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I'm not much for playing a fem-toon. I'm a guy and my two characters are male Sith Jugg and male BH PowerTech. So, if I feel the urge to check out some fake female pixelated booty, I'll just eyeball Mako or Vette for a min and move on.


It's not so much a long up-and-down, as it a "Oh, corner of my, check it out... yes, I approve *nods*" and back to killing/healing/lol-rolling away.


Of course the above does require he isn't wearing a long coat.

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Looking back at 8 years of MMO playing, probably more than half the guys I've played with play at least one female toon. There's always some that play nothing BUT female toons. I'm female and play mostly male characters. I've honestly never had anyone issues of guys going "omg you're a girl?!" if I jumped into a pug voice chat. I keep waiting for that to happen, but it hasn't.
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This is the best game out of all the others to play a female character if you wish because of class stories and voice acting. No reason to be embarrassed or made fun of for making a female character on a video game. You lose man points? Give me a break...it is a video game. That's the dumbest thing I've ever read. I've played female characters before in MMOs and RPGs even though I've never taken one to max level.


I'm a fan of variety and I would rather not have all my characters as males so I pick one or two classes and make them females just to change it up and make things interesting. Not every hero or powerhouse in a game has to be a guy. So if you are a guy and want to play a female character, go ahead. You won't lose man points, I assure you.


With that said, if you are a guy and roleplay as a girl then that's weird. Even more so if your character has a girl's name and you demand everyone call you by your character name in voice chat. That's a whole different story....

Edited by JustinRuin
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It is in no way disrespectful simply to assume that all players are guys. I assume all players are guys. I also don't care who is what.


You should never assume what a person is. You should take it at face value and consider the possibility that is a female playing that toon until you find out otherwise. It would the same situation if I assume all male toons are being played by female toons.


You may not care but consider it is disrespectful to the person being called a guy when she is a female and the jerks on the general chat say no, no females play the game. That is rude and mean. You can either condone it which it seems you have or you can understand another players position.


Respect and courtesy is something we all need to remember whether the player is a female or a male and we are the only ones that can do that. If you sit back and say nothing or yet condone this type of behavior then you are just as bad as the person making those judgments.

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You can not have a proper legacy without female character.


You can have a proper legacy if you work with another individual, (such as I have with my b/f) and we will use our legacy for our children or our allies but neither of us has to have one of the other genders. Sure we can't connect them in our own legacy but no one can see them anyways so working with another individual can make it more fun than just using your alts and you can have two of the characters online if you do it this way instead of just having one character of yours online at one time.

Edited by ArielaKnight
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You should never assume what a person is

We make assumptions all the time. Assumptions and generalizations help us make it though our lives. The problem is when some use assumptions and generalizations for bad reasons.


You should take it at face value and consider the possibility that is a female playing that toon until you find out otherwise. It would the same situation if I assume all male toons are being played by female toons.

I don't care what the gender of a player is. Why would I? Why would anyone? A player's gender has no impact on me on my gaming. Characters are just avatars and chat content. I don't play TOR to troll for chicks.


You may not care but consider it is disrespectful to the person being called a guy when she is a female and the jerks on the general chat say no, no females play the game. That is rude and mean. You can either condone it which it seems you have or you can understand another players position.

There's a vast stretch in between not caring what a player's gender is and saying women have no place in the game. I will always assume every player I meet in game is a guy. I will never ask for proof one way or another because I don't care. Another player's gender is none of my or your or anyone else's business. If a woman can't handle being erroneously referred to as a man in an anonymous internet setting, she probably shouldn't be participating in an anonymous internet setting. "How's it going, man?" asked of a woman is a far cry from rude.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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No Shame.


I tend to choose gender based on a couple things:

- What the armor on the class looks like.

- Some games have different animations

-etc etc


Swtor, however, brought a new variable to the equation. Voices.

I tended to pick gender in swtor based off what the voices sounded like.

I can play the Female Agent all day. Love her voice

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I don't have an issue with voice chat, but I have to say, there is no way I'll admit to being a woman in General chat no matter what toon I'm playing. Every time I've seen a woman make a comment about her gender in General it gets really ugly. I would think guys would want women to feel comfortable playing games instead of driving them off.
I really hope this changes soon, as it's dumb and unproductive :<
Yes there are some that are but there are also some that are actually females and by being rude and saying no female plays is wrong and shouldn't be done.


For me, players have no gender (characters do, but players don't) until I've met them IRL.

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For me, players have no gender (characters do, but players don't) until I've met them IRL.


Xe, xir, xirs? (Ze, zir, zirs)


In case you wanted some gender-neutral pronouns, if you feel that using "they" is too cumbersome.

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Just remember, all MMO players are G.I.R.L.s (Guy In Real Life). ;)


In all seriousness, I play male characters only. I do tend to view my character as an extension of myself (also why I tend to shy away from playing dark side too often). So, playing as a female character feels weird. I can't get into the story as much. Of course I would find a female character more visually appealing, but this is a video game - that just seems creepy.


