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I'm sorry Bioware, but this is my opinion on SWTOR and why I'm unsubscribing.


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Just before anyone gets to my topic and spams "Can I have your stuff?" this is my honest opinion on where this game is going. These are my big thoughts on SWTOR and why In my opinion, doesn't provide for a lot of people.


I do warn you its a long video of expressing my opinion.

I even throw out some awesome things I like about Wildstar.

Even have a conversation with my 2 year old daughter. :)

And..... guild chat here and there.

But I promise its mostly about SWTOR. :D



Here's the Highlight you can view if you feel like hearing my opinion.

Its about 29 minutes long if you can dread the long talking.




Honestly I've had some wonderful times in SWTOR and loved every minute of it, but day by day I seem to lose my interest in this game. I've been here since day one and express it in my video of my disinterest in the past previous months.


I do want to thank Bioware for helping me find some great people in the game to hang out. From SWTOR we finally disbanded our SWTOR division and branched out to new games. I thank Bioware for that.. we are now a community instead of a SWTOR Raiding Group.


But, I hope this game improves in the next few months or a year so so I can come back.

Hopefully Bioware can hear my opinion and find out why a good base of people are leaving. I know out of 500k people that I'm not the only person who feels this way.


Till then, good bye everyone! Thank you for reading. :)

I do really appreciate if someone actually watches my video.

Goodbye SWTOR and to the adventures ahead!

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Another Childish ranting about no end game content among other things, but the he himself claims he took off from work to play this game in the beginning . That right there shows me this person does not even show responsibilty to make sure to provide for his 2 year old child. He rushed to get to level 50 which I see is one of the big reasons why we really had a mass exodus at the beginning of the game due to a lot of the Guild leaders tell their members to do that. No matter what game they go to, It won't be enough endgame. This is not Wildstar, WOW, EVE, SWG or any of the other games.

This is SWTOR . It is not meant to be the other ones , but all I see are player wanting all those items from other games shoved into this one. As for the Cartel store, I have seen worse C-stores in other games with a lot of items being P2W. This store has Fluff. It is not needed to play or win the game. I apologize for ranting myself, but this person is more toward the lines of me, mine, I want this stuff yesterday. It takes longer to program content for the game than what they are willing to wait for. and who is he to say that he know what other players are thinking. Ok , so we have one person rant and say I quit while we have 30 more trying out the game at the same time. I'm stepping off of my Soap Box now. I hope he finds what he is looking for.

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How many times are you going to fit nickel and diming into your rant? Honestly, I understand how you feel but you are wrong. The direction is great the new patches look pleasing and if all goes well and the game picks up more we're going to see even more content that we've been asking for. Pazaak should be coming really soon, I suspect they will add this fluff material as it's been asked for a while now. I am very hopeful for the future, everything you complained about is an optional thing and as a subscriber you get free in game "money" to spend on the packs that you feel nickel and dimed by.
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Another Childish ranting about no end game content among other things, but the he himself claims he took off from work to play this game in the beginning . That right there shows me this person does not even show responsibilty to make sure to provide for his 2 year old child. He rushed to get to level 50 which I see is one of the big reasons why we really had a mass exodus at the beginning of the game due to a lot of the Guild leaders tell their members to do that. No matter what game they go to, It won't be enough endgame. This is not Wildstar, WOW, EVE, SWG or any of the other games.

This is SWTOR . It is not meant to be the other ones , but all I see are player wanting all those items from other games shoved into this one. As for the Cartel store, I have seen worse C-stores in other games with a lot of items being P2W. This store has Fluff. It is not needed to play or win the game. I apologize for ranting myself, but this person is more toward the lines of me, mine, I want this stuff yesterday. It takes longer to program content for the game than what they are willing to wait for. and who is he to say that he know what other players are thinking. Ok , so we have one person rant and say I quit while we have 30 more trying out the game at the same time. I'm stepping off of my Soap Box now. I hope he finds what he is looking for.




Some people just rush thrugh the game and expect infinite variety at the end.

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Its natural to get burned out on things that you've been devoting a great deal of time and effort into. Not sure why some think this is at all out of the ordinary. OP, take some time off and come back in 6 months to a year, if the game is still stale, take some more time off.
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He does make a lot of good points. I do think the idea of the cartel market is okay, but they should just add one or two new items every patch. It shouldn't be such a huge thing how the entire economy is built around it, and whole patches are based on it.


I don't understand the thing about doing the same raid for 3 months. Every MMO is like this, WoW usually only has new raids every 5-6 months.


