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The laughable comparison of PvE to PvP gearing up


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I read a lot around here about the comparison of PvP to PvE gear.. and how the the so-called hardcore PvPers seem to think the grind is the same... i got news for you, the PvE grind is NOTHING like PvP.


First off, in PvE you have no guarantee that your gear is even going to drop. I can tell you how many times in these games over the years ive had to run some darn raid 87 times to finally get the one frikkin piece i wanted to drop. This is not the case in PvP.


Second, lets assume it does drop..., in virtually all cases you end up having to roll against other people to try to actually win the piece. For those with lousy RNG like myself, this usually means that that 87th raid i run where it drops is only the beginning of my frustration.


Third, the ever popular master looter bogart. Yes, i have had many a piece lost to the chasms of human greed and douchebaggery


And finally... weekly lockouts. Yes friends, that right, i can only make that runs once a week. So that 87 run quote is about a year and a half, lol.


For PvP, i can EASILY fully gear out a toon in complete top end non rated gear in a week, at most.. assuming i don't get wife aggro and actually have time to play. For those of you elitist that haven't seen sun or outside in far too long, Google wife or girlfriend, you'll understand, maybe. Obviously Rated gear would take longer, but its still more of an issue of time invested versus return, and the return for that time in PvP is significantly faster than it is in PvE, unless you happen to get very very lucky.


I PvP, a lot... lately more than i PvE so i am very familiar with both sides of the coin, and the bottom line is that the comparison is beyond silly, and completely idiotic.


This by the way is why you are seeing so many people doing top end PvE content in PvP based gear, it is drastically easier to get in far less time.


so can we please dispense with the bull of trying to compare the two or somehow implying that the PvPers are getting short changed...



Everyone else

Edited by Floplag
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Most of the time when people complain about the PvP gear grind they're referring to min/maxing Conquerer, whatever the hell that means. It's a well known fact that you can easily get Partisan within a week. I generally get my Partisan first which is better than the first 2 tiers of PvE gear, and go ahead and skip tier 3 because it's a very small difference in stats, and go straight for tier 4.
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I read a lot around here about the comparison of PvP to PvE gear.. and how the the so-called hardcore PvPers seem to think the grind is the same... i got news for you, the PvE grind is NOTHING like PvP.



Nobody ever said that the pve grind was similar to the pvp grind.


A lot of people say/said: Bioware should make the pvp and pve gear the same AND the grind must be similar if it happen.


Also, the pve grind is the way it is because the only reason to fight the same ennemies who use, always, the same ''rotation'' while you fight him using the same rotation everytime in the same environment most of the time with the same people/set up, is the reward. The longer it takes,the longer you will do you Repeat VS lamevironment stuff.


Stop throwing Threads about fake stuff and bullshiz.


You should rename your thread: My laughable thread


EDIT: When I build my fisrt pve gear (the only pve gear I built) I got all my armoring/mods/etc... from the GTN, this gear was almost the best, the only thing the best gear had was...the set bonus.


Since getting a lot of credits in this game is easy, getting a pve gear that is worth something between the official best pve gear and the official second best pve gear is faster and easier than getting partisan gear.

Edited by Philelectric
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If they gave PvPers a bolster that would allow us to PvE, that would be true. Either remove expertise and make the gear equivalent, or remove bolster entirely, and limit expertise to level 55 gear.


untrue.. i have raided many times in PvP gear

Until the top levels or until you are lucky enough to get some of that top level raid gear, even discounting expertise the stats are simply better. and can be obtained far faster.


Not to mention the one thing i neglected to mention in the original post... PvE has progression, PvP does not. Sorry guys but adding gear is not progression. Odds are the same people you queue against day 1, will be the ones you are queuing against day 365, and no players is the equivalent of a raid boss, well expect those guardians/juggs in full top gear that used to hold of 4 other players trying to cap a node, lol.


Bolster has a definite purpose... to make sure that those new players dont get one shotted. Your top PvP gear still has a statistical advantage, if you truly know your class you should win unless you get caught with your pants down or everything on cool-down.. so what difference does it make to give them an illusion of competitiveness?

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untrue.. i have raided many times in PvP gear

Until the top levels or until you are lucky enough to get some of that top level raid gear, even discounting expertise the stats are simply better. and can be obtained far faster.


Not to mention the one thing i neglected to mention in the original post... PvE has progression, PvP does not. Sorry guys but adding gear is not progression. Odds are the same people you queue against day 1, will be the ones you are queuing against day 365, and no players is the equivalent of a raid boss, well expect those guardians/juggs in full top gear that used to hold of 4 other players trying to cap a node, lol.


Bolster has a definite purpose... to make sure that those new players dont get one shotted. Your top PvP gear still has a statistical advantage, if you truly know your class you should win unless you get caught with your pants down or everything on cool-down.. so what difference does it make to give them an illusion of competitiveness?


