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I Want To Like TOR, But It Just Feels Old


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I agree this is a rough crowd. Very immature.


This confuses the hell out of me. How are people being immature, when a very large chunk of the posts in this thread are the same people coming back to nip at those who say the game isn't a sinking ship?


I find it more immature that because there are so few people, at least in this thread, who believe the game to be flopping at release, the minority feels the need to attack those who are satisfied with the current product, and willing to wait for changes to make it better, which I may add are on the way.


This game isn't perfect, no game is, but you know what? Speaking for myself here, I played, and enjoyed Final Fantasy XI. I'll be fine here, thanks. Either post constructively, or whine on another forum.

Edited by Obscuras
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- No LFG Tool (been in WoW for over 2 years... absolutely baffled as to how this hasn't been developed for TOR yet)


Actually no need for it yet. Never had a problem finding a group for Group stuff


- Awful UI; I could make an entire thread about this (and people already have), but for the sake of brevity, I'll just restate that it's awful


Pretty subjective. For me the UI does his job.



- 2007 graphics (The Skybox being a 2D Painting is particularly insulting)


Graphics are somewhat old yeah. But Astetics are Awesome. And for me Last thing Counts more than up to date graphics


- No Day/Night Cylce


Agreed. Would be cool to have one


- No accessable body of water deeper than 6 inches

Agreed. Maybe add a Waterplanet like the one the fishpeople live one.


- Server queues (Had queues in WoW for Vanilla, BC, and Wrath but not Cata, Blizzard has evolved, BioWare has not)

No issue for me. Plenty of Servers with no queue at all. (Actually fascinating how the early Access Players play on queued servers while all who came in at 18 - till now have no queue issues)


- Lackluster Character Creation

Yeah could be better but its a minor concern



- Three Warzones, No Arenas (also consider Huttball cannot be taken seriously as Rated PvP). Again; TOR is competing with 2011 WoW (8 Battlegrounds, 4 of which can be done Rated + Arena Content)


I think its a bit unfair to compare TOR with 2011 WoW.


- No Macros

Im a bit splitted on this. Oh the one hand i like those too. On the other hand without macros a players own skill and reaction comes into play how good the char is played. I think they should add a Macro system like the one in Rift. Its basic and not too powerful.



- No addon support

No concern for me.


- No Dual Spec

Didn´t they already announced it for a patch after launch?



- Lack of variety in quests; everything is kill X amount of Y, unlike WoW where they've added a lot of variation (for better or for worse) in the quests, which makes leveling feel less grindy


Actually the Dialog stuff evens that out for me. They are not similar for me because for the first time in mmos i actually "read" the quest description



- Player Character repeating Dialogue from other conversations (My Sith Inquisitor has said "I'll show you what a Sith can do!" like 5 times now, and other less memorably rhyming are equally if not more common)


I actually like that one. Its like a signature line for my caracter. eg. my IA likes to say "how do i fit in"



- "Choices" are still just the Blue good guy option, or the Red bad guy option — this was kinda new in KOTOR, and still cool in both Mass Effects; but unimpressive today


Don´t think theres much more to it. But i would prefere more neutral options givin no light or dark sided points.


- No Mount until level 25; it only takes a couple hours to get your first Mount in WoW these days. No idea why this was considered a good idea


You get fater movespeed at 14 so whats the big difference. In vanilla WoW it took you to 40 to get a mount didn´t it?


- No Appearance/Gear Customization such as WoW's Transmogrification, or a standard MMO Appearance Tab (weird in a game where we watch ourselves talk so much)


Orange gear does that fine. Dont see a problem here.



- No Barbershop for minor character recustomization (again, weird in a game where we watch so much of our character speaking)


agreed would be nice. like hair and stuff




Points i left out i have nothing to say to.


