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Advanced Class Respec


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I think advanced class respec would be great for people who like to play a different side of their class. Its something i think that would be a hit. Especially if you dont play a certain toon anymore because its boring and this would be a great way to renew the love for your toon. Comments???
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you are asking EA to sell max level toons. that is the exact thing they want to avoid. Pay to Win will kill the game and EA knows that.


Letting people pay for an AC change is no different then simply handing them a max level toon for money. Your AC is your class, playing a guardian is in no way the same as a sentinel. Its like asking Blizzard to give you a rogue because you leveled a mage and want something new.

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you are asking EA to sell max level toons. that is the exact thing they want to avoid. Pay to Win will kill the game and EA knows that.


Letting people pay for an AC change is no different then simply handing them a max level toon for money. Your AC is your class, playing a guardian is in no way the same as a sentinel. Its like asking Blizzard to give you a rogue because you leveled a mage and want something new.


Could you explain your point a bit more? I'm having trouble seeing the inheirent evil in this idea. First of all, how is switching from one adv. class to the other Pay-to-Win? I don't get that at all. It gives you ZERO advantage. If anything, it puts you at a disadvantage because you're not used to the class. This has nothing to do with paying money for an advantage. The point of an adv. class switch would be to change your advanced class because you don't like the one you chose. There's no way to test each class before you choose, so if you want to go back and select the other class, you have to go back through the origin world over again.


Now, maybe I'm missing something, so please support your argument so I can figure out what's so bad here.

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Could you explain your point a bit more? I'm having trouble seeing the inheirent evil in this idea. First of all, how is switching from one adv. class to the other Pay-to-Win? I don't get that at all. It gives you ZERO advantage. If anything, it puts you at a disadvantage because you're not used to the class. This has nothing to do with paying money for an advantage. The point of an adv. class switch would be to change your advanced class because you don't like the one you chose. There's no way to test each class before you choose, so if you want to go back and select the other class, you have to go back through the origin world over again.


Now, maybe I'm missing something, so please support your argument so I can figure out what's so bad here.

Two reasons: One, it's about having a meaningful choice. Class choice is supposed to be meaningful, not something you can change every second like specs. Two. You hit the nail on the head. Imagine the chaos if you level as a guardian then class change to a scoundral and immediately join a group finder queue or warzone.

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I'm amazed by the amount of people who ask for this-- and don't get what makes it P2Win. You can go from being a healer class to a tank! O.O (Sage - Shadow)


So? How does this make the game pay 2 win at all. Its a massive time saver but it does not give you an inherent advantage over other players because your new shadow is no better than anyone elses shadow.

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Pay to win means you can pay real money to get hold of advanced gear that can't be acquired during the normal course of the game, thus making you more powerful than players who haven't payed for that gear. An advanced class change would be exactly the same as the skill point respec that's already in the game (you can already go straight from healer to dps, why not healer to tank?), but it wouldn't make your tank any more powerful than any other tank and you'd have to buy completely new gear to be effective in your new class. I personally wouldn't want to do this, but it wouldn't provide any more advantage than a species change and therefor is not pay to win, it's just a huge timesaver for people who simply don't have the time to devote to levelling a completely new character :p


Also, it would not allow you to change your base class, which means you couldn't change from a guardian to a scoundrel, only to a sentinel. Changing the base class would seriously mess up the continuity of the story and probably isn't even feasible from a coding perspective.

Edited by Shadowcaper
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Pay to win means you can pay real money to get hold of advanced gear that can't be acquired during the normal course of the game, thus making you more powerful than players who haven't payed for that gear. An advanced class change would be exactly the same as the skill point respec that's already in the game (you can already go straight from healer to dps, why not healer to tank?), but it wouldn't make your tank any more powerful than any other tank and you'd have to buy completely new gear to be effective in your new class. I personally wouldn't want to do this, but it wouldn't provide any more advantage than a species change and therefor is not pay to win, it's just a huge timesaver for people who simply don't have the time to devote to levelling a completely new character :p


Also, it would not allow you to change your base class, which means you couldn't change from a guardian to a scoundrel, only to a sentinel. Changing the base class would seriously mess up the continuity of the story and probably isn't even feasible from a coding perspective.


I don't think the argument is that it's p2w (and if it is then they're wrong), it's just that ACs have fundamental abilities that are a lot like classes in other games. Assassins play TOTALLY different from sorcerors, as do snipers vs operatives.


Take a hard look at your current Advanced class, and count how many main rotational abilities are only class specific. Only the two knight ACs and the bounty hunters seem to play even remotely similarly. The rest are totally different.

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I understand that, I was just making a direct comment aimed at the people claiming it's P2W. I have a sorcerer and an assassin, and I enjoy playing both, but I created an agent, advanced to operative, finished Dromund Kaas and decided that I hated the class. I had to delete the character and create a new one to advance to sniper, which meant that I'd wasted 10 or more hours advancing a 'test' character. In that instance, I would've loved to be able to switch directly to a sniper. But I'm not saying that this is a good idea or a bad one, just that if the option is added to the game it wouldn't provide any sort of advantage to people who change adv. class and while it would take time to adjust, the same can be said about changing from a healer to a dps because even though the basic abilities are the same, the gameplay style is radically different.
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I do think that AC changes are pretty drastic. The AC is really your class (it just shares some abilities with another class and a story line).