They did that with recruit gear, but it was you PvE'ers that didn't like having to work for the good **** in the first place that got it changed.

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They did that with recruit gear, but it was you PvE'ers that didn't like having to work for the good **** in the first place that got it changed.


lol@ recruit gear, lets be honest, compared to where most people were gear wise at the time, it was crap. it gave some expertise thats true, but it hardly made anyone competitive in PvP.

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I read a lot around here about the comparison of PvP to PvE gear.. and how the the so-called hardcore PvPers seem to think the grind is the same... i got news for you, the PvE grind is NOTHING like PvP.


First off, in PvE you have no guarantee that your gear is even going to drop. I can tell you how many times in these games over the years ive had to run some darn raid 87 times to finally get the one frikkin piece i wanted to drop. This is not the case in PvP.


Second, lets assume it does drop..., in virtually all cases you end up having to roll against other people to try to actually win the piece. For those with lousy RNG like myself, this usually means that that 87th raid i run where it drops is only the beginning of my frustration.


Third, the ever popular master looter bogart. Yes, i have had many a piece lost to the chasms of human greed and douchebaggery


And finally... weekly lockouts. Yes friends, that right, i can only make that runs once a week. So that 87 run quote is about a year and a half, lol.


For PvP, i can EASILY fully gear out a toon in complete top end non rated gear in a week, at most.. assuming i don't get wife aggro and actually have time to play. For those of you elitist that haven't seen sun or outside in far too long, Google wife or girlfriend, you'll understand, maybe. Obviously Rated gear would take longer, but its still more of an issue of time invested versus return, and the return for that time in PvP is significantly faster than it is in PvE, unless you happen to get very very lucky.


I PvP, a lot... lately more than i PvE so i am very familiar with both sides of the coin, and the bottom line is that the comparison is beyond silly, and completely idiotic.


This by the way is why you are seeing so many people doing top end PvE content in PvP based gear, it is drastically easier to get in far less time.


so can we please dispense with the bull of trying to compare the two or somehow implying that the PvPers are getting short changed...



Everyone else


all i have to say to this ...... hello pve noob you can buy your 2nd best tier gear off GTN. never once doing a single HM Flashpoint or story mode/HM Operation. sounds hard. Do pve only players even lift?




The Bastion

Rellik - Jenna'syyde - Crackroxx

Edited by rlamela
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Most of the time when people complain about the PvP gear grind they're referring to min/maxing Conquerer, whatever the hell that means. It's a well known fact that you can easily get Partisan within a week. I generally get my Partisan first which is better than the first 2 tiers of PvE gear, and go ahead and skip tier 3 because it's a very small difference in stats, and go straight for tier 4.


Min maxing conqueror is taking the bad/useless mods out of the armor and replacing them with mods that maximize burst DPS, healing, tanking, survivability, etc. Whatever you need to play your role better.


You can buy any conqueror mod for the super low price of 1700+ ranked comms, or over 5,000 non-ranked comms.


Yes! For half the price of an entire *********** partisan suit, you can buy ONE mod. That's a grind at least comparable to PVE.


Not complaining, it gives me something to do until the next PVP patch, which is a long ways off.

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For PvP, i can EASILY fully gear out a toon in complete top end non rated gear in a week, at most.. assuming i don't get wife aggro and actually have time to play. For those of you elitist that haven't seen sun or outside in far too long, Google wife or girlfriend, you'll understand, maybe. Obviously Rated gear would take longer, but its still more of an issue of time invested versus return, and the return for that time in PvP is significantly faster than it is in PvE, unless you happen to get very very lucky.


so can we please dispense with the bull of trying to compare the two or somehow implying that the PvPers are getting short changed...



Everyone else


Top rated gear in 1 week? Prove it cause last time I checked to get the Conquerer set costs 822,650 WZ Comms.


Now Lets suppose you had your comms maxxed when you reached 55 so you have 2750 WZ Comms and 4500 RWZ Comms. So that means you only need to earn 684900 more WZ Comms to get your Conq Set! Now lets assume you win every mach and earn every MVP vote earning you 147 per WZ. Also you get 200 WZ Comms and 100 RWZ Comms for the Dailies and 300 of each for the weeekly. So each week you earn 1700 WZ Comms against the 684900 you still need so that puts you at 683200 still to go. @ 147 per WZ you can earn a complete set in 4,648 WZs. Now If you can Win every WZ in 10 minutes that means in only took you 46480 minutes to earn your Comms or 775 hrs. 24 Hrs a day x 7 days = 168 hrs in a week.....


