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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

May I have an immune to knockbacks, interrupts and stuns please.


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Hello Bioware, I'm a Sage, a DPS sage, one of the telekinetic skill tree. As many of my abilities require cast times, I am requesting that like another "casting" type class to have an ability that has up to a 1/3rd up time that allows me to sit and cast without any concern of being controlled in any form.

I feel that in this game of burst and control, 20 seconds every 60 seems fairly reasonable of immunity all while getting a natural damage reduction and being able to do damage as I please.


Don't get me wrong, I like Barrier. 10 seconds every 150 of not being able to be controlled AND taking NO damage? come on, whats not to love about that.. the amount of damage I can put out in that.... ohh, wait.. umm ... did I mention I take no damage?


Oh ya, I also have to mention Mental Alacrity, 20% alacrity and no interrupts for 15 seconds out of ~100-120 seconds???? The amount of casts I can get in during this time is amazing.. baring lots of pushback of course and well, if you don't include different class knockbacks, every classes stun, or any of the multiple other control abilities...errr, ok.. lets skip this one.


Perhaps if I mention "Cartel Market" in this post that they will get their Iphone or Android notification and pop in here to say something.



And inb4, l2p or whatever other quip you want.. just a little bit of venting. Everyone is entitled to their own. I'll have another about conditional abilities (aka finisher type abilities) later tonight so be on the look out! :D

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Something about a self-healing class not being interruptable as a ranged dps makes me think this is a bad idea. How about we just nerf snipers and smash like we should instead of trying to buff everyone else and everything will be fine. As it is you do get that one ability already that makes you immune to interrupt (I know its not anywhere near as good as entrench), polarity shift or something Edited by JP_Legatus
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If you keep your range you can avoid most knockbacks, interrupts and stuns. Sages have the tools (stun, slow, knockback) for it, use them.


You can say that other classes have these tools too now, but hey, you let those classes come to close to you in the first place then.

Edited by Jorojus
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Use more Polarity Shift.



Wish granted.


Its not really that good, still get pushbacks, knock backs...


Wish they just buffed Madness or atleast gave us back instant Whirlwind and 30m Electrocute.

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Pop polarity shift when you're whitebarred, bam you have a mini-entrench.


As a healy sorc...oh for the love of the Force I can only drool at the thought of how crazy OP I'd be if we got entrench on top of everything else that came with 2.0...


As long as we're granting wishes here..


I wish for a 12 second Saber Reflect on a 2 min cooldown.

I wish that when snipers/slingers popped Entrench, they would have their DPS output reduced by 25% for the duration.

My last wish?......



Remove Scamper. It sounds like something a bush-hiding stalker might do. And it's completely abused. If you cannot grant this wish, at least make it a "roll to friendly" like Guardian Leap.



Leave Bolster. Remove Scamper.




Sure wish I could target those pesky Scamperers to root/slow them, but that would require that they were targetable and that they didn't beat everyone in the game to any point on the map.

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Something about a self-healing class not being interruptable as a ranged dps makes me think this is a bad idea. How about we just nerf snipers and smash like we should instead of trying to buff everyone else and everything will be fine. As it is you do get that one ability already that makes you immune to interrupt (I know its not anywhere near as good as entrench), polarity shift or something


I'll dps through any dpser's off heals on every single one of my toons, include the scrapper, who I'm ridiculously bad at playing. so if a telekinetics sage or gunnery commando wants to waste his gcds and ~1.5s cast times on horribly weak heals, I say go right ahead. he'll die slightly slower and I'll not lose any hp whatsoever.


please, drop the "but you can heal" argument. those heals are worthless. they're a waste of time. kolto bomb for mandos and cleanse for both classes are the only remotely useful abils and they will not affect the aforementioned scrapper, let alone a competent dps.


edit: other than barrier, a stun/mezz, sprint, and a little uninterrutable up time, I'm not sure what telekinetic spec has to deal with melee. I can say gunnery is fine/reasonable with such tools. it's about managing your cds and minor tweaks to non-invasive cds. I do notice that sages are very easy to push into barrier. and balance is great at kite killing 1v1 (as opposed to assault, which is more mobile but lacks the cc).

