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Bioware, we need a solution to our sqiushyness while leveling.


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Maybe this class isn't for you...


I'm not going to jump on the L2P bandwagon. However, from my experience this is hands down the best solo class I've played in this game so far. The versatility is amazing.


My only real sugestion is to check yours and your companions gear and make sure its up to level. This class is very gear dependant. When properly geared Khem is a beast. The other night I was playing and went AFK for a few minutes, I came back to find that my choice of AFK spots was where an elite mob spawns. Khem fought the Elite down under 1/4 health solo while I was out back having a smoke. I came back tossed Khem a bubble and two heals then zapped the elite dead.


While mine is only in the mid 20's, I have had no problems soloing every 2 man heroic I have come across. In fact this is the only class I have been able to solo a champion level mob with (the "Saving Face" one that spawns when you blow up the drill).


Check your gear, check your tactics, plan your fights and make good use of your CC options. Go into your fights with a plan and a clear head. If you try to "toe to toe" with the big mobs they will squish you.


Best of luck to you.

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Got a level 37 sorcerer now and honestly it's fine. I use ashara for leveling and don't have any troubles at all. Always fight vs mobs at your level or lower, never higher. Orange mobs are a pain, yellow/green are faceroll.


This class is so good for soloing. Use whirlwind shock and electrocute and I can't see for the life of me how you could have problems.


also, l2p

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Got a level 37 sorcerer now and honestly it's fine. I use ashara for leveling and don't have any troubles at all. Always fight vs mobs at your level or lower, never higher. Orange mobs are a pain, yellow/green are faceroll.


This class is so good for soloing. Use whirlwind shock and electrocute and I can't see for the life of me how you could have problems.


also, l2p



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So far in 40+ I died quite a few times, but I was not using medpacks. The only issue I had is that I was not able to kill gold level Primeval something droids in Mother quest (class instance) at Belsavis (lvl 44?). Their rocket attack could not be interrupted with jolt and after trying various companion combinations I just skipped them...
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Khem is a perfectly adequate tank for solo content. If he's getting killed or you're getting killed, it's because YOU need to learn the class better and use more stuns/shielding, not because Bioware and the literal thousands of testers made a mistake on the sorcerer class.
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How come I am forced to use Khem? I would much prefer to use Ashara but unfortunately if I come across a "strong" mob (or godforbid a "elite") She dies and so do I. I'm a full blown PvP DPS spec and I feel that I am FORCED to play by a strict guideline of rules.


No I don't want to heal, I want to fight. I shouldn't have to heal to use a certain companion. Even then I constantly have to sacrifice getting commendations/loot boxes for Khem gear because he isn't even that strong of a tank.


I really want to play MY own way and not a cookie cutter way. It's either, DPS with Khem or heal with any other Companion but it shouldn't be like that at all.



What I read was "I don't want to use all of my abilities."


I think it's a reasonable expectation to toss out a heal or two while leveling. Sorcerer's are balanced around the abilities they are given. If I choose never to whirlwind can I complain about double elite pulls? If you're going to throw out half the spell book don't complain that Bioware didn't give you the right tools.


I'm leveling as a healer, it takes me longer to DPS mobs. Please buff Ashara's DPS so I can face roll it.


Main point is I understand you want to DPS. That's why you rolled a Sorcerer. Consider using Talos and just having him heal bot you while you destroy stuff.


Oh, and you can DPS with any companion while tossing out the occasional heal / pre-pull shield - just don't expect to use medium / light armor companions on Elites and never heal them.

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uuu, the moment I got a andro I left Khem in my ship. Just been AOEing packs down and having Andro lob in grenades with me.


Can easily nuke down the standard and weak mobs then just kite / whirlwind the strong stuff while andro shoots it in the face.


Currently 38, going to see if Ashara can replace Andro for me but I reckon pathing etc wont work out in her favor.

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Honestly if you just want to faceroll through mobs, take Talos Drellik, seriously the guy is a machine. I get through packs of standard mobs, packs with one or two strong, even with the elite (2+) quests (with use of WW of course) without really ever having to stop and heal because of this guy. He is far more powerful them Khem is on Belsavis I found. However once I reached equal level or higher with the NPC's in the zone I just used Ashara, assist casting shield on her and just mow through stuff. Except the elites, if I want to tank with her I have to split between 50/50 heal/dps. Get her some decent sabers and she's pretty awesome on DPS to.


