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Guardian PVP Spec


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I´m lvl 50 with 23 valor, I´m taking the tank set for pvp, because usually I go with a healer. Do you think that in my situation the set of tank is the best option?


Sorry for my poor english.


No, since armor doesn't mitigate the overwhelming proportion of damage, and since shields and defense are largely non functional in pvp. Check out the post in the pvp forums regarding armor/defense. You're way better off taking the dps set.

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18-23 Defense/Vig spec I roll for PvP.


Yes, while the PvP tank armor doesn't do much in terms of mitigating dmg, the stats alone for tanking outside of PvP are just too awesome to pass up.


Something I like to do is put on 2 pieces of the Vindicator set in PvP for the Guardian Leap heal (which is basically an 8% max hp heal every 20 seconds) and then wear my other 4 4 pieces of the War Leaders set.


I know this doesn't allow you to get the 5% bonus dmg from having Guard on someone which is nice, but the heal every 20 seconds is just too good to pass up in PvP.


With a decent premade as a guard, I average about 150-175k in dmg and can usually get a kill range from 40-55 kills per match.


HOWEVER, this is IMPORTANT. KILLS AND DMG AREN'T WHAT YOUR AFTER ANYWAYS. Sure, its nice to DPS and kill people, I mean thats awesome and all. But as a JK Guard in PvP your main goal is to keep your healers and good DPSers alive.


This means:



2) When you see a healer or DPS getting beat on, Taunt their attacker.


3) Challenging Call is a basically a group AoE dmg reducer in PvP. Crazy battle around a turret in Civil War? Pop Challenging Call! Insane battling around the door at Voidstar? Pop challenging call! When a teammate has the ball in Huttball and people are going bonkers to try to kill him? Pop Challenging Call! Oh yeah, and you should be using taunt on single target DPSers attacking anything in that same circumstance, and really anytime its up and someone is attacking on of your healers.


4) Guardian Leap (with 8% max hp heal proc from set bonus) + Unremittting + Protector = Amazingly awesome in PvP. Got a teammate on Voidstar calling out for help at the West door? Find your healer on the outskirts of the melee at the door, Guard leap to them (hello protector and unremitting) then find a foe close to the outskirts of the melee or IN the melee at the other door and FL to them (hello double stacked buffs) and now proceed to go crazy. Burn CD's if you need to also.


Hope this helps, when Combat Logs come up I will be posting a lot more stuff in regards to PvPing as a Guard.


Basically it just comes down to knowing your role and limitations. This means staying around your healers as much as possible and trying to avoid 1 on 1's against the likes of geared out BHs or Sorc's, because chances are if they aren't complete trash they might destroy you.


Oh yeah, and expertise is a load of **** and takes all the skill out of PvP. Someone with more expertise than you in PvP will deal more dmg to you and in return take less from you. Talk about balanced!! /sarcasm off


Hope this helps. Let me know if you got any questions.

Edited by Solonius
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18-23 Defense/Vig spec I roll for PvP.


Yes, while the PvP tank armor doesn't do much in terms of mitigating dmg, the stats alone for tanking outside of PvP are just too awesome to pass up.


Something I like to do is put on 2 pieces of the Vindicator set in PvP for the Guardian Leap heal (which is basically an 8% max hp heal every 20 seconds) and then wear my other 4 4 pieces of the War Leaders set.


I know this doesn't allow you to get the 5% bonus dmg from having Guard on someone which is nice, but the heal every 20 seconds is just too good to pass up in PvP.


With a decent premade as a guard, I average about 150-175k in dmg and can usually get a kill range from 40-55 kills per match.


HOWEVER, this is IMPORTANT. KILLS AND DMG AREN'T WHAT YOUR AFTER ANYWAYS. Sure, its nice to DPS and kill people, I mean thats awesome and all. But as a JK Guard in PvP your main goal is to keep your healers and good DPSers alive.


This means:



2) When you see a healer or DPS getting beat on, Taunt their attacker.


3) Challenging Call is a basically a group AoE dmg reducer in PvP. Crazy battle around a turret in Civil War? Pop Challenging Call! Insane battling around the door at Voidstar? Pop challenging call! When a teammate has the ball in Huttball and people are going bonkers to try to kill him? Pop Challenging Call! Oh yeah, and you should be using taunt on single target DPSers attacking anything in that same circumstance, and really anytime its up and someone is attacking on of your healers.


