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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sub canceled and wanna say goodbye to the forum!


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A term is not an ad hominem in an of itself.


A term directed at a player in a pejorative manner to attempt to discredit the player rather then the topic is an ad hominem. And opinions... are opinions. To be ad hominem... they must be pejorative in nature and directed at a person rather then then a component (which could be a wide range of things, including unsubstantiated claims entered as heresay, which is what I actually responded to)


While it's always fun watching you play the victim card after you invade a topic to let everyone know that BioWare is immune to criticism over the course of 10 posts, I was really hoping to have my question answered! Too bad! :D

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While it's always fun watching you play the victim card after you invade a topic to let everyone know that BioWare is immune to criticism over the course of 10 posts, I was really hoping to have my question answered! Too bad! :D


I don't play victim. And I also do not allow others to play victim unchallenged either.


As to Bioware's alleged "immunity to ciriticsm"...I really do not even understand what that has to do with this topic. What is your point?

Edited by Andryah
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I don't think it's unreasonable for there to be a subscriber vendor in the VIP area that sells the popular dye packs as BoP items. I also don't think it's unreasonable for there to be a separate appearance vendor for subs that provides the appearance modifications (minus race change) for credits instead of CCs.


A lot of the concerns surrounding F2P/Pref versus subscriber (minus obvious entitlement) are pretty reasonable. Subs should need to visit the CM to get the "cool" armor, speeders, vanity items, etc. But the fluff like appearance, dyes, and CE items should be available to subs at anytime without having to spend CCs. We pay for the game with a sub, and most of us buy extra coins above and beyond our stipends. Subs should be above some of the plebeian gambling that EA forces on the player base. It's fine for those who don't shell out the extra cash for a sub each month.

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There was no ad hominem in my response, and my points are self-evident to anyone that reads them. ;)


so you didn't call me and my friends whiney and cheap, attacking the person, rather than dealing with the argument?


ok then.


that said, yes I agree, the value of subscription is up to each individual player. however, you cannot possibly know just how happy bioware is with their retention figures, unless you either work for them or at least have access to inside information for some reason. contrary to belief of some forumites, I don't think its either.


your points are merely your opinions. they are not facts. and my point is, wouldn't it be nice if bioware made subscription attractive to more people, made the game attractive to more people, without cardinaly changing the game, merely making already existing content more attractive? you cannot make people who don't like this sort of game - like it, that's a futile endeavor. but you COULD make the game more attractive for those who are on the fence.

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This is not a rage quit or anything, but you'll just list every miniscule way you've been butt-hurt because the game hasn't gone your way anyway. Heard it all before and given where you are at, you NEED to leave. We'll all be better for it.
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so what exactly do they need to give subs to make you feel you're "Valued"?


I've never been satisfied with the pace of updates to the game. I cut them a lot of slack for being in new territory, and for the rough patch that they went through this time last year. I stuck around and paid my sub to show my support and give them time to get their process ironed out. And you know what, they didn't get it ironed out. And instead of the updates that I've always felt should come as part of the subscription, mostly I'm getting regular CM updates that haven't missed a deadline yet.


Where are the real crafting updates?

Where are the new WZ's and FP's?

Where are the new daily areas?

Where are the new mounts & pets earned by playing?


Where are the updates for the CE vender?

Where are the guild tools?

Where are the minigames?

Where are the QoL improvements?


Where are the bug fixes for the codex?

Where are the bug fixes for the achievement system?

Where are the bug fixes for game breaking bugs, such as missing companions & stuck health bars?

Where are the bug fixes for the PvP crowd?

Where are the bug fixes for crafting?


Access to the existing content and features isn't enough to entice me to pay a sub...not when I have almost the same level of access as a preferred player. 2 FP, WZ, and space missions per week is plenty when you have that on each toon, and 6 character slots by default.


All I'm missing out on my chance to participate in a NiM of an old operation, for a 1/8 chance to get the 1 new mount....I'm not that desperate for that carrot. And I'm not going to pay a sub just for that.


If they're not going to reinvest my sub dollars in features and content that is free as part of my sub...

1) why should I pay them?

2) why should I bother with answering questions in the New Player Help or Class forums?

3) why should I bother explaining bug work arounds to new players? Who probably are not even paying

4) why should I even bother filing bug reports in game?