So um yeah how do you do that again? Earn TOP TIER PVP GEAR IN 1 WEEK? Ok ok assuming you don't get wife aggro and you have the vacation time or don't work you can complete your top tier PvP gear in 4.6 Weeks exactly...So sorry it takes you 87 days to get your PvE piece but you are 1 HARD CORE PvPer if you can get a complete set in 1 week man!

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all i have to say to this ...... hello pve noob you can buy your 2nd best tier gear off GTN. never once doing a single HM Flashpoint or story mode/HM Operation. sounds hard. Do pve only players even lift?




The Bastion

Rellik - Jenna'syyde - Crackroxx


That's hilarious right there

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Top rated gear in 1 week? Prove it cause last time I checked to get the Conquerer set costs 822,650 WZ Comms.


Now Lets suppose you had your comms maxxed when you reached 55 so you have 2750 WZ Comms and 4500 RWZ Comms. So that means you only need to earn 684900 more WZ Comms to get your Conq Set! Now lets assume you win every mach and earn every MVP vote earning you 147 per WZ. Also you get 200 WZ Comms and 100 RWZ Comms for the Dailies and 300 of each for the weeekly. So each week you earn 1700 WZ Comms against the 684900 you still need so that puts you at 683200 still to go. @ 147 per WZ you can earn a complete set in 4,648 WZs. Now If you can Win every WZ in 10 minutes that means in only took you 46480 minutes to earn your Comms or 775 hrs. 24 Hrs a day x 7 days = 168 hrs in a week.....


So um yeah how do you do that again? Earn TOP TIER PVP GEAR IN 1 WEEK? Ok ok assuming you don't get wife aggro and you have the vacation time or don't work you can complete your top tier PvP gear in 4.6 Weeks exactly...So sorry it takes you 87 days to get your PvE piece but you are 1 HARD CORE PvPer if you can get a complete set in 1 week man!




You pve players need to realize how good you have it, actually earning credits when you play your content and being able to buy pve gear off the gtn. We can't buy pvp gear off the gtn. We don't get paid 300k for completing warzone dailies so we can buy augments. We don't get cool mounts for doing pvp or even get content or bug updates for pvp for that matter. The "pvp" update 2.4 has more pve content than it has pvp content. Classes have been overpowered in pvp for over a year and continue to get buffed, and if you aren't using one of those classes nobody needs you for their rated team. And to get min/maxed conqueror takes over 700 hours, assuming your guild actually "reads the script" before going into a fight (I say read the script instead of winning the battle, because you're really just acting out pre-determined fights that are guaranteed to end in victory if everyone does what they're supposed to) someone on your team will get a piece of their best gear.


And our "endgame" content? I've got pvp world records all over the place and I can't even find a rated team to play on. I literally CAN'T EVEN DO my endgame content until my guild finds replacements for the people we lost.


But hey, you had bad rng on your top tier gear so you should come here in our pvp forums whining about it.

Edited by JP_Legatus
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I like this topic, keep it up. I will elaborate :



1. A PVE raid consists of 8 people or if you are even more hardcore, 16 people.


2. There are two operations we can run per week : SV HM / TFB HM. Of course not counting alts for the time being. When you do, you end up gearing up faster but you have to prioritise because some guy has low gear on his alt and you can't clear it. So this again delays your gearing. In pvp if you have no gear, you lose the wz, people ***** at you but in PVE with no gear you don't kill the boss and get nothing. Major difference here.


3. Each boss in 8 man drops one token. We are 8 people who need on that token, one will get it.The next boss, again, 1 token, 8 people needing it, lets say 7 because one has the previous. So again, 1 guy gets it. You finish the raid and out of 7 bosses in SV HM (7 people can get one item) and TFB HM (5 people can get one item). We are talking about Underworld gear which WAS NOT CRAFTABLE IN THE BEGINNING.


4. So we see that to gear people and give them all the items takes a bit longer than PVP-ers think. 4 pieces minimum for set bonus per character. Then as tank getting rid of the alacrity in your gear, etc, etc.


5. To get everybody decently geared, not talking about BIS and not having the gear craftable takes how long?




Now lets look at the epic PVP grind which you guys call godlike :


1. Every match has 8 people. Each and everyone gets a contribution to their gear. One warzone lasts 15 minutes and operation lasts 45 mins to 2 hours to get one item. If the content is new you spend up to 6 hours paying 1 million in repairs getting jack! How many Partisan items can you get in two hours?


2. Now lets introduce alts. You take your alt, you do dailies, weeklies, farm the commendations, you transfer gear to your main. Again, you get comms win or lose. In an ops, if you got enough DKP or win the roll you get the item, if you don't, you get nothing.




