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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The REAL FoTM class


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12 inquisitors total in this match. 2 bounty hunters, a warrior, and one agent. They suck, yes, (Sorcs are still bad because a lot of *bad* players play them, and sins are decent) but they're FoTM now.


Eh, better than 12 smashers or lolrollers. Just lots of bubbles... :rolleyes:

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Really? That's interesting. So I guess they all reroll at 55 when they realize Warriors and Agents rule?


No, most of them just never even make it to 55. Play lowbies, you'll see. Tons of Assassins and Sorcs and it's pretty much always been that way. I'm pretty sure I can dig up QQ posts in this forum QQing about all the lightening spam in the first month of launch.

Edited by DimeStax
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Really? That's interesting. So I guess they all reroll at 55 when they realize Warriors and Agents rule?
Pretty much.


People, well some people, refered to sorcs as fotm (in the sense of them being OP) when the game first launched but they were never popular because they happened to have some good procs at the time. They were, and are popular, for the reason mentioned in this thread; They have iconic abilties and look cool.

Edited by MidichIorian
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Lowbies sure love their Force Lightning and their Darth Maul sabers.


We were doing an OPs earlier, the assassin was called : XXXXXXXXXXMaul

XXXXXXXXXX = A word related to the class name.

And yes he was bad!


Spoiler alert: He was a Zabrak!

Edited by znihilist
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We were doing an OPs earlier, the assassin was called : XXXXXXXXXXMaul

XXXXXXXXXX = A word related to the class name.

And yes he was bad!


Spoiler alert: He was a Zabrak!


Bolded bit


Seen so many variations of this myself.

Edited by chimex
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Sorcs do not shine in low brackets, their useful skills and builds need more points invested.


actually sorcs do shine, since all mele classes in 10-29 don't have their strongest 'touch' yet, snipers hit hard but can't spam attacks *yet*, mercs still missing their hard hitters and can't spam attacks *yet*, sorcs get most of their arsenal at level 12 and with level they gain *toys*, so by 10-29 they do have more then the rest.

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Indeed, there are no plenty knights and warriors after 2.0, there are still no plenty snipers and gunslingers. They are, but not hordes. Snipers a bit more than before 2.0; warriors and knights same amount, maybe some less.


There are plenty sorcs/sages - dps and healers, and plenty sins/shadows. Dps sorcs get huge numbers of dps or healing on scoreboard. And plenty operatives healers.

Many mercs/commandos - all in arsenal spec. No pyro mercs though. Seems every fotm'er and his mom roll sin or sorc.


Few vanguards/pt. Few dps scoundrels/operatives.

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DPS sorc was my first character when the game released, during the dark times between 1.2 and 2.0 she was retired. I'm just happy py she's viable again. And while numbers don't mean anything getting half a million DPS when nobody else in the match got over 200k is still a nice help to the team. Or getting more DPS, Healing, and objective points than any other teammate in a match is a good vote of confidence for the class too.


And for those who think they're useless kiddie classes please remind me of that before a match so I can laugh from above as youget quadruple teamed rather than pull your clumsy ball handling *** out of the pit.

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In the 30-54 bracket on POT5, Snipers are the FOTM. I've had my Sniper since January(?), at least before 2.0, and was PvP'ing with him trying to get him to 55. Did a NC yesterday with, I kid you not, 7 Snipers and, FML a Pyro PT.


Fastest NC I've ever lost. They had 3 healers as well. It sucks when you see your toon that you've had for months and know well, get punished and nicknamed FOTM because of noobs.

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I just lvl'd a lightning sorc to 55 almost exclusively through warzones. In lowbies their bust is INSANE from lvl 45 onwards.


However, you have to know how to play them properly. Only a handful of players know how to leverage their procs properly for maximum burst, and even fewer know how to position/kite with a sorc properly.


At 55, from my experience, they are a little more squishy. I am not sure if that is because I only have 25k hp and 2k expertise. Their burst is still insane, even as a fresh, undergeared 55. I can frequently global 15k of their health in about 1.5 without popping cooldowns.

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This was from yesterday, 55 bracket:




Again, this is the result of the game lacking proper matchmaking for pvp. I've seen this happen with multiple classes on multiple occasions.

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only unskilled players will take a dps lightning tree sorcerer to pvp.

I'm playing pure healer and full partisan set.


on word = IMMORTAL


I can focus self heal myself while being attacked by the entire enemy team at the same time.



Crushing darkness / affliction dots are great for random spam as they annoy the **** out of ppl which do not realise they can cleanse themselves. Also Lightning storm...


ppl will underestimate it but...


blob skirmish... 5-6 enemies in close proximity most of them under 60% health...

pop recklessness + alacrity boost ability (forgot the name lol) which also makes u imune to interrupts and then you wreak havoc on that team! I killed dozens of players like that today and while still doing minimum of 500-600k heals per match (lots of healers hard to compete for heals).


I really pitty on mara this days.. puny thing jumps at me with all their special ninja moves I heal myself while he burns his CDs and then lightning\dots\push he dead.

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