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May I have an immune to knockbacks, interrupts and stuns please.


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ya sure you can use those things... /rollseyes


first off, if you think off heals are going to help you survive a fight, good luck wasting your GCD's against those smasholes. next you mention peels. ya. what're you smoking? peels in pugs are non existant. then there is the force speed that doesnt get you out of the range of force leap while having a longer CD then force leap and the knockback that doesnt get you out of the range of obliterate while having a longer CD then obliterate. pretty much every one of those 8 things you mentioned is pointless.


Pointless? They work fine for me. Like I say, learn to cycle those abities properly and you become hard to kill.


Until then, this sounds like a l2p issue.

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Oh, now the comment about your skill having to do with crew occupation made me laugh. I'm not cybertech. I trade stims (that are made with higher tier crafting mats that I'll actually have on hand) for my grenades (much lower tier of mats that I have to specifically log onto craft alts to farm--no thank you). I certainly wouldn't bother making those stims just to sell for cheap on GTN.


But since you don't believe that managing consumables has anything to do with skill, I don't suppose you use warzone medpacs/adrenals either?


You QQed that Force Barrier is a 10-second delay the inevitable button with no further use. I pointed out how it is not even in the complete absence of any support from your team. If your team is that worthless that it's "delay the inevitable" that's what the grenade exit is there for, to give yourself a peel when your team won't. (Actually as a long time ago I l2p'ed in solo queue terribad pugs, often I find myself not even bothering to wait for crossheals or peels, but that's another issue entirely.) And yes, managing whatever tools you have at your disposal--including consumables--is part of player skill.


As far as I'm concerned, you're no different than a marauder who pops Undying Rage but when the 5 seconds (assuming set bonus) isn't enough, fails to pop a medpac at the end because said mara "doesn't believe in consumables," and then promptly dies.


A fairly typical warzone for me entails 3-400k damage taken with 0-1 deaths. Yet I'll typically use Force Barrier 2-3 times and maybe get crossheals about 30% of the time I use it, i.e. if I'm lucky. Yet somehow I still manage to get away after popping this allegedly useless delay the inevitable cooldown...so yes I see its use as a l2p issue.


i love how you assume the world from just the comment about my in game bank account not determining skill. i sure dont use those newfangled medpacks, they confuse the hell right out of me sir. i tip my hat at you smart folk who can manage to figure out how you use that blasted new age technology.


@yestrem, ok, see you in the WZ, you channel that 2.5-3 second heal for 3k while tanking that mara in your face interrupting your every cast and debuffing your healing, see how good that works for you.

Edited by jedcjedcjedc
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the dude is talking about trying to turret (telekinetics, gunnery, 2/3 snipers). his only recourse to kb's/stuns is resolve. he's also mostly susceptible to standard interrupts. some genius suggested that he doesn't have the immunity and range tools that snipers do because he can self heal. if a turret spec tries to waste gcds and cast time self healing with a MELEE in his face, he's going to drop quicker. I don't think the issue is kb's from snipers 30m away. and I didn't say he needs entrench. but I will call BS to the guy who says "but you can self heal" as if that means squat in the middle of a fight or in any way balances something like 20s of 100% immunity to everything.


And I'm telling you you're wrong. Sorc bubble and unnatural preservation are a big factor that allows them to outlast other ranged classes such as sniper (if his class and entrench weren't op as ****) or middle tree merc, and that doesn't even include just walking around a corner and using your other 2 self heals.

If a sniper had bubble and self preservation he'd be op (well he is already op, but yeah). If the sorc had entrench he would also be op. Swap these two groups of abilities and the classes would be mostly still balanced as well as they are now. Sorc wouldn't have bubble or self heal, but would be immune to interrupts and leaping. Snipers would gain bubble and self healing and lose entrench. The classes would pretty much swap roles.

You're acting like a sorc's ability to self heal and bubble in dps spec is not a factor in this discussion and you are 100% wrong.


If you want to say in the case of merc the self healing doesn't matter, well you may be right. They can always be interrupted and their self heals still aren't that useful in dps spec. But in the instance of sorc/sniper you are completely way off out in left field. That bubble and unnatural preservation is a huge part of sorc dps play.

Edited by JP_Legatus
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You're acting like a sorc's ability to self heal and bubble in dps spec is not a factor in this discussion and you are 100% wrong.


If you want to say in the case of merc the self healing doesn't matter, well you may be right. They can always be interrupted and their self heals still aren't that useful in dps spec. But in the instance of sorc/sniper you are completely way off out in left field. That bubble and unnatural preservation is a huge part of sorc dps play.

