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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

2.4 Arena is a great idea!


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WoW Arena was awesome till they turned the game into World of Magecraft. Bioware should give Arena a shot. Getting 3-5 GOOD players together is much easier than 8. Its harder to get carried with 3 man teams. I bet most people that dislike arena couldn't break 1800 in WoW.


Agreed, and even then they afk'd their way up to 1800 for welfare epics.

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i agree i used to love arena and am realy glad swtor is geting it :) if you dont like it dont play it.

i think this will bring alot of new players to the game

Just to caution as no one verified its going to be arenas like WoW. As someone pointed out maybe the new Huttball Away/Home armor means an away HB "arena" is coming. Or arenas like Wildstar who knows.


We don't know and getting your hopes up will surely lead to a wave of QQ.



Unless there has been absolute verification? If so just ignore me.

Edited by Avicii
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Thanks for the post Selout! We appreciate the enthusiasm and are really looking forward to you guys learning more about what is coming in 2.4! Here's to us being able to share more details Soon™ :jawa_biggrin:


You know what will make me enthused more than 4v4 Arenas, new WZs and huttball maps? PvP WZ infrastructure changes!

  • solving the rated WZ disconnect issue (hello, reconnect?)
  • season 1
  • self paired 8v8 matches (i.e. challenge matches -- no rewards, just fun)
  • providing a good mechanism for cross server PvP (e.g. a PTS like server for PvP WZ only and free transfers to/from this server)
  • improved match scheduling and player control over match scheduling (fewer one sided curbstomps)
  • dual (or triple, or quadruple) spec support with quickbar configuration included. Throw in automated gear change and I'll wet myself


None of the above is a sexy new WZ but I want better infrastructure more than I want

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I bet the Devs don't regret their paychecks from all the popularity they have gotten from implementing the Arena right? I mean the world wide coverage of Arena tournaments that have been held because of it right? While pve is popular you do not see world wide tournaments with thousands of dollars being given away for beating a boss in pve, but you do for PVP for WOW BECAUSE of Arenas.


Fact is Arenas will bring lots of pvpers back to the game and that means more revenue. More revenue means alot more content for both pve AND pvp.



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There are SO many players out there that are competitive enough to play ranked, but cant because they cant find a team of 8. 8 is too much to organize, but 4, 4 will create a ton of new teams and a lot more activity in the high end pvp scene.


Agreed, been saying this forever.

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I tend to agree that a small format game type like 4v4 would tend to highlight class imbalances. Bioware would need to modify their approach to class balance if they want to introduce that type of game format. I think that type of game sounds fun but would like balance to be approached like it has been in Heart of the Swarm with few small changes rather than big sweeping ones and not letting the game settle out. This takes patience on Bioware's part and it takes getting balance mostly right at the beginning.
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You know what will make me enthused more than 4v4 Arenas, new WZs and huttball maps? PvP WZ infrastructure changes!

  • solving the rated WZ disconnect issue (hello, reconnect?)
  • season 1
  • self paired 8v8 matches (i.e. challenge matches -- no rewards, just fun)
  • providing a good mechanism for cross server PvP (e.g. a PTS like server for PvP WZ only and free transfers to/from this server)
  • improved match scheduling and player control over match scheduling (fewer one sided curbstomps)
  • dual (or triple, or quadruple) spec support with quickbar configuration included. Throw in automated gear change and I'll wet myself

None of the above is a sexy new WZ but I want better infrastructure more than I want



every pvp teams in europe are going on the same server because theire isn't any crossServer queing...they just want to find some challenge in this game and the community had to do it by itself with the lonely choice they had (paying choice of course...) :eek:

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No Spammable CC? D: I spend half the warzone stuck in a CC.


Hrm, apparently you don't understand the concept of spammable cc by one person like polymorph in WoW.

Edited by Selout
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I would like to see a 4v4, but with class restrictions. For example, each team can only have 1 jedi knight, 1 Jedi Consular, 1 Trooper, and 1 Smuggler. (That way we don't have 2 gunslingers and 2 scoundrels -.-)


Regardless, arenas will be awesome :D!

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Arena will be a nice step towards more competitive PvP.

I dont think that synergies amongst different specs will be as gamebreaking as in WoW due to different CC protection mechanisms (DRs vs Resolve). I can imagine that there might be some class imbalances as specs that were unpopular in rWZs will rise (especially specs with defensive dispel) whereas specs that were very strong in WZs (especially smasher) are less viable than before.

However, I think that CC chains might be too easy to pull off, due to too many CCs being instant casts with low positional requirements making them almost unavoidable. If grenades can also be used to support those CC chains i dont see any healer other than sorcs/sages to be viable at higher ratings (due to double trinket). But I will definitely enjoy playing the pillar game once again and am highly looking forward to the rise of the Commando and the smasher's QQ threads.

Edited by Occu_lus
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Arena will be a nice step towards more competitive PvP.

I dont think that synergies amongst different specs will be as gamebreaking as in WoW due to different CC protection mechanisms (DRs vs Resolve). I can imagine that there might be some class imbalances as specs that were unpopular in rWZs will rise (especially specs with defensive dispel) whereas specs that were very strong in WZs (especially smasher) are less viable than before.

However, I think that CC chains might be too easy to pull off, due to too many CCs being instant casts with low positional requirements making them almost unavoidable. If grenades can also be used to support those CC chains i dont see any healer other than sorcs/sages to be viable at higher ratings (due to double trinket). But I will definitely enjoy playing the pillar game once again and am highly looking forward to the rise of the Commando and the smasher's QQ threads.



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  • 2 weeks later...
I agree with all this.


Arenas were a huge mistake in WoW, hopefully Bioware will learn from Blizzard's mistakes and either not have arena at all, or at least not let balancing arena ruin every other aspect of the game.


to be honest with you, I liked WoW arenas from WotLK to Cataclysm (firelands) when I quit. it's true that every FotM utterly dominated, but first of all, a comp that dominates 2v2 isn't the same comp that dominates 3v3 or 4v4. secondly, and this is the really positive thing in my book, the grps were so small that A LOT of teams were able to queue. that meant it was possible to go in as a novice/casual and run into other novice/casual teams. yeah, you'd get rocked too. but every time I queued, or my casual friends queued, they would eventually run into teams of their own skill. on top of that, it's extremely difficult to put together 16-32 players for a big kick ball game. but you could throw together 4-8 2v2/3v3/4v4 teams a lot easier, and you'd be guaranteed to bump into your buddies a few times.


look, I understand why solo rated Q is a disaster waiting to happen, especially if it's in the same pool as premade 8m teams, but with teams of 2-4...I'd buy into that.


also, a merc healer, who's kinda exorcised (right or wrong) from 8m rated, would be pretty beast in a 2 or 3m grp, imo. so I think it could actually open things up for other specs. watchman, for instance...there would be a lot of value in a passive grp heal in a small arena.

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