I would like to add a point:


-No Accountbound/Factionbound Friendlist and guild membership like in GW


It was awesome in GW. So why so i have to invite all my twinks into my guild or add all my friends from the friends list again while playing a twink


- No Import function for Keybindings and Settings like in Rift


Having to rebind my keys on every new character is bad.

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- No Mount until level 25; it only takes a couple hours to get your first Mount in WoW these days. No idea why this was considered a good idea


You get fater movespeed at 14 so whats the big difference. In vanilla WoW it took you to 40 to get a mount didn´t it?



That was in 2004, in a fantasy mmo

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TL;DR, I think TOR feels old, what do you think?


I think you just complain everything, i won't even answer 1 by 1.


Most hilarous complains are about Voiceovers. It's like complain about how slow are Ferrari cars.


Swtor have best Voiceovers in Game History. And probably no game can past it for next 10-20 years.


Is it truth?


You know it's. ;)

Edited by Jieljak
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I think you just complain everything, i won't even answer 1 by 1.


Most hilarous complains are about Voiceovers. It's like complain about how slow are Ferrari cars.


Swtor have best Voiceovers in Game History. And probably no game can past it for next 10-20 years.


Is it truth?


You know it's. ;)


No, this game does not have the best voice acting in "Game History", not by a long shot


It's pretty good overall, and there's certainly a high quantity of it, but it's far from the best


Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto IV, and Red Dead Redemption's Voice Acting both blow TOR's out of the water, by a long shot


Even BioWare's own Mass Effect 1 and Mass Effect 2 have better Voice Acting than TOR

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Simple fix for the OP. Go back to wow.


The game is WAY ahead of where wow ever wanted to be at launch. Give BW some time, jeeze. Wow has 7 years under their belt. SEVEN! It was a joke when it came out if you compaired it to EQ wich had 5 years and 2 or 3 expansions going.


This is also just another example of how wow has watered down the MMO industry. No one wants to work for anything, they just want it spoon fed to them by stupid pandas.


So again I say... the door is to the right. Go back to wow and have a nice day. :mad:

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No, this game does not have the best voice acting in "Game History", not by a long shot


It's pretty good overall, and there's certainly a high quantity of it, but it's far from the best


Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto IV, and Red Dead Redemption's Voice Acting both blow TOR's out of the water, by a long shot


Even BioWare's own Mass Effect 1 and Mass Effect 2 have better Voice Acting than TOR


16 different player characters voiced by actors. I didnt hear all of them. But heard 8 men and 2 women, and they were good.


How Mass Effect is better? Only 2 voice choices, man-woman.


If you say about other characters, i can agree (not agree but will say it ok, because it won't change outcome) they are in same quality.


Excluding Bioware games, sorry to say, but all other games i played, (including Redstar games) i always came accross some bad voice acting.

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And sadly, the game launched uh.. YESTERDAY.


I don't know what it takes for some of you people to understand one simple fact




Or will continue to be launched has to have time post launch t continue developing. this is true for any MMO I don't care which one it is. it is true for ToR it was true for Rift, it was true for WoW, EverQuest, DAOC and it will be true for Guild Wars 2, Secret World, Blade and Soul, the Warhammer 40k MMO, Blizzard's "Titan" and so on.


None of these games had nor will have everything you expect them to AT LAUNCH. They will/did add most features after launch. Your launch client is just your primary base game.

But that's all it is.. a BASE.


The sooner the rest of you realize this one true simple fact about the MMO genre the happier all of us will be.



Deserves repeating.

Edited by Sowwy
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@Shady, perhaps if you took the "Level 50 - 10/22/2011" off your posts and talked more about your experiences, people wouldn't dismiss you as a maniac power leveler who blew through the content and is now just complaining that there is nothing to do. While I'm sure you are very proud of your leveling accomplishment, it doesn't mean anything to anyone else. There is no one thinking "Oh, wow! He's 50 already! He must be really cool!".


Seriously man, stop.


