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[Rant] Anti-hack enforcing


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So I dunno if ya'll been aware of this but lv 55 WZ playing field on ToFN is a complete joke, there's like at least 1 hacker in 1 out of 3 regular WZs, not even gonna mention ranked WZs, with SORCERERS!(Caps'ed for emphasis) going stealth and reappearing with full health.


So I understand Bioware has threatened a friend of mine of banning him because he had video evidence of hackers from a top pvp guild on ToFN and BW threatened to ban him because apparently you're not allowed to name hackers publicly.


They refuse to ban them because then their friends quit as well, and their subscription money is cut. Though consider this Bioware, if you give the PvP side of this game some love, you'll lure PvPers to this game. People like me, who only play MMOs for the pvp side of it, people willing to spend money to play a good PvP game. PvP is competitive, I love a good match as much as the next guy, but right now there's just too much hacking BS around to even go ranked.


People enjoy PvP for the competitiveness it presents, I'd like saying I'm a member of the best pvp team on my server, bragging rights FTW! And to enjoy that we need at least some level of moderation by the staff responsible for it. We need ingame support, the traditional GM presence other MMOs have. We need hackers to be exposed and punished accordingly, we need PvP to be a fair and entertaining experience.

Now Bioware will you continue to lose money on tons of potential subscribers because you refuse to lay down the law against ingame hacks? :D

Any other servers experiencing the same problems?

Edited by IGotRawr
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I agree completely. The hacking in the pvp (both below 55, and 55 regular and ranked pvp) is ridiculous. I repeatedly reported hackers to Bioware, but I still see the same people in the warzones using the same hacks. It's getting to the point where I'm really starting to hate pvp. My guildmates and I are always doing pvp. I'm on the Jedi Covenant Server, and there is very seldom a warzone that doesn't have at least 1 or 2 people hacking. The Bioware people neeed to getting their collective heads out of eachother's asses and do their F*U*C*K*I*N*G jobs. It's what they're payed for.:mad:
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I will probably create a petition on iPetitions to at least get their attention, nothing seems to get their attention these days though. BW completely neglected PvP, all they gave us in a year's time was another warzone, arguably the worst one in my opinion. Now they're set to release arenas in 2.4, but unless they start doing something about all the hacking going on in the game right now, that will just be a waste of time and effort. Edited by IGotRawr
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I agree completely. The hacking in the pvp (both below 55, and 55 regular and ranked pvp) is ridiculous. I repeatedly reported hackers to Bioware, but I still see the same people in the warzones using the same hacks. It's getting to the point where I'm really starting to hate pvp. My guildmates and I are always doing pvp. I'm on the Jedi Covenant Server, and there is very seldom a warzone that doesn't have at least 1 or 2 people hacking. The Bioware people neeed to getting their collective heads out of eachother's asses and do their F*U*C*K*I*N*G jobs. It's what they're payed for.:mad:


I'm on the same server and very rarely have I seen anything that could be considered a hack. There have been a few questionable instances where it could have been, but since I only saw them occur once, maybe twice in over a year of playing I will give the other player the benefit of the doubt and go with lag or an unintentional glitch.


What I have seen more of, and this is not directed at you, is poorly played toons with the players not understanding what is actually going on.


I was called a hacker once because I shot off two instant cast Grav Rounds by a marauder on the other team. I guess he did not realize that I can do that by using Tech Override.


I'm not saying that hacking doesn't exist, just that I don't think it is as rampant as people think.

Edited by DariusCalera
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I'm on the same server and very rarely have I seen anything that could be considered a hack. There have been a few questionable instances where it could have been, but since I only saw them occur once, maybe twice in over a year of playing I will give the other player the benefit of the doubt and go with lag or an unintentional glitch.


What I have seen more of, and this is not directed at you, is poorly played toons with the players not understanding what is actually going on.


I was called a hacker once because I shot off two instant cast Grav Rounds by a marauder on the other team. I guess he did not realize that I can do that by using Tech Override.


I'm not saying that hacking doesn't exist, just that I don't think it is as rampant as people think.


