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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Solo Queue Should Be Truly Solo...


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When I queue up as solo, I expect to verse other people who also queued up as solo...is that too much to ask? Why is it the system doesn't prioritize matching solo players with other players, and then purely solo teams with other solo teams? It just seems silly to me for an entirely solo team to be paired against a full premade.


it says queue solo not solo queue. sigh

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If only there was another kind of WZ, where premade lovers could queue up and fight against peers...


Just ... to offer some perspective. When I get off work after midnight on Friday night/Saturday morning, I want to PvP with my friends. Our group is 3-5 people depending on the night. It's made up of:



  1. Me, a mediocre healer who usually also has a few drinks while queuing
  2. A good Vigil guardian who is also drinking
  3. A lowbie healer who stays up way past his bedtime to hang out, and has to be woken up by yelling in mumble when we notice he hasn't left the starter area
  4. A competent player who could be spectacular on a single class but chooses to spread herself across 20 alts
  5. A guy who never entered WZs until a week ago and is still learning the maps


This also doesn't take into consideration we've got some big level gaps so sometimes one of us will end up on a level 11 alt just so we can queue into the same bracket.


None of us have 55s, but even if we did, do you think we belong in ranked WZs over regular? Serious question.


Also, this.

it says queue solo not solo queue. sigh
Edited by Sarielle
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If the football major league is closed (i.e. due to summer vacations) shall your major league team go roll minors or even town teams and still get major league rewards on top of that?


If your team is competitive, then though luck, regular WZs are non competitive, exactly like a 8 men op won't magically adapt to be done by 4 men just because you can't field enough players for the raid.


I wouldn't stop them from playing a game at my barbeque... or my local park.


There is no such thing as a non-competitive PvP. As for your um... PvE reference... no, that 4-man would go do an HM fp then. You know, the next step down from an 8-man piece of content.



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I'm queuing most of the time solo and I don't think, permades are the problem. But matchmaking is in fact suboptimal.

I really think a kind of groupfinder should be used for PVP-Queues to balance healers and tanks if possible.

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We weren't exactly "rude" persay, just very tired of hearing the same 3 complaints over and over. Premades, OP heals, and Scouperative roll.


Seriously, on Page 1 of the PvP forums is the exact thread already linked to you, with the same complaint.


Regardless of your justification...you were rude. Yeah, it gets old seeing the same crap over and over in this forum, but it is what it is.

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What is this solo queue you speak of?


There are two WZ queues - regs and rateds.


Do what any sane person would do is just leave don't stick it out and get farmed your next match is just a few clicks away :)

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Another I`m bad so I wanna play with bads threads. Random pugs are just sad.....always the same totally ignoring enemy healers free casting in the back, crazy overcommiting some1 calls 1 inc at side node(that`s is if u even have a guard, love u ppl that cap and leave undefended node/pylon) and 5 ppl leave mid and leaving mid for dead, oh fav 1! apparently pugs do not keybind pass the huttball it requires too much skill


Based on your response, I wonder why you are against a separate queue for solo players? Is it because you like playing against them? If so, I wonder why? Could it be because you know that you have a much better chance of wining when you are a part of a premade if you are facing solo players?


I also wonder if you have ever solo queued? If so, did you fit the description that you provided above? Where you part of a well composed team with healers, tanks and dps, or were you on an unbalanced team? Was the apposing team a random pug, a premade or a double premade? Would you say that you had more fun when playing against a random pug team, a team composed of a premade and four random players, or a double premade?


Were you ever at the wrong node when you could have done more good at a different node? Did you ever fall prey to a ninja cap? Were you ever a part of the team that capped a node and then left leaving no one behind to guard it? If yes, then upon noticing this what did you do? Did you go back and guard it, did you use chat to see if someone else was going back to guard it, or did you use chat to call all of the other players idiots because nobody stayed behind to guard it?


