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Please nerf Flash Bang insta-AOE "mez"!


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Nerf all mezzes to 6s, restore instant force lift. No more ninja caps, but Balance Sages/Shadows get some of their lost survivability and utility back.


Ninja capping through 2 8s mezzes is stupid anyways. The possiblity is stupid, that is.

Edited by Majspuffen
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Do not nerf.


Fix resolve instead.


Resolve should fill a little faster, decay a little slower, and stay full while stuck in a med center.


Resolve should also instantly break a CC when filled, currently it doesn't always do this.


Using a CC breaker should fill resolve.

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Nerf all mezzes to 6s, restore instant force lift. No more ninja caps, but Balance Sages/Shadows get some of their lost survivability and utility back.


Ninja capping through 2 8s mezzes is stupid anyways. The possiblity is stupid, that is.


I pointed this out when I said the CD on sleep dart should be lengthened.

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Nerf all mezzes to 6s, restore instant force lift. No more ninja caps, but Balance Sages/Shadows get some of their lost survivability and utility back.


Ninja capping through 2 8s mezzes is stupid anyways. The possiblity is stupid, that is.


I totally AGREE! Please BW throw us a bone here.. this is needed.

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Flashbang should be left as is. It's an integral part of the snipers toolkit.


Integral part only for snipers and operatives?

Where is 8-sec-AOE integral part for squishy sorcs or mercs or even for maras and sins? :rolleyes: I smell bs! :D

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Flashbang should be left as is. It's an integral part of the snipers toolkit.


What needs to be changed is the resolve system itself.


2/3 sniper tress have 5 CC abilites, they are completely fine with a nerf to flash bang, im pretty sure no other classes have that amount of CC. im also pretty sure no other class has that kind of range on their CC, even other ranged classes, and especially not an AoE one.

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Integral part only for snipers and operatives?

Where is 8-sec-AOE integral part for squishy sorcs or mercs or even for maras and sins? :rolleyes: I smell bs! :D


As far as mercs are concerned, the range of cryo grenade should definitely be restored to 30m.

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Last one 8 sec :mad:insta :rolleyes:AOE :eek: mez in this game. Please nerf it!


That's it! :)


I'm not quite sure why they removed Insta Whirlwind, (not even AoE) that you had to spec into.... but left flashbang alone.



Other than the single guy in charge of class balance playing a Sniper, it makes no sense.

Edited by KettleBelll
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I'm not quite sure why they removed Insta Whirlwind, (not even AoE) that you had to spec into.... but left flashbang alone.



Other than the single guy in charge of class balance playing a Sniper, it makes no sense.


Agreed I could see why they were thinking about it when sins could do the 23/1/17 build, be tanky with ranged attacks like DF and have their pull along with instant WW but they have officially killed that build. Giving WW/Lift back to the sorc/sages would go a long way in helping their pathetic survivability in their dot tree b/c it had to be used very judiciously as to not use it on somebody with a single dot or it would break.


Saying snipers need all the tools and gadgetry they have, especially after that ridiculous roll that was received, isn't gonna fly anymore.

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2/3 sniper tress have 5 CC abilites, they are completely fine with a nerf to flash bang, im pretty sure no other classes have that amount of CC. im also pretty sure no other class has that kind of range on their CC, even other ranged classes, and especially not an AoE one.


2/3 sniper trees have 19,723 CC abilities. Apparently, everything is a CC now.

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Do not nerf.


Fix resolve instead..


if I"m going to take this thread seriously, then I'll go with what this guy says. the payoff for full resolve isn't worth the price you pay to get it. at the very least, it should only tick away while in combat and not cc'd. I think they fixed the latter in a previous patch?

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First nerf healera to their 1.7 survivability, then we can talk about flashbang. You are saying that healing is balanced because we can use coordinated CC. So you wnt even stronger healers?


shouldn't the appropriate response be, "ok mandos and sages, you can have your single target, spec'd, instant mezz"? or are we still pretending that the playstyle of *all snipers* (and ops to boot!) are so significantly different from every other class that they're the only ones who should have a targetable instant (and aoe for good measure) mezz? not, imo, the one thing that I would change about sniper play (entrench up time, entrench up time), but it does stick out in comparison with any other class/ac abil.


as usual, mandos always had it up the butt (at least madness *could* spec into an instant; mandos had to burn 2 cds just to get the same effect, and that cd cost them the one useful combat heal).

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First nerf healera to their 1.7 survivability, then we can talk about flashbang. You are saying that healing is balanced because we can use coordinated CC. So you wnt even stronger healers?


Notomorrow, as a sniper if you are having issues with healers then the issue is with yourself and the people that you are playing with.


Now, if you are having issues with teams working together, ie, peels, cross healing, and tanks actually tanking, then you're basically complaining about teamwork, and anyone who wants to nerf teamwork needs to rethink the game that they are playing.


TLDR, healers are fine, teamwork is OP, if you can't kill an unsupported healer as sniper the issue is with you.


