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PVP healing needs to be nerfed to pre 2.0


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I don't mind heals, it's self heals that are too powerful. They were buffed in 1.7 to survive the smash monkey menace, now with the rebalancing they're OP.

Make self heals the same power as normal heals and it would fix the problem. You need either two healers or pounding on 1 healer won't kill them but it will neutralize them.


It reason it feels OP now is healers can heal themselves while under attack and still heal their teammates.

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10k hit, force choke (~3k over the stun), someone else hits for 10k while you're stunned, execute...


Sorry, "healing" does not need to be nerfed and if you really think dps was "nerfed" you need to reevaluate your knowledge of the game.


Cross healing + guard + taunting ma be a tad bit strong, but then again, team work has always been "OP."


If you think healing really needs a nerf please go solo queue as a healer and see how overpowered you are...

Edited by alexsamma
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10k hit, force choke (~3k over the stun), someone else hits for 10k while you're stunned, execute...


Sorry, "healing" does not need to be nerfed and if you really think dps was "nerfed" you need to reevaluate your knowledge of the game.


Cross healing + guard + taunting ma be a tad bit strong, but then again, team work has always been "OP."


If you think healing really needs a nerf please go solo queue as a healer and see how overpowered you are...



smash monkeys are NOT a valid counterpoint to nerfing healing

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smash monkeys are NOT a valid counterpoint to nerfing healing


Carnage/Combat - 8-9k screams + ataru procs. + three roots....


Commandos/Mercs - 11-12k hits...


Snipers - 8-10k ambushes, series of shots/speed shot, charged burst/snipe + trick shot/follow through....


LT/TK Sorcs/sages - multiple ways to set up 10k+ burst attacks (affliciton, thundering blast + proc + chain lgihtening proc)


Guardians/sents/maras/juggs/sins/shadows/snipers/gunslingers - executes that hit for 8-10k

Edited by alexsamma
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Only thing that needs a nerf is scoundrel/operative faceroll energy management, it needs to back to where it was before 2.0 everything else regarding healing is fine considering the dps being put out IMO. Edited by AngusFTW
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Pre 2.0 healing was balanced. Operative healer was still very very powerful back then, but not the complete utter BS it is now.


So were snipers, smashers and pretty much every other dps class.


Once again, if you think healing is OP please go solo queue on your healer, record your matches, then come back and post your results - 10:1 odds that your viewpoint on healing will change (and you might learn how to counter these classes in the process).


Or, bad dps who are capable of producing more burst dps than any healer can should stop QQing because they actually have to work for a kill when the enemy team has competent tanks and healers.


BTW, I eat 10k+ hits on my sage/sorc from mercs, full expertise... NOT all healers are scoundrels/operatives.

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So were snipers, smashers and pretty much every other dps class.


Once again, if you think healing is OP please go solo queue on your healer, record your matches, then come back and post your results - 10:1 odds that your viewpoint on healing will change (and you might learn how to counter these classes in the process).


Or, bad dps who are capable of producing more burst dps than any healer can should stop QQing because they actually have to work for a kill when the enemy team has competent tanks and healers.


BTW, I eat 10k+ hits on my sage/sorc from mercs, full expertise... NOT all healers are scoundrels/operatives.


I never take any word seriously from healers whining about ranged DPS. Why do you insist on sitting in RDPS line of sight eating all that damage? It's one of the most easiest things in the game to avoid tons of damage.


Are you implying that healers were underpoewred in 1.7?

Edited by NoTomorrow
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Pre 2.0 healing was balanced. Operative healer was still very very powerful back then, but not the complete utter BS it is now.


Would you rather have strong healers like in 2.0 or healers who have to rely on things like the stun bubble to stay alive? :rolleyes:


Also I just have to quote myself, because I don't want to write the same thing again:


Yay, we're in the circle that always runs in mmos:


Healers heal -> dps can't roflstomp healers -> dps cries for heal nerf -> heal gets nerfed -> dps roflstomp healers -> dps asks: "why are there no healers on our team?" -> dps cries about not getting healed enough -> healers get buffed -> back to the start

Edited by Never_Hesitate
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Would you rather have strong healers like in 2.0 or healers who have to rely on things like the stun bubble to stay alive? :rolleyes:


Also I just have to quote myself, because I don't want to write the same thing again:


Right now when i am playing on my OP healer, i am asking where the hell is DPS? What's with all these bubbles and kolto probes? Frankly speaking some of the best games i ever had are the healerless games. You have a limited health pool and you need to make the mos out of it. Oh and warzone objectives are actually getting captured.