I also don't agree with the part about not finding people to play with. That was one of the easiest things that happened when I first hit max level. Pretty much all guilds are looking for players to fill out their rosters.


I do agree with the part about the mini-games/distractions. The seeker thing is a huge waste of time.

Edited by Regentlord
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Another Childish ranting about no end game content among other things, but the he himself claims he took off from work to play this game in the beginning . That right there shows me this person does not even show responsibilty to make sure to provide for his 2 year old child. He rushed to get to level 50 which I see is one of the big reasons why we really had a mass exodus at the beginning of the game due to a lot of the Guild leaders tell their members to do that. No matter what game they go to, It won't be enough endgame. This is not Wildstar, WOW, EVE, SWG or any of the other games.

This is SWTOR . It is not meant to be the other ones , but all I see are player wanting all those items from other games shoved into this one. As for the Cartel store, I have seen worse C-stores in other games with a lot of items being P2W. This store has Fluff. It is not needed to play or win the game. I apologize for ranting myself, but this person is more toward the lines of me, mine, I want this stuff yesterday. It takes longer to program content for the game than what they are willing to wait for. and who is he to say that he know what other players are thinking. Ok , so we have one person rant and say I quit while we have 30 more trying out the game at the same time. I'm stepping off of my Soap Box now. I hope he finds what he is looking for.


Agreed completely. This person does not speak for everyone and the fact that they claim they know what we are thinking is redicolous. OP, you do not speak for me or my guild so don't presume to think we all feel the same way you do. The CM is also nothing but fluff and is not mandatory in anyway way whatsoever. Your unhappy fine go play something that makes you happy but don't go speaking for us when you should only be speaking for yourself.


Oh by the way what the hell is a big opinion? And can I have your stuff?

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Agreed completely. This person does not speak for everyone and the fact that they claim they know what we are thinking is redicolous. OP, you do not speak for me or my guild so don't presume to think we all feel the same way you do. The CM is also nothing but fluff and is not mandatory in anyway way whatsoever. Your unhappy fine go play something that makes you happy but don't go speaking for us when you should only be speaking for yourself.


Oh by the way what the hell is a big opinion? And can I have your stuff?


You don't understand what he is saying about the Cartel Market.


He is saying that he pays a subscription cost, $15 dollars a month. Part of that goes to keeping the servers running, but the other part goes to making new content. That is how MMOs work, and how they have always worked.


He is saying that BW is trying to double dip him. Charge him for subscription, and then use development time to make items that you are required to buy. In a sense, you already payed for those items with that part of your subscription, but now you have to buy Cartel Coins to get the new items/content.

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Oh my god! No one cares. Please be free to mail BioWare about this matter. Or maybe EA? Or do you really think the community of the game, the gamers, wants to hear you're leaving? Geez, get back to your life with your daughter and be glad you dont need to spend time on something you dont like anymore. in 6 months you may be back and this thread will be a pointless recognition...
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You don't understand what he is saying about the Cartel Market.


He is saying that he pays a subscription cost, $15 dollars a month. Part of that goes to keeping the servers running, but the other part goes to making new content. That is how MMOs work, and how they have always worked.


He is saying that BW is trying to double dip him. Charge him for subscription, and then use development time to make items that you are required to buy. In a sense, you already payed for those items with that part of your subscription, but now you have to buy Cartel Coins to get the new items/content.


I do understand what he is saying and I still disagree. Micro transactions are the new norm to MMOs which means that's traditional subscription based games are being phased out. So no that is not how MMOs work at least not anymore. Also every game charges for more content over and above a sub. The fact he feels double dipped is his own not because of Bioware.


As I said before nothing on the CM is mandatory which means if he didn't want to use it he didn't have to. Also for the record we are getting new content I mean we just got some new nightmare modes and now soon to have new flashpoints so the idea that they are giving is more content is really wrong on my opinion.


So in the end I stand by what I said if he isn't happy he must find a game he enjoys but his views on the CM are wrong at least to me.

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For the record, that MMO that hasnt released but is super awesome is a story i have seen with an unhappy ending many times. I'm talking about Wildstar here. but i could be talking about Guild Wars 2 aswell.


I dont like central things about Wildstar. The main one beeing those paths or whatever. Basically they tell you to lock yourself out of huge chunks of gameplay by choosing one of them. Its like saying: Here you have a choice: You can PvE or you can PvP, but its a choice you make at character creation and you can never change it again.