As for your criticisms, comparing any newly released game to another that has been out there for quite some time is a bit naive. I can tell you for sure that Bioware didn't approach Blizzard and discuss design and technology, and Blizzard didn't offer any suggestions to Bioware on how to compete effectively with them.


Evolution takes time. Those things you say WoW has and SW:TOR should, weren't there from day one. Many of them wouldn't have been even though they had actually existed in other games previously. The code behind any feature doesn't write itself, can't test itself, and isn't guaranteed to be stable and bugless even after extensive alpha and beta testing. To throw as many features as possible in to any new MMO at release is just asking for trouble.


SW:TOR will evolve. It will get features you think are missing. It takes time. It may take as much time as it took Blizzard or SOE to add them to their games. You have no patience though, as is obvious by your "Level 50 - 10/22/2011" tag. And so your opinions on such matters are easily dismissed... but you have a nice day anyway. Merry Christmas! =P


EDIT: I hate spelling mistakes... did I make any more?

Edited by Kiragrim
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The game just came out and although I havnt played every MMO I have played SWG, WOW, Conan, LOTRO, Star Trek all at launch and this game is superior to them all in how they rolled it out.


And there werent over a million people waiting to play the other games when they launched either. I think in time you will see this game is setting the bar... not old.

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The game just came out and although I havnt played every MMO I have played SWG, WOW, Conan, LOTRO, Star Trek all at launch and this game is superior to them all in how they rolled it out.


And there werent over a million people waiting to play the other games when they launched either. I think in time you will see this game is setting the bar... not old.




I'm finding this game such a fresher experience than games like Rift that we're too WoW like.

The story driven quests make it alone, a more immersive experience, which in other MMO's, immersion was and is non-existant.


So i'd say this is a rather fresh experience, old? hell no

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My friends and I have been playing this since pre-release. We all played together in FFXI, WoW, and even dabbled in EQ2 (shudder). We always started at release for all of them and this games release is no different then any other. I think both sides have great points but again both sides are being clouded by loyalty.


Are there issues in this game? Absolutely, and I do feel that bioware missed the mark on some things such as the UI, target of target, and lag from server to client for damage and healing. Memory leaks that were there in beta have no excuse for being there at launch but they were quick to get a fix in. Quest flow throughout the zones needs to be looked at and loading screens .... for the love of god loading screens. Optimization will come as a few months go by. To expect a major title to be playable at max settings across every type of hardware spec is blind ambition.


What bioware has done right though is set a base that has good class definition, good story focus, defined good guy/bad guy, amazing class story that starts from the jump and progress' as you level. Great ressurect option (medprobe) to ensure you are not twiddling your thumbs while you run for 10 min to a corpse). I think the initial dungeons and boss mechanics are spot on for a 2011 MMO. Nothing absolutely game breaking has been introduced with launch that I am aware of. If you remember the first month of wow release then you remember warlocks dotting mobs while on a flight from org to the crossroads. Also how about the corrupted blood plague that destroyed whole server populations (that was when zg released - patch 1.5 I think).


The point is I think bw did a great job with this release. I think its a solid platform that is able to be expanded upon. I think Blizz is an amazing developer and has a rock solid industry standard MMO and will continue to be the standard for some time. Comparing this game to WoW in any way is unfair to both titles and their respective player bases. Just be happy we have 2 competing titles that truely have large enough loyalty bases to compete. (Also apologies so long winded at work and I have nothing to do)

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How is it that you find the community "for the most part very friendly"?


And if you're implying that I'm the cause of the issue, that's just silly. I could post absolutely nothing, and only read these Forums, and still, I would see the same hostile community




Well lets see.....I have had numerous debates and discussion with other folks who have respected my opinion and added to the conversation...there has even been cases where conversations had led to actual meet up in game....I would say that is for the most part very friendly....it certainly isn't a unreasonable definition as your tone suggest.


