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Encrypted Datacube: Story content in the cartel market?


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I had to make sure that they got the message in at least two outlets so I left a comment on their facebook page about this issue. There has been no response, but it was the middle of the night, so I didn't expect them to respond but I'm not entirely sure we can expect any kind of response at all about it.
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I believe they just crossed a line that they should not have. Putting story content on the Cartel Market is just too much. Don't misunderstand me.....not because it's only 4 short cutscenes that you can watch on YouTube or anything. That really isn't much of a story anyway.


But do consider this. They're testing our reactions. If we let them get away with 4 cutscenes this time, what do you suppose will be in the next Cartel update? 8 cutscenes? Then 16? Then an actual quest or two? Then access to a unique area? Where will this end? This is the start of a very dark path and we have to stop this madness before they go too far on it.


Multiple developers have stated numerous times that any story content that is not part an expansion pack will be free for subscribers and Cartel Market is reserved for cosmetic stuff only (items that do not affect character performance or game story). I don't care if said story content is just 4 cutscenes or a whole planet. They lied to us....again.


Anyone who thinks this is a minor issue, think again. It may be 4 cutscenes this time that can be bought on the GTN....but what's the guarantee that it will be 4 cutscenes again if we let them continue this trend?


I'm sure there will be those that will say it is free for subscribers, because we get out monthly stipend of coins each month. Or that the cut-scenes are purely cosmetic, thus should be on the cartel market.


Personally, I think it is a farce. Subscription seems to be losing it value with every patch, including 2.2 which was supposed to show that subscribers are valued. Other than a new Nightmare mode (personally I don't get the chance to run Ops), there's nothing really there for subscribers.

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Or, don't buy it and watch it on youtube in 2 days... DERP


And will you say the same thing when they start adding more story content to the CM? Most of the uproar isn't really about the 4 cutscenes per se. It's about the fact that they lied to us again and that they're starting a trend that god knows where will stop.

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I have not bought any of the new Archon Packs, so I have no idea how "significant" the story behind the cubes is, but I feel like that is a step in a very wrong direction from BioWare, especially since we can assume that the Shroud will play some role in future (new 2.3 content, maybe?).


Yes, I get the fact that they are not that rare (presumably) and that I could buy them from GTN or with my monthly CC grant, but I feel like this is a big slap in the face, just like Ship parts were (and that caused pretty big sh*tstorm). Ship parts were mostly forgiven, as they were technically possible to get from ingame activities, and because Space is really unused, but Story content (outside of expansions) should be free for subs.


How about making all parties happy, and giving the cubes to subs for free after finishing the Shroud mission line (ending with the puzzle H4 on Nar Shaddaa)? And make CC item for prefs/f2p to unlock it, just like Section X.


I've said it before in here but it warrants being repeated, the holo recordings are not really story content. They aren't something that ties together plot lines within the Shrouds bigger macro binocs quests. They aren't anything that have any real significance other then to be the catalyst for making a more interesting turn in to collect 1 of 3 items from a static list. The significance of the recordings really do equate to the historical bits of info you get when you find the datacrons. If you're interested you might read the text and if you're not you ignore it, but if you ignore it you don't actually miss out on anything that is required.


Don't get me wrong I understand the concern, and people will use the slippery slope argument here, but I'm just not seeing anything that's even remotely close to required knowledge from the several data cubes I tried so far. Some people seem to be over reacting just a bit (not saying you here just talking in general).

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It's got VA and it's connected to Makeb. It's not much, and it may not even be important, but it is story. The text on the datacrons even count as story, since they're lore backstory. It's definitely a gray area, but it looks a little too dark gray to be comforting.
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Welcome to game update - 3.0 Return of your personal class storys:


-Players can now start with chapter 4 on their personal story. To start just get the first mission out of our new and awesome cartel market pack. Please note: in order to advance through your story, you need to activate every mission with certifactes in our cartel packs.

Edited by Neglience
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Welcome to game update - 3.0 Return of your personal class storys:


-Players can now start with chapter 4 on their personal story. To start just get the first mission out of our new and awesome cartel market pack. Please note: in order to advance through your story, you need to activate every mission with certifactes in our cartel packs.


I don't think we'll see anything that extreme. Especially since they've already stated that they are going to be focusing on faction story from here on. No more class story. RIP.

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This is directly tied into a questline in the game, gives more information about it. I know not everyone will be upset about this, but I certainly am not happy about it. As far as I'm concerned, this puts a direct 'lie' stamp on yet more of what they said CM would be. I don't like liars. I really don't. If it's a misunderstanding on their part, they'd better clear it up fast.


The whole ROTHC was nothing more than a DLC that they put a $10/$20 price tag on and let us call it an expansion. This was something they had planned for a long time while the numbers were good. That changed when people felt like they were getting robbed of their money and quit. So they change the DLC to a mini expansion, hence 1 planet for 5 extra levels. Just like wookie life day, there was a big event pulled for it and they axed it, and put the "rewards" in the cartel market. I know a guy who was so mad about that, thats the reason he quit, and although I have yet to login, if these data packs are true, I can understand why people are mad. This is a story driven mmo, no matter how big or small the content is, if they put anything story related in the CM, then we are going down a very dark road, and I know a few that will unsub because of it.