In the world of Old-school PvP, being called a hacker is like the best compliment anyone could get! :D

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I agree completely. The hacking in the pvp (both below 55, and 55 regular and ranked pvp) is ridiculous. I repeatedly reported hackers to Bioware, but I still see the same people in the warzones using the same hacks. It's getting to the point where I'm really starting to hate pvp. My guildmates and I are always doing pvp. I'm on the Jedi Covenant Server, and there is very seldom a warzone that doesn't have at least 1 or 2 people hacking. The Bioware people neeed to getting their collective heads out of eachother's asses and do their F*U*C*K*I*N*G jobs. It's what they're payed for.:mad:


I am on Jedi Covenant and i do not see hacking going on like you say. What i do see is player not knowing what abilities other classes have and going there hacking not all ways the case. I not saying there is not hacking going on just saying there is a lot of cry wolf when you do not know the class who just killed you,

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I must admit, recently I have seen an awful lot of "skipping" in WZ's. You know, like players juttering on the spot, then finding them 10m away in a blink. It's something that happened quite a bit a couple of weeks back.


Now usually, I would think something MIGHT be fishy, after all, this skipping is very similar to vids on youtube. Then, something strange happened. It happened to me, too. Out of the blue <poof> I jutted and found myself a few meters away from where I was originally. I think BW have done something bad to the hamster wheel.

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I'm on the same server and very rarely have I seen anything that could be considered a hack. There have been a few questionable instances where it could have been, but since I only saw them occur once, maybe twice in over a year of playing I will give the other player the benefit of the doubt and go with lag or an unintentional glitch.


What I have seen more of, and this is not directed at you, is poorly played toons with the players not understanding what is actually going on.


I was called a hacker once because I shot off two instant cast Grav Rounds by a marauder on the other team. I guess he did not realize that I can do that by using Tech Override.


I'm not saying that hacking doesn't exist, just that I don't think it is as rampant as people think.


seen a few from a guild that shall rename nameless that left the server for pot5 that would wing clip through a wall so you could not hit them. Also the knock backward trick with this same guild you go to knock them into the pit in front of you they would not go froward with the knock back they would go behind the person or to the side every time. The person would teleport behind or to the side of you every time. So you can never direct the knock back were you wanted them to go.

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If you have a video of somebody hacking, post it on the forums and ask innocently what ability the respective player is using there. No tos violation, but it's still exposed.


(And, in 9 out of 10 cases, you'll learn that there is indeed an ability that does just that, so you'll be glad you didn't accuse an innocent of cheating)

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many german guilds consider/ed to join tofn due to competition. have fun with them, they are truly nice, brave and love fairplay :)

tickets wont change anything, bw relies on hackers claiming to have witnessed hackers being banned after they reported them. evidence will be deleted on this forum, how often has evidence been deleted already ? more than 10 times for sure.

on my server theres also a well known guild, everybody knows it, its obvious. yet they never had any trouble. i recorded that guild and put it on yt, didnt tell anybody about it. next day they laughed at me about it, they knew it because bw gets a message from yt after an upload and told them i guess ! i repeat my vids had like 10 views because i told nobody, i wanted to show how people who talk like this :

I'm on the same server and very rarely have I seen anything that could be considered a hack. There have been a few questionable instances where it could have been, but since I only saw them occur once, maybe twice.. :p

and this :

I am on Jedi Covenant and i do not see hacking going on like you say. What i do see is player not knowing what abilities other classes have and going there hacking not all ways the case. I not saying there is not hacking going on just saying there is a lot of cry wolf when you do not know the class who just killed you,

behave ingame. i also wanted to see how much interest there is for such vids. a little comparison: my vids showing hacks have about 50 views each. another vid that explains how to hack has thousands of views !

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I've been in a hypergate twice where someone claimed the node they were defending was capped by someone who never came out of stealth. But, on both occasions, as I came back into the game after a rez and was running down the ramps, I could see the capper. So either its a usual lie to cover a lack of watching the node, or else there's a graphic problem where people are sometimes invisible. I wouldn't assume its a hack given there are two more likely possibilities. I'm not aware of having seen any hacks, but of course, it's possible I have, I just haven't recognised it for what it was.... but I've seen vids of the speed hack and I'm pretty sure I've never actually come up against it.
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I too play on TOFN. I have yet to see a hack occur.


I've seen hacks (or, what appears to be hacks) on TOFN and prod. However, they (to me) are not nearly as rampant as people like to claim on here. I've probably seen around 10 or so (in my eyes at least, after research) "confirmed" hacks.


