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The one reason why WoW still destroys SWTOR


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SWTOR runs like crap, even on amazing computers.


Run WoW on Ultra never dropping below 60FPS.


Barely keep 60 FPS average on fleet with only high settings, random tearing and fps spikes.


Load screens in SWTOR are 4 times as long, even with an SSD AND a 6gb RAM drive.


I can't even imagine trying to play this game on a normal computer.

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WoW on ultra looks worse than TOR at minimum settings. Grats on your FPS though.


No, it doesn't look worse. In fact, some of the environmental details, such as shadows and water, are better looking in WoW, at least to me. I don't think SWTOR has sun shafts, but WoW certainly does and it looks great. There's also directx10 functionality in WoW, but that doesn't affect the looks, I guess. The biggest difference, I'd say, is in model textures, including armor pieces - they look miles better in SWTOR.

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No, it doesn't look worse. In fact, some of the environmental details, such as shadows and water, are better looking in WoW, at least to me. I don't think SWTOR has sun shafts, but WoW certainly does and it looks great. There's also directx10 functionality in WoW, but that doesn't affect the looks, I guess. The biggest difference, I'd say, is in model textures, including armor pieces - they look miles better in SWTOR.


It is cool that you disagree. Grats on your sun shafts though.

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Grats on your worthless graphics superiority. You do realize SWTOR having better graphics and being an MMO isn't gonna turn manure into gold, right? In fact, this is what most modern MMOs fail to realize - pretty graphics just make everything more hardware demanding, especially when it comes to the most important aspect of an MMO, namely massively multiplayer gameplay.
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SWTOR runs like crap, even on amazing computers.


Run WoW on Ultra never dropping below 60FPS.


Barely keep 60 FPS average on fleet with only high settings, random tearing and fps spikes.


Load screens in SWTOR are 4 times as long, even with an SSD AND a 6gb RAM drive.


I can't even imagine trying to play this game on a normal computer.


Wait what? 10 year old graphics give better fps? That's insane.

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Grats on your worthless graphics superiority. You do realize SWTOR having better graphics and being an MMO isn't gonna turn manure into gold, right? In fact, this is what most modern MMOs fail to realize - pretty graphics just make everything more hardware demanding, especially when it comes to the most important aspect of an MMO, namely massively multiplayer gameplay.


Thank you friend. I do enjoy the game quite a bit.

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Grats on that, it isnt based on FPS either. also if you like wow so much go back there if u your back there stay there and have fun with your panda`s.

swtor is a good game if your pc can handle it. also wow is a bit more experienced with mmo`s.

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Wait what? 10 year old graphics give better fps? That's insane.


Log into a Vanilla WoW server, look around.


Log into live WoW server, look around.


Log into live SWTOR, look around.


WoW and SWTOR are almost even, except that WoW runs 3x as good.

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WoW runs better, yes...




This is what a WoW character looks like: http://www.cjritter.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/Human_male.jpg

This is what my SWTOR character looks like: http://i.imgur.com/srW9kZz.jpg


I'll stick with the latter, thank you. You can keep all the ape-armed, glove-fingered neanderthals to yourself, or zoom in on their low-res blocky faces and see them beautifully at 60 FPS :rolleyes:

Edited by Jenzali
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Grats on your worthless graphics superiority. You do realize SWTOR having better graphics and being an MMO isn't gonna turn manure into gold, right? In fact, this is what most modern MMOs fail to realize , especially when it comes to the most important aspect of an MMO, namely massively multiplayer gameplay.




"The one reason why..." is a bad concept. The truth is that there is no ONE reason.

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WoW runs better, yes...




This is what a WoW character looks like: http://www.cjritter.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/Human_male.jpg

This is what my SWTOR character looks like: http://i.imgur.com/srW9kZz.jpg


I'll stick with the latter, thank you. You can keep all the ape-armed, glove-fingered neanderthals to yourself, or zoom in on their low-res blocky faces and see them beautifully at 60 FPS :rolleyes:


You just compared an out of date character model which will get a graphical update soon to a fully geared character model. I dont understand your point?


