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Petition to make the ewok not buy able by cc


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I haven't done a single thing to earn a dollar in my paycheck. I've written design specs and updated project plans. That's all I've done.


You really don't see the parallel?


Either way, that is irrelevant. What is relevant is that you are fine with me buying Treek with credits rather than earning her, but you are not fine with me buying Treek with cartel coins rather than earning her?


I am currently legacy level 35. I will be acquiring Treek next week. Bioware can either add a quest line that'll make this whole thread and any other relating to it moot, or they can put it on the cartel market.

Edited by Bomyne
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Either way, that is irrelevant. What is relevant is that you are fine with me buying Treek with credits rather than earning her, but you are not fine with me buying Treek with cartel coins rather than earning her?


I am currently legacy level 35. I will be acquiring Treek next week. Bioware can either add a quest line that'll make this whole thread and any other relating to it moot, or they can put it on the cartel market.


I basically agree with Bomyne.


In my opinion, gaining Legacy levels is not really a way of 'earning' Treek. Now a story quest like HK's would be, in my opinion, a very valid and fun way of earning Treek as a companion. Legacy just feels, to me at least, more of a gauge of how long you have played the game/done endgame stuff rather then anything else. I do think there should be rewards and stuff for gaining levels, but I fail to see why a companion, let alone Treek, should be one of them. Not only that, but I think Legacy 40 is a ridicules level to have to be to get her anyway.


I would have much preferred getting Treek via her own quest, but having the option to get Treek via Legacy or CM seems like a fair enough compromise given the situation (even if I still think the level is to high!) :i_angel:

Edited by Cyberwoman
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In my opinion, gaining Legacy levels is not really a way of 'earning' Treek.


I viewed it as a way of recognizing players who have made it to (or beyond) Legacy 40. I see nothing wrong with limiting some fluff rewards to certain in-game milestones. Do you think "reputation" should also be available for purchase in the store? I mean, nobody is really "earning" that either...right?! They're just playing the game.

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I viewed it as a way of recognizing players who have made it to (or beyond) Legacy 40. I see nothing wrong with limiting some fluff rewards to certain in-game milestones. Do you think "reputation" should also be available for purchase in the store? I mean, nobody is really "earning" that either...right?! They're just playing the game.


The difference is that you gain Legacy through whatever you do (Although it seems you get more if you play endgame rather then alts) while with Reputation, you actually have to go out there in to the universe, find and then complete the daily quests to earn the reputation. Not only that. but you will be doing that specifically for the Reputation and to earn the rewards that come with it.


I do think that there should be Legacy specific rewards and the like, I just dont see why Treek, a companion, should be unavailable for a majority of players, and instead available only for players who either seem to prefer more endgame content rather then solo/leveling (Which Treek is aimed at doing).


If it gives them any sense of pride or achievement, what harm is there?


There is a difference between having a sense of achievement and pride, and wanting a 'special item' so you can show it off to those who cant get it. If not, then why are some are so adamant that Treek must be earned via Legacy only? Why cant they take pride in the fact that they got it via Legacy rather then buy it?

Edited by Cyberwoman
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Either way, that is irrelevant. What is relevant is that you are fine with me buying Treek with credits rather than earning her, but you are not fine with me buying Treek with cartel coins rather than earning her?


I am currently legacy level 35. I will be acquiring Treek next week. Bioware can either add a quest line that'll make this whole thread and any other relating to it moot, or they can put it on the cartel market.


credits are only available in-game through in-game means. (of course you can sell crap you buy from the cartel market on the gtn, which is dumb, but at least the gtn is in-game, so there is a little bit of actual game-ply involved, kind of)

cartel coins are only available in-game through out-of-game means.

my paycheck is earned out-of-game through out-of-game means.

spending rl money in swtor is shopping. it is not a game.


i was able to earn a legacy level above 40, and you are unable to compete with that. if you keep playing, you will catch up someday. same as the gear grind. it doesn't necessarily take any ability, you just put in time and run content. that doesn't necessarily mean you're any good at playing the game, but it does show you put in some effort and tried. buying your way around running content is a cop-out.

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Why cant they take pride in the fact that they got it via Legacy rather then buy it?
Either way, players ARE paying for it. $1000000 credits isn't cheap. I guess I just don't get why there's even a Legacy restriction on it then...if it means nothing and can be bypassed by cartel coins, which will probably be the preferred payment option since I have a lot more coins than I do Million$ of credits, why have it restricted at all?
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But there has to be something for the veterans that do put in the time and have had the patience to level up past LL40.


I agree with you.. and.. this sort of is. LL40 saves you from using your CCs.


That said.. I ALSO AGREE that there should be more legacy exclusive perks for higher legacy levels. Separate and distinct from other game content of CM content. I just don't see it as being a companion. Companions are ubiquitous to EVERY PLAYERS experience in this game. Legacy locked companion appearance features seems like a much more appropriate way to go IMO.

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I agree with you.. and.. this sort of is. LL40 saves you from using your CCs.


That said.. I ALSO AGREE that there should be more legacy exclusive perks for higher legacy levels. Separate and distinct from other game content of CM content. I just don't see it as being a companion. Companions are ubiquitous to EVERY PLAYERS experience in this game. Legacy locked companion appearance features seems like a much more appropriate way to go IMO.


Again, here is why some people have a problem with the legacy requirement being able to be BYPASSED with CC's. If a player doesn't want to spend CC's, they need legacy 40 AND a million credits. Many players do not have legacy 40 and so their ONLY choice to get the companion now is to spend CC's. If it were set up just a little differently, I think most would be more ok with the inclusion of the CC option.


