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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

[PETITION] Please Buff Rewards Gained From Warzones! Stop Punishing Your PvP'ers!


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The only change I want to see is next time they decide to raise the max level they don't bend the PvPers who spent months getting Elite War Hero only to be told your hard earned armor sucks end game now (before you tell me I suck doesn't take that long etc, I had 7 50s). I think the EWH should've been either used to go to Conqueror via upgrade like from Partisan OR sellable back to the vendor to regain some ranked comms.
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/signed and from PVP'ers everywhere please leave our rears alone BW. Its sore enough already.


NO intrest in PVE. Run same quests everyday? Why would I do this? LOL. I have 14 toons. No.


Remove Bolster.


Remove Expertise


At this point if the game wasn't Star Wars I would not be playing.

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/signed and from PVP'ers everywhere please leave our rears alone BW. Its sore enough already.


NO intrest in PVE. Run same quests everyday? Why would I do this? LOL. I have 14 toons. No.


Remove Bolster.


Remove Expertise


At this point if the game wasn't Star Wars I would not be playing.

The bold part is where I cannot agree with you. Just take a few minutes to think about it. If Expertise was removed, PvP would be all about skill and no gear! That's a really bad idea, since in MMOs there should be some form of progression not just skill-wise but gear-wise, too.


Also, high-end PvE gear has a higher item rating than PvP gear. I wouldn't want my fellow PvE carebears performing at an even better level than I would in the Open World, now would I?




Keep in mind that Expertise is working as intended. I'm very happy we have a PvP-only stat, but bolster is causing more ruin than it is aid and it should just be removed from endgame PvP. Give out a Recruit MK-III or MK-X set or something for the PvE'ers, and then they can grind PvP gear from there. Just trust me that the removal of Expertise would seriously be a bad thing.

Edited by MrJurgens
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Good afternoon,


I'm creating this petition because many, if not, most PvP'ers don't enjoy doing these two things:

  • PvE.
  • Crafting.


Firstly, with PvE, not only do you have a multitude of endgame dailies, but you can create several other characters to level and have crafting work with it. Right off the bat, PvE gives you a huge advantage over PvP both through credit gains and experience gains. That's a huge problem for many of us—especially for those that are strictly PvP'ers, like me!


1. Leveling


To my knowledge, leveling via Warzones was actually pretty viable somewhere during beta through until the game's first patch. I hear that leveling was nerfed around the same time during release to stop the AFK'ers from exploiting the WZ experience gain, since at the time there was no auto-boot to remove those not doing anything in the Warzone.


The Warzone Legacy XP Buffs do help, but they seem only marginal. After you've finished your ONLY PvP daily and weekly, the experience you gain varies highly because there are several factors that go into calculating how much XP you'd gain after a WZ match:

  • Winning or losing team.
  • How long the WZ lasts.
  • How many medals you get.
  • How long you have to sit in a queue before it pops.


The last one is a real biggie for me because I play during the graveyard hours to avoid the lag I get from a certain someone leeching almost all my bandwidth during the day. During the graveyard hours, there aren't many people online like during the day so it hurts me trying to get to endgame with my toon as fast as possible.


Re-rolling isn't an option for me, and that's because I don't want to level the same characters again (I'm NOT an altoholic), and I'd never pay to transfer out of a server. Futhermore, servers in other regions would make my latency spike in PvP. It would hurt me even more, so I'd rather stay on the server in my region/timezone.


Also, know that sometimes you may enter a Warzone that someone rage quits, and you'll automatically be introduced to the scoreboard (or to the point where it's getting there). I seriously hate that, and you get no rewards so that time that's used up there is wasted.


I know that mostly every game gives you faster experience via questing rather than PvP, but I think the PvP leveling here still needs a buff. It doesn't have to be exponential, but just a bit more noticeable to where it's not too inferior to questing.


2. Credits


This is THE biggest issue out of the rewards gained from PvP. Both PvE and crafting costs credits to maintain. PvE creates repair bills, and the costs would be considered highly expensive to those who strictly PvP—and it doesn't help if you're helping your friends in FPs/Ops and you wipe more than once. With crafting, gathering materials through companion missions also costs us money. The cost outweighs the profit if you don't know how to work the market (I don't even touch the market because I've lost profit in the past), if you're strictly PvPing and you're getting slow queues (like I am), and getting into losing games, etc.


Additionally, there's much more content in this game with PvE rather than PvP, so that means more rewards, bonus missions, etc. for the PvE'er—and this really hurts a strict PvP'er. You need to give special rewards for PvP'ers to give us something to work with. I like styling my characters with gear, and like trying out new outfits and seeing what I can do to make them look better, too. A PvE'er can do all this, but with such less of a hassle unlike a PvP'er and it's ridiculous!



  • This thread here was ignored, and untouched, sadly. Really sad because here are some great things to greatly help our internet wallets, and more side-quests in the form of PvP content.


