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Terror From Beyond (NiM) 8-Man Progression Tracking

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So at what point is everyone that is whinning about D&T skipping going to do the same themselves?
Yes the whole flashpoints heroics operations forums know now. Good job on their creativity and industriousness! Gratzzz. now let's all sizzle down.


There are i think 4 separate threads now that have spawned around these forums on DnT's achievement for everyones information. The rest of the community really do appreciate your creativity and talent and will look forward to watching your videos on the 4 separate bosses created across 4 separate threads. Except for DG council, the rest of us are kind of stuck there :o



Tempest just let them go lol. and not reply to any more of their posts :p
To anyone still trying to get a discussion with the other party, just put a few of them on IGNORE if you get so heated:mad: about this whole issue. Middle click their name, on the tab that pops up on the lower right is an option to ignore so you dont see their posts.


Like Kaboomz , en_k_ay, and Fridge_LM for example, those 3 forum posters have a good way of inciting emotional responses from people lol.


Some people will also try to BUMP THE 4 separate videos made on 4 SEPARATE THREADS and i suggest just not participating on them and especially do NOT ATTEMPT to troll their achievement. People will get emotional about it. These threads will die down by themselves. :rolleyes:


No one is going to convince anyone about anything. Just put them on ignore and move forward. Nothing to see here.


Just my /2c


Personally, i've put on ignore any Death and Taxes poster that continues to troll and "fight" with other people. It just seems really childish and silly to me :( No offense.:p

Edited by paowee
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I think it's much ado about nothing. D&T killed Op 9 and Kephess before anyone else, and nothing can change that.


The trade-off is that they sacrifice the ability to compete for a world first DG kill this week, as a well as a world first clear, both of which carry more prestige at this point, it's fair to say. That's a much bigger penalty than all the pointless QQ in this thread.


And in the process, they discovered a serious issue with the final boss that would have undermined everyone's progression in the future.

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So at what point is everyone that is whinning about D&T skipping going to do the same themselves?


It's an interesting question. Come Monday night, are these guilds going to say "Well, we couldn't beat Dread Guard, goodnight guys" or are they going to say "Well, we couldn't beat Dread Guart, we may as well get our gear from the other three bosses"?


How many will do it? How many will admit it? How many will do it hide the fact they did it?

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It's an interesting question. Come Monday night, are these guilds going to say "Well, we couldn't beat Dread Guard, goodnight guys" or are they going to say "Well, we couldn't beat Dread Guart, we may as well get our gear from the other three bosses"?


How many will do it? How many will admit it? How many will do it hide the fact they did it?


I stick with the spirit of competition. I wish I could prove it better then that. SuckaFish WILL NOT move forth like that. If they do, it will be under new leadership. We didn't need to have a discussion about skipping cause if you need to discuss it then you know it's wrong in the first place. But I see how they currently roll, winning is a must, cheat if you have to, the ends justifies the means.

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I stick with the spirit of competition. I wish I could prove it better then that. SuckaFish WILL NOT move forth like that. If they do, it will be under new leadership. We didn't need to have a discussion about skipping cause if you need to discuss it then you know it's wrong in the first place. But I see how they currently roll, winning is a must, cheat if you have to, the ends justifies the means.


The devs didn't say it was cheating, they said: Congratulations, did you find any bugs to report?

Thanks for discrediting us for no reason though. :D

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I stick with the spirit of competition. I wish I could prove it better then that. SuckaFish WILL NOT move forth like that. If they do, it will be under new leadership. We didn't need to have a discussion about skipping cause if you need to discuss it then you know it's wrong in the first place. But I see how they currently roll, winning is a must, cheat if you have to, the ends justifies the means.


Cheating/Exploiting in PvP warrents Suspensions/Banning. Why not in PvE =D

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The devs didn't say it was cheating, they said: Congratulations, did you find any bugs to report?

Thanks for discrediting us for no reason though. :D


Right cause the devs obviously care about world firsts, iI mean we've seen their tracking system...

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Right cause the devs obviously care about world firsts, iI mean we've seen their tracking system...


They cared enough to ask for feedback on bugs, and we reported on what was found. We try to be constructive.

Edited by KaboomzZz
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I think it's much ado about nothing. D&T killed Op 9 and Kephess before anyone else, and nothing can change that.


The trade-off is that they sacrifice the ability to compete for a world first DG kill this week, as a well as a world first clear, both of which carry more prestige at this point, it's fair to say. That's a much bigger penalty than all the pointless QQ in this thread.


And in the process, they discovered a serious issue with the final boss that would have undermined everyone's progression in the future.


This is my view on this. Because DnT will tell you that I keep internally pestering them that we had so many opportunities on DG. They will tell you that I can barely finish a sentence before losing my mind and straying off into an acute mixture of incoherent babble and frustration.


BW really needs more attention for the fact that we are, for all intents and purposes, doing the job that testers should have done before releasing NiM TFB. Everyone loses the pleasure of a non-bugged Terror fight.

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Right cause the devs obviously care about world firsts, iI mean we've seen their tracking system...