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Frankly speaking some of the best games i ever had are the healerless games. You have a limited health pool and you need to make the mos out of it. Oh and warzone objectives are actually getting captured.


Then go play one of these games if they are so much better.


And now I remember how you got onto my ignorelist, you're so obviously trolling.

Edited by Never_Hesitate
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problem is that tank + heal combo is easy to achive while breaking it, takes much more effort, thats why smashers are so strong right now, cause they can smash healer and tank at the same time. Cross healing is easier to do than focus fire. Guard and taunts pretty much shut down single target dps, and there is no hard counter for guard in this game. Some guy posted a good idea to give one of the dps classes like mando/merc maybe pyro/vang (to make them better) a hard counter for guard ability, which could be good. Edited by szczypaczek
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Whoever is defending the current status of healing atm in pvp is doing their community a disservice.


It is so borked right now it isn't even funny, some classes more than others.


some tweaking needs to be done.

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They nerfed dps and buffed heals, how idiotic is that?


No, they didn't.


They nerfed critical chance to "control burst damage," but this also applied to healing. Now it makes lucky crits even more spikey, which is is a BAD idea.


To compensate, they raised overall damage and healing ranges to make Power and mainstat more effective (supposedly to control burst damage, thought this also affected healing).


The reason our newly found 10k hits aren't destroying everyone like our old 6k hits supposedly did with powertechs is because HP rose by a lot more than damage did.

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Sorry, "healing" does not need to be nerfed and if you really think dps was "nerfed" you need to reevaluate your knowledge of the game.


Cross healing + guard + taunting ma be a tad bit strong, but then again, team work has always been "OP."


If you think healing really needs a nerf please go solo queue as a healer and see how overpowered you are...


Pretty much this. The ones I see in Gen chat complaining about healers are the same ones that finish the games with very low DPS numbers or Defense numbers and lack of objective medals. This tells me that, in their minds, they want nerfs to make up for the own shortcomings.


I heal high numbers and keep my mates up consistently. But every time I come across someone that is actually dangerous and knows what they are doing, it's a dog fight to avoid getting face-rolled.


The point of dealing with healers in PvP is not to roflstomp them into the dirt. If you can neutralize them enough to where they are worried more about surviving than being there to drop heals on his teammates, then you are doing your job correctly.


Strategy people. Get out of your "I should be able to destroy healers with my I WINS BUTTONS" mentality and learn strategy.


I've never once seen a strong RWZ team that REALLY knows how to PVP like I AM LEGEND or Deja'vu (or however you spell it) complain about healers.

Edited by ObiJuanShenobi
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1.Nerf healing by 10%

2.complain that you don't have any healers in warzones

3.don't roll healer cause they suck

4.complain a bit more that there are no healers in warzones.


also, they didn't nerf dps. they toned burst of PT, but pretty much every one else got buffed. tanks recieved real buffs to survival.

Edited by Atramar
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Exactly the only overpowered thing with 2.0 was the buff to scoundrel/operative energy management which was not needed. Game is probably more balanced now then it has been for a longggg time. The tank/heal combos are a pain to kill but thats working as intended its called teamwork...


The only classes considered subpar atm are dps pt/vgs and dps scoundrels for pvp you see all other classes in ranked on a fairly regular basis now. Now lets compare that list to before 2.0. Did you ever see a dps class that wasnt a smasher, pyro or sniper in ranked? it was pretty rare..


Granted snipers and smash are a still a tad above everyone for dps but other then that the game balance isnt that bad and healers can heal through said classes a bit easier now then before.


I mean i'm sure someone will find a flaw with what i'm saying or i've missed a spec or 2 but overall the balance is nowhere near as bad as it used to be.

Edited by AngusFTW
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