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The whole ROTHC was nothing more than a DLC that they put a $10/$20 price tag on and let us call it an expansion. This was something they had planned for a long time while the numbers were good. That changed when people felt like they were getting robbed of their money and quit. So they change the DLC to a mini expansion, hence 1 planet for 5 extra levels. Just like wookie life day, there was a big event pulled for it and they axed it, and put the "rewards" in the cartel market. I know a guy who was so mad about that, thats the reason he quit, and although I have yet to login, if these data packs are true, I can understand why people are mad. This is a story driven mmo, no matter how big or small the content is, if they put anything story related in the CM, then we are going down a very dark road, and I know a few that will unsub because of it.


Putting the RotHC thing aside (since that's an entirely different debate that you and I will never be capable of seeing eye-to-eye on), I do agree. It's not a good sign. It may not be a big deal right now, since it's such a small amount of content, but that doesn't mean it isn't pointing to a bigger problem in the future.

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It's not a question of the length of the storied content. It's the fact that it IS storied content and it's on the CM rather than being in-game. Especially when it's connected to an expansion that we already paid for.


I understand what it is, and I understand the complaint. I am simply pointing out that I find it trivial...that doesn't mean you shouldn't be angry or complain. I just simply offered my opinion.

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I've said it before in here but it warrants being repeated, the holo recordings are not really story content. They aren't something that ties together plot lines within the Shrouds bigger macro binocs quests. They aren't anything that have any real significance other then to be the catalyst for making a more interesting turn in to collect 1 of 3 items from a static list. The significance of the recordings really do equate to the historical bits of info you get when you find the datacrons. If you're interested you might read the text and if you're not you ignore it, but if you ignore it you don't actually miss out on anything that is required.


Don't get me wrong I understand the concern, and people will use the slippery slope argument here, but I'm just not seeing anything that's even remotely close to required knowledge from the several data cubes I tried so far. Some people seem to be over reacting just a bit (not saying you here just talking in general).

As others have said, it is not a problem of how "long" the story is, it is a story, piece of lore, etc. Adding that to packs makes no sense.

I do not really care about the cutscenes, as I can watch them online if I choose to, but I still think that STORY/LORE SHOULD NOT BE ON CARTEL MARKET

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As others have said, it is not a problem of how "long" the story is, it is a story, piece of lore, etc. Adding that to packs makes no sense.

I do not really care about the cutscenes, as I can watch them online if I choose to, but I still think that STORY/LORE SHOULD NOT BE ON CARTEL MARKET


Too bad? It's not Pay2Win, it's fine.

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Too bad? It's not Pay2Win, it's fine.


The game is marketed as a story driven MMO, story was proclaimed to be one of the main pillars of the game. I pay monthly fee to access features in the game. And story is a feature, not a fluff.

So you can take your stupid thoughts (like in the chair topic) and go somewhere else...

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The game is marketed as a story driven MMO, story was proclaimed to be one of the main pillars of the game. I pay monthly fee to access features in the game. And story is a feature, not a fluff.

So you can take your stupid thoughts (like in the chair topic) and go somewhere else...


Story is a big part of this game and they just released a new (paid) expansion with new story. In addition the content is purely optional, sure we may see some future expansions but as it stands Money + Bioware = More SWTOR Content = Improved Gameplay Experience.


Just because they release a few items doesn't meant that pillar comes tumbling down. It still is a pillar of the game, go repeat a class storyline... or is that now a CC item? Nope? NOT A PROBLEM.


I honestly can't believe how epic the QQ is always over the most trivial things. Why is it a problem? it's like a little "bonus" expansion that you get with other "booster" items.


It's not hurting you, it wasn't in the game before and you don't have to see it.


The secret formula nobody seems to understand is

Money + SWTOR = New Content


Bioware = Business


As long as the content isn't delivering anything that gives another player an advantage over another then there's not a problem. And this simply isn't even a "thing" because you can sell CM items on the GTC.



Edited by illuzian
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Look...they add quite a bit to the market. It's not exactly unreasonable to assume that it might have been prudent to release something like these cubes as world items for the general population.


Though I personally do not find it an issue, I can understand the concern.

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Story is a big part of this game and they just released a new (paid) expansion with new story. In addition the content is purely optional, sure we may see some future expansions but as it stands Money + Bioware = More SWTOR Content = Improved Gameplay Experience.


Just because they release a few items doesn't meant that pillar comes tumbling down. It still is a pillar of the game, go repeat a class storyline... or is that now a CC item? Nope? NOT A PROBLEM.


I honestly can't believe how epic the QQ is always over the most trivial things. Why is it a problem? it's like a little "bonus" expansion that you get with other "booster" items.