Donnniiie nooo you must resist the troll!! :D jk jk


I saw his post via your quote lol>_<; a lot of sarcasm going on particularly that last sentence :(


I've put all of them on ignore, well at least the Death and Taxes members who continue to incite all this, in my opinion, nonsensical justifiying-internet quarelling mayhem. Sorry but all the spam trolling posts in my opinion are getting silly and childlish! No offense! :o

Edited by paowee
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I stick with the spirit of competition. I wish I could prove it better then that. SuckaFish WILL NOT move forth like that. If they do, it will be under new leadership. We didn't need to have a discussion about skipping cause if you need to discuss it then you know it's wrong in the first place. But I see how they currently roll, winning is a must, cheat if you have to, the ends justifies the means.


Your guild's resolve is admirable, and whether DG goes down before they nerf it, or not, your guild will have the prestige of having made the best attempts. And that is that. I wish you the best.

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Just my 2 cents:

(i am tank in the 2nd 8m-progress raid of Ambassadors, but this is my personal opinion, not a statment of my guild)


i find it rly funny that D&T skip the 2nd Boss because he is Buggy (or impossible, its basicly the same) and then claim the firstkill on TFB while saying he is buggy.


dont get me wrong, i have respect for killing 4 out of 5, but we are still trying DG and i still belive the fight to be possible. maybe we will skip, but not before monday and i wont post it as progress. skiping is just farming, not progress and thats how i will treat it.

but its not illegal ... the game gives you the possibility to skip, so its legal, but if the comm counts it as progress ... thats another question.


have fun


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I'm just gonna add that I love this fight...DG in my opinion is the biggest challenge I've faced (although Kephess definitely rivals it mechanic-wise) in this game and I'm looking forward to the sweet sounds and smells of victory when Kel'sara is dead at my feet before next week's reset.
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My two cents: .... but here's the thing: it's only known because they posted it here. How is there a way to verify that other guilds haven't done the same? Aside from requiring a video recording from every member in the fight in which they show their gear, how does one prove they haven't done it?


screen shots with g chat with time stamps of achievements on the different bosses or SS collection of everyone's achievements. not everyone would have to record to show that they had not skipped previously.

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I'm just gonna add that I love this fight...DG in my opinion is the biggest challenge I've faced (although Kephess definitely rivals it mechanic-wise) in this game and I'm looking forward to the sweet sounds and smells of victory when Kel'sara is dead at my feet before next week's reset.


Yeah I agree this fight is definitely the best one in there. I wish ya guys the best of luck Pizza

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After mulling it over with a few people and having some discussions with Enkay (D&T GM) I have decided to not accept the remaining boss kills and subsequent NiM TFB clear that resulted from D&T skipping the Dread Guards encounter. D&T will not be disqualified from this Progression thread and are welcomed to continue participating if they wish. Once they clear the instance in order I will record their kills with their new times.


Enkay and I just couldn't come to a consensus but he reminded me that it is my thread and I am free to make whatever decision I deem fair. SWTOR raiding is linear and every boss must be defeated in order. Skipping a boss in this game means lowering the difficulty of the instance to do so. That is proof enough for me to believe in the linearity of SWTOR Ops.


There a lot of good guilds that accepted the challenge that is Dread Guards. A fight that my guild proved last night is doable as we got Kel'Sara to 10% even though we got three Ciphas shields in the first phase. We were consistently getting two shields but on that fateful attempt we got three. So we believe it's doable, though very challenging.


But the guilds that have accepted the challenge should be rewarded if they complete it. And as far my spreadsheet and this progression thread is concerned the World First titles and US First titles are still up for grabs.


There is nothing official about my progression thread. If you participate I will track your progression and it gives everyone something central to look at instead of digging through Server Forums to find out who killed what first.


With that being said I told Enkay that he and D&T are free to claim the WF Clear elsewhere. I think everyone knows how it was accomplished and each individual in the community can look at the facts and make up their own minds if that claim is legit or not. For me, I have made up my mind and this progression thread will not recognize it.

Edited by Iggyemu
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I support the decision you made with your progress-tracking, but i would be a grade harsher and disqualify them if they decide to skip the boss again next ID. I would even do it now, because the general opinion on this seemed to be clear before they skipped DG. Aaand maybe even a step farther, DQing them from S&V for the sake of farming gear and their arrogant attitude toward all the other guilds here.


It isn't simply just this one occurence of boss-skipping, but this is the time we have to decide how to handle it in later progression. When S&V NiM launches, should we skip Thrasher (which was the first harder boss there we encountered) immediatly just to have a chance for the first-kill ofsubsequent bosses?! Maybe even rush for the end-boss to claim First-kill Styrak?!


The rules have to be clear for the next time. Sure, anyone can make their own progression, allowing to skip (or vice versa, if the decision in this thread come to the conslusion that boss skipping should be allowed during the next progress).

Edited by Iworet
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honestly people are just knit picking at this point. What if in the next tier of progression someone chooses to reset oloks board until they get a favorable board to down the encounter? What if someone encounters a bug that causes the boss to autodie? what if what if...I deal with what is and what is is that bosses died.
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