When guarding a node were you ever attacked by two or more players using stealth mode? Did you loose the node to them? If yes, how did you lose the node? Did they stun you, did you call out as soon as you saw them but they capped it too quickly for anyone to respond, or did you chose to fight and they capped it after you were already dead?


When you were lucky enough to have a healer on your team, how closely did you watch what was happening to them? Did you feel you had sufficient situational awareness to provide protection to your healer when they were in trouble? If so, would you say that your situational awareness allowed you to respond to the healers need for protection as fast as you would have if you were using voip and they called out for help?


Did you feel that the level of communication available to the random pug team that you were in rivaled that of a premade or double premade team, and what is your opinion of voip? Do you believe that it provides premade with and advantage over random pugs? If so, then would you be willing to give it up when queuing against random pugs? If you would, then why don't you, and if you would not then is the reason because you know that it gives you an advantage, and you want to exploit that advantage?


Obviously I could go on, but instead of that let me just say that not all random pugs are bad, just like not all premade teams are good, but premade teams do have a number of advantages over random pug teams, and solo players are just tired of playing against teams that chose to exploit those advantages. Now tell me, what is wrong with that?

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What is this solo queue you speak of?


There are two WZ queues - regs and rateds.


No, there are two type of warzones, but there are three warzone queues. If you don't believe me you cant login to the game and check it out for yourself.

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I'm queuing most of the time solo and I don't think, permades are the problem. But matchmaking is in fact suboptimal.

I really think a kind of groupfinder should be used for PVP-Queues to balance healers and tanks if possible.


This would help, and it is certainly worth a try, Unfortunately it still does not address the voip advantage that groups possess, so it is still possible that the queues would need to be separated. Still you are on the right track, and I agree that a matchmaking system could make things better.

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Obviously I could go on, but instead of that let me just say that not all random pugs are bad, just like not all premade teams are good, but premade teams do have a number of advantages over random pug teams, and solo players are just tired of playing against teams that chose to exploit those advantages. Now tell me, what is wrong with that?


List them please.


What advantages besides Voice-chat does a Premade have that a PuG can not?


:) Don't get me wrong, I'm not agreeing with iDaxter that all (or most) PuG's are bad. I just get really tired of people proclaiming premades have some mythical advantages a PuG can not have.


Disclaimer: I think matchmaking is needed to separate people according to ability.

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No, there are two type of warzones, but there are three warzone queues. If you don't believe me you cant login to the game and check it out for yourself.


No, there are not.


There is one warzone queue with a queue as solo button (Simplified, queue solo, but when you queue the message in your chat panel says "You are for warzones as solo.") and a queue group button.


Then there is a warzone queue for ranked. The belief/expectation that the queue solo button is separate from the queue group queue is a lack of reading comprehension and/or false assumptions. Nothing more.

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List them please.


What advantages besides Voice-chat does a Premade have that a PuG can not?


:) Don't get me wrong, I'm not agreeing with iDaxter that all (or most) PuG's are bad. I just get really tired of people proclaiming premades have some mythical advantages a PuG can not have.


Disclaimer: I think matchmaking is needed to separate people according to ability.


I really don't care one way or the other, with regard to premades rolling pugs, but you can't be serious here. Have you not ever played objective-based PvP with a premade group of like-minded players on Vent/TS/Mumble with each other? The resulting ROFLstomp is resounding, to say the least. Premades have a HUGE advantage, to say the least.


P.S. Again, i'm not against premades in regular WZs, just replying to this post...which seems a bit naive to be completely honest.

Edited by crewthiefthor
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List them please.


What advantages besides Voice-chat does a Premade have that a PuG can not?


:) Don't get me wrong, I'm not agreeing with iDaxter that all (or most) PuG's are bad. I just get really tired of people proclaiming premades have some mythical advantages a PuG can not have.


Disclaimer: I think matchmaking is needed to separate people according to ability.


You named two of them, those being voice chat and team composition. The third advantage is team cohesion. Each of these provide a significant advantage on there own, and by combining all three the advantage gained by premade teams is substantial.

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