A fully geared WoW character looks the same as a fully geared SWTOR character.

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You just compared an out of date character model which will get a graphical update soon to a fully geared character model. I dont understand your point?


A fully geared WoW character looks the same as a fully geared SWTOR character.


Provide a link then, I rather not sully my browser with having to search anything related to WoW.

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SWTOR runs like crap, even on amazing computers.


Run WoW on Ultra never dropping below 60FPS.


Barely keep 60 FPS average on fleet with only high settings, random tearing and fps spikes.


Load screens in SWTOR are 4 times as long, even with an SSD AND a 6gb RAM drive.


I can't even imagine trying to play this game on a normal computer.

I'm playing on a laptop with V-sync. FPS jumps between 50 - 60 FPS. Without V-sync I run SWTOR at 100+ FPS.


But you cannot disagree that the engine really does hold the game back. Meanwhile Betheseda thinks they can do better with the same engine for TES:O. :rolleyes: I'll be sure to have my popcorn for that launch day.

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I'm playing on a laptop with V-sync. FPS jumps between 50 - 60 FPS. Without V-sync I run SWTOR at 100+ FPS.


But you cannot disagree that the engine really does hold the game back. Meanwhile Betheseda thinks they can do better with the same engine for TES:O. :rolleyes: I'll be sure to have my popcorn for that launch day.


Oh, dear.. it's running on the hero engine? I hope they don't modify it too much to make it as bad as this game.

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No, it doesn't look worse. In fact, some of the environmental details, such as shadows and water, are better looking in WoW, at least to me. I don't think SWTOR has sun shafts, but WoW certainly does and it looks great. There's also directx10 functionality in WoW, but that doesn't affect the looks, I guess. The biggest difference, I'd say, is in model textures, including armor pieces - they look miles better in SWTOR.


You are still dealing with cartoonish and grossly unrealistic and frankly uninspiring visuals in WoW vs environments that look gritty and real in TOR. Not saying TOR is perfect because it is far from it, but the realism is much greater here than there.

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Blizzard's gear art team is about a millennium ahead of BW's. The end-game gear in this game is ATROCIOUS. I've worked my butt off in operations for the privilege of pulling mods out of some of the ugliest pixels I've ever seen, only to put it into gear that comes from the cash shop.


Great job, EA. Way to take the pride out of accomplishment in an MMO. Make BW hire a five year old with crayons to draw your end-game gear, so players are forced into buying the pretty stuff with real money.

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You are still dealing with cartoonish and grossly unrealistic and frankly uninspiring visuals in WoW vs environments that look gritty and real in TOR. Not saying TOR is perfect because it is far from it, but the realism is much greater here than there.


Who cares how real it looks if you constantly get distracted by random fps drops?

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You are still dealing with cartoonish and grossly unrealistic and frankly uninspiring visuals in WoW vs environments that look gritty and real in TOR. Not saying TOR is perfect because it is far from it, but the realism is much greater here than there.


It isn't that bad, I still find some of the areas in wow to be pretty awesome looking.








Are some really awesome looking areas.


Graphics are severely outdated though and the game takes nothing to run. This argument is pretty invalid. I just wanted to state that the game isn't ugly by any means. It still has some really beautiful areas that can beat out certain places in this game for sure. Most people have to turn of shadows and bloom which give this game it's really awesome look. I am one of them as both really hurt my fps currently and I'm on a decent rig. If I can't play the game with all it has to offer then it doesn't really bring that same WOW (pun intended) factor to it visually.

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You are still dealing with cartoonish and grossly unrealistic and frankly uninspiring visuals in WoW vs environments that look gritty and real in TOR. Not saying TOR is perfect because it is far from it, but the realism is much greater here than there.


Funny you're mentioning realism because the devs clearly stated they went for stylised graphics instead of realistic ones with SWTOR. Again, both realism and superior looks are not of much worth in an MMO.

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