If any player could unlock the companion at ANY legacy level, by either spending the required CC's or a million credits, the playing field would be even. If legacy 40 rewarded the companion for free on all characters, then there would be an actual nod to legacy levels. As it stands now, all that legacy 40 does for anyone is to allow themn access to a credit sink, rather than having to succumb to a "cash grab".

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Sometimes I wonder if the Bioware employee who makes these decisions actually plays the game past game testing anymore. The illusion of a purpose in the game is a powerful thing, it builds excitement and creates uproar which results in hype and eventually revenues thru increased subscriptions/player activity. You guys were successful with that when you announced the Ewok and the requirements to attain it. Then for whatever reason, someone made the call to monetize it right away and there goes that opportunity.


If this is the trend of thought at Bioware shot calling, please make 2 carrots next time and leave one out of Cartel.

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The illusion of a purpose in the game is a powerful thing...


The illusion of a purpose in life is powerful too. Take the vast majority of online petitions, for instance.


Having said that, your illusion of a purpose likely does not amount to what constitutes and illusion of purpose in someone else. That and basing your sense of purpose on what others do not have as a consequence of an arbitrary decision in a game seems less like illusion and more like delusion.


But I digress.

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The illusion of a purpose in life is powerful too. Take the vast majority of online petitions, for instance.


Having said that, your illusion of a purpose likely does not amount to what constitutes and illusion of purpose in someone else. That and basing your sense of purpose on what others do not have as a consequence of an arbitrary decision in a game seems less like illusion and more like delusion.


But I digress.


you may be missing the point. or i'm missing your point. one of the two. or some other third thing.


people who log in do so for a reason. maybe their reason is to buy an ewok, but if that's it, i don't think they're going to stay with this game long. they haven't been releasing content that will give people something to work towards or something to achieve. so the ewok is about it. maybe for some people, the ewok is not the 'illusion of purpose.' maybe legacy levels don't provide the illusion of purpose. there isn't much else in the game, though, so if you're purpose isn't to acquire the ewok, you're probably going to get bored pretty quick. if you have to put in some effort, you'll be entertained as long as that effort lasts. if you're just making a cash transaction, it's over as soon as it begins.


running the same 4 or 5 hm flashpoints or warzones is not going to provide anyone that purpose. buying crap off the gtn isn't much of purpose, and just isn't going to retain anyone's interest.

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you may be missing the point. or i'm missing your point. one of the two. or some other third thing.


people who log in do so for a reason. maybe their reason is to buy an ewok, but if that's it, i don't think they're going to stay with this game long.


Maybe they will. Maybe they'll spend countless years dressing up that ewok. You don't know that one way or the other. And the notion that it seems unlikely to you that this would happen isn't really enough to say that you do.


Bottom line? You are not other people. It would be wise not to presume to speak for them.


Ironically, this is one of the guiding principles of a petition- if this truly is the opinion of that many people, presumably the document will bear it out. So yes, I feel you've missed the point.

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All I see in this argument, is that legacy level is as said, simply a gauge on how long you've been playing the game. It seems like veteran players simply want something to show off that says "I've been playing this game longer than you, and I can get this special shiny reward, and you newer or casual players can't". I have two 55's, regularly take part in end game content, have several alts, and my legacy is only level 20. My guild of several hundred people only has a handful of players with a legacy of 40 or greater, yet we all play every day. It seems kind of pointless to have the devs go through all of this work to create this companion that only a handful of players can even access.


At the end of the day this is a video game, and one that I enjoy playing. That said, I think it's kind of sad that a handful of "elite" players with legacy 40 or higher want to restrict other players from getting their hands on this new content. The point is, if I wanted to buy this companion, why should I be restricted from doing so, just because I haven't played the game for a year? I would also like to see more in-game content being released over this CM stuff, but I'd like that content to be things all players can access. Just my two cents.

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I agree with you.. and.. this sort of is. LL40 saves you from using your CCs.


That said.. I ALSO AGREE that there should be more legacy exclusive perks for higher legacy levels. Separate and distinct from other game content of CM content. I just don't see it as being a companion. Companions are ubiquitous to EVERY PLAYERS experience in this game. Legacy locked companion appearance features seems like a much more appropriate way to go IMO.



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it doesn't necessarily take any ability, you just put in time and run content. that doesn't necessarily mean you're any good at playing the game, but it does show you put in some effort and tried. buying your way around running content is a cop-out.


And what about the player made content that doesn't award neither credits or legacy levels? You can have someone who's been subbed since launch, playing frequently and actively, but has been focusing on roleplaying and building in-game communities, stuff that actually takes a lot of effort too. Maybe they don't have legacy 40 and one million credits, but they do have the CC that's been given to them every month. Or they can add more CC and get the item that way. The effort is there! The time is there!


And on the other hand, you can have a bloke space-baring through the whole game several times over and over just to max out as many classes possible.


Play styles differ. Options is good.

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Either way, that is irrelevant. What is relevant is that you are fine with me buying Treek with credits rather than earning her, but you are not fine with me buying Treek with cartel coins rather than earning her?


I am currently legacy level 35. I will be acquiring Treek next week. Bioware can either add a quest line that'll make this whole thread and any other relating to it moot, or they can put it on the cartel market.


Actually I don't give a flying f...older about how you or anyone else obtains Treek.


My argument is with your assertion that acquiring LL 40 and 1,000,000 credits is not "earning". The combination of those things are, by many accounts, difficult to do in game.

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The illusion of a purpose in life is powerful too. Take the vast majority of online petitions, for instance.


Having said that, your illusion of a purpose likely does not amount to what constitutes and illusion of purpose in someone else.


But I digress.




I agree, I would have added this passage to my post before the line about putting out two carrots.

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