I find it difficult to believe that you wouldn't dump those awesome bubbles/off heals in a split second if you could get 15s of entrench, let alone the 20s snipers have. so let's take this "yeah, but we can't self heal" nonsense and stuff it where the sun doesn't shine. those self heals ARE a joke. I laugh every time a dps sorc/merc tries to use them when I'm on him. entrench is the golden fleece for any turret spec. off heals can suck it.


edit: and I"m not wild about giving any ranged entrench. I think any class that's given impunity to do whatever it wants for so long a time is wrong. ranged should wreck face from afar. if a melee's on you, you should be in trouble.

Edited by foxmob
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Nothing to see in this post. Just another bad sage crying for a buff. Sage/Sorcerers are in a very good place right now.

Lightning/Telekinetic have great burst. If you don't like being interrupted respec Balance/Madness or run a hybrid so you have a few less casted abilities. I mean seriously I get interrupted maybe 6 times in a full day of warzones (20 to 30 warzones) I play a hybrid DPS/Heal spec to maximize my solo queue experience.



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Nothing to see in this post. Just another bad sage crying for a buff. Sage/Sorcerers are in a very good place right now.

Lightning/Telekinetic have great burst. If you don't like being interrupted respec Balance/Madness or run a hybrid so you have a few less casted abilities. I mean seriously I get interrupted maybe 6 times in a full day of warzones (20 to 30 warzones) I play a hybrid DPS/Heal spec to maximize my solo queue experience.




^This guy gets it.

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Hello Bioware, I'm a Sage, a DPS sage, one of the telekinetic skill tree. As many of my abilities require cast times, I am requesting that like another "casting" type class to have an ability that has up to a 1/3rd up time that allows me to sit and cast without any concern of being controlled in any form.

I feel that in this game of burst and control, 20 seconds every 60 seems fairly reasonable of immunity all while getting a natural damage reduction and being able to do damage as I please.


Don't get me wrong, I like Barrier. 10 seconds every 150 of not being able to be controlled AND taking NO damage? come on, whats not to love about that.. the amount of damage I can put out in that.... ohh, wait.. umm ... did I mention I take no damage?


Oh ya, I also have to mention Mental Alacrity, 20% alacrity and no interrupts for 15 seconds out of ~100-120 seconds???? The amount of casts I can get in during this time is amazing.. baring lots of pushback of course and well, if you don't include different class knockbacks, every classes stun, or any of the multiple other control abilities...errr, ok.. lets skip this one.


Perhaps if I mention "Cartel Market" in this post that they will get their Iphone or Android notification and pop in here to say something.



And inb4, l2p or whatever other quip you want.. just a little bit of venting. Everyone is entitled to their own. I'll have another about conditional abilities (aka finisher type abilities) later tonight so be on the look out! :D


Long time tk sage pvper here. I will say that 2.0 has improve tk to viability now but that's against the avg player who is unaware of the limitations of the spec.


I been doing some deep thinking about the balance of tk vs melee and if you try and put yourself in the devs shoes when we kite we are not being attacked but if they interrupt us we can't attack the problem as was discussed on PTS is the push back. When we have range we can still be attack which causes push back which we don't have 100% on. We are punished twice for being ranged. I honestly am surprised our feedback was not listen to. Maybe they will read this post /shrug. Mobility is almost, almost not a issue is turbalance procs tk wave but its only a 30% chance. So that 1 issue that could remain the same or be uped if pushback was 100%. As someone said on PTS ravage/ master strike can't be interrupted and the range does extend pass 4m after it is activated. So the disadvantage for tk still remains.



All this is talking high level pvp, now as what has been said in this post is kinda true we can say at the back in order to avoid being attack but when we are it's reasonable to have the ability to defend ourselves. There is enough tools to prevent us from escaping 10m for melee I know because I have done it.


Possible solutions are

1. Increase the absorption of force armor when it is casted on us only!

2. Give 100% push back onr Our casts

3. Increase the min dmg on all our casts so our overall dmg is higher

4. (Wishful thinking) phase shift


Every sage sorc wants this ability maybe in 2.4 they allow for skill play in the other advanced class.?


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Possible solutions are

1. Increase the absorption of force armor when it is casted on us only!

2. Give 100% push back onr Our casts

3. Increase the min dmg on all our casts so our overall dmg is higher

4. (Wishful thinking) phase shift


Every sage sorc wants this ability maybe in 2.4 they allow for skill play in the other advanced class.?



LoL so all you want is to be over powered. Hell why you were at it why didn't you ask to be able to cast on the move. Or did you not think of that. Seriously Sage/Sorc are at an even better place then we were before 1.2 We don't need any buffs


Rellik 55 Sorcerer

Jenna'syyde 50 Sage (waiting for Transfers)

Syck'syyde 50 Sorcerer (waiting for transfers)


So yes I play the class a bit

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Long time tk sage pvper here. I will say that 2.0 has improve tk to viability now but that's against the avg player who is unaware of the limitations of the spec.