Edit: To get back on topic, changing flashbag to a six second mezz is not going to really affect snipers/operatives.

Edited by alexsamma
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Notomorrow, as a sniper if you are having issues with healers then the issue is with yourself and the people that you are playing with.


Now, if you are having issues with teams working together, ie, peels, cross healing, and tanks actually tanking, then you're basically complaining about teamwork, and anyone who wants to nerf teamwork needs to rethink the game that they are playing.


TLDR, healers are fine, teamwork is OP, if you can't kill an unsupported healer as sniper the issue is with you.


Edit: To get back on topic, changing flashbag to a six second mezz is not going to really affect snipers/operatives.


Are you saying that healers in 1.7 were underpowered that they desperately need these tremendous buffs in 2.0? :D

Edited by NoTomorrow
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Are you saying that healers in 1.7 were underpowered that they desperately need these tremendous buffs in 2.0? :D


NoTomorrow, competent DPS can chain 7-10k(+) hits, combine that with the most potent AOE dps the game has ever witnessed and a team that knows how to focus fire can kill someone through healers.


When you add in solid tanks things become more interesting, it is very challenging to barrel your way through a team and your team has to use a bit of coordination to overcome the other team's coordination.


I understand that it can be very challenging to take down a solid premade team that is working together if you are pugging, but this objective-oriented, team-based pvp, teamwork is the name of the game.


Honestly, the biggest issue that I see in pvp with taking down healers is that so many people are speccing for survival and for-going burst specs; also, remember that dot specs put up huge numbers, but good healers can generally negate the majority of dot damage (though it is very useful for killing tanks and keeping pressure on healers, so in a solid team it can play a very vital role).


Try this in your next warzone with a group of decent players:

Before the game starts agree to set one dps as a focus target, have everyone set that person as their focus target and use the "acquire focus target" keybind. Once the match starts mark the healers, and then have the entire team hit the same target at the same time and watch as

A)The healer panics, blows coodlowns, and leaves himself vulnerable for your next round of burst

B)The healer panics, runs away, and you can kill a dps or 2

C) the healer dies.


if you are going up against a solid group with a solid comp you'll need to use cc and attempt to split the tank/healer, but even if you can't do that I think you'll be amazed at how much pressure you can put on the enemy team and you take advantage of this pressure to control the flow of the match.


As someone who tanks (Guardian/Assassin). dpses(Guardian, Assassin, Sage/Sorc, Scoundrel, Gunslinger, and a level 40 sentinel), and heals (Sage/Sorc, Scoundrel) I have been in all three roles and honestly I feel like the game is fairly balenced when you have two "even" teams, if you do not have even teams then things can really feel our of "wack," but I honestly think that is because DPS is so strong that a team that has even a few solid dpsers that are being kept up by good healers can totally destroy the opposition.


Something that you might want to read: http://www.sirlin.net/ptw/


The author talks about a lot, but one thing that he says very early on is that when two evenly matched opponents face off the games tend to seem slow-paced because the only way that either side is going to win is if one side makes a mistake the the other side is able to capitalize on. The record setting games that people refference typically include a premade (or two) on each side, and when you encounter that the games are going to approach "ranked" level play very quickly because teamwork is encouraged in 2.0 (in 1.2-1.7 dps outpaced everything else that you could just bully your way through tanks/healers). On the flip-side, pug healers are still free kills and they are not putting up the astronomical numbers that are being touted (I guess they could if they were superb players solo queuing and your team was horrible).




Now, I'll admit that scoundrels/operatives currently have a few too many escape tools, and their lack of energy management is an issue; there is more than one thing that could be done to bring operatives down without breaking them:

- Remove the cooldown reduction on dodge when the scoundrel/operative takes damage.

- Add a cooldown on roll

- increase the cost of the basic hot so that you cannot indefinitely spam it on the entire team (not that anyone is actually doing this in combat...)

-Make the AOE heal more apparent so that the enemy team can see the AOE and attempt to push people away from the person that the AOE was cast on (or make them pay for standing there)


Now, there should also be some fine tuning of the other two classes:

-Mercs/commandos need a buff to heat/ammo management

-Interrupts, for both sages/sorcs and mercs/commandos should reduce the cooldown on their un-interruptable ability

Edited by alexsamma
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those are general truths most of people on the forum know. That team work aspect was already very good in 1.7. Good healing + tanking combos were already in a very decent spot before if everybody knew what they were doing.


Even you acknowledge how we need the CC to separate the tank from the healer. But guess what, you are suggesting it in a thread that asks for the flashbang nerf. All the healers can cleanse my legshot without any problem, the stun is melee range only, flashbang is my only option for keeping them a little longer in my LoS.


Besides, flash bang can be cleansed by friendly tech healers, just as sorc can cleanse the warrior mezz from his team mates. It's not just a CC that can broken by damage and CC breaker only.


BTW, I am betting that quite many players didn't know that mezzes can be cleansed.

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