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10 Good
  1. I'm surprised THAT is what ruined the game for him... Hasn't he seen the videos of assassins, agents, and maras globaling people in like 8 seconds?
  2. Needs moar cyber... knockback.
  3. Soikkam


    Force Shroud + Force Cloak has non-consensual sex with me
  4. If Sents get a 4 sec stun, then Sages should get an execute ability. Oh wait, that'll never happen? /thread.
  5. I think a lot of you are missing the point of this thread, and let me clarify: IN A TEAM SETTING, SORC/SAGES ARE FINE. BUT Sorc/Sage solo viability is garbage compared to most other classes, and that's what kind of irks most players. We are a support class, that with a few tweaks, could have as much solo viability as a sniper, but with our own distinct playstyle.
  6. Soikkam


    DPS Sorcerers would like an execute, pretty please. Or insta-whirlwind back
  7. Ya, we're amazing at padding stats. Since all of our dps builds use Affliction, we drop it on every target we can see. If you really wanna see how "insane" our class is, roll one and find out.
  8. For Wrath, use Crushing Darkness first, then use Lightning Strike on others Wraths if CD is on cooldown. I prefer to save my wraths purely for CD when I play Madness, however.
  9. The biggest thing Sorc healers have over Op healers, is that we have an awesome AOE pool heal. So throw it under a group of dummies that just ate an autocrit Smash, and you'll be topping heal charts in no time. Just be careful with your Force usage
  10. PVP rotation is similar: Affliction>Polarity Shift>Thundering Blast>Recklessness>Lightning Strike Do procs when they pop and repeat. I can 100% to 0% a squishy target almost instantly if I get the drop on them.
  11. Requires peels to be half decent at doing the damage that most other dps classes can put out. If you are focused by one competent player, and do not have someone to peel for you, your damage is shut down.
  12. If you wanna see for yourself, then roll one. If you don't, that's fine too. But as it stands, if we don't have 7 people watching our back, then we are not as good as other ranged dps classes. If we do have 7 people providing peels, then we can be equal to melee dps.
  13. I'd like to say, "I feel your pain," but I actually did PVE to level most of my characters. I can tell you this though... this is on the bottom of Bioware's To-Do list~
  14. It should have an effect if I'm not mistaken... at least that's what it says on the tool tip, I guess. 2018 expertise nets you like 65% damage increase against players, and 35% damage reduction from player, I think. I don't have my game up atm, but i think the percentages are right around there
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