I been doing some deep thinking about the balance of tk vs melee and if you try and put yourself in the devs shoes when we kite we are not being attacked but if they interrupt us we can't attack the problem as was discussed on PTS is the push back. When we have range we can still be attack which causes push back which we don't have 100% on. We are punished twice for being ranged. I honestly am surprised our feedback was not listen to. Maybe they will read this post /shrug. Mobility is almost, almost not a issue is turbalance procs tk wave but its only a 30% chance. So that 1 issue that could remain the same or be uped if pushback was 100%. As someone said on PTS ravage/ master strike can't be interrupted and the range does extend pass 4m after it is activated. So the disadvantage for tk still remains.



All this is talking high level pvp, now as what has been said in this post is kinda true we can say at the back in order to avoid being attack but when we are it's reasonable to have the ability to defend ourselves. There is enough tools to prevent us from escaping 10m for melee I know because I have done it.


Possible solutions are

1. Increase the absorption of force armor when it is casted on us only!

2. Give 100% push back onr Our casts

3. Increase the min dmg on all our casts so our overall dmg is higher

4. (Wishful thinking) phase shift


Every sage sorc wants this ability maybe in 2.4 they allow for skill play in the other advanced class.?



So you are saying that if a new player or someone that isn't able to use all the abilities on a class effectively he can come complain on this forum and the class has to be buffed for those players.


One problem tough, what are you gonna do with the player that plays the class from day one and says that his class is already in a very good place ? You gonna buff him too or not ? Or you just want to buff new (less skilled) players and nerf the players with a higher skill/experience level ?


Every sage sorc wants this ability maybe in 2.4 they allow for skill play in the other advanced class.?


Here you say that in every new patch one or a few classes should be OP, nothing new here.

Bioware is already doing this willingfully or not, perfect class balance with the diversity of specs and different ablities in this game is in my opinion impossible. The discussion about class balance and good vs bad players will always continue especially if you look at it in a 1 v 1 perspective.


In my opinion every class is viable for this game if you look at it from a teamperspective. You can complete any PVE and play any non-ranked warzones with any class and be succesful.


Get some friends and play with them if those other solo que-ers or that roflstomping pre-made is tiring you out. Grow some balls and deal with it.


How many more times has it to be said that an mmo is a teambased game ? Yes you can play solo in this game all you want, will you be able to enjoy the best content of this game solo ? NO.

Edited by Jorojus
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i love how you assume the world from just the comment about my in game bank account not determining skill. i sure dont use those newfangled medpacks, they confuse the hell right out of me sir. i tip my hat at you smart folk who can manage to figure out how you use that blasted new age technology.


@yestrem, ok, see you in the WZ, you channel that 2.5-3 second heal for 3k while tanking that mara in your face interrupting your every cast and debuffing your healing, see how good that works for you.


LOL. Do you even know what kiting means?! It's pretty much required to play a sorc effectively against melee.


Again, l2p issue.

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LOL. Do you even know what kiting means?! It's pretty much required to play a sorc effectively against melee.


Again, l2p issue.


yup, keep running while channeling that 3 second heal, oh wait you cant. but off heals are effective... but your running.... couldnt be your just contradicting yourself, could it? in several of the warzones out there, its more efficiant to just die and respawn, as healing yourself up with your off heals would actually take even longer since your not spec'd heals. your not healing yourself for nearly as much and you have to sit there for 2GCD's casting it, and another GCD till you can cast anything else, so you heal yourself for your 3k while those 2 tracer missiles + heatseekers head your way for a nice round 10k+ (just an example for ya)


you might want to l2p before you say i should l2p :w_embarrass:

Edited by jedcjedcjedc
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yup, keep running while channeling that 3 second heal, oh wait you cant. but off heals are effective... but your running.... couldnt be your just contradicting yourself, could it? in several of the warzones out there, its more efficiant to just die and respawn, as healing yourself up with your off heals would actually take even longer since your not spec'd heals. your not healing yourself for nearly as much and you have to sit there for 2GCD's casting it, and another GCD till you can cast anything else, so you heal yourself for your 3k while those 2 tracer missiles + heatseekers head your way for a nice round 10k+ (just an example for ya)


you might want to l2p before you say i should l2p :w_embarrass:


Or you could heal yourself with a bubble and your insta heal and you negate the 10k+ damage. I could go into more detail on this whole issue, but good sorc/sages are really good and bad sorc/sages are really bad, the really bad ones come here complaining.