I'm actually a little surprised by the number of girls that play this game. I guess mainly it's due to the fact that I came from another MMO in which girls are about 0.1% of the population. So, I got used to assuming that everybody is a guy. That's also my mindset....every time I get mad at somebody in a pvp match, for example, I envision a guy at the other end. I never even really think about it too much. I also read everything in a 'guy' voice in my head (e.g. chat). I can't get as mad at a girl.

Edited by teclado
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The way I look at it, a character that I play in a game is like the protagonist in a book or movie, not a representation of myself. I don't avoid watching movies or reading books just because they have female protagonists. Why would I avoid playing a female character in a game.


People who look at the character as a representation of themselves and expect everyone else to think the same way are the ones with the problem. Don't let them dictate how you play your game.



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Just remember, all MMO players are G.I.R.L.s (Guy In Real Life). ;)


In all seriousness, I play male characters only. I do tend to view my character as an extension of myself (also why I tend to shy away from playing dark side too often). So, playing as a female character feels weird. I can't get into the story as much. Of course I would find a female character more visually appealing, but this is a video game - that just seems creepy.


I'm actually a little surprised by the number of girls that play this game. I guess mainly it's due to the fact that I came from another MMO in which girls are about 0.1% of the population. So, I got used to assuming that everybody is a guy. That's also my mindset....every time I get mad at somebody in a pvp match, for example, I envision a guy at the other end. I never even really think about it too much. I also read everything in a 'guy' voice in my head (e.g. chat). I can't get as mad at a girl.


Same for me as well. I kind of see my toons as a extension of myself. Its the reason why its hard for me to make Dark side decisions, unless its just punching a snob in the face. :p


I've played as a women probably 2 or 3 times in the Mass effect games, while I've played as a man probably 3 times as much. It just feels a bit odd to me to do, and really especially the female romances. Its awkwardly funny when characters are being romanced by your actual gender.

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I'm a guy who likes to play both male and female characters.


My problem is that I feel embarrassed if I play a female toon and use voice chat.


Does anyone else feel this way?


Many Men Online Role Playing Girls....


no need to feel embarrassed;)

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I'm a guy who likes to play both male and female characters.


My problem is that I feel embarrassed if I play a female toon and use voice chat.


Does anyone else feel this way?


It only becomes problematic when you pose as a cross-gender player, but this is the Age of Internet Deception, so this should not be a surprise anymore.


The only time my Suspicion-Meter begins to nudge upwards a bit is when a skimpy-clad female Character talks like a female player in chat; that is somewhat improbable (but not impossible).

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I'm a guy who likes to play both male and female characters.


My problem is that I feel embarrassed if I play a female toon and use voice chat.


Does anyone else feel this way?


Funny how this topic comes up from time to time in EVERY MMO ever created. There are guys (I'm one) who don't have issues and are not uncomfortable in the least with playing female toons. Then there are guys who feel like playing a female toon is an afront to their masculinity and view any guy that does play a female toon as having 'fairy-like' tendancies.


Whatever, I don't fret much over what others think in my chosen way to play a game. It is sometimes amusing when guys assume for some reason that the person behind a female toon is in RL female and hit on you. Especially when considering most of those female toons are in fact guys in RL.

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I also have male toons and when I use voicechat people go like "omg I thought you were a guy". It's more common for men to make female toons than for females to roll male ones I'd guess.


It certainly doesn't help that half of the male body types in this game look ridiculous, and 1/4 of them are scrawny and no guy wants to look like that. 3 of the female body types are fairly appealing in this game.


Seriously, what's up with all the morbidly obese Sith Lords?


Most games I find have better aesthetics for their female characters. I think it's because they know that players like more eye candy in regards to females.

Edited by ptwonline
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I also have male toons and when I use voicechat people go like "omg I thought you were a guy". It's more common for men to make female toons than for females to roll male ones I'd guess.


I like your black and yellow recovered hero armor.

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For me, it's the character's story. My role is to direct the actions of the character. As such, I like to think about what story I'd like to see unfold before I put a character together. Of my twelve, I think I have 8/4 M/F. I also share my account with my family, and they love to build characters, so five of those were made by family members (and three resulted in female characters made by my wife and daughter).


I like the "unlikely hero" story, so I made a BT1 female Trooper and a BT1 male Bounty Hunter. I wanted to do the stereotypical MCP (male chauvinist pig) story, so I rolled a BT3 Smuggler (hahah; that guy is such a charming jerk). And on, and on. There are just so many options; if other players make assumptions about player gender, etc., based on the characters they see in game... that's not the "subject" players' fault! ;)

Edited by -Wes-
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I'm a guy who likes to play both male and female characters.


My problem is that I feel embarrassed if I play a female toon and use voice chat.


Does anyone else feel this way?


Honestly, nobody cares. We assume all female toons are dudes. If you masked you voice to sound feminine and you were actually a guy, then it'd be weird. Play what you like, nobody honestly cares if you're a guy irl.

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