4) Guardian Leap (with 8% max hp heal proc from set bonus) + Unremittting + Protector = Amazingly awesome in PvP. Got a teammate on Voidstar calling out for help at the West door? Find your healer on the outskirts of the melee at the door, Guard leap to them (hello protector and unremitting) then find a foe close to the outskirts of the melee or IN the melee at the other door and FL to them (hello double stacked buffs) and now proceed to go crazy. Burn CD's if you need to also.


Hope this helps, when Combat Logs come up I will be posting a lot more stuff in regards to PvPing as a Guard.


Basically it just comes down to knowing your role and limitations. This means staying around your healers as much as possible and trying to avoid 1 on 1's against the likes of geared out BHs or Sorc's, because chances are if they aren't complete trash they might destroy you.


Oh yeah, and expertise is a load of **** and takes all the skill out of PvP. Someone with more expertise than you in PvP will deal more dmg to you and in return take less from you. Talk about balanced!! /sarcasm off


Hope this helps. Let me know if you got any questions.


Well put, I play a lot of PvP and I notice no one really follows this as Guardians and I always see the wrong people in 1v1's. There has been more then one occasion that I had to save another tank because he/she got way ahead of themselves and decided to take on an OP Sorc or something. I wouldn't mind taking at look at your build. I for one am working on my build and right now at lvl 42 I believe it's something like 24 Def/ 18 Vig, and I do the same with the Armor have about 4 pieces Tank and 3 pieces DPS it works out great for both PvP and PvE.

Edited by M_o_s_e_s
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Well put, I play a lot of PvP and I notice no one really follows this as Guardians and I always see the wrong people in 1v1's. There has been more then one occasion that I had to save another tank because he/she got way ahead of themselves and decided to take on an OP Sorc or something. I wouldn't mind taking at look at your build. I for one am working on my build and right now at lvl 42 I believe it's something like 24 Def/ 18 Vig, and I do the same with the Armor have about 4 pieces Tank and 3 pieces DPS it works out great for both PvP and PvE.


The 18-23 build is the one originally outlined by Serphimm and is viable both PvE and PvP. I am a huge fan of Unremitting and Protector stacking (and with the 8% max heal from the Vindicator set bonus you will find yourself healing for over 30k in warzones JUST FROM GUARD LEAP ALONE,) even if the damage reductions are for a short time, they can become lifesavers in HM FPs or PvP where you are going up against organized premades that actually know what to do.


Guards CAN BE STAT STUFFERS IN PVP!! I'm talking 40+kills, 100k+ dmg, single digit deaths, 100k+ protection, 30k+ healing and all that in addition to the objective points your getting plus 8+ medals from all of that. Again the best advice I can give to you is find your limitations within your respective build and stick to a plan.


If your a defensive spec guard and wanna PvP, find a reliable healer friend, find 2 good DPSers and run a premade. Throw your guard on that healer, tell him to follow you like your pet dog and go to work. Its so much fun!!!


***SIDENOTE*** Also wanna throw this out there, healers are the crux to us going off in PvP and they honestly get shafted in PvP with lack of medals etc. So do them a favor and vote your healers for MVP in Warzones. Its the least you can do!!!

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I prefer this build: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#500crhczZhRrMrhdzMM.1


I actually wrote an extensive review of the build over at my blog, the link is here: http://guard-this.com/2011/12/10/hybrid-pvp-build-overview/


Hope this helps!


video was awesome im going to have to try that spec out. right now im doing focus but im down to try other stuff. also great music in the video.

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18-23 Defense/Vig spec I roll for PvP.


Yes, while the PvP tank armor doesn't do much in terms of mitigating dmg, the stats alone for tanking outside of PvP are just too awesome to pass up.


Something I like to do is put on 2 pieces of the Vindicator set in PvP for the Guardian Leap heal (which is basically an 8% max hp heal every 20 seconds) and then wear my other 4 4 pieces of the War Leaders set.


I know this doesn't allow you to get the 5% bonus dmg from having Guard on someone which is nice, but the heal every 20 seconds is just too good to pass up in PvP.


With a decent premade as a guard, I average about 150-175k in dmg and can usually get a kill range from 40-55 kills per match.


HOWEVER, this is IMPORTANT. KILLS AND DMG AREN'T WHAT YOUR AFTER ANYWAYS. Sure, its nice to DPS and kill people, I mean thats awesome and all. But as a JK Guard in PvP your main goal is to keep your healers and good DPSers alive.


This means:



2) When you see a healer or DPS getting beat on, Taunt their attacker.