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yup, keep running while channeling that 3 second heal, oh wait you cant. but off heals are effective... but your running.... couldnt be your just contradicting yourself, could it? in several of the warzones out there, its more efficiant to just die and respawn, as healing yourself up with your off heals would actually take even longer since your not spec'd heals. your not healing yourself for nearly as much and you have to sit there for 2GCD's casting it, and another GCD till you can cast anything else, so you heal yourself for your 3k while those 2 tracer missiles + heatseekers head your way for a nice round 10k+ (just an example for ya)


you might want to l2p before you say i should l2p :w_embarrass:


You should always question yourself, stop acting like a little kid. "He said I have to L2P so I'll tell him to L2P !!"


Initium est saluti notitia peccati

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yup, keep running while channeling that 3 second heal, oh wait you cant. but off heals are effective... but your running.... couldnt be your just contradicting yourself, could it? in several of the warzones out there, its more efficiant to just die and respawn, as healing yourself up with your off heals would actually take even longer since your not spec'd heals. your not healing yourself for nearly as much and you have to sit there for 2GCD's casting it, and another GCD till you can cast anything else, so you heal yourself for your 3k while those 2 tracer missiles + heatseekers head your way for a nice round 10k+ (just an example for ya)


you might want to l2p before you say i should l2p :w_embarrass:


Either you are trying to find reasons to argue with me, or you literally need everything spelled out for you.


Either way, I'm not the one complaining that sorcs are squishy; you are. Therefore you must be doing something wrong. You can either choose to take the advice to improve as a player, or keep whining and asking for buffs that you will never get when the class is actually balanced and useful in ranked pvp.

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Something about a self-healing class not being interruptable as a ranged dps makes me think this is a bad idea. How about we just nerf snipers and smash like we should instead of trying to buff everyone else and everything will be fine. As it is you do get that one ability already that makes you immune to interrupt (I know its not anywhere near as good as entrench), polarity shift or something



Smash was already nerfed.

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Smash was already nerfed.


If by nerfed you mean lowering extra crit damage by 15% then buffing half of the rest of the tree

The only reason I don't run smash anymore is because of how numerous snipers are becoming and because I love the new carnage, predation/bloodthirs/frenzy every 15s is just way too ****** for me to play another spec

Regardless tho, leveling my sniper and operative as soon as double xp happens, cuz lulz

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If any sage/sorc in any DPS spec ever tries to cast that 3 sec heal, whether against a melee or not, they clearly need to L2P!


'tis what ive said before, but apparently the super 1337 pro-good players on here with their massive E-p33ns disagree. the only self heal worth its salt is unnatural preservation, and even that doesnt hold up against heavy assault by other classes DPS. put some DoT's on them, their hp starts ticking away, they leap to you, cast free slow with 0.5s GCD, enrage/crush, smash and your DoTs pale in comparison. knock them back, immediate obliterate. stun/force speed away, immediate force leap and another enrage/crush (whichever they didnt use previously) and smash. and your either dead or at less then a quarter health. bubble is nice and all, but just one good hit can knock it down and your wide open for the rest of the time.


I like the class, i really do. its my main, and i think it makes a great support class, especially for huttball. i just dont beleive it stacks up nearly as well against the other classes.

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I think a lot of you are missing the point of this thread, and let me clarify: IN A TEAM SETTING, SORC/SAGES ARE FINE.


BUT Sorc/Sage solo viability is garbage compared to most other classes, and that's what kind of irks most players. We are a support class, that with a few tweaks, could have as much solo viability as a sniper, but with our own distinct playstyle. :cool:

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BUT Sorc/Sage solo viability is garbage compared to most other classes, and that's what kind of irks most players. We are a support class, that with a few tweaks, could have as much solo viability as a sniper, but with our own distinct playstyle. :cool:


I know this rubs a certain merc on here the wrong way, but all ranged dps are or should be support classes. dps should be incredibly high with some ramp up time and weak defenses (cast times and susceptable to interrups with limited ability to free cast or maintain range). if you are able to deal with melee on your own, if you have an answer every time a melee gets in 4m of you, then there would be absolutely no point in playing half the classes in this game. everyone would be ranged. it would be CoD or Wolfenstien or (pick your pvp fps).


if anything, too many melee have too many ranged abils (the closers are fine. they're on cds. the problem is all the dps they can do from range and all the dps abils tied to leaps for jks/wars.).

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That would be so overpowered if anyone had any of those things. Oh wait, snipers have all of those.

and they are only "the ideal ranged" in the eyes of every ranged. because what caster WOULDN'T want to be uninterruptable and unmoveable for 20s of ever 60? who cares if you, yourself, aren't moving. you can't move while casting anyway. not much of a trade off.

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and they are only "the ideal ranged" in the eyes of every ranged. because what caster WOULDN'T want to be uninterruptable and unmoveable for 20s of ever 60? who cares if you, yourself, aren't moving. you can't move while casting anyway. not much of a trade off.


I see you are working long and hard to make snipers more to your liking mate, any success? :) How is your doctorate on SWTOR balance going? :rak_02:

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