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Why the lack of underwater content?


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KOTOR 1 did it.


How come there's no water in this game more than 2 feet deep?


Next planet should be Manaan For your background environment scenery you could just do one big ocean and sky....pretty easy for you Bioware right?


And the area would be exactly the same as KOTOR 1...on a big platform..and all the content would be underwater inside the base.


I would love to use my seeker droid underwater wearing a diving suit. Like the rarest of rare items would be found there or something.

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I would imagine because swimming is a whole new system to implement that they never implemented. Personally, I hate underwater combat. I do like swimming and seeing cool stuff underwater, but I hate actual water combat. GW2 was kind of cool though, with the water weapon changes.


I would rather them work on 3d space then 3d water.

Edited by Soluss
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Because the intense illogicals of firing a blaster underwater or using any sword (normal or lightsaber) underwater is not worth the gain (what would the gain be anyway?).


Force lighting and telekinetic skills wouldn't work. The whole combat would be dmapened by the medium water... and most people agree, that the combat in SWTOR is already slow enough and doesn't need to be slowed down any further.


If however you are talking about just venturing underwater and then fighting in dry caverns or installations underwater, then it is nothing but a fancy scenery and fine.

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Thats why they didn't put it in? Because Bioware hates underwater content? Ok thanks for the info


I have no idea what Bioware thinks about underwater content, but I do know what the feedback from players in other games with underwater content is.


I'd agree that just exploration wouldn't be bad, but the moment I have to fight mobs underwater, Ffffffff

Edited by chuixupu
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Thats why they didn't put it in? Because Bioware hates underwater content? Ok thanks for the info



Have you tried going into a body of water in SWTOR? Anytime you enter water in this game that goes above your head, you still run. There is no swimming animation...you dont even run slower...you still sprint and at the same speed. Now underwater combat like in WoW is kinda generic when you compare it to GW2. When you think about it, would you really be swinging a two handed sword underwater? GW2 has weapons and abilities specifically for underwater.


In addition have you played WoW, and done the Malygos fight? in phase 1 you are fighting on the ground, phase 2 some people get to fly around on saucers, but in phase 3 the ground you are on goes away and you and the raid are all mounted on dragons. It isnt underwater, but it is the same thing...3d combat. It can be very easy to get disoriented or misjudge your distance due to lack of reference points. Another example of this in WoW is leveling in the Vashj'r zone, which is underwater. On my melee toons, if i am not fighting on the ocean floor i would have to do a lot of left-right panning to look at me and the mob from the side to know if i was getting closer and stuff. GW2 system was a little better cause if you had something targetted and you swam towards it you would stop once you ran into their hitbox, you couldnt 'swim' through them like you could in WoW, that would only happen in GW2 if you didnt have the mob targetted.

Edited by swtonewbie
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And yet Lemuria has been the most notoriously empty, underplayed area in Champs. Yes, they made the animations work, but underwater play is just TEDIOUS.


Well, depends on your Powers. It's better than WoW in any case. Now that's tedium.



Edited by Blackavaar
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Heresy! Kedge Keep was the most incredible experience in all of EverQuest.


Ok, not really.


yep just wonderful.


nothing like pulling the rooms above, below and beside you with a aoe if not careful. also when the water breathing spell ran out it wasn't too cool either but my mage could cast that.


it was ok though as I could farm the named epic boss there and mq epic quests for good coin.


all said and done it could be fun if implemented correctly in this game.

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EVERYONE hates underwater content. Almost as much as they hate underwater combat.


Maker....Vash'jir was a dark time.


The only good thing about Vash'jir is that it's low enough level I could stay in Northrend a little longer and just skip it. Took a little longer that way, but much less pain and suffering.

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The only good thing about Vash'jir is that it's low enough level I could stay in Northrend a little longer and just skip it. Took a little longer that way, but much less pain and suffering.


I had a boatload of alts, some of which were still stuck at 70 with just the regular flying mount (since i spend all their money on my mains). Instead of leveling in Hyjal with the slow flying mount i leveled in Vashjr which had the 450% seahorse mount. hehe

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Well, we saw underwater combat in The Clone Wars (worst story arc ever, but still...) and Clone Wars. Lighsabers and blaster are working underwater in Star Wars, so there should be no problem with that.


Manaan? Yes, pleas! And it's true that they don't have to put much effort in making that kind of planet, also we don't have anything similar to Manaan or Kamino in SWTOR so it should work. But I don't think there should be much content underwater, maybe something related to exploring and using this droid, but nothing more.

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