3) Challenging Call is a basically a group AoE dmg reducer in PvP. Crazy battle around a turret in Civil War? Pop Challenging Call! Insane battling around the door at Voidstar? Pop challenging call! When a teammate has the ball in Huttball and people are going bonkers to try to kill him? Pop Challenging Call! Oh yeah, and you should be using taunt on single target DPSers attacking anything in that same circumstance, and really anytime its up and someone is attacking on of your healers.


4) Guardian Leap (with 8% max hp heal proc from set bonus) + Unremittting + Protector = Amazingly awesome in PvP. Got a teammate on Voidstar calling out for help at the West door? Find your healer on the outskirts of the melee at the door, Guard leap to them (hello protector and unremitting) then find a foe close to the outskirts of the melee or IN the melee at the other door and FL to them (hello double stacked buffs) and now proceed to go crazy. Burn CD's if you need to also.


Hope this helps, when Combat Logs come up I will be posting a lot more stuff in regards to PvPing as a Guard.


Basically it just comes down to knowing your role and limitations. This means staying around your healers as much as possible and trying to avoid 1 on 1's against the likes of geared out BHs or Sorc's, because chances are if they aren't complete trash they might destroy you.


Oh yeah, and expertise is a load of **** and takes all the skill out of PvP. Someone with more expertise than you in PvP will deal more dmg to you and in return take less from you. Talk about balanced!! /sarcasm off


Hope this helps. Let me know if you got any questions.


this is entirely wrong. jedi gaurdian is the highest burst dps in the game, your job is to locate healer and 3 shot them, while throwing in a interrupt.


or you can gaurd people and keep your healers alive long enough to slowly die.


do not tell me what my job is on pvp when I am routinely top dps as focus, or top 3 if lots of aoe cheezing is going on.


oh yea, and I can also throw in a aoe taunt as focus just like a defense guy can. the only thing I lose is 50% off of a healer who I shouldnt even be near anyways because im melee. (15m does not equal 30m)


we have two jobs in pvp depending on what you spec, one is facerolling anyone, the other is gaurding. there is no ONE singular job.


also since stats were brought up, ill say I get around 400k in voidstar (full time) 150k in huttball (I usually score since I have high expertise) and 300-350k in alderaan in the 50s brackets.

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Been spending a fortune on respeccing and trying the trees :eek:


This is my latest and favourite for PvP / solo atm - I call it "Lucky 7's" with 17 Def / 17 Vig / 07 Foc and it's a blast as well as being more streamlined and "simple":




Roll in "Soresu Form" for extra survivability and with "Command" and "Unremitting" there's plenty of pushes and leaps to be had (which I love tbh).


Anyone using something similar???

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Personally I run this spec




in Shii-cho form most of the time, With some soresu, as needed when I am playing in a premade. You could argue that in soresu I don't get benefit from some of the talents, however running in soresu gets you medals, which is pretty awesome.


If you want to run in soresu at all times your damage output will be lower, I would still go 31 points into focus to get force exhaustion, it is pretty awesome, maybe the best of the 31 point abilities. Anyways I would go something like:




going to 31 to get force exhaustion, then u have a singularity builder every 15 seconds plus force stasis.


If you dont want to go 31 in then maybe something like




Then you still get singularity every 50 seconds with force stasis and you still get a lot more defense plus hilt strike from the defensive tree. Maybe going only 20 into focus is not so great since you can only build singularity every 50 seconds, but without singularity dps of guardian is a joke, so you are just a big tough rock.

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Personally I run this spec




in Shii-cho form most of the time, With some soresu, as needed when I am playing in a premade. You could argue that in soresu I don't get benefit from some of the talents, however running in soresu gets you medals, which is pretty awesome.


If you want to run in soresu at all times your damage output will be lower, I would still go 31 points into focus to get force exhaustion, it is pretty awesome, maybe the best of the 31 point abilities. Anyways I would go something like:




going to 31 to get force exhaustion, then u have a singularity builder every 15 seconds plus force stasis.


If you dont want to go 31 in then maybe something like




Then you still get singularity every 50 seconds with force stasis and you still get a lot more defense plus hilt strike from the defensive tree. Maybe going only 20 into focus is not so great since you can only build singularity every 50 seconds, but without singularity dps of guardian is a joke, so you are just a big tough rock.



trying a 31 point focus spec and I can't get used to it. Any tips?

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I tried 31 vigilance but meh, even tho plasma brand is elemental damage, there is just no burst....I get way more kills with focus. I just like force exhaustion so much, it does a ton of damage in 6 seconds and ticks singularity whats the problem? are you constantly out of focus?
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I tried 31 vigilance but meh, even tho plasma brand is elemental damage, there is just no burst....I get way more kills with focus. I just like force exhaustion so much, it does a ton of damage in 6 seconds and ticks singularity whats the problem? are you constantly out of focus?


