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why do people hate the books and comics


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Why do people who would call themselves star wars fans have a hatred for the books, novels and comics. A quote i found on harry plinkets review of the phantom menace.

"Keep your garbage novels out of this"

"And no amount of ****** comics or books can change that"


I find it strange how so many people hate the most interesting part of star wars: the lore. Its my point of view people who would deem all the novels and comics as "garbage" most likely have never read either in their lives

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I too find it funny since the EU is the reason Star Wars REALLY took off and became the powerhouse it has and it's the reason lucas arts was sold for as much as it did for Disney.


And without the EU books and such, Star Wars wouldn't be nearly as much.

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I too find it funny since the EU is the reason Star Wars REALLY took off and became the powerhouse it has and it's the reason lucas arts was sold for as much as it did for Disney.


And without the EU books and such, Star Wars wouldn't be nearly as much.


I thought the movies made up the majority of the income

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The hate is undeserved as the novels and comics are apart of the Star Wars lore and keeps things flowing. There are a lot of interesting comics too, I haven't really read any of the novels but I have read moreso the comics and they are well done. Recently I read Crimson Empire, fantastic series and for those who are interested in reading some Star Wars comics I recommend searching


Dark Horse Digital, should be the 1st link and in the search bar search for Star Wars. The comics are really cheap and when I mean cheap, I mean cheap. Just about all of them are $2 maybe a little more for an issue so this way you won't need to spend a ton of money if you just wanna sample or if you would like to take your time in reading each issue.


You will see some for more then $2 and up(mostly for bundles), but for the most part the comics are cheap and the best part is you can read them online being digital so no waiting.


But just a recommendation, the art is also beautifully done imo.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Some of the EU are horrible, but overall they built a big universe, some plots are better than the films.


The biggest flaw, actually is there is still too much EU focus on Luke trio, the never ending big threats should be over long ago and focus on other eras.

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Some of the EU are horrible, but overall they built a big universe, some plots are better than the films.


The biggest flaw, actually is there is still too much EU focus on Luke trio, the never ending big threats should be over long ago and focus on other eras.


That's the reason I loved the eu books. I've gotten to see how my fav trio fared after RotJ. From marriages, kids, Han winning Leia a PLANET (top that lol) & the training & founding of the New Jedi order. I never really read the comics, but I own over half of the eu books.

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Too many people say Star Wars is just the films,


This is nonsense.The worst part of SW are the films + the EU about the characters of the films and their descendants.The Plagueis novel is the exception.


The real Star Wars is the Tales of the Jedi lore ,kotor and swtor. :D

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People don't hate the books, people hate this statement, "well the movie makes sense if you read the books".


You don't even need to read the movie books, all you need to do is pay attention and put some thought in. The only thing the books do is give a little more information, which helps put things more into perspective but not entirely needed.

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Let's be honest and speaking truthfully I used to be this way 3ish years ago.


A lot of people who enjoy the movies and are big fans will not read the books and/or comics because they are afraid that doing so will make them appear to be a "nerd" or "geek" like one of the characters from Big Bang Theory or Comic Book Guy on the Simpsons.


Personal story from more recent times. I've met a lot of international students that watch U.S TV series in their home country. Several of them are big fans of Big Bang Theory. They have never seen any SW stuff except from what that show tells them. When I said I am big into SW they immediately jokingly concluded that I was a "nerd" for liking that stuff. Then we go out and as time goes by as they realize how many people (some who they thought were "cool") like SW and they find it's not such a "nerdy" thing after all.


Sad that once again and throughout life that personal image interferes with what one truly enjoys.

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People don't hate the books, people hate this statement, "well the movie makes sense if you read the books".


Actually most people don't hate the books, they hate other people constantly going on about them. That said I loved the comics/graphic novels with Ulic Qel-Droma, his brother, Nomi Sunrider and Exar Kun, I particularly loved how a Cathar scratched half Exar's face off in a friendly practice duel.

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That's the reason I loved the eu books. I've gotten to see how my fav trio fared after RotJ. From marriages, kids, Han winning Leia a PLANET (top that lol) & the training & founding of the New Jedi order. I never really read the comics, but I own over half of the eu books.


Yeah some of them are cool, but overall, post RotJ is filled with non stopping major threats.

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I don't want to use the word hate because I don't love or hate many things and I think the polarization is ridiculous. Please, grow your vocabulary a bit. Here's some reasons *I* dislike most of the books.


A) The writing makes you cringe and certain plot elements are just horrendous. Sun Crusher? Really? The need to pull better weapons out of your behind is ridiculous in the EU.


B) Writers not even bothering to read a wookieepedia article about the characters they are writing and just changing established characters to whatever they feel like and calling it canon. Or just killing central, other writers creations, out of spite.


C) Every single book revolves almost exclusively around saving the galaxy. Seriously. How boring can you be? With the amount of galaxy threatening things out there, you would think that just ONCE the good guys didn't even know something was going on. I mean... It's a GALAXY, not a small town where everyone knows everyone. Do people understand how big a GALAXY is? How EASY would it be to vanish into a... GALAXY?


These are the things that piss ME off. Now, not all the books are like this BUT the overwhelming majority is and it makes the EU as a whole a complete cluster**** of egos and bad writing.