To summarize : gearing up 8 or 16 people is way more time consuming that gearing up in PVP. When the new operations will come out, people will not be able to craft the new PVE tier of gear. Therefore the dance starts again and it will take a few months to get 1 -3 persons in the group BIS. In a few months, everyone who queues for PVP regularly will be BIS , whereas in an ops group, not everyone will be. So by the time i am bis in my PVE gear most of you will be BIS in the NEW PVP GEAR!




Focker out.

Edited by Leafy_Bug
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blah blah blah

Focker out.


How many hours does it take you to finish one operation? How many credits did you spend on your underworld gear?


Oh that's right, it doesn't matter because you're completing your endgame content anyways with your gtn-bought gear and getting credits for it, on top of the credits you got for doing other pve content that gets updated every other week. Do you know how long it's been since we had new warzones? Do you know how many credits we got for finishing our weekly? Do you know that we can't craft our gear?

And you're talking about alts? There's nothing complicated about gearing up our alts. It just takes ANOTHER 700 HOURS AND ANOTHER 5 MILLION CREDITS THAT WE DON'T GET FROM DOING PVP.


You came to the wrong place to whine.

Edited by JP_Legatus
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Again, 700 hours to get conq sets finished. How many hours does it take you to finish one operation?


Oh that's right, it doesn't matter because you're completing your endgame content anyways with your gtn-bought gear and getting credits for it, on top of the credits you got for doing other pve content that gets updated every other week. Do you know how long it's been since we had new warzones?


You came to the wrong place to whine.



Did you bump your head badly when you hit that brick wall and did not even read my post? 700 hours to get your conqueror, pish posh. We gear up 8 to 16 people scrub :D. You gear up one toon!:rolleyes:

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Did you bump your head badly when you hit that brick wall and did not even read my post? 700 hours to get your conqueror, pish posh. We gear up 8 to 16 people scrub :D. You gear up one toon!:rolleyes:


You don't have to gear up anybody genius, you finished your content with what you have.

Edited by JP_Legatus
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I like this topic, keep it up. I will elaborate :



1. A PVE raid consists of 8 people or if you are even more hardcore, 16 people.


2. There are two operations we can run per week : SV HM / TFB HM. Of course not counting alts for the time being. When you do, you end up gearing up faster but you have to prioritise because some guy has low gear on his alt and you can't clear it. So this again delays your gearing. In pvp if you have no gear, you lose the wz, people ***** at you but in PVE with no gear you don't kill the boss and get nothing. Major difference here.


3. Each boss in 8 man drops one token. We are 8 people who need on that token, one will get it.The next boss, again, 1 token, 8 people needing it, lets say 7 because one has the previous. So again, 1 guy gets it. You finish the raid and out of 7 bosses in SV HM (7 people can get one item) and TFB HM (5 people can get one item). We are talking about Underworld gear which WAS NOT CRAFTABLE IN THE BEGINNING.


4. So we see that to gear people and give them all the items takes a bit longer than PVP-ers think. 4 pieces minimum for set bonus per character. Then as tank getting rid of the alacrity in your gear, etc, etc.


5. To get everybody decently geared, not talking about BIS and not having the gear craftable takes how long?




Now lets look at the epic PVP grind which you guys call godlike :


1. Every match has 8 people. Each and everyone gets a contribution to their gear. One warzone lasts 15 minutes and operation lasts 45 mins to 2 hours to get one item. If the content is new you spend up to 6 hours paying 1 million in repairs getting jack! How many Partisan items can you get in two hours?


2. Now lets introduce alts. You take your alt, you do dailies, weeklies, farm the commendations, you transfer gear to your main. Again, you get comms win or lose. In an ops, if you got enough DKP or win the roll you get the item, if you don't, you get nothing.




To summarize : gearing up 8 or 16 people is way more time consuming that gearing up in PVP. When the new operations will come out, people will not be able to craft the new PVE tier of gear. Therefore the dance starts again and it will take a few months to get 1 -3 persons in the group BIS. In a few months, everyone who queues for PVP regularly will be BIS , whereas in an ops group, not everyone will be. So by the time i am bis in my PVE gear most of you will be BIS in the NEW PVP GEAR!




Focker out.


it took me less than 1/3 of played time to be quiped in full underworld than i had to spend to get full conq gear on that same char.

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I can't believe this is even here.


The laughable comparison between gearing up is PvE is filled with soo many bad scrubs its not even funny. For a set of people fighting the EXACT SAME FIGHT over and over again, you people are hilariously dumb.


No matter how many times people yell at you scrubs not to stand in the red circles unless you're supposed to stand there, eat doom puddles when you're not doomed, fail to channel/stand in mid when your color is up, pull 3 sets of trash, aggro the patrols, stay away from the walls, struggle to solve the Tower of Hanoi Puzzle, and the list goes on, you guy still fail.



Now there is dumb in PvP. But the standard of dumb in PvP isn't as bad as PvE.

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