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[PETITION] Please Buff Rewards Gained From Warzones! Stop Punishing Your PvP'ers!


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I ran through the new czerka dailies because they were something new. Even then I could feel my brain beginning to leak from my ears. I could not fathom doing them again.


Please bioware, Save my brain cells!!! Every time a pvp'er does a daily pve mission, baby Jesus cries.

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More quests would definately make it more interesting for PVP, especially if the quests were difficult. It would promote more competitive group/team based PVP.....I would much rather play a competitive match than a stomp or be stomped one.

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Hate to tell you, it's really not gonna happen just like that.


:confused: is running 20 minutes of dailies you can do in your sleep (or more importantly, while waiting in queue!) really that bad? Oh gamers, how we have fallen.


Yeah it is as we're not geared for pve ...some may However some of us only want to PVP so you can have your pve cred's why deny us pvp ones? Pretty selfish.

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/sign. Just made a thread about this as I just came back. I subscribe just to pvp and have some fun after work. Im so poor in game I cant even buy an augment for my new gear.......have to go farm credits so I can go farm gear?? Lol bad game design is bad.
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I am a PvPer, been playing high level/hardcore PvP in WoW (Did make a living out of it)

I completely disagree with you.


First of all, they make all this amazing content and story line for you to go through whilst leveling up; why on earth would they make it as rewarding for people to just sit in BGs and see nothing of their content?

Making PvP give more experience would just mean that more people join the BGs without actually giving a damn, probably more afkers and people using bots, just to level up. This would be counter-active to what you actually want to do with these changes, but if you were to make the changes, thats what would happen in reality.


This is an MMORPG, meaning time spent equals character progress, this goes for everything. If you want to maximize your character you need to play all aspects of the game.


I have been completely fine on credits by only doing PvP on my previous main Sentinel, not doing one single daily, just doing WZs. WIth these credits I managed to level Biochem to 450 with minimum help of Bioanalysis, most of the materials bought on the GTN. Ontop of this also being able to fully augment my gear without any further problems. If you want more than this, for example mounts etc, then you have to do dailys and make an effort, like it should be. If you compare this game to WoW, the amount of effort you need to put in in order to maximize your character is very small.

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/Sign. Well written, all true.


PvE'rs aren't forced to PvP, how can it be okay the other way around?


If they want to maximize their character and play all aspects of the game to full potential, then yes they do. No difference.


PvPers arent forced to PvE in order to do PvP.

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but would like to add I enjoy the crew skills and also i enjoy the class story, dunno if that counts as pve. but i would love pvp-leveling to be as good as pve leveling and also why is there such low caps on:

- valor rank

- warzone commendations

- ranked commendations


at least if they had like 100k cap you would "achieve" something by leveling in pvp...

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