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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

HK Quest Line - an alt for one piece really?


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So um. Anyways. My only real problem with this quest is that it only unlocks it for one alt and you have to spend 1 mil on each of the other alts you want it on. After that long and annoying of a quest, it should at least be much cheaper, though preferably it would be better if you could get HK-51 free when you got your ship, or even better when you buy crew skills so you can send him on missions.


But that's just me, not wanting to do all that searching or grinding to get him again.

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1 mil is pretty cheap, just run few daily zones, and you should have the money in maybe three days at 3 hrs/day gameplay (back in the old days, the Belsavis-Ilum-Corellia round rewarded around 300k, so it should be even easier now with so many more new locations and your toon being overleveled).
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I'm not sure how I feel about this.


Part of me thinks it is a valid point to say that expecting someone to actually role a different class to get a companion is a bit much.


But then I also have to concede that if HK was easy to get I would not value it as much.




Well, I think its a bit of a pain, but IMO it is what makes it so sweet when you get it. Like the old Dreadsteed quest chain for a Warlock in WoW...at one time it was a ridiculously difficult and expensive quest, but it was very satisfying to ride around it when I got it.


So this is Bioware's version of mashing your face in glass to get a brownie. Methinks I approve. That's an awfully tasty brownie.....

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I don't reply much on these forums but this is a subject I can relate with. When HK was introduced I was so excited then I found out I had to roll a whole new alt to get him. I only had 1 toon at the time and she was a republic character and I was the opposite of you, I did not want to roll a empire toon. But you know what, it surprised me how much I enjoyed playing a bounty hunter. I started with the intention of only getting her to 15 so I could get the piece and ending maxing her to 50 (which at the time was level cap). My point is, I here what your saying dude, but if you want HK unfortunately you are gonna have to bite the bullet and do it. If I may, I suggest rolling a smuggler or a Jedi knight their story lines are a lot of fun and you might just decide to keep playing them. :)
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1 mil is pretty cheap, just run few daily zones, and you should have the money in maybe three days at 3 hrs/day gameplay (back in the old days, the Belsavis-Ilum-Corellia round rewarded around 300k, so it should be even easier now with so many more new locations and your toon being overleveled).


I have other things to spend my credits on, like the GTN, or providing for my guild bank, or getting better gear, or... When I've done this much effort for HK-51, I'm kinda done doing stuff for a redundant comp.

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Wow are your whining about my post? Grow up little kid, just becuase someone has a different opinion than you, you get your star wars underoo's all bunged up.


Oh and some of us have jobs and lives...


Man gotta love the warcraft generation.



I found it was specifically the Warcraft generation that does NOT want to put in some effort (like leveling a toon to 12-15, though I'd make it an 18 in your case) to get something. It's what turned Wracraft so bad in the first place, and it's what is already ruining this game too much.

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The Jedi Temple Champion is on top of a ledge. I've done the HK-51 mission series 3 times now (I take pride in getting him rather than buying him:cool:) and I've never seen the component spawn that high up. As for the trash mobs, Tank + Healer or Healer + Tank = level 12 able to solo level 15 mobs (obviously a problem if you're a dps with a dps companion).

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while i already have a lvl 20 or so toon imp side at the time... the day HK questline went live it took me about 4.5 hours to mow through the entire chain and earn my HK. this was on a PVP server as well so there was griefing and open-world pvp slowing me down at many of the collection sites (i was playing a smuggie healer so i grouped with one guy who was a vanguard tank).


so really it's not even a whole day to get the quest chain done and have your HK.. let alone an entire day to go to lvl 15.


as others said wait 24 hours and use Double-XP weekend to just hard-charge through it

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Wow are your whining about my post? Grow up little kid, just becuase someone has a different opinion than you, you get your star wars underoo's all bunged up.


Oh and some of us have jobs and lives...


Man gotta love the warcraft generation.




The only whining person her is you.... and from a "working", non warcraft generation point of view.... Bioware always wants you to level all different classes on either side because it adds to the overall experience and knowledge of the game. Technically you only need to get to coruscant... just find someone which helps you getting through your class quest on the starter planet and the few minutes getting to the place where you can collect your part and 3-4 hours investment should be workable for a someone with a job and a live :rolleyes: .....

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Wow are your whining about my post? Grow up little kid, just becuase someone has a different opinion than you, you get your star wars underoo's all bunged up.


Oh and some of us have jobs and lives...


Man gotta love the warcraft generation.



You're the one getting his panties in a twist over a computer game. So who needs to grow up?

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Wow are your whining about my post? Grow up little kid, just becuase someone has a different opinion than you, you get your star wars underoo's all bunged up.


Oh and some of us have jobs and lives...


Man gotta love the warcraft generation.




The wow generation is all about having things handed to them, so that's a pretty ridiculous thing to say. You attempt to trash the very thing you are, without even realizing it. Sad, really. If it were the generation beforehand, you'd have to roll 10 max levels of each faction to get a chance at the thing in question - then, someone would kill you and take it from you. If you spent the time leveling an alt that you are qq'ing, you'd already have the part and people wouldn't have to read about how hard your little life is.

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Y'all bein trolled!

First of, the consistant mispelling of Republic(an)

Secondly, OP post states he hates playing Pub side

So I'm doing the HK quest, well was, to get the droid for an alt I wanna roll... I've now fund out I have to roll an republican alt to 15 to get one of the parts? Mind boggling.


I don't want a Republican toon. All my toons are Empire. Now I gotta spend an entire day grinding a character I won't ever play again? Just scratching my head at this one.


So is there no other way of getting this piece?


Now he claims that 1 1/2 day under xp boosts to get to 15 on an AGENT






which defeats his purpose for rolling a pub toon, by rolling an imp toon?


Yeah, the end of the first sentence sums it up...

Well it took me 1 1/2 day, using exp boosts to get an agent I rolled last weekend to 15. I guess I just suck.


But my point is still valid, why make someone roll a toon they don't intend to play.. I would rather the quest be longer and more difficult but done on my main character. Honestly this questline started out great, the ghost ship parts were awesome, wish there were more like it.

Edited by DJGeeky
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So I'm doing the HK quest, well was, to get the droid for an alt I wanna roll... I've now fund out I have to roll an republican alt to 15 to get one of the parts? Mind boggling.


I don't want a Republican toon. All my toons are Empire. Now I gotta spend an entire day grinding a character I won't ever play again? Just scratching my head at this one.


So is there no other way of getting this piece?


Republic toon, not Republican. Nice try at making a political statement, though.


Back to the issue at hand. You can either 1) quit whining and spend the 3 hours it takes to hit 15 on a character to do the quest or 2) if it's an alt on the same server as your other toons, unlock it via the legacy option and not do the quest at all.

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But my point is still valid, why make someone roll a toon they don't intend to play..


To encourage people to experience the content the developers put time and effort into making. It's not a new concept. They keep the requirements low enough to prevent raging from anyone but the most lazy and high enough to make people play enough to actually experience enough to interest them in staying with that new facet of the game.

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