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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

How would YOU thank Subscribers?


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I would probably just shut the f...ront door and create lots of content geared toward subscribers. Flash points, operations, and war zones.




That would be TRUE subscriber appreciation.

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To add something on-topic (not that easy these days, it seems), here are some things I would have been really thankful for as a subscriber-appreciation:


1. First and foremost: A guarantee that all longtime known bugs get fixed with the next update. E. g. all broken codex entries, all armor clipping errors, all glitches, all graphic issues, imbalances, not working achievements (like imperial space missions being stuck at 99%) and all that. THAT would have made me feel extremely appreciated AND it is even for everyone.


2. Since 1. is obviously too much to ask for: Any sort of gifts/items that no one can ever get who was not subscribed before 4th July 2013. Make that a pet, a speeder, a title. It does not matter to me if it is useless. Would it show that they appreciate us (e. g. it would be something they read several times on the forum and they secretly worked on getting it done for us), I would have been happy.


3. 30 days free of charge OR alternatively what 30 days would be worth in Cartel Coins (=about 1500). Giving 500 back once is nothing but a discounted price for one-month-sub. (This suggestion would be my least prefered, but since they only seem to work on the Cartel Market anyway, then at least this.)


4. Improving customer service to at least average level. (Yes, that again would benefit everyone, but I as a sub would still feel much appreciated.)


So, these are my thoughts about it. Not that difficult to please, am I? 500 CC, that didn't make me happy though. I don't need the CC nor do I need more ingame credits.


Edit: Forgot 5. Give subscribers the option to toggle off ALL enemies on planets lower than the current char's level (all enemies get yellow mark instead of red) IF all class missions and planet missions have been cleared already. (Storywise, I have killed these mobs all so I do not want to maybe get attacked by them again.) Not sure if this is well explained, but maybe you get the picture. I would really like such an option even if low-level mobs don't attack me when I am e. g. level 55. But not being red would ease my tension and awareness tremendously. :)

Edited by JattaGin
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I would create a system similar to SWGs veteran system, available only for active sub time....loyalty rewards


1 month - title or toy

3 months - experience buff or emote

6 months - holo statue or pet

9 months - unique mount or species unlock

1 year - free pack, cartel coin grant or account unlock (your choice)


And so on and so forth. Each milestone should have a set of items to choose from, and you can only choose one per account. If you reach the next milestone, you can choose any of the other milestone awards instead of the new milestone reward. It is up to you.


Current total subscribed time since launch would count. You would have to be subbed to collect the awards.

Edited by LordArtemis
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I criticized your ideas. You took my criticism and turned it into a personal attack.



Again, physician, heal thyself.


You seem unable to take criticism of your ideas. Interesting that you now switched gears to the holier than thou route.


But for the most part, you're engaging in straw man arguments. Sorry, but I politely decline to feed into that.

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Again, physician, heal thyself.


You seem unable to take criticism of your ideas. Interesting that you now switched gears to the holier than thou route.


But for the most part, you're engaging in straw man arguments. Sorry, but I politely decline to feed into that.


Oh, I'm the one who seems unable to take criticism.

That's funny, especially considering the fact that your initial response to my criticism was to insult me.

But, OK.

I understand that sometimes you have nothing to say, because there's nothing to be said.

Have a nice one :)

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I think this thread is ample demonstration of why they chose to go with Cartel Coins.


It's like trying to order a pizza in here. Once you have more than 2, you're not going to agree... :rolleyes:


"I don't care if you're allergic to mushrooms -- I WANT THEM ON BOTH PIZZAS!"


I suppose they could've given us multiple options -- like either:

500 CCs

New skin mount


BoP Cartel Pack from Shipment 1


Choices are always good. Seems fewer people cry about them. But I still think your original idea was the best in this thread.

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The Subscriber Headset.


A simple Headset with an earphone and microphone coming down across the face on the left side. Maybe add a few blinking lights, because people seem to like that.


To my knowledge there is no modable version of this in the game. I have seen these for Companions as rewards from missions (on Tatooine) and I have found one purple non-modable version at level 25 (also on Tatooine). My level 55 Bounty Hunter's Mako still wears this because I cannot find a modable version.


I personally would love to have such a modable Head piece, and it seems like something anyone could find a use for somewhere.



Edited by Blackavaar
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1. Goodie bag per month with tokens/etc

2. 2x experience boost toggle option once subscribers reach some threshold such as x legacy level or after x number of lvl50 toons.

3. No mod extraction fee

4. Hood toggle :)


The 500 CC's was much appreciated (cash / gift certificates are better, simpler, and more flexible for both parties). I was just hoping for more.

Edited by Projawa
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I'd give either :

- a title (example : "The Loyal")

- a pet (like tauntauns, something that has not been made yet, maybe a little collicoïd)

- a toy (like Party Jawa, or ship models)

- a color crystal (with a color that don't exist elsewhere)


Basically anything that can be used to show off (and that is not in the CM).

Edited by Altheran
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Oh, I'm the one who seems unable to take criticism.

That's funny, especially considering the fact that your initial response to my criticism was to insult me.

But, OK.

I understand that sometimes you have nothing to say, because there's nothing to be said.

Have a nice one :)


Nice flamebait :rolleyes:

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You go back in time and staple the CoX policy of game updates and community relations onto TOR before you even launch.


In that alternate timeline, TOR has 10 million subscribers and WoW is selling Kung Fu Panda companions in their BlizzMart.

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Well, I still think a milestone reward system for subs would be best, for players and for the company. It would possibly encourage players to keep subbed to the game, and also give them a unique perk at certain intervals.


That is the CoX loyalty program. Time machine, only way to fly.

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That is the CoX loyalty program. Time machine, only way to fly.


Yea, they had one as well. I think it is a good model to use, and it also encourages folks to keep subscriptions up.


It almost becomes it's own minigame. Some of the rewards in SWG were really interesting and appealing.

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