Yes! I can't seem to find the right rotation. I always seem to be low on focus now.

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Yes! I can't seem to find the right rotation. I always seem to be low on focus now.


The thing is unlike with vigilance spec you are not suposed to be constantly doing finishers, you throw your saber, charge, force exhaustion, bladestorm, force sweep. Then you can hit combat focus do a stasis, zealous leap, sunder, force sweep. Then you have to go out of range, maybe a guardian leap, or a force leap to a distant enemy, or you can force push saber throw and charge again to build focus.


It actually works better with the build given in this thread:




You lose 6% damage from the focus vigi build I posted, but you get a free bladestorm after each zealous leap or force leap. Then you have a little more focus to do stuff with. Bladestorm is just a filler, frankly slash would do more damage but there is no way to make slash cost 0 focus.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I really started hating focus and I am now trying a Defense spec at 31/8/2 I actually like it a lot. A little less damage but way better for team play. Anyone else try this spec. I am also hearing that Vigilance is actually getting some good talk lately. Looks like you really can't go wrong with PvP specs for Guardian
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I really started hating focus and I am now trying a Defense spec at 31/8/2 I actually like it a lot. A little less damage but way better for team play. Anyone else try this spec. I am also hearing that Vigilance is actually getting some good talk lately. Looks like you really can't go wrong with PvP specs for Guardian


You should probably be more specific than 31/8/2 if you want to know if anyone has tried your spec or has constructive criticism of it. As you say, there are a lot of options even to get to 31, and I'm not sure which 2 you're taking in Focus.

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Build I use = http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#500cRZhZGrR0drMdGR.1


Can easily modify it to be Soresu based.


In my opinion a variation of focus is currently the best PvP spec.


focus is a 1 trick pony, easily countered by running out of range of sweep. also you lose so much by going focus that i cant see any reason to use it.


my current pvp spec is 14/27/0, using soresu 100% of the time.




this build gives you great mobility, good focus efficiency and good damage, and with the 4% extra damage recduction in soresu i have 50% damage reduction which is 3% more then the full tank spec guardian in soresu with equiv gear.


you want to be a true pvp tank use my build, you want to be a cute loldps with only 1 really hard hitting ability that has a bunch of requirements to get the most out of it go focus.


I will say this about focus tho, every once in a while when everything lines up people go pop and that can be very satisfying. It just doesnt happen often enough for me to justify doing it when i can own pretty much everyone with no downtime using my build.

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focus is a 1 trick pony, easily countered by running out of range of sweep. also you lose so much by going focus that i cant see any reason to use it.


Focus isn't a one trick pony, until we can heal ourselves, as a Guardian, you better kill whatever is in front of you as quickly as you can. I don't care how you acomplish this, VIG, FOCUS or DEF.


Nothing is going to get nerfed. Surge rating fix won't even bother me. I don't stack surge. I put a mix of strength, power, surge and crit. My force sweep hits for 5-6k on champions and battlemasters on Anchorhead, so what? All my other abilitys hit hard as well. I've dispatched someone for 5k.


I do 300-400k in warzones, with an appropriate kill ratio ( no 400k damage and 10 kills, lol). I don't spam crowds. I pursue my main target until they are dead, move on to the next one etc. However, If I can line up an extra target for my force sweep while pursing my single target, so be it.


I don't see what all the hate is about, if you're doing something that works for you great!

I haven't tried a Vig spec, however I watch the videos people post, and I count the seconds it takes for them to kill one enemy, and I am not really convinced that is a better spec for PVP. On the other hand, I see some Guardians making Force Sweep montages, and that doesn't impress me either. Cool, you jumped in a crowd and hit 3 people for 17k....what happened after that?


I see other Guardians rolling in sorensu form, doing what they can. Every time we finish a warzone, they ask for my gudiance on how to improve their damage. I give it to them. Most of them say "thats a lot of work", but ya know what, if you want exceptional numbers in a warzone there isn't a 4-5 button class. You have to learn to roll your face on the keyboard and fill those imps with those 4 digit yellow and white numbers.


Focus tree is very complex to setup a viable on the fly rotation. In fact there is no set rotation, you just have to know all your abilitys and apply them to the situation at hand.

If you think Sweep Bombing is all I do in Warzones, I am afraid I will disapoint.

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