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Dread Guards Nightmare overtuned

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'Assuming' they only made the changes the patch notes say, I want to thank BW for listening to the community, only increasing the enrage and not nerfing a bunch of other things....keeps it nightmare worthy...cudos
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'Assuming' they only made the changes the patch notes say, I want to thank BW for listening to the community, only increasing the enrage and not nerfing a bunch of other things....keeps it nightmare worthy...cudos


yeah Im glad they are keeping everything else the same. It still requires perfect execution of mechanics to down it.

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I get the Nightmare part but why nerf HM? HM didn't have any tuning issues in either 8 or 16.


Because the two are probably directly related in the code. I find it odd that a lot of fights that were 'fixed' are now bugged again in Nightmare. Its as if they copy and pasted the code and then scaled it haha.

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I still stick to it being overtuned. Still no guild that has beat the enrage timer even with upgraded gear from week 1. So updates did any guilds from week 1 downing get the DG down again or are you raiding as Im typing this?


downed DG 2nd time, 3rd attempt....i knew it would be under 10. and the 2nd attempt was 10k health left...it can be consistently killed after u get it down

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downed DG 2nd time, 3rd attempt....i knew it would be under 10. and the 2nd attempt was 10k health left...it can be consistently killed after u get it down


It was cute the other day on Twitch when DnT mentioned that we hadn't come back in here.


I think the technical term is...lapped.

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Some ppl are so eager to make this fight all about skill that they close their eyes to the rest, and make it worse, by make up excuses and make stupid comparisons

And pls stop quoting my posts, some lack the comprehension to understand the idea it conveys.


1 note: this forum is full of posts about lag and some other problems that makes this game almost unplayable and now by some miracle doesnt exists, or is a non factor when gameplay comes to light

Edited by ErosGyne
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'Assuming' they only made the changes the patch notes say, I want to thank BW for listening to the community, only increasing the enrage and not nerfing a bunch of other things....keeps it nightmare worthy...cudos


Does it? Guess we'll see.

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'Assuming' they only made the changes the patch notes say, I want to thank BW for listening to the community, only increasing the enrage and not nerfing a bunch of other things....keeps it nightmare worthy...cudos


I'm afraid this will make to too forgiving on groups who lose people to mechanics.

Edited by namesaretough
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I'm afraid this will make to too forgiving on groups who lose people to mechanics.


30 seconds? It's going to be a bit forgiving to guilds that farm NiM Operator IX, Undying Kephess and TFB for KD gear but anyone who tackles it with just KD bracers is still in for an insanely tough fight.

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I'm afraid this will make to too forgiving on groups who lose people to mechanics.


Maybe a little bit I dunno. But you still have to have a solid team. It's the 2nd boss so forgiving a death is ok with me, still takes skill to not wipe after a death in this fight I think.

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30 seconds? It's going to be a bit forgiving to guilds that farm NiM Operator IX, Undying Kephess and TFB for KD gear but anyone who tackles it with just KD bracers is still in for an insanely tough fight.


Got news for you you wont be farming terror anymore with the fixes in. No more enrage self killing. You actually have to survive tantrum while enraged.

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This fight makes me wonder if Bioware actually plays the game? I would like to have seen a vid of them clearing the dread guard. Guild finally got them down but only after spending about 40 hours doing the fight. This trend of only a few being able to do the fight is getting old and tiring.
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This fight makes me wonder if Bioware actually plays the game? I would like to have seen a vid of them clearing the dread guard. Guild finally got them down but only after spending about 40 hours doing the fight. This trend of only a few being able to do the fight is getting old and tiring.


IT"S NIGHTMARE MODE! Get over it! 40 hours was nothing compared to what some put in n C'thun. So sorry you didn't go in and 1 shot them, so you can brag here oh this game is so EASY why do people fail so much. Ya 40 hours the first week, this week SuckaFish 3 shotted it, please forgive the devs forgiving the dev's for making us work for a first kill. Y don't you just stckl to hm's if you can't handle a challenge.

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This fight makes me wonder if Bioware actually plays the game? I would like to have seen a vid of them clearing the dread guard. Guild finally got them down but only after spending about 40 hours doing the fight. This trend of only a few being able to do the fight is getting old and tiring.

http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=6465556&postcount=516 With shadow dps, commandos, and i think a slinger.... downed pre-nerf DG Council.... That's far from an optimal set-up. All of them are turret classes too. Well except for Sin if he was Balance he has dots. That fight is now nerfed by by 30 seconds. That should be enough to make this fight Hard-Mode-easy in a couple of weeks.

Edited by paowee
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IT"S NIGHTMARE MODE! Get over it! 40 hours was nothing compared to what some put in n C'thun. So sorry you didn't go in and 1 shot them, so you can brag here oh this game is so EASY why do people fail so much.


C'thun is an apples to oranges comparison, and comparing any MMO now to the way Vanilla WoW was is shortsighted and ridiculous.


Yes, I cleared C'thun. Yes, I raided on Medivh. Yes, I remember what it was like to raid 40+ hours a week. Yes, I was part of multiple world firsts.


No, games are not designed this way any longer. No, content is no longer designed for the 1%. No, it is not a good business model and is not going to change. No, Bioware has no intention of actually implementing a real progression tracking system.


Gamers have become an increasingly fickle bunch now that there are so many options, and it takes a lot to keep them hanging around.




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No, games are not designed this way any longer. No, content is no longer designed for the 1%. No, it is not a good business model and is not going to change. No, Bioware has no intention of actually implementing a real progression tracking system.


Looking forward to the day this all happens so we can add it to the list of statements you've insisted are facts that have come to be quite the opposite :D

Edited by odawgg
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So how many guild achieved the "Mathematically Impossible," as it was deemed by so many others, WITHOUT skipping, before the nerf? DILIH, Suckafish, Republic Gentlemen, Hatred... Edited by cresol
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So how many guild achieved the "Mathematically Impossible," as it was deemed by so many others, WITHOUT skipping, before the nerf? DILIH, Suckafish, Republic Gentlemen, Hatred...


add to that Ambassadors and Reckoning...off the top of my head

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IT"S NIGHTMARE MODE! Get over it! 40 hours was nothing compared to what some put in n C'thun. So sorry you didn't go in and 1 shot them, so you can brag here oh this game is so EASY why do people fail so much. Ya 40 hours the first week, this week SuckaFish 3 shotted it, please forgive the devs forgiving the dev's for making us work for a first kill. Y don't you just stckl to hm's if you can't handle a challenge.


U mad bro

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Quote: Originally Posted by cresol

So how many guild achieved the "Mathematically Impossible," as it was deemed by so many others, WITHOUT skipping, before the nerf? DILIH, Suckafish, Republic Gentlemen, Hatred...

add to that Ambassadors and Reckoning...off the top of my head
Didnt frog 16-m down it too? Severity as well. There's also chosen 8-man and chosen 16-m iirc. Edited by paowee
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