Now what I would rather see in the CM is a faction change. I get that there would be some story issues, but just have the character start the game over (keeps level and gear, but all quests are abandoned and he becomes flagged as if a new toon), and run a new scrolling text explaining that the character has "defected".

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Its easy and fast to level an alt especially with exp packs and then coming back double exp weekends. Roll an alt sheesh.


Plus I also agree that AC change is a form of pay to win. Its giving you a new class with possibly best gear with no effort in that class / role for real cash. Its also a major game killer and MMO's thrive on replayability and people wanting to try different class's and different roles.


I see the issue not as someone not having the time but as someone simply not wanting to do the work to level a new toon and especially gearing a new toon that will generally use the same gear as a different toon of theirs with feeling "damn I wish my assassin had my sages gear". But seriously how many of those clamouring for this are sitting around fleet endlessly waiting on a queue or just not sure what to do or to lazy to level an alt. I'd bet just about every person.

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No. That's like asking for a way to change your Shaman to a Paladin (in WoW terms). No.


exactly. The sad thing is most of the playerbase is too stupid to grasp that fact. The ones smart enough to understand it get that changing ACs is dumb. However the ones not smart enough to understand that fight for it simply because they are lazy and want everything for nothing.

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I am not against this so long as it comes with a fairly steep penalty, and no I don't mean $$$. I mean if you get to level 15 and hate the advanced class you should be able to return to level 10 and re-choose. I am absolutely against "on-the-fly" advanced class changes.


Trying to pin point the exact quality of what is gained or lost in these discussions, I look mostly at xp. XP is worth more than real cash because it directly represents the time a person actually invests in a character. So to me, to keep things in balance, the price should be xp for any of these kinds of changes. I am all for options but also for keeping the game balanced in terms of rewards and so on.

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  • 2 weeks later...
exactly. The sad thing is most of the playerbase is too stupid to grasp that fact. The ones smart enough to understand it get that changing ACs is dumb. However the ones not smart enough to understand that fight for it simply because they are lazy and want everything for nothing.


This is one of the worst cliche internet attitudes, thinking that someone with a different opinion is dumb. Get over yourself. There's absolutely no reason to insult people for wanting this ability.


I'd be all for this change, but I do understand their reason for not doing it. With only 4 separate classes in the game that are selectable at character creation, the ACs basically split each of those into what ends up being 4 more totally different classes. Allowing people to change ACs whenever they want means they wouldn't have to level another character to play that AC and hence would have no need to purchase character-bound market items. It also means that person wouldn't be playing that extra amount of time it takes to level another character and in the devs want us playing more. So from a business standpoint, I totally get it.


But that won't stop me or anyone else from wanting it and why should it? The main issue for me is that it would mean going through exactly the same character story twice, which isn't all that exciting. If I were a raider and I wanted the different AC for raiding purposes, I'd be okay with it since my leveling experience would be a secondary concern. But as a casual player who enjoys the game in large part because of the story, spending dozens of hours leveling a Sith Shadow and hating it, the prospect of having to run through the same story again to switch isn't enticing at all.

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But that won't stop me or anyone else from wanting it and why should it? The main issue for me is that it would mean going through exactly the same character story twice, which isn't all that exciting. If I were a raider and I wanted the different AC for raiding purposes, I'd be okay with it since my leveling experience would be a secondary concern. But as a casual player who enjoys the game in large part because of the story, spending dozens of hours leveling a Sith Shadow and hating it, the prospect of having to run through the same story again to switch isn't enticing at all.


Is this your first MMO? Every single other one has exactly the same story for all their classes. When someone says how 'awful' it is that they have to run the same story twice for the two ACs, it just makes me laugh.

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There's a huge thread in general about this same request. Only way I see it is a high CC cost, hell names cost $10 this should be much higher and have a restriction of 1 time at level 30 max. I don't want them to implement it for all the reasons noted but if they do I can't see it being max level. The FoTM classes will be out of frackin control.
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Another /cry thread...oh boy.


If you don't want to level a toon, then you don't want to play that class, if you wanted to play it bad enough, you'd level one. 55 levels is NOTHING compared to WoW and EQ2 that required millions of experience and did not have group finder at lower levels. Also in those games they had alternate skill points, where you had to do more leveling to get, in EQ you had a max of 350 points. That's way more than 45 points that you get by simply leveling up. It's not hard, you're just lazy.

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There's a huge thread in general about this same request. Only way I see it is a high CC cost, hell names cost $10 this should be much higher and have a restriction of 1 time at level 30 max. I don't want them to implement it for all the reasons noted but if they do I can't see it being max level. The FoTM classes will be out of frackin control.



If they were to implement an AC change, something like this would make sense.


This would certainly refute the P2W cries.

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