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Everything posted by yunharla

  1. Roll an alt, just because you are to slow to figure out that you don't like a class or figure how to play it as you were leveling does not mean you get out of leveling a new toon.
  2. No, play the game and earn them. Please stop asking for them to make it completely "pay to win."
  3. No, I loved Kotor 1&2 and I was sold on SWTOR when it was first announced. Has it meet all of the high expectations? No, but nothing ever does. I've been here since early access and plan to be for years to come. They wrote a novel to explain what happened between Kotor 2 and SWTOR I recommend reading it.
  4. I haven't done a single space mission since early access, you'll be fine without touching them.
  5. Lost my Legacy name during server transfer, was upset at the time but not worth quitting over. Don't really care about it at all now .
  6. 1,000 years of planning and preparation led to the downfall of the Republic and the Jedi order. it was far more then just a couple of Sith. Yoda had lost long before he even knew he was in a fight.
  7. I have RE'd both to purple on more then one occasion.
  8. Jaina Solo killed Darth Caedus (her brother Jacen) without falling to the darkside or having to use darkside powers.
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