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BioWare Quality Strikes again! Not a SINGLE patch can go in w/o bugs


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my personal favorite this time around is the NPC's with no heads...or the quest NPC on Makeb that has no head just floating eyeballs.


and the non-fading chat box.


and the jump animation.


wonder what other gems the quality that is BioWare has brought us this patch

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Because I've certainly never seen any other game release bugs. And no other type of software releases bugs, either.


So horrible. These stop me from playing the game, I can't even log in. Never-mind enjoy anything.



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That other MMO I used to play all the time always had weird bugs like that too. Like male shoulder pads suddenly being super tiny, certain weapons being ginormous, sound effects randomly changing to the wrong sound, certain sound effects being heard super loud like the player was next to you but they were actually 100 meters away, then taking about six months or so to fix said bugs....yeah, I'm used to it.
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Because I've certainly never seen any other game release bugs. And no other type of software releases bugs, either.


So horrible. These stop me from playing the game, I can't even log in. Never-mind enjoy anything.



These are blatant, widespread, totally obvious, and very annoying bugs that should have never made it out the door. I don't know how anyone could have missed them.

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I'm pretty sure a lot of bugs aren't missed, they just have to make a choice between delaying content for something that isn't game breaking, or releasing the content and dealing with the bugs later.


I'm pretty sure WoW had the naked bug (just appearing naked, still having gear stats) for over a year, maybe close to 2....but who cares if you have to fight against naked players in a raid, it's not like it breaks the game.

Edited by chuixupu
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The supposed chat box bug isnt even a bug because it can be fixed. All you have to do is go back to your chat settings and change the slider from anything but 0 hit apply and then change it back to 0 and presto its fixed.


Thank you, this was driving me nuts.

EDIT: Only a temp fix, disappeared when I entered a warzone.

Edited by oJebuso
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These are blatant, widespread, totally obvious, and very annoying bugs that should have never made it out the door. I don't know how anyone could have missed them.


Some times patching from test to live causes bugs. It might not have been obvious because it might not have been there before.

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im bewildered how bugs like that happen and dont get cought before the patch goes live. who decides to change stuff in the jumping.. code/whatever and then doesnt actually jump around a bit to test it?^^ Edited by FrankyFin
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These are blatant, widespread, totally obvious, and very annoying bugs that should have never made it out the door. I don't know how anyone could have missed them.


If you had any experience with software development, you'd know why this isn't possible -- and why they probably weren't missed.


1.) You can NEVER test every single piece of code before a release. You test the new additions, the systems they directly affect, and make sure the code merge has no conflicts.


2.) The development server is always going to be different than the production (live) server. Even if everything works fine on a development server, it is possible (and common) to have bugs pop up only when the code is merged into the production server.


Yes, bugs are no fun. You can choose to ignore them, or report them with sufficient information so the QA team can reproduce the bug, narrow down the issue, and get it fixed.


Considering the lack of blockers (catastrophic bugs), I'd say they are doing an excellent job.


You have to remember, ontop of the millions of lines of code that is the codebase for SWTOR -- they are developing for an extremely large number of user setups with varying hardware and software. Sometimes, people with one specific setup with experience a bug and no one else will -- and the only way for them to pinpoint the bug is for you to provide as much information as possible.

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Hi Nomaad,


Let me guess..those characters are Commandos?


There was a bug that has appeared since the patch where players with weaons holstered will still use the "weapon drawn" jump animation. We're working to fix it. :)


chat box

Hi Thiartc,


This is a known issue that we are working to fix.


For now, a temporary workaround is to max the Alpha setting for the box, and then minimize it again.


floating eyeballs


Hi there tumpai,


Things that are very visible will generally get their own note. Anyone who has encountered the headless, floating-eyeballed NPCs since 2.2.2 should expect that to be noted, for example.


Edited by OwenBrooks
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Teh chatbox thing really irks me for several reasons:


1. it is a bug, which I did not notice, until someone in TS told me about it... since then it is blatantly obvious. Up to that point I only had the creepy feeling that something felt wrong.


2. The workaround does only work until the next zoning and we all know that we do zone a lot in SWTOR.


3. Nothing was changed with the chat at all, was it? Where does this bug come from then? Being a programmer myself, I know about unwanted side effects, but I also know how to white-box parts of the program so that they do not affect other parts... So I wonder, what was changed, which did cause this bug in the first place... cause it was okay all the time.


4. The text itself doesn't seem to fade away ever... not even with the workaround.

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my personal favorite this time around is the NPC's with no heads...or the quest NPC on Makeb that has no head just floating eyeballs.


and the non-fading chat box.


and the jump animation.


wonder what other gems the quality that is BioWare has brought us this patch


Sometimes it sucks more than others, but I haven't played a MMO yet that didn't have new bugs with each update.

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You should all pop over and read the thread in which they go in depth about a lot of the fixes that hit the servers that DO NOT GET MENTIONED IN THE PATCH NOTES. They said they had over 100 fixes go live in 2.2.1. It is very reasonable that fixing one issue causes another. Since we do not see what all the changes are that are being made, you cannot suggest that because they didn't mention, say, a change to the chat window in the patch notes that there wasn't a minor bug that affected the UI that wasn't fixed.


If they listed all the bug fixes, as Amber stated, it would make the patch notes a wee bit unwieldy. Just one time, I actually wish they WOULD list out every little minor change on a patch just so people can see how much they fix that doesn't get mentioned. Stick it all at the bottom of the notes in a section titled random minor changes and go to town.


Finally I feel I should mention that even Windows (with it's massive budget and development and support team) releases patches that break things. To you the average home user, you would never see 99% of these breaking issues because they don't affect people with "default" settings. However, as someone who works in the IT industry, I can tell you that we MUST carefully check every windows patch and hotfix to ensure it doesn't break something in our enterprise before we apply it. Even then, something that is tested in a development lab does not mean it will work without an issue in the live environment.


So if Windows with their massive budget, huge support, and very large audience makes frequent mistakes, then I don't know how you expect anything better to come from this game which pales in comparison in every way possible.... except the overall size... the Windows OS actually takes up about as much space as this game does....

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It's the nature of the beast. Though I am pretty sure it has occurred in the past I fail to remember one single patch in any of the games I have ever played that didn't cause some kind of issue or break something.


Bugs are pretty common. Some are comical certainly, others serious....I suppose one could look at how many and how often, but I really think this is pretty much quid pro quo. You get patches, your going to get bugs.

Edited by LordArtemis
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my personal favorite this time around is the NPC's with no heads...or the quest NPC on Makeb that has no head just floating eyeballs.


and the non-fading chat box.


and the jump animation.


wonder what other gems the quality that is BioWare has brought us this patch


Yes, you are correct.


Is it a big deal? Not even remotely.

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