But yeah, otherwise use Drellik.

Edited by shinkicker
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I'm a full blown PvP DPS spec and I feel that I am FORCED to play by a strict guideline of rules.




I'm a full blown PvP DPS spec








PvP'r having trouble in PvE? Working as intended.



Next topic we see will be a PvE spec'd Sorce wondering why he is getting destroyed in PvP.

Edited by Kumata
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The error is on your end. Not bioware's. Just accept you're not playing well enough and improve or quit the game already. Leveling is perfectly fine.


So I guess my question would be "Why should I play a sorcerer when a trooper/bounty hunter does equal DPS AND has great survivability and can take on two elites while just straight out DPSing with any companion they want. Instead of playing a class that does DPS but is squishy and requires a specific company for the bulk of the game (elites are very common.)"

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So I guess my question would be "Why should I play a sorcerer when a trooper/bounty hunter does equal DPS AND has great survivability and can take on two elites while just straight out DPSing with any companion they want. Instead of playing a class that does DPS but is squishy and requires a specific company for the bulk of the game (elites are very common.)"


Because you don't need a specific companion. You can use whichever one you like.

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Must leave the sorc as it is, seriously one of the best ever classes that I have ever played. The story line is amazing to RP through and whirlwind, lightning and the knock back skills used together can keep at least 3 mobs (including strongs) fairly easy. Chain ww is amazing and granted I'm not 34 or even quite 30 yet, the game mechanics haven't really changed since level 10ish.


I'm a mix of majoring in lightning tree and a touch of healing.

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My sorc rearly ever dies, all I do is upgrade my and my pets armor every other level and keep going. We do not need to wear any other armor but light and + we can heal ourselves and our companions so why change something that has been so good so far?

I don't get your post.

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You want to play "your way" ... well your way appears to involve death. You are complaining about not being able to use any companion to kill elite mobs (pve) while in a pvp spec. Not everything will be possible to you using every option. Yes... we have the ability to kill elite mobs (group mobs) by ourselves if we use the right companion and spec wisely... you are refusing to do either. Don't complain about the system as a whole since options to do the job are there, you just refuse to use them.
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Im confuesd, You cant do anything withour Khem? Not sure if its just me, But i used him till Tat when i got that gun dude(-25c and 6am i cant think of his name...) But ya, I swapped to him and kicked tons of ***. Myself im a full blowen Lighting tree sorc (with basic madness for extra stuff) and Unless its the very same level as me and a elite I have no issues. Generaly, I can solo a Champion thats 2 levels under me with no issues. And with basic heals and no tank, I feel like its a good feat! Have you upgraded your armor and Comapnions armor (PLEASE tell me your using custom stuff with full slots if so).


When in a group with my friend we have our DPS pets out and were both DPS ourselves and we never have issues with things our lvel and up. Just gotta know how to time things and CC when needed

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Actually, i am using ashara as Lightning and doing just fine. When i have aggro i kite or just keep bursting, while keeping shields on both up. When she is 'tanking' i take maxrange and go allout nuke. Altough i think that as madness you're not able to burst that hard to ignore the incoming damage.


As lightning a dps companion is more then viable, i can't say of the other 3 trees.

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I look at the companions a certain way. They are your friend in the absence of a friend you can quest with. So they fill the void. The first companion you get is the opposite of what you are. If you are dps/heals you will have a tank. If you are melee dps/tank, you will get a ranged dps first. The point is, they compliment you very well throughout the game. The other companions I look at as my crafting/gathering slaves. As well as the filler role if you need for flashpoints and what not. Not that the companions are any great help in an group instance, it's better than not being able to do it because nobody is responding to ads for group.


If I was in a group as my Sorc dps, and we needed another dps, I'd call Ashara. If I needed a tank, I'd use khem. If we needed a healer, I'd have someone else in the group use their healer if they had it.


Throughout questing, there have been times where using someone other than Khem was better, but for the most part, I like having a meatshield and whether it's called Khem, Ashara or Chubakka, it's all good. Seeing as Khem is the toughest of the meatshields, I'll keep using him. :)

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I'm healer spec'd and I prefer Khem most of the time, but I like Andros as well. I really enjoy the versatility of the companions, how they can be used depending on the circumstances.


I knew i'd be slightly squooshy due to the class, I'm light armor! So I use my CC and interrupts where needed. It works out really well for me.

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