Edited by foxmob
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I'll dps through any dpser's off heals on every single one of my toons, include the scrapper, who I'm ridiculously bad at playing. so if a telekinetics sage or gunnery commando wants to waste his gcds and ~1.5s cast times on horribly weak heals, I say go right ahead. he'll die slightly slower and I'll not lose any hp whatsoever.


please, drop the "but you can heal" argument. those heals are worthless. they're a waste of time. kolto bomb for mandos and cleanse for both classes are the only remotely useful abils and they will not affect the aforementioned scrapper, let alone a competent dps.


do you want those offheals deliver the amount of HP of kolto injection in order for you to feel them useful? :D



I see you are desperately trying to insult me in a way that will not give you infraction points .Good luck at your pathetic attempts sir :D

Edited by NoTomorrow
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Hello Bioware, I'm a Sage, a DPS sage, one of the telekinetic skill tree. As many of my abilities require cast times, I am requesting that like another "casting" type class to have an ability that has up to a 1/3rd up time that allows me to sit and cast without any concern of being controlled in any form.

I feel that in this game of burst and control, 20 seconds every 60 seems fairly reasonable of immunity all while getting a natural damage reduction and being able to do damage as I please.


Don't get me wrong, I like Barrier. 10 seconds every 150 of not being able to be controlled AND taking NO damage? come on, whats not to love about that.. the amount of damage I can put out in that.... ohh, wait.. umm ... did I mention I take no damage?


Oh ya, I also have to mention Mental Alacrity, 20% alacrity and no interrupts for 15 seconds out of ~100-120 seconds???? The amount of casts I can get in during this time is amazing.. baring lots of pushback of course and well, if you don't include different class knockbacks, every classes stun, or any of the multiple other control abilities...errr, ok.. lets skip this one.


Perhaps if I mention "Cartel Market" in this post that they will get their Iphone or Android notification and pop in here to say something.



And inb4, l2p or whatever other quip you want.. just a little bit of venting. Everyone is entitled to their own. I'll have another about conditional abilities (aka finisher type abilities) later tonight so be on the look out! :D


If you are constantly getting your casts interrupted or pushed back you are probably standing in the wrong place. You are a ranged class. Use ALL of your range. Stay in the back line where you are hard to reach.


If melee is trying to focus you, you have plenty of tools at your disposal to create a gap between you and your attacker:


1. When static barrier breaks you mez them (good players anticipate when this is goin to happen and do not apply dots beforehand)

2. Stun

3. Knockback with root

4. Force slow

5. Force speed.

6. Force barrier (good for waiting for short cool downs to cycle through again)

7. Whirlwind.

8. An instant heal, plus cast heals

8. Other members of your team peeling for you


In short, sorcs/sages do not need a cast pushback immunity. When played correctly they are very difficult to kill.

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LOL, hilarious thread. So what do I wish... let's see.. it look like i don't really need anything :)

Oh wait.. I want more of kettlebell and cycao on forum ;)


My time is limited so I shall make my last week a good one.







To the op.




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I'll dps through any dpser's off heals on every single one of my toons, include the scrapper, who I'm ridiculously bad at playing. so if a telekinetics sage or gunnery commando wants to waste his gcds and ~1.5s cast times on horribly weak heals, I say go right ahead. he'll die slightly slower and I'll not lose any hp whatsoever.


please, drop the "but you can heal" argument. those heals are worthless. they're a waste of time. kolto bomb for mandos and cleanse for both classes are the only remotely useful abils and they will not affect the aforementioned scrapper, let alone a competent dps.


edit: other than barrier, a stun/mezz, sprint, and a little uninterrutable up time, I'm not sure what telekinetic spec has to deal with melee. I can say gunnery is fine/reasonable with such tools. it's about managing your cds and minor tweaks to non-invasive cds. I do notice that sages are very easy to push into barrier. and balance is great at kite killing 1v1 (as opposed to assault, which is more mobile but lacks the cc).


If by dps through their heals you mean their force barrier while they are being healed by HoT's and teammates, in between instant self heal and bubble that stuns you and the overload that roots you and the force speed that is also on a relatively short cooldown and the 4s stun and whirlwind/self heal combo that is casted once you've used your interrupt and breaker (or just be polarity shifted), then yes. You can dps through it.

That all happens in the dps spec, btw. If you want that class to have entrench and cover, that's fine with me, I'm going to level my sorc in double xp weekends anyways.

Edited by JP_Legatus
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please, the sorc has the weakest DPS coupled with being one of the squishiest AC of all atm, and thats including mercs with their horrible DCD's. madness can be cleansed away and lightning is just a chain of long cast times, interrupts, and lackluster damge for how long you have to cast for and being as rediculously squishy as they are. force speedis on a longer CD then force leap, so their only ezscape cant escape from pretty uch any class. other sorcs/sins will justforce speed right behind you, jugg/mara's will constantly leap right after you, mercs can boost speed by 30% for 10s and have 30m range, so they have no problem to continue shooting you the whole time, etc. etc.


force barrier is basically a "wait 10 more seconds before you die" skill, only good use for it is a badly channeled heal while you have bubble up in heal spec to heal back the 20% health that your about to lose when those 3 people sitting by your barrier jump you when it ends...

