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Voice chat


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So, I have been wondering what is everyone's preferred voice chat program?




At first I was against downloading any of them. I have since given in and installed both Teamspeak and Mumble. I still dont have my microphone plugged in, but at least I can hear people explain the boss tactics in new lvl 55 ops that I'm not familiar with. However, one group insisted on having vent for EV HM. I refused to download it and didnt join them obviously. Another person wanted vent for TC HM. I tried to tell them that melee dps (me) have it pretty simple and I've killed him before without voice, but other tank was stubborn and said no anyway. I swear since I gave in and downloaded both TS and Mumble, I find more people using Vent. Ugh.


Obviously I could download all 3, but I'm just trying to have less apps installed on my SSD than I need. I will uninstall whichever one you guys say is the least popular haha.

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I think it does, but not in general discussion.


As for what program people use, I think it is up to each person to decide what he likes, or what his guild uses.

I prefer TS3, but I ave used Vent in the past (not really thrilled with it in comparison to TS3). I have never used Mumble

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i have teamspeak, mumble, vent and even skype(cuz some weirdos use it for mmo's lol) because i find every group of people prefer sumthing different. i have 4 55's all in diff guilds and i do use mumble, vent and teamspeak for guild groups.


i do agree with other people and wish this game had an in-game VOIP for groups and such. many other games even some that are a couple years older than this game have in-game VOIP. i was disappointed when this game was released and had no VOIP. many other disappointments too tho and in-game VOIP was the least of my worries at release rofl.

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TS3 is the best one out right now. However most gamers over 25 know the terrible rep TS has before the TS3 makeover, so many won't use it due to how bad it once way.


Mumble is the new "hotness" for the people who simply do not know any better. Its lack of features like volume control make it the most annyoing to deal with but it has an overlay that may simple minded people like.


Vent is the old standard. There is really nothing wrong with it other then its not been updated in over 7 years.


Skype is for internet video sex, its not useful in games unless you are video chatting with a naked chick while gaming which then makes it the best VOIP you can get.

Edited by Hizoka
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I use mostly Vent just because my guild has owned a server for many years going back to other games. Nobody really feels particularly motivated to go look into other programs and get the person who has been paying to sign up to something new and all that. I am intrigued by the TS makeover though, it's true that we used to use the old one ages ago and I really don't know how good the new one is. I have Mumble on hand for groups that use it, but overall I don't really like it all that much.
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When I played WoW it seemed like Vent was the only thing anyone ever used, so for years I only had Vent and was very resistant to DL anything else when ToR came out and I met people using TS and Mumble.


But then I realized they take like 2 minutes to get and set up, and there's no point in not having all three. If I WAS going to arbitrarily refuse to get one of them, it would be Mumble though, not Vent!

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Huh? :confused:

My thoughts exactly.




@OP, I prefer TeamSpeak 3 out of all. Vent is just downright atrocious because it's so hideous, and it's so far beyond the time we're at now. Mumble has some crappy UI at the beginning, and is sorta confusing with the mess it has.


I'll never look back as I have and always will be happy with TS3.

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I have both ts3 and vent. been using vent for years but ts3 for only the last three. in rift the guilds ts3 server was down so much we actually had a backup server bookmarked. vent was down only once in 8 years. currently my guild uses vent.


both have the same quality of sound. I can use both equally at ease. what I found is ts3 is liked by egotistic gms who enjoy muting and moving members in and out of rooms. for that ts is really nice. ( I actually had a gm who enjoyed doing this)


perhaps this game will someday have its own voice chat. with a lfd I am surprised players haven't been as vocal about it as they were for getting the lfd in the first place. I guess since wow doesn't have it such a feature is deemed as not needed.:rolleyes:

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