Do you really not see that that is a trap to sell you character slots? What an aswesome choice. Its like Bioware telling us: now you have to chose paths! You can only do crew skills, or only dungeons or only raids! Isnt it cool, you can choose what your character does, its like his/her real profession!


How gullable people are... oh so gullable.


Godspeed wherever you go. May it have the magical capability to fulfill your desires.

Edited by Nemmar
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For the record, that MMO that hasnt released but is super awesome is a story i have seen with an unhappy ending many times. I'm talking about Wildstar here. but i could be talking about Guild Wars 2 aswell.


I dont like central things about Wildstar. The main one beeing those paths or whatever. Basically they tell you to lock yourself out of huge chunks of gameplay by choosing one of them. Its like saying: Here you have a choice: You can PvE or you can PvP, but its a choice you make at character creation and you can never change it again.


Do you really not see that that is a trap to sell you character slots? What an aswesome choice. Its like Bioware telling us: now you have to chose paths! You can only do crew skills, or only dungeons or only raids! Isnt it cool, you can choose what your character does, its like his/her real profession!


How gullable people are... oh so gullable.


Godspeed wherever you go. May it have the magical capability to fulfill your desires.


While I do agree that overhyping Wildstar isn't a good idea, you don't seem to understand how the paths work. As a player, you get to do all of the types of leveling. Even if you pick the warrior path, you still do the exploring, etc but you mainly get to do warrior quests. The idea is, you get to level how you want to, but it also makes for a ton of replayabilty.

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For the record, that MMO that hasnt released but is super awesome is a story i have seen with an unhappy ending many times. I'm talking about Wildstar here. but i could be talking about Guild Wars 2 aswell.


I know, right?


I've been playing MMORPGs for a little over a decade now and I can't count the number of times I've read about the looming threat from the upcoming MMO that shall crush all others because it is absolutely perfect and has no flaws whatsoever. Sometimes it's a blatant rant, sometimes it's dressed up like concern.


"This game is gonna shut down within six months after Vanguard comes out."


"when Champions comes me and sventy pursent of teh pop are going there have fun on your empty servers"


"It's just that I'm afraid of what's going to happen to this game's population when Warhammer Online comes out."


To give you an idea of how far back I've been reading this, I remember posts telling me about how WoW was going to cause Everquest to shut down within six months. Sure, WoW was/is huge, but it's ten years later and Everquest is still here.

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Another Childish ranting about no end game content among other things, but the he himself claims he took off from work to play this game in the beginning . That right there shows me this person does not even show responsibilty to make sure to provide for his 2 year old child.


I don't know to OP but I'm assuming that he's responsible enough by actually having a job rather than spending his time sitting on his backside nitpicking posts on a forum and spending his countries welfare benefits on an MMO's subscription fee (or cartel packs)..

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I haven't watched the video yet, but you guys cry like you expect some of us to partake in this game's "story-driven" experience. IMO, BW put too much emphasis into that and cinematics. This is an MMORPG. Part of that has "MMO" in it. BW made a huge mistake putting so much emphasis into that because many players—whether fans of the IP or not—wanted a real massively multiplayer online experience. The RPG aspect does back-up some lore, but BW went way too far and pretty much made this a single-player online game.


If I play an MMO I expect for it to be an MMO and not try to be something it shouldn't be. Otherwise, BW should have just made KotOR 3 and that's that. I doubt ANY MMO devs are EVER going to try to make a "story-driven" MMO after they here what happened to SWTOR.


Endgame is one very important aspect for an MMO. It's VERY important. The fact BW ignored putting resources in that department is sad. Their vision was bold, but mostly failed. If I ever hear another MMO is going to be "story-driven", I'm not buying it. It'll just end up with a mass exodus of players leaving afterwards...


BTW, this guy has EVERY right to post his opinions and views about BW, EA and the game on these forums. He's paying them to do so. :rolleyes:

Edited by MrJurgens
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I do understand what he is saying and I still disagree. Micro transactions are the new norm to MMOs which means that's traditional subscription based games are being phased out. So no that is not how MMOs work at least not anymore. Also every game charges for more content over and above a sub. The fact he feels double dipped is his own not because of Bioware.


As I said before nothing on the CM is mandatory which means if he didn't want to use it he didn't have to. Also for the record we are getting new content I mean we just got some new nightmare modes and now soon to have new flashpoints so the idea that they are giving is more content is really wrong on my opinion.


So in the end I stand by what I said if he isn't happy he must find a game he enjoys but his views on the CM are wrong at least to me.


