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Celebrate KOTOR’s 10 Year Anniversary

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Now to those who feel like white knights and defend this, take a moment to pull your heads out of your behinds and with the fresh air think clearly.


10 year celebration, this is something that comes once in a lifetime. Time goes forward, never backwards.

How will we look back at this? A cheesy title you had to pay cartel coins for, yes, it is quite cheap but look back at what I said, this moment will never repeat itself again.

It will be remembered by its awesome title that is dead after a Month.


Instead of a poor title that took almost no time whatsoever to create, more should of been done. People should not pay any amount for such a celebration, celebrations are times where people are happy and celebrate(Obvious eh?).

They should not cough up dough nor should they cough it up for something so worthless it is insulting to the original KoToR games.


This is probably EAwares way of spitting on the old game and showing everyone how great they are at destroying things.


Just think of the memory it'd leave behind if it was an event, people would be talking of it for years.

In my opinion it'd be better if they did nothing than this title thing.


Will be even worse if they later do something for people who have the title, that would be a bad move "Now we have the real party, but you can't come!".

I'll be boycotting it and suggest others do too, but if you want to sell out, go ahead.

I prefer to hold onto the memory of the deceased BioWare that made games like Baldur's Gate.

I don't want to ruin what little it still means by selling out for a worthless title.

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not around on the 15th and 16th, even in GMT. killed my Facebook account as it is the most hacked site ever made so nothing gonna be happening there for me. maybe if i'm really desperate and can get to a computer I just might get a new title, but only on the chars i've unlocked titles on (will be f2p at that time as i'm not around for a bit).


seem to remember other companies actually celebrating big dates with useful things.


but maybe i'm the only person in any universe who likes the gnosis.

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Irritated Query: Facebook Page? Does this mean we HAVE to have a Facebook account to get these things?


Statement: There are lots of folks who don't have a Facebook account, some in my own Guild. If this is restricted to Facebook for some of the items.... we're locked out.

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First, Kotor was good... but Baldur's Gate made Bioware.


Second, am I supposed to sit on Facebook all day hoping to win some CC, or perhaps spend the free time I have that day playing the game. I am not gonna follow this game on Facebook or Tweeter.


I only use one title... Founder. You couldn't pay me 10 CC or 10K CC to wear Revan's Heir after you gave him to the Imps to kill off. I will give 10 CC if you let me kill Lord Scourge!!!

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... A miningless title, that's it?!


I would have added an extra quest for the revanites series that rewarded a mini HK pet or something like that (with the same 24 hours time frame), but a CC buyable title? Meh.

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I'll probably buy a couple titles just because they're 10 CC, but I wish it was something I'd ever use. Just 'Heir' or 'Heiress' would have been preferable imo. Even the firework bundle going for 10 CC right now feels like a more attractive offer. Although reading the link Courtney gave I'm hopeful we'll see something they haven't mentioned on that page.


Look at this phrasing specifically;


we will be doing a couple of things both in-game, and out. Here are some of the things you can look forward to


It does say there will be a couple things in-game, and then goes on to say the list is some of the things to expect. Since the title was the only thing mentioned it sounds like they have something else as well.

Edited by Inflicktion
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I'll probably buy a couple titles just because they're 10 CC, but I wish it was something I'd ever use. Just 'Heir' or 'Heiress' would have been preferable imo. Even the firework bundle going for 10 CC right now feels like a more attractive offer. Although reading the link Courtney gave I'm hopeful we'll see something they haven't mentioned on that page.


Look at this phrasing specifically;




It does say there will be a couple things in-game, and then goes on to say the list is some of the things to expect. Since the title was the only thing mentioned it sounds like they have something else as well.


Hush. Using logic on the forums won't work. People will still whine and complain like infants...

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“Revan’s Heir” title.


oh dear :rolleyes:


^This. So THIS!!


TBH I feel SWTOR totally ruined the KOTOR and KOTOR2 stories and made an absolute mockery of Revan. It still pisses me off everytime I play Maelstrom Prison or The Foundry

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TBH I feel SWTOR totally ruined the KOTOR and KOTOR2 stories and made an absolute mockery of Revan. It still pisses me off everytime I play Maelstrom Prison or The Foundry


same for me too.......no matter how much i sad 5 years a go that the story was riped apart and only the name was used as part of the selling part of it and they never did their home on this and it should have been a bigger part of SWTOR then it was

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KotOR is my favorite game of all time. I'm happy to celebrate it in this game, even though my KotOR 1 and 2 playthroughs now mean jack squat. Thanks for the canon. :rolleyes:


I'm OK with the title. I guess it's sort of fitting for people who have played the original game. Though I hope they have more up their sleeves and just haven't revealed it yet.

Edited by lornalove
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I appreciate the effort BW. I appreaciate it so much that I'm willing to overlook that making a new title requires no effort at all actually. But it's better than nothing, so I appreciate it.


Too bad the title itself doesn't make much sense, that's the only thing that prevents me from complete joy.

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I'd suggest adding more content from KOTOR to this game to honour it, because dudes, what ever did you guys do with the art department that worked for KOTOR?


KOTOR truly captured the atmosphere of the star wars movies, the designs for armor, clothes, enviroments and weapons where very fitting. Can't be said for TOR which is often a bit much on the cartoony side.

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considering how they turned revan into a rambling madman in this game, its probably best if they keep the mysteries about KOTOR intact.


whatever moron thats calling himself revan is found at the foundry, to me he will always be an imposter.

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