game improvements and ideas id like to see in future but overall its an oldstyle mmo with a new lick of paint and storyline.


most mmos survive on community and developers listening to their community. if the community in this game is mature and lively then this game will succeed in the end.

Edited by Acidbottle
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Also, perhaps something the die-hard fans of TOR should consider:


When so many complaints about this game can be diluted down to that 'it plays like vanilla WoW', and that almost every person who makes a comparison, compares it to vanilla WoW, then perhaps it is time to take off the golden, silky VO blanket, and maybe admit TOR isn't exactly what 'they' said it was going to be.


I haven't played WoW in aeons, but as much as I enjoy the story aspect of TOR, once you look under the glossy hood of voice-acting and cut-scenes, even I can see that this game is a very dull implementation of very basic and generic MMO game systems.


And, you know, most of the cut-scenes are cuts back and forth between you and another character talking. Age of Conan has this feature too, and nobody praises them as the messiah of gaming. ;)


Age Of Conan only had 20 levels of voice acting from launch and for 6months on, 20 levels on Tarantia was fun until you hit the mainland met with walls of texts when we were expecting the mainland to be voiced too, once you reached level 55 it was utter complete grind to level 72. We ended up with 20+ channels and trying to get to team with your group buddies was a nightmare because they did not icon which channel each of you are in. Age Of Conan was rushed at released but I must say its a nice game today :) Thing is MMO's are also about endgame, I agree that TOR does feel bland at times, I think Bioware need to expand the space game and see if they can open it up there. I know Star Trek Online have a great space game, I think Bioware need to look at STO and implement they're own for the space game. I think 50 will tell wether TOR will be either game for a few months or a few years.

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Age Of Conan only had 20 levels of voice acting from launch and for 6months on, 20 levels on Tarantia was fun until you hit the mainland met with walls of texts when we were expecting the mainland to be voiced too, once you reached level 55 it was utter complete grind to level 72. We ended up with 20+ channels and trying to get to team with your group buddies was a nightmare because they did not icon which channel each of you are in. Age Of Conan was rushed at released but I must say its a nice game today :) Thing is MMO's are also about endgame, I agree that TOR does feel bland at times, I think Bioware need to expand the space game and see if they can open it up there. I know Star Trek Online have a great space game, I think Bioware need to look at STO and implement they're own for the space game. I think 50 will tell wether TOR will be either game for a few months or a few years.


Blandness is definitely the keyword there. And it is a great part of my (and I'm guessing, many others) disappointment. It also stems from the simple fact that I have played MMOs since the genre's inception, and am therefore harder to please nowadays.


I agree on the part about space combat, and Bioware have stated they have plans for it. Honestly, if they added even multi-person support for space missions, including grouping, and the ability to fly while others gun for you, that would be a huge improvement. And no, I'm not asking for SWG2. :)

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Does this not seem like a bit of a concern, though?


The fact that sooooo many people are making the comparison.


The question is, is it because the comparison is too easy and popular to make, or is it because the two games are really THAT much alike that many are disappointed.


They are not even close alike. If you want to compare World of Warcraft (2004) vs Star Wars The Old Republic, then yea, I pick SWTOR because I'm a star wars fan. If you compare WoW of 2011 vs SWTOR 2011, I go with WoW LANDSLIDE. Biowares big mistake was not taking advantage of the new ideas blizzard used for it's many expansions. You don't build a game vs another based on what they used in the previous years. You go with what is new. That's the argument everyone has about this game.

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Does this not seem like a bit of a concern, though?


The fact that sooooo many people are making the comparison.


The question is, is it because the comparison is too easy and popular to make, or is it because the two games are really THAT much alike that many are disappointed.


OR is it because every time a new MMO launches a bunch of wowkiddies bored to death with their game coem over in mass and having never seen other MMOs start the litany of:





Then when the free month is over they can go back to the only thing they know and understand

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WoW is based off the common MMO archetype that existed long before WoW.


People need to stop acting like WoW was the progenitor of MMORPGs...


Yes WoW is based off the common MMO archtype, but no, one cant stop compearing SWToR against WoW.