You seem to be very defensive about it all... like my Father use to say if you want a friend be a friend.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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if these forums were moderated, wed likely see hundreds of infractions against the tor fanboys for posting completely offtopic, insults, fanboyism (aka ignorance) and trolling, but as with the community support ingame, any forum moderation seems to be on holiday.


all the OP's concerns are grounded, and for gods sake drop the "its only been out 3 days" argument, its been in development for over 3 years, with a budget more than any other game (barring duke nukem forever) the least it could have done was come out on par with other games instead of 3 years behind


and still its released as a subpar unfinished (yet glorified) pile of crap with the only thing going for it being "story".


news flash, 90% of the people who have done a quest once, then do it again on an alt, skip ALL the dialogue, wheres your story then?, exactly, on the back row, doing nothing, at that point its the content that starts carrying the game, and thats the point swtor is infinitly lacking


this game shouldnt have been released until mid 2012, its not finished, and its going to need serious and rapid changes to be a decent competitor in the current mmo market lest it die with a fizzle like the other "contestants"

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Flattering, in a way


Can you do one with an actual picture of me?


Here — http://s210.photobucket.com/albums/bb4/webimage_photo/Me/?action=view&current=avatarme.jpg


I must admit, I'm a rather vain person, and I just get upset if I see someone quoting me, but inserting a picture of someone who isn't good looking (like the... overweight, unnattractive individual in your colorful create-your-meme)


Anyway, sorry we don't see eye to eye on matters, but thanks for taking part in the discussion

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if these forums were moderated, wed likely see hundreds of infractions against the tor fanboys for posting completely offtopic, insults, fanboyism (aka ignorance) and trolling, but as with the community support ingame, any forum moderation seems to be on holiday.


all the OP's concerns are grounded, and for gods sake drop the "its only been out 3 days" argument, its been in development for over 3 years, with a budget more than any other game (barring duke nukem forever) the least it could have done was come out on par with other games instead of 3 years behind


and still its released as a subpar unfinished (yet glorified) pile of crap with the only thing going for it being "story".


news flash, 90% of the people who have done a quest once, then do it again on an alt, skip ALL the dialogue, wheres your story then?, exactly, on the back row, doing nothing, at that point its the content that starts carrying the game, and thats the point swtor is infinitly lacking


this game shouldnt have been released until mid 2012, its not finished, and its going to need serious and rapid changes to be a decent competitor in the current mmo market lest it die with a fizzle like the other "contestants"



My thread as just moderated, it was closed because I called people like you toxic.


With that being said, they already confirmed that they are working on everything that was stated in this thread

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if these forums were moderated, wed likely see hundreds of infractions against the tor fanboys for posting completely offtopic, insults, fanboyism (aka ignorance) and trolling, but as with the community support ingame, any forum moderation seems to be on holiday.


all the OP's concerns are grounded, and for gods sake drop the "its only been out 3 days" argument, its been in development for over 3 years, with a budget more than any other game (barring duke nukem forever) the least it could have done was come out on par with other games instead of 3 years behind


and still its released as a subpar unfinished (yet glorified) pile of crap with the only thing going for it being "story".


news flash, 90% of the people who have done a quest once, then do it again on an alt, skip ALL the dialogue, wheres your story then?, exactly, on the back row, doing nothing, at that point its the content that starts carrying the game, and thats the point swtor is infinitly lacking


this game shouldnt have been released until mid 2012, its not finished, and its going to need serious and rapid changes to be a decent competitor in the current mmo market lest it die with a fizzle like the other "contestants"


So you are complaining about moderation by name calling, uninviting remarks and being non-constructive ..... interesting approach.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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this game shouldnt have been released until mid 2012, its not finished, and its going to need serious and rapid changes to be a decent competitor in the current mmo market lest it die with a fizzle like the other "contestants"


Well, that's a bit of a bleak outlook, don't you think?


Still, I fully agree that the game should not have been released yet. I'd say Novemeber-December 2012, for max sales, not mid 2012; but 2012 nontheless

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