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Personally, I know several ( I almost wrote "a lot" ) of older-generation Original Trilogy lovers, who just don't like the Expanded Universe.


In my case, Had nothing against the Expanded Universe - until Vector Prime.


Since then, I just don't read any novels anymore. The Yuuzah Vong Sage destroyed far too much for mytaste. My "Old Universe" is gone forever in these books !


The Force Unleased is something that I just despise. So much ... destroying EVERYTHING just for the sake of "coolness".

No, I just ignore TFU. I just hate it for what it did with the OT and the EU together.


My greatest hate, however, is towards how single-handedly TFU destroyed the Ethics of why< the Rebellion came into being. I'm thinking on a philosophical level here, and I'm a very Ethical man. With TFU, the Rebellion has no longer ANY Ethical reasons to come to exist. Nope. Nothing. Instead, with TFU, it's all a gigantic trick.

This is the worst violation of the OT I can imagine, I can think of. They destroyed so much just for the coolness' sake - like they created with TFU a game which sole premise sounds like that : "Destroy everything you want."


Since then, I simply call TFU "an destruction game".



C) Every single book revolves almost exclusively around saving the galaxy. Seriously. How boring can you be? With the amount of galaxy threatening things out there, you would think that just ONCE the good guys didn't even know something was going on.


Yes, that - and the overwhelming "WAR" theme in almost every book. Star Wars is about nothing but WARS.

No peace please, this could upset people !


What I also don't like is the number of destroyed planets, annihilated cultures and so on. The scale just becomes ... unbelievable at one point.



One of my biggest problems with Star Wars Novels is, however, the complete lack of other genres.


Criminal investigation stories (aka Sherlock Holmes) ? No

Horror ? Yes

Drama ? No

Love Stories ? No

Adventure ? No

War Literature ? Yes

Travel Literature ? No (except the tiny book by Ben Burtt)

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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You don't even need to read the movie books, all you need to do is pay attention and put some thought in. The only thing the books do is give a little more information, which helps put things more into perspective but not entirely needed.


What you're describing is the very definition of "plot hole".

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One of my biggest problems with Star Wars Novels is, however, the complete lack of other genres.


Criminal investigation stories (aka Sherlock Holmes) ? No

Horror ? Yes

Drama ? No

Love Stories ? No

Adventure ? No

War Literature ? Yes

Travel Literature ? No (except the tiny book by Ben Burtt)


So, Specter of the Past/Vision of the Future/Survivor's Quest, where the main focus is between Luke and Mara falling in love and being married while the rest is actually subplot isn't romance? Right.


Star Wars IS an adventure, notably the KOTOR stuff, or Kyle Katarn's journey...


The entire Hand of Thrawn Duology, over half of Mara's adventures, and even the death of Mara Jade are MURDER MYSTERIES AND CONSPIRACIES.


The major subplot of the Fate of the Jedi saga is a DRAMA AND a Love Story rolled into one.


Do I need to go on? It goes out of its way to cover every flippin' thing under the sun, but it is still Star WARS so there will always be the backdrop of a WAR or the VERGE OF WAR.

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Criminal investigation stories (aka Sherlock Holmes) ? No

Horror ? Yes

Drama ? No

Love Stories ? No

Adventure ? No

War Literature ? Yes

Travel Literature ? No (except the tiny book by Ben Burtt)


I would say there's a pretty decent amount of drama, NJO especially.


There's been three major love stories that have spanned multiple books/series. Han/Leia(who have been married 36 years as of Apocalypse), Luke/Mara and Jaina/Jag, as well as a couple of minor ones.


I'd pretty much say the entire premise of most books is adventure tbh.


I'll give you travel though.

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I still would like a book that delves into prices of everything in Star Wars...prices for ships, space stations, blasters, droids, etc everything.


It could be title..


Star Wars: Currency and Prices!


Meh..all I could think of lol.

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I've read some SW books myself, only small part though. From that experience, I don't feel strong need to read the rest asap right now. I think one of the reasons people might not like this part of Star Wars is the more lore you have written by someone else, the less space for your own fantasy you have.
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I love the books. Honestly, they are why I am such a huge fan. Another person had it right when they said that the EU (which by the way guys, The Old Republic is a part of the EU) is one of the main reasons Star Wars exploded and became so popular. Honestly, try and think for a moment what Star Wars would look like if there was no EU.


I also understand that not everyone enjoys the books. That is fine. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. But just remember, that is all it is: an opinion. Just like my reasons for liking the books/comics/games is based on my opinion.


As for the statement that Star Wars has too much war (seems kinda ironic, eh?). Some of the wars are not "OH MY WORD THE GALAXY IS GOING TO DIE!" However, the New Republic (now called the Galactic Alliance) is the major ruling body in the Star Wars Galaxy. Any threat to them, or a planet belonging to them, is going to handled by the Jedi and the Galactic Alliance. However, there are also other governments in play, which the EU states clearly. Such as, and not limited to, Hapes Consortium, Chiss Ascendancy and the Imperial Remnant.


Also, look at our own planet, Earth. When was the last time we had ten years without a war of some sort. Now just imagine an entire galaxy of planets...of course there will always be conflict.


With saying this, and I say this with a heavy heart because I love Star Wars...but if the new trilogy does negate the entire EU...I don't think I could enjoy it.

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