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please, the sorc has the weakest DPS coupled with being one of the squishiest AC of all atm, and thats including mercs with their horrible DCD's. madness can be cleansed away and lightning is just a chain of long cast times, interrupts, and lackluster damge for how long you have to cast for and being as rediculously squishy as they are. force speedis on a longer CD then force leap, so their only ezscape cant escape from pretty uch any class. other sorcs/sins will justforce speed right behind you, jugg/mara's will constantly leap right after you, mercs can boost speed by 30% for 10s and have 30m range, so they have no problem to continue shooting you the whole time, etc. etc.


force barrier is basically a "wait 10 more seconds before you die" skill, only good use for it is a badly channeled heal while you have bubble up in heal spec to heal back the 20% health that your about to lose when those 3 people sitting by your barrier jump you when it ends...


Thanks for the lulz.



After all the buffs people will always want more..

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Are we giving out our wishes on things that won't happen? Oooh okay...


I wish my Guardian could leap to people in cover.

I wish Scamper was on a 15s Cooldown.

I wish Root provided 45% Resolve.

I wish Slows provided 15% Resolve.

I wish Stuns, Roots and Slows would scale based on Resolve.

I wish 100% Resolve was 2s longer.

I wish Sniper/Gunslingers were interruptable...or their Anti-CC BS was 3-6s shorter.

I wish Phase Walk was a faster placement, or I could Cert an instant placement.

I wish Net lasted 4s longer.

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Pop polarity shift when you're whitebarred, bam you have a mini-entrench.


As a healy sorc...oh for the love of the Force I can only drool at the thought of how crazy OP I'd be if we got entrench on top of everything else that came with 2.0...


Kinda like a trooper healer? Or perhaps an op healer who doesn't really need such an ability since they are so mobile anyways? Sorry but a sorcerer is by far the easiest healer to shutdown.

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Are we giving out our wishes on things that won't happen? Oooh okay...


I wish my Guardian could leap to people in cover.

I wish Scamper was on a 15s Cooldown.

I wish Root provided 45% Resolve.

I wish Slows provided 15% Resolve.

I wish Stuns, Roots and Slows would scale based on Resolve.

I wish 100% Resolve was 2s longer.

I wish Sniper/Gunslingers were interruptable...or their Anti-CC BS was 3-6s shorter.

I wish Phase Walk was a faster placement, or I could Cert an instant placement.

I wish Net lasted 4s longer.


I think perhaps you and others are missing the point. NO ONE should have such an ability.

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please, the sorc has the weakest DPS coupled with being one of the squishiest AC of all atm, and thats including mercs with their horrible DCD's. madness can be cleansed away and lightning is just a chain of long cast times, interrupts, and lackluster damge for how long you have to cast for and being as rediculously squishy as they are. force speedis on a longer CD then force leap, so their only ezscape cant escape from pretty uch any class. other sorcs/sins will justforce speed right behind you, jugg/mara's will constantly leap right after you, mercs can boost speed by 30% for 10s and have 30m range, so they have no problem to continue shooting you the whole time, etc. etc.


force barrier is basically a "wait 10 more seconds before you die" skill, only good use for it is a badly channeled heal while you have bubble up in heal spec to heal back the 20% health that your about to lose when those 3 people sitting by your barrier jump you when it ends...


The bolded part tells me you are bad.


Grenades have the same cooldown as barrier--and you can aim ground target reticules in barrier without breaking the channel. It is the release of the ground target that will break it, not the aim.


Use this to stun the greatest concentration of melee that wants to kill you. Vary the timing. No one knows if I will nade at 1 second, 5.5 seconds, or 9.9 seconds, so sins don't know really when to pop shroud. Some melee will back off because they know me--in which case I look to throw the nade to wherever it will do my team the most good. By the time those melee notice I broke my barrier, I'm usually gone :D


To use barrier effectively, use a nade to turn it into a self-peel.


Granted, as non-heal spec a sniper can still root you when you try to get away after this, but if your problem is too much melee jumping all over you, this is quite effective (and tbh if ranged is focus firing along with the melee the other team deserves to be rewarded for its coordination).

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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