You get the idea.


Again, give us something to work with. Not only will it generate us more credits, but it'll make PvPing slightly more entertaining, and some of these new PvP missions may lead to players to focus on certain objectives more often. This will be questing, but in the form of PvP! Something that I desperately need so I'm not enticed to run boring PvE.


3. Sign the Petition!


I have created a petition hosted by iPetitions! To sign it, please click here! You can leave a brief comment if you'd like, and when you're entering your name please use your forum Display Name! If BW ever happens to check this thread out, I'd like them to find this petition and see an organized and clean list of signatures. :)


4. Gamer Profile


This one I'm randomly putting out there, but I feel like it's still necessary. In short, I'm a PvP'er because I find PvP fun! I don't find it such a timesink like PvE. It's not boring, it's not static, and it's not easy. PvE, to me, is very, very boring, static, and plain uninteresting. I used to PvE believe it or not (a lot...), but as time went on I knew PvP was THE only play style for me.


To see BioWare hurting PvP'ers more and more, it's very discouraging and has lead me to not continue my 6-month sub until these, and the many more definitive issues surrounding PvP, are addressed.


From a very concerned and discouraged SWTOR PvP'er,





At the very least the Daily should be repeatable many times throughout the day to make the amount of "daily content" equal to the pvers

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At the very least the Daily should be repeatable many times throughout the day to make the amount of "daily content" equal to the pvers


Yeah, PvE'ers have had 3 daily areas added since launch. (Soon to be 4) But yet PvP'ers still only have 2 dailies (thanks for the pity daily btw) and 1 weekly. We actually used to have nascar on Ilum, but that got scrapped too.

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My friend has crafted me all the mk-9 kits and several augments I need to upgrade from the level 49 augments I still mostly have. I can't afford the 36k to add them to my gear....




And this is the life of the PvPer!

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you don't need credits if all you do is PVP... you don't spend them on repairs,travel = you don't need more gains.

need fast creds? do dailies, can do them with pvp gear.

need good big credits? do trade.

don't like trading and dailies? get cartel coins and sell stuff from cartel market.. ah that's trading...

if you don't like making credits, don't expect to make credits... doh!.

Edited by Atramar
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We need drop loot on warzones - especially from high rated players rare unique loot like Avalanche tank :o


At least, corpses must have 10-sec delay before respawn and can be prepared with bioanalisys...


Especially in the assault (download the data) warzone, where there's that bit where enemies spawn so quickly the only way to get past is if they do something stupid.

But as a < level 55 on all my characters... there is literally no benefit from pvp except for xp and selling medpacks for money (desperation).

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you don't need credits if all you do is PVP... you don't spend them on repairs,travel = you don't need more gains.

need fast creds? do dailies, can do them with pvp gear.

need good big credits? do trade.

don't like trading and dailies? get cartel coins and sell stuff from cartel market.. ah that's trading...

if you don't like making credits, don't expect to make credits... doh!.



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Especially in the assault (download the data) warzone, where there's that bit where enemies spawn so quickly the only way to get past is if they do something stupid.

But as a < level 55 on all my characters... there is literally no benefit from pvp except for xp and selling medpacks for money (desperation).


Why pve'ers get nice rewards from their operations but pvp'ers get not? We need cool huge mounts too!


Ther real food chain must be:

1. Pve'ers farm mobs, get their loot

2. Pvp'ers farm pve'ers, get their loot


In warzones from players with different rank must drop loot. If players are ranked - there must be rare valuable loot like from Operation bosses, all players will want farm them :o

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Why pve'ers get nice rewards from their operations but pvp'ers get not? We need cool huge mounts too!


Ther real food chain must be:

1. Pve'ers farm mobs, get their loot

2. Pvp'ers farm pve'ers, get their loot


In warzones from players with different rank must drop loot. If players are ranked - there must be rare valuable loot like from Operation bosses, all players will want farm them :o


It would be nice in PVP for mobs to steal the loot from pvpers :p

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While I'm all for a buff to rewards from WZs, I honestly don't understand how so many of you peeps are broke. It just makes zero sense. All I do on my toons is PvP. When leveling toons, I mix in Class Stories but that is the extent of the PvE I do. I haven't run a PvE Daily since before Patch 1.2. Yet I have one Legacy with over 20 million credits and another Legacy with over 10 million.


All I do to make credits on my toons is run Gathering/Crafting Crew Skill missions while I PvP. If all you really do is PvP, then this is a very simple no-brainer. Just queue your companions up when you start PvPing and keep them rolling as you continue playing. When you are done, sell what you accumulated. It's stupid easy.


You can mix in some actual crafting if you want, but Gathering missions themselves will make you a ton of credits. This is not rocket science. It's just point and click stuff. Nobody in this game should be broke if all they do is PvP.

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