Reason is that WoW as more players then every western MMO put together. It was WoW that MMO what it is today, more or less. Even if WoW tuck everything it has from other games. You do not compare a 2012 Audi against a Ford model T.


People tend to compear products they use with other product they have used or are in the same catogory.

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They are not even close alike. If you want to compare World of Warcraft (2004) vs Star Wars The Old Republic, then yea, I pick SWTOR because I'm a star wars fan. If you compare WoW of 2011 vs SWTOR 2011, I go with WoW LANDSLIDE. Biowares big mistake was not taking advantage of the new ideas blizzard used for it's many expansions. You don't build a game vs another based on what they used in the previous years. You go with what is new. That's the argument everyone has about this game.


Agreed. Or at the very least, it is one of the core compaints.

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OR is it because every time a new MMO launches a bunch of wowkiddies bored to death with their game coem over in mass and having never seen other MMOs start the litany of:





Then when the free month is over they can go back to the only thing they know and understand


You're the kiddie here defending like a child. Do you blame them ( should say "US") that we played a game for 8 years and then decided to make the jump to something that was empty? It's like going back to 2004. Common sense man!!!!


I bet you my life had it not been for blizzard, SWTOR wouldn't look, feel or play like what it does today. Where do you think they got the whole concept from?

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Blandness is definitely the keyword there. And it is a great part of my (and I'm guessing, many others) disappointment. It also stems from the simple fact that I have played MMOs since the genre's inception, and am therefore harder to please nowadays.


I agree on the part about space combat, and Bioware have stated they have plans for it. Honestly, if they added even multi-person support for space missions, including grouping, and the ability to fly while others gun for you, that would be a huge improvement. And no, I'm not asking for SWG2. :)


Well I've always said DAOC 2 was the answer to all MMO problems lol. I know that they are bringing In Guild Capital ships, what would set this game apart, what if they made the space game free roaming or something like that, where instead of you click a galaxy map and going to the destination you fly to the worlds. Imagine doing that with the Guild Capital ship, I know it can be done because Dungeons and Dragons online have the guild airship thing. Now Bioware need to take this game to the next level, hurry up with the bug fixing and then they need to open it up more. One thing ppl need to remember Star Wars is based on the universe or a galaxy which means content will be infinite, its gonna come down to how open they make it feel.

Edited by Welshmosher
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OR is it because every time a new MMO launches a bunch of wowkiddies bored to death with their game coem over in mass and having never seen other MMOs start the litany of:





Then when the free month is over they can go back to the only thing they know and understand


Certainly possible. I doubt the answer is one simple thing, though. I'm not a 'wowkiddy' but I feel like TOR is too comparable to 2004 WoW.

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This argument is like beating a dead horse. In the end, 100% of TOR customers want to see this game succeed. I am probably on top of that list. Someone made a good point about comparison. You always compare a new product to what you have or used before. Don't get mad when someone compares SWTOR to WOW. In the end, you will lose that battle and 99.99% of the time the WOW defender wins. It's common sense as I stated before. This is just another 2004 WOW clone with a Star Wars stamp on it. To be frankly honest, blizzard did a better job.


Crossing fingers for a better push in the next months coming. :)

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Big freakin' deal the game doesn't have "X feature from WoW". It doesn't have features from Anarchy Online either, which is an eleven year old game.


You know why?? Because it's SWTOR....not WoW, not AO, not Ultima Online, not Darkfall....


...you get it??


FFS go back to your elf-infested phantasy land if you like it so much better. Sick of listening to the crying.

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This argument is like beating a dead horse. In the end, 100% of TOR customers want to see this game succeed. I am probably on top of that list. Someone made a good point about comparison. You always compare a new product to what you have or used before. Don't get mad when someone compares SWTOR to WOW. In the end, you will lose that battle and 99.99% of the time the WOW defender wins. It's common sense as I stated before. This is just another 2004 WOW clone with a Star Wars stamp on it. To be frankly honest, blizzard did a better job.


Crossing fingers for a better push in the next months coming. :)


Lol opinions are awesome and being horrifically subjective whilst pushing your word as law is fun.

Edited by Kunitsukami
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