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I can't play in Flashpoints or Warzones anymore...


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...because of one, stupid bug. The disappearing interface bug, which used to be confined just to having the potential to happen when changing between instances on the same planet, and has already resulted in me giving up almost completely on planet team content for the last six months. Now, it's spread to happen seemingly at random any time I load any new area.


It's frustrating enough when I'm on my own. If my story takes me to special instances or makes me travel a bit for missions, I find myself having to re-log. But it's even worse if I want to do any team content now. If I queue for a Warzone or an FP, there's a random chance I'll load in, be unable to see properly, and thus be, effectively, dead weight. And of course, I can't just log out/in to fix it in those cases. I refuse to take the dead weight option, so that basically means not queuing. My options for style of play are quickly drying up...and if I want to endgame...that's effectively nonexistent now.


I have submitted in game /bug reports about it numerous times. I have posted about it in both the Customer Service and Bug Reports forums as well as this one. I have tried upgrading drivers. I've tried Google searches for suggestions (only to just find more unanswered threads on these forums and nothing else). I have tried every little possible workaround suggested by other players short of sacrificing sheep to the UI fairies.


And still, there's been nothing but silence from the Dev team on this front. And that's why I've given up and am letting my sub lapse when it comes time to renew next week.


Please don't take this the wrong way. I'm frustrated because I do really think this is a fun game, which I won't be able to join in on anymore. I want to play it. I want to enjoy it. But I can't when I have to confront the fact that finding it in a playable condition is entirely a matter of luck.


This is my last desperate attempt to see if there's any way to salvage the enjoyment I get from this game. I expect it will be ignored again, and I don't figure anything will be done, but I feel like I've tried everything else at this point, so it won't hurt to try one last rant. Why, after so many months, has this remained unfixed? Why hasn't it even been acknowledged by the dev team? And is there even a chance, that now that it's become even worse, it still might be fixed? Any chance at all?




PS > No, you can't has my stuffs. On the off chance this actually does get fixed some day, I might want it again.

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Yeah, it's getting worse.


Have you tried killing the process instead of logging out? (Task Manager, Processes, swtor.exe, kill process) Makes the game think you've disconnected. I think it doesn't work for WZ's, but for FP's and OPs when you log back in you'll still be in group and in the proper instance.


Even with the workaround i's a seriously annoying bug and should be a high priority on the QoL list.

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doesnt pressing ctrl + u twice fix it?

The UI stops receiving updates. Double Ctrl+U just sets the health bar back to "full" but then doesn't move at all. Unfortunately this also affects the targeting reticule. Can't see my own health, can't see who I'm about to hit.

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doesnt pressing ctrl + u twice fix it?


It doesn't. Trust me, if that was all it needed, I wouldn't be ready to unsub. But it was the very first thing I tried, and it's something I still try, just for the heck of it, just in case. Of course, it never works.

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So in one last little bit of hope, I did jump on the PTS this evening to see if the bug was still present in the upcoming patch...and it doesn't appear to be coming up. The populations aren't enough for me to test it with intra-planet instancing or queues, but I've made a fair number of other area changes and haven't seen it, as well as solo-zoned in to a few FPs without incident.


Am I wrong to hope that the "graphical updates" advertised have fixed this, even though it isn't in the patch notes? Can anyone who might be in a position to know confirm this?

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This bug always happens to me when I join an heroic and the group leader is on another instance and I have to switch instance. After the switch....voila, my health bar is empty (does not show my health or updates when I take damage/get healed) and most of times, the names and Health bar of the enemies I'm targeting donesn't show either. It's very uncomfortable to tank on that condition.


Sometimes happens when I join FPs, but it's very rare. I get it mostly when I change instance on any planet.

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doesnt pressing ctrl + u twice fix it?

Once i got something like the TS described. Nothing could fix it before i restarted the game (relog didn't help).

ctrl+u fix didn't help at all, the screen was restored to the same state - without ops frame, without targets, without almost everything. So it would be unpleasant to play since i wouldn't even see my current target

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I agree it's annoying. I don't want to restart the game and make the entire group wait for me so I try to make the best out of it. Still as a tank it's difficult not being able to properly see what monster I am targeting. It worked for me in low level FPs but in 55 HMs it could be a real problem.

Resetting interface does not solve it.

Edited by Aryh
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Its hilarious to come out of a FP via groupfinder and have no UI. Then reset the UI and end up with your HP bar and nametag (if you enabled it). UI does not come back. Relogging fixes it. Furthemore, every second wz i have to refresh the UI because i cannot write in ops chat or because it vanishes when i get back on the fleet or because I have the level 10 q for wz bug!
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You can also try the Alt/F4 option, doesn't completely log you out of game but does log you out. I've used it numerous times when this bug occurs and every time the ui resets itself.


After using Alt/F4, log back into game on the only character it will let you, which is the one you just logged out of, and it should be fixed. No guarantee this will work for everyone, but it's another option to try to short cut it until it gets fixed.


The fact people are having to try and circumvent the system time and time again, says a lot about this company.


Edit: Oddly enough, not more than thirty minutes after responding to this thread, I zoned into Hammer Station on my healer, got the ui bug, let the group know, Alt/F4'd out, logged back into game, fixed.

Edited by Pirana
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It might be worth uninstalling the game completely and downloading a fresh installation.

I realise that will take quite a while depending on your connection speed, but from the sounds of it you're almost at the point where it's unplayable so it's worth a try.

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It might be your install of SWTOR. I've never seen this or heard of it. Try doing a repair. That might be why it's fixed on the PTS and not on your normal install and why it's not mentioned in the patch notes.


Repair's never fixed it before, but I tried it this morning and experimented a little...still not fixed. So now...


It might be worth uninstalling the game completely and downloading a fresh installation.

I realise that will take quite a while depending on your connection speed, but from the sounds of it you're almost at the point where it's unplayable so it's worth a try.


I figure "hey, I'm working from my home office this morning, why not run that in the background?" So yeah, completely re-installing just to see what happens. I'm not optimistic at this point, but I want to be.

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Well, the reinstall didn't work either. Just means I have to re-do all my interface settings and options. :(


Well, my hopes weren't high anyway. I'm still holding the faint hope that 2.3 is going to fix this, but still there's no confirmation on it. I think I may be done.

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