It's not hurting you, it wasn't in the game before and you don't have to see it.


The secret formula nobody seems to understand is

Money + SWTOR = New Content


Bioware = Business


As long as the content isn't delivering anything that gives another player an advantage over another then there's not a problem. And this simply isn't even a "thing" because you can sell CM items on the GTC.




I understand your stance, however I must fundamentally disagree since the CM is supposed to be purely cosmetic. Storied content is not cosmetic. It may not be much, and it may not even advance characters in any way, but it is still story content. My concern is where this leads to. I don't like that it's in CM because it opens up a great many bad possibilities in the future. Will they go so far as to put an entire raid in CM? I highly doubt it. A new class? Again, I doubt it, although the latter does seem a possibility at this point, it'd be more likely in a different expansion, if at all. However, with just this small amount of content on there, it does open up the possibility of these events (and many others) occurring. That is my concern. I may be overzealous in stating that concern, but simply insulting people who do actually love the game and hope for it's success is unwarranted.

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The game is marketed as a story driven MMO, story was proclaimed to be one of the main pillars of the game. I pay monthly fee to access features in the game. And story is a feature, not a fluff.

So you can take your stupid thoughts (like in the chair topic) and go somewhere else...


That's cute, childish insults are so amusing to read. Please continue to provide this thread with entertainment as you huff and puff about pointless credit cubes.

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First they put armors in CM, i didn't say anything because i was not a crafter

Then they put races and appearances in CM, i didnt say anything because i wasnt a cosmetic player

Then they put story content in CM, i didnt say anything because i didnt play for story

Then they put FPs and OPs in CM, but it was too late to say anything by then.

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Story is a big part of this game and they just released a new (paid) expansion with new story. In addition the content is purely optional, sure we may see some future expansions but as it stands Money + Bioware = More SWTOR Content = Improved Gameplay Experience.


Just because they release a few items doesn't meant that pillar comes tumbling down. It still is a pillar of the game, go repeat a class storyline... or is that now a CC item? Nope? NOT A PROBLEM.


I honestly can't believe how epic the QQ is always over the most trivial things. Why is it a problem? it's like a little "bonus" expansion that you get with other "booster" items.


It's not hurting you, it wasn't in the game before and you don't have to see it.


The secret formula nobody seems to understand is

Money + SWTOR = New Content


Bioware = Business


As long as the content isn't delivering anything that gives another player an advantage over another then there's not a problem. And this simply isn't even a "thing" because you can sell CM items on the GTC.



Keep drinking the koolaid son. If you honestly believe that the $ from this game is being reinvested into it, I dare you to show me a SINGLE reason you believe that. It's not true. The $ from this game goes to EA. EA develops the NEXT game. SWTOR is on a fixed budget, no matter what income it produces.


This is most clearly content delivered via the CM. To claim anything else is just ignorant or a lie.

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First they put armors in CM, i didn't say anything because i was not a crafter

Then they put races and appearances in CM, i didnt say anything because i wasnt a cosmetic player

Then they put story content in CM, i didnt say anything because i didnt play for story

Then they put FPs and OPs in CM, but it was too late to say anything by then.


Yup. The future is clear.

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Story is a big part of this game and they just released a new (paid) expansion with new story. In addition the content is purely optional, sure we may see some future expansions but as it stands Money + Bioware = More SWTOR Content = Improved Gameplay Experience.


Just because they release a few items doesn't meant that pillar comes tumbling down. It still is a pillar of the game, go repeat a class storyline... or is that now a CC item? Nope? NOT A PROBLEM.


I honestly can't believe how epic the QQ is always over the most trivial things. Why is it a problem? it's like a little "bonus" expansion that you get with other "booster" items.


It's not hurting you, it wasn't in the game before and you don't have to see it.


The secret formula nobody seems to understand is

Money + SWTOR = New Content


Bioware = Business


As long as the content isn't delivering anything that gives another player an advantage over another then there's not a problem. And this simply isn't even a "thing" because you can sell CM items on the GTC.




I am all for giving BioWare money (and I do so each month), but I fear that this could lead to having to buy all quests in CM, thus almost rendering sub even more useless to some. I simply state that we must let them know we are not ok with them putting CONTENT on Cartel Market. Fluff is ok, content is not.


That's cute, childish insults are so amusing to read. Please continue to provide this thread with entertainment as you huff and puff about pointless credit cubes.

Yes, I do apologize for that outburst, but your suggestions like this one (not P2W = cool on CM) or your idea on chairs on ships (there are maybe 3 chairs in cockpit) are very dumb and show remarkable lack of insight.

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Concerning you, LordArtemis, I never meant anything I said in a disrespectful tone and I hope I have not come off that way. I respect your opinion and admire your willingness to share it respectfully and objectively.


Thank you. I appreciate your comments. I didn't find offense in your reply...I just wanted to make it clear that I was just offering my opinion without dismissing any concerns others may have.

Edited by LordArtemis
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