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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

An Update on the Summer of SWTOR


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Warzone Arenas.




How are the rest of you NOT freaking out over this?


This is "small teams Arena" yeah? and it got a ranked ladder system? yes? yes? BioWare? I NEED TO KNOW! YOU CAN'T TEASE ME LIKE THIS D:


I need to go prepare an Arena PvP section for our website now. Mmm, ladders, ratings, profiles, setups, maps... when is that web-based "armory" feature coming out btw? (We haven't forgotten about that!)

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Follow-up question: Any chance we can get more info. on when the Paid Transfer Service will go live?


THIS! Omg, I'm dying for this $%@#%@#%#@ transfer, but they give no real info about it. The only thing they keep saying is "hey, its our goal to release on date X, but we can't guarantee" which always sounds to me like "it doesn't matter when we'll release, shut your damn mouth and keep waiting."


P.S but yeah, I liked the news, although I have no idea of what Dreadmasters or Oricon have to do with PVP.

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the BIG question... how many Cartel Coins to get to all these new features...?


it's all free to subscribers and any limitations for preferred / f2p will carry over from what's already in the game (x wzs / fps per week, having to purchase unlocks to use event gear, etc.)


the only thing new would be a new unlock item for the new daily area, but i would guess it probably costs about the same as the section x unlock




double xp was free to everyone last time, so there's no reason it won't be available for everyone again


and i highly doubt they can limit who can and can't benefit from the vibrancy improvement (whatever that means anyway)

Edited by oaceen
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I would recommend checking the images from the flash drive about the bounty hunter event. It is probably safe to assume that at least some of the changes are somewhere in there.


I'd just like to see a bit of "we wanted to do X, and this is how it changes things, which we think is cool" with some correct information, non-divined perceived changes in random screenshots.


Graphics changes, especially when they're as global as this one sounds, tend to be highly contentious topics, and it might be a good thing to just make it public and see where the brown river flows, that's all. Or just throw us all into said river when the day comes.


Either way, I'm curious.

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Warzone Arenas... ?? **gets all tingly inside** Could be arenas like.. huttball arenas, or could be ARENAS (2v2, 3v3)! Either would be welcome. :D
well at long at the arena wont lead to bioware to do constant class balance because some premade team mash up will be FAR FAR FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR superior to other team mash up, then im excited for WZ arena as well.
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changed to





ok, what does this mean?


I was listening to Otinicast and they said that BW said that old "tiers" used to use color to (paraphrasing) distinguish your epeen. A podcast is the closest I'll get to endgame ops gear so idk but the shimmer/glow in the new dragon gear. As soon as I heard that, I thought it could be the new graphics upgrade and this seems to confirm it.


I have no idea but hope it is an affect that mere mortals or at least mortals with CC can effect.

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I pretty much got it figured out tbh. Oricon is a new world that is already in the EU of star wars. It has something to do with Dreadmasters, and so its gonna be a pvp world just like ilum was. GG.


I thought they said in the cantina that we wouldnt see any open world PvP any time soon becuase of the design problems to make it work right.

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I thought they said in the cantina that we wouldnt see any open world PvP any time soon becuase of the design problems to make it work right.


They did. It was reported that it was said the there would be no more open-world PVP areas.

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the BIG question... how many Cartel Coins to get to all these new features...?


I dont know, how much was HK-51, Section X, Ancient Hypergate, Gree Event, Terror from beyond, Dread Guard gear or any of the other stuff they added earlier?


Thaats right, not everything is centered around the Cartel Market.

These things wont be part of the cartel market, you wont have to pay cartel coins to access a new flashpoint, new daily area, new recurring event or the graphics updates of the game.

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