Just so they can continue to invest the lionshare of their effort in features and content for the CM?


No thank you, 18 months is long enough.

Edited by Cleet_Xia
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he wants every CM item to be given to him for free.


If you would have read my topic more carefully, you would have noticed that I am not asking to get the entire stuff in the CM for free. I bought CC for about 400 EUR to spend on cartel packs. I had fun opening these packs and get some toys or mounts.


What I don't like is that you have to pay on top of your sub for basic features like changing your appearance or getting the dye of your desire in another gambling pack. I think I would have been totally fine if you could have bought the rare dyes directly from the market raher than opening another gambling pack.


At some point it's just enough - even for me! You can ask around, before 2.1 I was one of the biggest Fanboys. 2.1 took away my last hope that a sub will actually get something new for free. When you are here since the start and have leveled up all classes, for what do you actually need the subscription? I am not asking for a world, just something that makes me feel that they do care about their subs.


Heard it all before and given where you are at, you NEED to leave. We'll all be better for it.


Pretty much the same for you as well. I still like the game and I will continue with preferred status. What I don't like is the nickel and diming on top of my sub. You get charged for everything. And the typical BW excuse "use your monthly stipend" is a bad joke.


Give me free access to dyes and appearance changes and you can keep your monthly stipend. :rolleyes:

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I think adding some of the more valued cartel items into some FP as drops that only subs can roll on would be a nice thank you. not the crap that is over flooded in the packs but a crystal, or revan mask or what ever. Just a little something nice for subs.
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i think most of us just want to earn the "cool" armor from raids and pvp. IMO, the best armor, both looks and stats wise, should be earned from doing the hardest pvp and pve content in the game. keep the convenience items, services, and stuff like that on there... but the best looking armor should be earned in game via pvp and raiding.
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This is not a rage quit or anything, but you'll just list every miniscule way you've been butt-hurt because the game hasn't gone your way anyway. Heard it all before and given where you are at, you NEED to leave. We'll all be better for it.


Lol you little fanboys make me laugh.


This could have been something amazing but what the hell happened. I got bored after about a month the first time, Just like many many many other people did. The "expansion" lured me back for a week and now i'm bored again. Cya guys :)


I really should've listened to those reviews i read, the ones that said SWtor is just a WoW clone. Don't get me wrong SWtor does have some excellent features and it's trying to cut into a difficult market but gosh darn.




- It's star wars (But BW cant piggyback on something as amazing as starwars when they suck massive balls, screw over their developers.. etc etc.. you know the drill)

- The voice acting and storylines

- Again, it's star wars, who doesn't love freakin' star wars



- Don't have enough space or time left in my life. (Besides, if you don't know what the cons are then you're probably too out of your face on smack to give a damn. If losing most of your subs after a couple of months then having to turn into a free to play MMO which is milking everything it possibly can before it dies doesnt tell you something..)


(Dear BW: give me a job guys, ill help you put it right, hell i'll even do it for free cause i love SW that much and want to see this monstrosity succeed)


"Whether they say it outright or not, it’s clear who SWTOR’s direct competition is: Activision’s World of Warcraft. With the power of Star Wars, they were aiming to unseat the almost decade-long champ of the genre. Unfortunately, the chief complaint from many longtime MMO players about SWTOR ended up being that it was much too similar to WoW in too many ways.


And it was. Everything from combat to leveling to inventory had distinct whiffs of the other game, and even graphically, there wasn’t a huge gap between titles. SWTOR had the leg up by cramming in a million cutscenes to the game, their unique hook attempting to be “story.” But soon players realized that when only one out of twenty fetch quests had a remotely interesting backstory attached, all that hard work of recording thousands of hours of voiceovers went to waste as the scenes were simply skipped past.


It may have been a risk to innovate in more ways, as they didn’t want to scare off WoW players by being TOO different. But staying too close to the older game left almost no one saying that SWTOR was pushing the genre forward, and it cost them in the end."


How many of you guys skip the cutscenes, honestly?

How many people in flashpoints and operations get mad when people dont skip the cutscenes?

Edited by Marteh
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At some point it's just enough - even for me! You can ask around, before 2.1 I was one of the biggest Fanboys. 2.1 took away my last hope that a sub will actually get something new for free. When you are here since the start and have leveled up all classes, for what do you actually need the subscription? I am not asking for a world, just something that makes me feel that they do care about their subs.