People complain so much about bolster, but they bolster their own stories to fan the flames :rolleyes:

Edited by chimex
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I PVP alot on TOFN and I have not seen alot of hacking going on. I have however seen alot of Macro Abuse.

As I alway target healers, I end up going One vs One with Sorcerer's. Countless times I have watched them fire of a macro resulting in a full burst of healing done in seconds.

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If you have a video of somebody hacking, post it on the forums and ask innocently what ability the respective player is using there. No tos violation, but it's still exposed.


(And, in 9 out of 10 cases, you'll learn that there is indeed an ability that does just that, so you'll be glad you didn't accuse an innocent of cheating)


This! ^^


If it's a hack, we'll all see it and Bioware will be able to actually reproduce it and do something (see voidstar video of player jumping through force field). If it's not, which, tbh, it very likely may not be, we'll try to explain to you what skills the player was using.


Chances are it wasn't a hack - but hackers most certainly DO exist.

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I have a toon in almost every class. I know their abilities. When you've got a Sorcerer stealthing, or a sniper healing, or even when you've got 3 members of your ops group pounding the hell out of 1 member of the other team, and he's skipping around you like he's flying ( feet not even touching the ground), and when you've got someone capping your turret or Pylon without coming out of stealth. That's hacking. It's people like that that shouldn't be playing. I'm not saying I'm the best pvper, but I do know the strengths and weaknesses of every type of class. Healers that reduce my hp by half with 1 shot? not possible My hp are generally near or over 30k in pvp, and I'm wearing the best gear possible at the lvl I'm at.
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seen a few from a guild that shall rename nameless that left the server for pot5 that would wing clip through a wall so you could not hit them. Also the knock backward trick with this same guild you go to knock them into the pit in front of you they would not go froward with the knock back they would go behind the person or to the side every time. The person would teleport behind or to the side of you every time. So you can never direct the knock back were you wanted them to go.


That just sounds like a lag issue for you and him. People need to know what the difference between a hack and what Bioware has given us with this ****** engine of theirs.

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I PVP alot on TOFN and I have not seen alot of hacking going on. I have however seen alot of Macro Abuse.

As I alway target healers, I end up going One vs One with Sorcerer's. Countless times I have watched them fire of a macro resulting in a full burst of healing done in seconds.


You mean popping their CDs and busting a heal and their insta heal together? WIth say maybe a medpack?...lol L2P.

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when u cannot see the player and all u see is there weapons and how there life goes up when u hit them. I mean COME ON!!! if u kill me then KILL ME but do it fairly


That is a glitch that happens in combination of certain stealth moves that get interrupted not a hack it happens to me all the time if force camo and I die or something I'll respawn invisible and will stay that way til I reuse force camo and it wears off. As to the health that team had a good healer healin is really good ATM and its easy to keep a player healed faster than the health goes down looks almost as you've done 0 damage.


I'd say majority of the hacks that are being claimed are just people unaware of the games current mechanics and of certain classes abilities. Especially since healing got a buff a lot of players been playing healer, so it feels like you're going against invincible teams.

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To give further insight on how little BW does to prevent hacking in this game, I'll give out this little piece of information:

In SWTOR, your class and spec server files are included in the game client, meaning you can simply modify them whenever you choose. Example: Editing the smash dmg boost skill on the 1st tier of the smashmonkey tree, to instead of 10% extra dmg, say give 100%... Result - Instead of the usual 7-8k smashes you'll be getting 10-12k.


I've done my homework and PvP'ed quite a bit in this game, if you check the most populated 3rd party program forum in the MMO scene, which most people would know from other MMOs, you'll see what kind of advantages are available by use of such programs.


I understand the relunctance of some people to acknowledge the existence of hackers in the game these days, with the insurmountable amount of baddies it's way more logical to blame everything on the baddies. If you require evidence, server over to ToFN and queue for a ranked match, let me know when that SORCERER stealth(and even when your stealth bugs, your name and health bars are visible to others, these complete vanish) becomes too much for you ;)


The only speedhacker I've seen was a sentinel on the 10-29 bracket, F2P trash wasn't even tops in that match rofl.


So yeah, speedhacking is not the issue.

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