Well i agree it is not like we are not getting new content. The last update on the summer of swtor shows that they still try to keep the pace with their content cycle but it will be interessting to see what comes next. All datamined stuff is out at the end of the year. It will be interesting to see if the team can keep this pace with following content.

However i totally disagree that we should accept something because it is „the norm“. Don't let all the countrys in the western hemisphere know that we are ok with something as soon as it is „the norm“. If that would be the case i give them the advice to raise taxes to at least 60 or even 70%.

The norm shouldn't stop us from asking if it is really necessary. Is it necessary that subscribers have to buy new armors, speeders etc. in a way that they support the cm no matter what.

Why can we not earn it? Why are they not trying to make subscription even more appealing to f2p players? Legacy bank, on off switchable double xp, and yes why not some cloting store where you can preview all clothes available in all colors on all toons withou switching? Dual spec, gear switch with one click, 25% dicount on cm. Those are just some ideas i could think of in the last 5 minutes and there could be many more.

Why is it legit to ask for a choise if someone is willing to pay cc but not if someone asks if he can invest time and effort instead of supporting the cm. He is still paying 15$, is filling the server with live and most important is actually playing the game.

Think of all the people who try to prepear their char for Asation HC if there would be a 10% drop chance for revans mask. Or how they would grind every flashpoint that is connected to revan if you could grind the armor and the mask with a 1% drop chance. Of course onlyif you have a subscription.

I don't say i want everything for free and now. I just want the choise to not spent cc and instead benefit the server by running ops or fps with people.

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BTW, this guy has EVERY right to post his opinions and views about BW, EA and the game on these forums. He's paying them to do so. :rolleyes:


And folks have the right to give their opinion on his comments.


Off-topic... Are you having a debate with another forum member in your sig?

Edited by TheBBP
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I got to respectfully disagree with the OP.


Yes, I am paying with my subscription for accessing the game and I am probably also paying the wages of people, who design and implement stuff for the cartel market, which I hardly use.


But on the other hand, there are players who spend a lot of money on the cartel market, who are paying the wages of the people, who design and implement stuff... not limited to the cartel market.


Who can tell, what rakes in more money? Subscription is a reliable source of income for a base. Cartel Coin purchases are spikey and unreliable.... but the spikes are higher than the base sub income.


Cartel coin sale and subscription together are producing the revenue of SWTOR and are paying for the maintenance and further development. Obviously it is necessary to provide regular updates both to subscriptions and to the cartel market.


Adding a new item to the cartel market is a lot faster than adding a new flashpoint or a new OP. Take for example the new mini-sarlacc rest item. The mechanic behind the item was already available. There was no need to fine tune anything, to balance anything. There was some designer work and some animators work and that was it. This is not in any way comparable to coding just one boss mechanic.


I am getting tired of all the "nickle and dime" talk.

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I don't understand the argument about how BW is double dipping the pockets of subcribers with the CM. Don't subscribers get cartel coin stipends? Yeah, it's only a certain amount every month, but we'll be able to save it up.

OH wait, then there's the ""but I want it now!" attitude....

Kinda like how there's a standard shipping fee for delivery but if you want it now you gotta pay more... for like overnight delivery.... still makes sense..

Instant gratification costs more money, and businesses are trying to make money. If you can't wait and need/want it now AND are willing to pay for it.... then why get mad at BW or EA for agreeing to those terms and giving you that option???

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I don't understand the argument about how BW is double dipping the pockets of subcribers with the CM. Don't subscribers get cartel coin stipends? Yeah, it's only a certain amount every month, but we'll be able to save it up.

OH wait, then there's the ""but I want it now!" attitude....

Kinda like how there's a standard shipping fee for delivery but if you want it now you gotta pay more... for like overnight delivery.... still makes sense..

Instant gratification costs more money, and businesses are trying to make money. If you can't wait and need/want it now AND are willing to pay for it.... then why get mad at BW or EA for agreeing to those terms and giving you that option???


Nailed it. The "I want it now and I deserve it now!" crowd won't ever be happy. If they are given all that they seek today, 3 months down the road it will be new moaning over what they don't have.

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Nailed it. The "I want it now and I deserve it now!" crowd won't ever be happy. If they are given all that they seek today, 3 months down the road it will be new moaning over what they don't have.

Three months? You give the locusts really three month of being satisfied? You gotta be joking. Three weeks would already be optimistic. Questions about the next expansion were asked even BEFORE Makeb was released.

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