I get where you're coming from but...really?

Changing your facial features and growing long hair for free would make you feel valued?

Just asking, not trying to flame.

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Lol you little fanboys make me laugh.


This could have been something amazing but what the hell happened. I got bored after about a month the first time, Just like many many many other people did. The "expansion" lured me back for a week and now i'm bored again. Cya guys :)


I really should've listened to those reviews i read, the ones that said SWtor is just a WoW clone. Don't get me wrong SWtor does have some excellent features and it's trying to cut into a difficult market but gosh darn.




- It's star wars (But BW cant piggyback on something as amazing as starwars when they suck massive balls, screw over their developers.. etc etc.. you know the drill)

- The voice acting and storylines

- Again, it's star wars, who doesn't love freakin' star wars



- Don't have enough space or time left in my life. (Besides, if you don't know what the cons are then you're probably too out of your face on smack to give a damn. If losing most of your subs after a couple of months then having to turn into a free to play MMO which is milking everything it possibly can before it dies doesnt tell you something..)


(Dear BW: give me a job guys, ill help you put it right, hell i'll even do it for free cause i love SW that much and want to see this monstrosity succeed)


"Whether they say it outright or not, it’s clear who SWTOR’s direct competition is: Activision’s World of Warcraft. With the power of Star Wars, they were aiming to unseat the almost decade-long champ of the genre. Unfortunately, the chief complaint from many longtime MMO players about SWTOR ended up being that it was much too similar to WoW in too many ways.


And it was. Everything from combat to leveling to inventory had distinct whiffs of the other game, and even graphically, there wasn’t a huge gap between titles. SWTOR had the leg up by cramming in a million cutscenes to the game, their unique hook attempting to be “story.” But soon players realized that when only one out of twenty fetch quests had a remotely interesting backstory attached, all that hard work of recording thousands of hours of voiceovers went to waste as the scenes were simply skipped past.


It may have been a risk to innovate in more ways, as they didn’t want to scare off WoW players by being TOO different. But staying too close to the older game left almost no one saying that SWTOR was pushing the genre forward, and it cost them in the end."


How many of you guys skip the cutscenes, honestly?

How many people in flashpoints and operations get mad when people dont skip the cutscenes?

I like how you listed one con and then ranted the rest of the way. That was enlightening. :rolleyes:

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This is not a rage quit or anything, but you'll just list every miniscule way you've been butt-hurt because the game hasn't gone your way anyway. Heard it all before and given where you are at, you NEED to leave. We'll all be better for it.


And your one of those Fanboi's would ignore the cold , cruel facts about the game.I do feel very sorry for you.:(

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I unsubbed a couple times and subbed back a few days ago. Honestly OP, I really don't care if appearance stuff are CM-related. They can do that forever if they avoid the CM to be pay2win (as most f2p games have become). But I feel you...

IMO there are several problems more important than those you brought, such as lack of PvP content/balance, the quantity of annoying bugs and so on. OFC that's just my opinion.

Edited by Capote
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I get where you're coming from but...really?

Changing your facial features and growing long hair for free would make you feel valued?

Just asking, not trying to flame.


Don't laugh, but yes - this tiny bit would make me feel more valued. The last content subs got for free was section x in november last year when the game turned into f2p. So as a preferred player you actually didn't need to use more CC's for unlocks once you had bought section x.


While my sub had still a value at that time (did level up several more alts, so all these gimmicks like more xp, field revive etc were usefull) it lost it's value drastically in the past weeks: Now where I am sitting at 9 toons who are at the maximum level, I don't see a reason to stay subbed. I have really no benefit from being a sub. And that is where I just would like to see that I can change the appearance on all my toons like crazy - whenever and how often I want.


If they would just give subs a little bit for free rather than throwing everything in the CM I would be so happy and would stay subbed.


IMO there are several problems more important than those you brought, such as lack of PvP content/balance, the quantity of annoying bugs and so on. OFC that's just my opinion.


I agree. This game has a lot more problems, but that milking for appearance changes and rare dyes was just the top of it for me. I more or less dealt with it that they barely fix bugs who are in the game since the start, but where the entire game heads now is something I won't support with a sub anymore. Not that I can't afford the money, I just don't want to spend it and make BW feel valued...

Edited by tman_ac
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